VIDEO: AircraftCaddy – The Quick & Easy Aircraft Tow Solution

Our line of AircraftCaddy Aircraft Tug solutions allow for faster and easier maneuverability of your personal aircraft. Quickly and seamlessly move your aircraft in, out and around tightly stacked hangars. Enjoy your travels and get to your destination faster.

DJ Products has solutions for all types of aircraft – from 3,000 up to 35,000 lbs. Whether your plane has wheel pants, is dual-nosed or single-nosed, we have an aircraft tug for your airplane.  All of our AircraftCaddy solutions are customizable to ensure they fit your airplane.

Why Choose the AircraftCaddy?
  • All units are battery-powered for smooth and quiet operation
  • Cost-effective and virtually maintenance free
  • Zero emission eco-friendly solution
  • Maneuverable indoors or outdoors on a variety of terrain
  • Solutions for all aircraft types (with or without wheel pants, dual or single nose wheel, weights up to 35K lbs.)
Interested in more information about the AircraftCaddy? Contact us and a sales engineer will be in touch shortly!

Meet Our Team: Kari

At DJ Products, we have an incredible team of employees that work hard and help keep our business running strong. From Sales to Production to every role in-between, each and every team member plays an important role in the success of our company.  Meet our team!


Sales Engineer – AircraftCaddy

How long have you worked at DJ Products?

1.5 years.

Can you explain your role?

My role entails answering online chats, emails and phone calls from perspective buyers. I ask questions and get to know more about their aircraft and hangar situation to accurately quote them for an AircraftCaddy solution to meet their needs. Being a former pilot myself, I enjoy this part of my job and seeing photos of my client’s aircraft.

Before you came to DJ Products, what did you do?

Before coming here, I worked in the aviation insurance industry and have also worked as a recruiter placing aviation mechanics for employment in the past.

What would you describe as your specialty/specialties and why?

My specialty is the ability to listen and understand customers’ needs and relay information in a professional manner. I am a commercial multi-instrument pilot myself and I feel my knowledge & passion for the industry enhances my ability to sell the product.

What’s your favorite thing about your job or working at DJ Products?

I love my job and the people I work with. The best part of my job is talking to pilots about their aircraft and working on custom projects. I enjoy being part of a solution and working together as a team for a common goal. The atmosphere of work life balance is greatly appreciated too. Best job I have had, and I have had a few since college.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Riding bike, yoga, playing sports, Blackjack and anything outside and/or competitive in nature.

Favorite T.V. shows: 

SURVIVOR- I have never missed an episode and will be on the show eventually.

How do you like your coffee?

In the warmer months I prefer an Iced Cold Brew & in winter months, a Hot Turtle Mocha.

Video: AircraftCaddy – The Quick & Easy Aircraft Mover

Our AircraftCaddy solutions are ideal for moving aircraft of all types and sizes, whether your airplane is 3,000 or 34,000 lbs. Why is the AircraftCaddy a better alternative to a gas-powered airplane tug?

  • All units are battery-powered for smooth operation unlike a jerky and costly gas-operated tug
  • The AircraftCaddy can be plugged into any standard outlet and charged before its next use; no need for gasoline
  • Units are virtually maintenance-free and perform well indoor or outdoor – even on snow, ice, rain or sleet

Consider an AircraftCaddy to make the job of moving your airplane in, out and around the hangar quick and easy, so you can spend more time traveling. Watch the video below to see our customers operating our various AircraftCaddy solutions. For more information, contact a sales engineer at 1-800-686-2651 or via Chat.

Video: AircraftCaddy – The Fast & Easy Way to Move your Airplane In & Out of the Hangar

For Jack McCartt, finding a way to quickly and easily maneuver his Piper Malibu M350 in & out of the hangar was important. The battery-powered AircraftCaddy 4K was the ideal solution, allowing Jack to quickly hook the unit up to his airplane and pull it out of the hangar and onto the runway for staging. “The AircraftCaddy makes putting this airplane in and out of the hangar a breeze. It’s literally two minutes to hook it up, pull it outside, and you’re ready to travel.” For more information about our AircraftCaddy solutions, contact a sales engineer at 1-800-686-2651 or via Chat.

