Free CartCaddy Demo Program Lets You Try Before You Buy

If you’re a businessman, you know that marketing and sales can get a customer in the door and make that first sale, but it’s superior customer service that keeps customers coming back. The management and staff of DJ Products are dedicated to providing our customers with superior service. If you have a material handling problem, our trained sales engineers can help you find a cost-effective, ergonomic solution that will improve production efficiency, benefit employee health and safety and improve your bottom line.

That’s a tall order for one of our compact, fuel-efficient, highly-maneuverable CartCaddies, but we know our equipment. We’re so certain of our product, we offer a free demo trial program. Try before you buy! Contact us and one of our sales engineers will make arrangements for you to receive and utilize a CartCaddy cart pusher at your facility before you buy. Put our ergonomically-designed, easy to maneuver, extremely versatile CartCaddy cart movers to the test in your own environment before you decide to order. It’s a good way for you to get to know us and experience first-hand the superior customer service that keeps our customers coming back.

A typical response from our demo program is this comment from C.F. at Admiral Beverage Corp.: “Tried it, all is well! Just send the invoice for payment.”

Here’s what some of our other customers have to say about DJ Products’ innovative CartCaddy carts, tugs and movers and our superior customer service program:

“Very impressed with the unit and love it!” said M.W. of Mark Webber, noting that the unit shipped sooner than expected.

“The CCShorty is working great. We haven’t had any problems with it. I will share this with other Weyco. Thanks for checking on us,” said J.G. of Weyerhaeuser, pleased with our follow-through customer service.

“The CartCaddy 5WP is working very well. The service you provide is great and it will be a pleasure to do future business with you,” said S. F. of Weyerhaeuser.

“Easy to operate, lots of power! Just like you said!” raved S.P. of Advanced Barrier Extrusions.

“First try worked flawlessly; all folks like it. Very maneuverable; talking about buying second unit,” noted a pleased R.R. at Aerospace.

“You did a great job adapting it to our containers,” said B.W. of Air Products, noting our ability to engineer and build to order.

“They got all five units. The one extra unit was for their gift shop and they LOVE it. They are very pleased with all the units; made their job so much easier,” said L.S. of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital. The hospital’s L.F. added, “Very pleased with your service and assistance … been a pleasure working with you.”

“Folks surprised at how fast it goes,” said A.P. of Airforce Research. “Slicker than they thought!!”

“The unit they have now; they want another one! Sending over PO# for two units,” said A.B. and Add Vantage.

Three Considerations before Buying a Cart Caddy

Are you ready to upgrade from traditional fork lifts and pallet jacks? DJ Products and Team Cart Caddy have a selection of electric-powered tugs and tows that can accommodate any material or vehicle handling needs. Finding the right solution for your company will maximize the benefits to you and your employees. Here are three questions you should consider before your purchase to ensure the correct match for your particular requirements.

1. What is your industry? Is your company involved in manufacturing or warehousing? Perhaps you’re responsible for operations at a large hospital or hotel. You might manage a multi-level mall with dumpsters to maintain and shopping carts to corral. We have caddies that are designed to meet the needs of all these different industries and more. Even if you don’t find yours listed, we’ve created thousands of customized movers for applications that didn’t fit a specific category.

2. What size loads do you need to move? Our tugs are not one size fits all. You don’t need the power of a pusher that moves up to 50,000 pounds if your loads never get above one ton. For your convenience, we have sizes that can handle both of those weights and everything in between.

3. How much use to you expect to get from your tug? Our standard movers are equipped to handle the needs of most operations. If you expect to be using yours for heavy-duty workloads, you might find it beneficial to include some of the optional features such as maintenance-free batteries or onboard battery chargers.

Our Sales Engineers are standing by to help you find your perfect solution. Call 800.686.2651 or use our online chat feature.

Introducing the Chain Drive Cart Caddy

How many of your employees does it take to move 50,000 pounds worth of product? If you’re using the Chain Drive CartCaddy from DJ Products, the answer is only one. This heavy-duty tug is one of the most powerful in our line of battery-powered material handling solutions.

Thanks to the 2,000 pounds of horizontal push and pull force generated by its 6 hp motor, this tug lets you do away with fork lifts and other traditional movers. Do your loads require a lot of turning and maneuvering through tight aisles? Addition of the Power Mover attachment allows for a full 90 degree turning radius.

