The Military Can Teach Business Owners the Value of Supporting Family

The Military Can Teach Business Owners the Value of Supporting Family
The Military Can Teach Business Owners the Value of Supporting Family

If you’re looking for advice on family dynamics, the U.S. military might not be the option that leaps to mind. In reality, the challenges of managing a massive workforce that’s continually on the move make the military a unique source of tips on how companies can support employees and their families.

Managing Career and Family: How to Succeed at Both

• Working parents have difficulty balancing the demands of the job against sharing quality time with their families. Show consideration by keeping their job commitments as predictable as possible. End meetings on time and limit last-minute assignments to true emergencies.

• People often compartmentalize their personal and professional lives, but shifting gears on a dime can actually keep us off-kilter. Encourage employees to settle into a moderate routine that prevents drastic shifts in tone.

• Your company probably offers a quality employee assistance program including counseling and other resources, but people are often reluctant to use them. Bring the program into the open with signs and other reminders placed in highly visible spots and make sure your managers are talking about it with their associates.

• In addition to your formal employee assistance program, give associates help in forming a network of peers, whether it’s online or in person. Working parents can learn a great deal from others who share similar experiences.

DJ Products: Helping DOD Equipment Suppliers Keep a Safe Workplace

DOD equipment suppliers deal with a diverse assortment of products, from explosives to boats and aircraft. Visit our website to learn about our full line of electric tugs, movers and pushers such as our WagonCaddyHD.

Technology Changes the Way Material Handling is Performed in 2015

Large warehouse
Business Growth and Automation

When your business grows, can you handle the surge in labor? Technological advances in material handling are making things easier with automation. From manufacturing equipment, to warehouse distribution, to shipment — industrial tugs and other automated material handling solutions are driving growth in all industries.

Forecasts through 2019 call for a compound annual growth rate of more than 8 percent in the material handling industry. The numbers from BCC Research point to high-tech advances ranging from robotics to wearable tech as a source of growth for the next 20 years.

Tech that Makes Material Handling Faster, More Agile

Buzzwords like scalability and flexibility have been around for years. The new tech available are turning those concepts into a key part of everyday operations.

Consider the effects of adding industrial tugs to a warehouse. With a manual wheeled cart, a single employee can only move “X amount” of products around the warehouse floor in a given day. With a motorized tug that pushes or pulls the cart, the employee avoids the physical strain of maneuvering the heavy items all day.

Busier than usual one day? Automated solutions help your existing workforce accomplish more. If order volumes vary by day or season, a warehouse can keep costs down with a right-sized workforce using smart solutions that provide the flexibility and scalability required at all times.

Growing Your Business with Automated Material Handling

If your staff moves inventory, equipment, or vehicles around the worksite, we have industrial powered carts to increase productivity (and reduce worker injury, too).

Check out the WagonCaddy and other industrial tugs at for more info.