Video: AircraftCaddy Maneuvers Seamlessly on Snow & Ice

For aircraft owners, it’s a challenge to find a solution to effectively tow aircraft in, out or around the hangar – even more so for those who reside in areas in which snow and ice is prevalent in the winter months. The AircraftCaddy is the perfect solution for members of Prescott Flying Club in Minnesota. Watch the video below to see the battery-powered AircraftCaddy move this airplane easily over compacted snow and ice.

“Yesterday, myself and a few of the PFC members were doing some maintenance tasks, and we ended up moving three different planes, no less than twice each (I think one plane was moved 4 times) and it was a life saver. The conditions at the airport were about as slippery as I can ever remember, conditions that are generally quite challenging for moving aircraft around by hand and the AircraftCaddy worked fantastic.” – Tim, Prescott Flying Club

If you’re interested or would like more information, contact a sales engineer: 800-686-2651.

You Can Damage Your Plane with Improper Manual Handling – What to Know

Being Precautious Could Save Your Passengers and Your Life.
Being Precautious Could Save Your Passengers and Your Life.

When you have a smaller aircraft, pulling or pushing it by the propeller might seem like an easy and convenient way to move it around. However, this manual handling can end up causing significant damage to your airplane. Find out why you should use an aircraft caddy for moving your plane around instead of moving it manually.

Damage Risks

Grabbing your airplane by the propeller and pulling or pushing it to where you need it to go can result in damage to the blades. For example, pulling or pushing the propeller’s tips can cause them to become bent, which affects their ability to work properly. Even when you have others to help you, it’s important to avoid manually handling your airplane by the propeller blades.

Using an aircraft caddy allows you to move your airplane smoothly without risking damage to any part of it. Keep in mind that damage to your propeller can make your aircraft unsafe to operate.

Injury Risks

Pushing or pulling an airplane manually can put you and others at risk of having injuries. From pulled muscles to more serious injuries, it’s important to avoid taking this risk when you need to move or reposition your airplane. Moving your airplane with a tug that’s designed to support its weight helps eliminate the risk of personal injuries.

Our tugs and caddies offer safer and more convenient ways to pull aircraft around or move them to a different location, whether you need one for a 4,000-pound airplane or one that can move up to 35,000 pounds.

If you’re looking for an aircraft caddy, please contact DJ Products. We carry a wide range of high-quality aircraft tugs to make it easier and safer for you to move your airplane.

Drones and Small Aircraft – Can They Co-Exist?

Do Drones Impinge on Airspace for Aircraft?
Do Drones Impinge on Airspace for Aircraft or Can They Co-Exist?

Our battery-powered aircraft caddy lets workers safely maneuver small planes on the ground. Do drones pose a safety risk to small aircraft in flight?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seems to believe the answer is yes, and the agency is dragging its feet establishing permanent regulations for drones. Studies show that small aircraft and drones can actually safely share the skies.

Threat of Drone-Aircraft Collisions

With the FAA on high alert about drones in the airspace, they currently receive more than 100 reports per month concerning unmanned aircraft operating near manned aircraft. According to the Academy of Model Aeronautics, few of these incidents involve true risk to passengers.

In 2015, Bard College conducted a study about drones in close encounters with manned aircraft. The analysis of 921 reports showed that drones came within 200 feet of an aircraft in 158 cases, while only 28 pilots took evasive action.

Greater Risk: Drones or Birds?

With approximately 10 billion birds in the U.S., these flyers are far more likely than drones to be found in the air at any time. Using the assumption that drones are similar to birds in size and ability to evade aircraft, a pair of researchers from George Mason University estimated the likelihood of a serious drone-aircraft collision.

– Drones are likely to strike aircraft once per 374,000 hours of drone operation.

– One million two-kilogram drones in flight 24/7 would cause injury to an aircraft passenger once every 187 years.

Why Choose an Aircraft Caddy from DJ Products?

Our ergonomically designed aircraft caddy safely navigates small planes across snow or grass while negotiating the tightest hangar quarters. Use our handy online chat feature and let our friendly sales engineers help you find the right aircraft caddy for your applications.