According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, back injuries account for almost 20 percent of total workplace injuries and illnesses. Only the common cold causes more loss of manpower hours.
Are Back Injuries Affecting Your Company’s Productivity?
Back injuries negatively impact your company through expensive medical claims and reduced efficiency. Implementing safety tips will reduce the risk of back injuries that lead to temporary or permanent loss of employees.
• Take periodic breaks to stretch your muscles, especially if you spend long periods of time in one position.
• Avoid lifting whenever possible by keeping boxes and other objects up off the floor.
• When you do need to lift, bend your knees and let your legs do the work.
• Pushing is easier on your back than pulling. Use carts and dollies to move heavy objects.
Dumpster Movers from DJ Products Create a Safer Workplace
Dumpsters are some of the heaviest and bulkiest items that need to be moved. One of our clients discovered that this activity was the cause of a high number of workplace injuries, limiting their maintenance staff and impacting resident satisfaction. In response, they changed their policy to require that dumpsters must be moved by two employees unless one was using a battery-powered tug.
Another client found that our dumpster movers are “like having another employee on staff!” Instead of having two employees handle the task, one uses a dumpster mover, which frees up the other to respond to resident requests.
Visit our website and chat with one of our sales engineers to learn more about why our dumpster movers are the solution to your workplace back injury problems.