Four Tips to Improve Your Warehouse Efficiency

Manager in Lumber Warehouse Holding Clipboard
Improve Your Warehouse Efficiency with These Tips.

Do you believe you have to implement major changes to improve efficiency in your warehouse? As the saying goes, the devil is in the details. Attention to seemingly minor steps will pay huge dividends in the bottom line. These warehouse management tips include four areas you can improve with just a bit of tweaking.

1. Always double-check orders

Even the best employees will occasionally make mistakes. The average cost of resending an order is more than double the amount of sending the original order. Can your company absorb these repeated expenses? Set a policy that all orders must be double-checked before leaving the warehouse.

2. Don’t forget the housekeeping

Look around your warehouse. Are you proud of its appearance, or is it cluttered and disorganized? It’s difficult for your employees to work quickly if they have to search for pick tickets, supplies or other necessary items. Establish a standing time each week to spend an hour or two cleaning the warehouse. 

3. Stay organized

Keeping the warehouse clean will be easier when employees take the time to maintain order with items that are frequently used. Having a home for everything reduces waste and makes optimum use of available space.

4. Have your senior employees walk the floor

It’s always helpful to have some fresh eyes look at the operation. “Outsiders” are more likely to spot a problem that has become ingrained in daily activities.

One of the best warehouse management tips is to provide safe and effective material handling solutions like our CartCaddy5WP. Contact us to learn more about how Team Cart Caddy can help improve your warehouse efficiency.


Does Your Business Have a Flu Plan?

The first doses of H1N1 vaccine are beginning to be distributed, though in most areas only those at greatest risk are eligible for vaccination. Hopefully, supply levels will soon allow vaccination of the general public. There is concern, however, that vaccinations won’t keep up with spread of the new virus. Businesses are being urged to implement a flu policy and prepare a sick-day plan if Swine Flu hits.

The pervasiveness of H1N1 and fears that it could become more lethal could take a toll on your workforce. The issue isn’t limited to coping with the extra workload caused by sick workers. Sick children or closed schoolscould also keep employees home. Some employees may not have enough sick or vacation days to cover unexpected absences and may report to work sick, spreading infection. Smart employers will consider possible scenarios ahead of time, establish guidelines for employees and managers, educate employees about flu prevention, and advise employees of company policies before the flu strikes.

Local Red Cross and County Health Departments may have educational literature or instructional videos you can use to educate employees. Some also offer employee workshop presentations that can be scheduled at your place of business.

In setting flu policies, health experts suggest considering:

  • Encourage employees to get a seasonal flu shot and H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available.   
  • Instruct employees to stay home if they’re sick; have managers send home sick employees. 
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends waiving policies that require a written doctor’s note in case of illness.
  • Prohibiting treats and communal snacks that are not individually wrapped.
  • Instruct employees to cough or sneeze into a tissue or elbow, not their hands.
  • Make hand sanitizer and tissues available.
  • Allow sick employees or those caring for sick children to flex hours or work from home.
  • The government is urging businesses to abandon policies that penalize workers for multiple absences.

Tough Times Call for Worker Morale Boost

The poor economy has been tough on American businesses, but it’s been tough on American workers too. Many employers are fighting low morale in their work forces as employees struggle with increased stress from financial worries on the job and at home. Poor morale negatively impacts production efficiency and product quality, decreases customer service, and can result in higher levels of workplace injury and absenteeism. Savvy businessmen will keep an eye on employee morale and address issues before they start to affect work quality.

The poor economy has created significant on the job stress for American workers. Many workers fear losing their jobs or being caught in the next round of layoffs. Even unpaid furloughs can cause significant financial strain. Those who still have jobs may not only suffer from survivor guilt when friends are laid off, but feel the pressure to pick up the slack from a reduced work force. With most companies cutting personnel to reduce costs, workers are being forced to accomplish more work with fewer people. Hiring freezes, loss of bonuses, reduced health care benefits and other measures necessary to keep businesses operating put further financial pressure on workers and have a demoralizing effect on a workforce that already feels over-burdened. Add in financial worries at home — mortgage payments, fear of foreclosure, high credit card bills, rising medical costs, high food and gas costs — and it can be tough for workers to fully focus on the job and stay motivated.

Business owners may have to step in and give workers a morale boost to help them get through these tough economic times. Here are some things business owners can do to boost morale and make workers feel needed and appreciated:

  • Personal touch. Make an effort to know your employees individually. Let them know you care about their lives, families and goals. In large operations, shift or line managers may fill this role; but anytime the owner recognizes employees personally, it boosts morale.
  • Roll up your sleeves. Whenever you can, roll up your sleeves and work along side your employees. Employees appreciate a boss who doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty and is willing to share the load.
  • Make it personal. Spend more time communicating face-to-face and less time communicating via email, phone and memorandums. Taking the time to make communication personal shows you value your employees as individuals.
  • Empower. Ask your employees for input and suggestions. Showing you value their opinions allows employees to feel they have a personal stake in the company.
  • Share your vision. Share your ideas and dreams for the business with your employees. Let them know you understand their concerns and are working toward a brighter future for all of you.