Like all our products, the Chain Drive CartCaddy is designed with employee safety in mind. Features such as the variable speed twist grip help to prevent repetitive stress injuries that are all too common in material handling. There is also a safety stop switch on the back of the tug in case of emergencies.

Our Chain Drive CartCaddy is powered by three 12-volt batteries with enough life to usually last through two shifts. It smoothly accelerates up to 2 mph in both forward and reverse, preventing frustration due to lag time waiting for the mover to catch up with the operator.

Regardless of the size of your company or warehouse, we have a full range of material handling solutions to fit any applications. Let our friendly Sales Engineers assist you in finding the correct answer for your needs. Call 800.686.2651 or use our convenient online chat feature and become a member of Team CartCaddy today.

Ergonomic Tuggers Features Increase Carts’ Versatility

DJ Products’ ergonomically designed tuggers have numerous features designed to improve ease of use, safeguard your workers’ health and safety, and increase the versatility of the product. Here’s a rundown on just a few of the innovative features that set DJ Products’ CartCaddies above the competition:CartCaddy power carts and tuggers are equipped with a standard 36-volt system. Three 12-volt batteries provide 16 hours of continuous use – two full shifts — before recharging is necessary.Our motorized products are designed as walk-behind or ride-behind units to provide maximum operator control and safe sight lines. Variable-speed twist grips allow operators to instantly control the speed of the unit to match their own pace. Walk-behind units are capable of forward and reverse speeds from 0 to 3 mph; ride-behinds can achieve speeds up to 6 mph.DJ Products’ tuggers feature an ergonomically-designed variable-speed twist grip to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome while allowing the operator to maintain smooth control of the vehicle, even during intricate maneuvering.A safety stop switch is conveniently positioned at the back of the handle bar box on our CartCaddies. When depressed, this essential safety device immediately stops the unit to prevent operator injury.Compactly designed, our CartCaddies can easily maneuver in small, tight spaces, in heavily-trafficked corridors, and along busy production lines.Our spring hitch option and customized adjustable attachment provide maximum flexibility, allowing DJ Products’ tuggers to adapt to a wide variety of applications. With our customized attachment, there’s no need for expensive fabrication of multiple attachments for each cart or piece of equipment. Our CartCaddy products attach to all types of heavy carts and equipment quickly and easily, eliminating the considerable expense of installing tow arms or receivers. Our compact, highly maneuverable dolly movers can even accommodate applications where the product overhangs the framework of the cart without the need to modify each dolly. The CartCaddy’s adjustable attachment springs down and upward, attaching firmly to the bottom of any cart or piece of equipment.An electric lift option allows loads to be easily raised and lowered as needed, preventing potential worker injury from lifting and straining.DJ Products’ CartCaddy pullers and movers can pivot a full 180 degrees under the customized mover arm. This allows the operator to safely and smoothly turn loads a full 90 degrees without repositioning the cart and without fear of jackknifing when maneuvering heavy loads.These are just some of the superior use and safety features you’ll find available on DJ Products’ full line of tuggers. For complete information and detailed specifications on our complete product line, click here to visit our website.

Highlighting the Parts Caddy

The daily grind of warehouse work includes a ton of small tasks adding up. A worker may only handle small boxes and items, but the load accrues quickly. The result: heavy carts to push around, with the wrists, shoulders, and lower back feeling the brunt of the strain.

The PartsCaddy alleviates the strain of manually pushing a cart so workers can avoid injuries such as carpal tunnel and long-term back problems. Your staff can spend their energy on picking and sorting rather than pushing and maneuvering a weighted-down cart.

We’ve given the PartsCaddy plenty of power and all the right features. The cart handles loads up to 3000 pounds while moving up to 3 mph — natural walking speed. With reverse function and 360-degree pivoting, workers can maneuver around tight spaces and get where they’re going without fighting inertia. You can see it in action here.

Need to handle various shapes and sizes of items? Customize it with shelves, tables, and different bed dimensions. Or just enjoy the versatile 27” by 48” bed that comes standard. For smaller needs we also have a PartsCaddyLite.

The PartsCaddy also moves well across a variety of surfaces. Uphill, downhill, on carpet or slippery terrain — this cart automatically adjusts to conditions and keeps moving smoothly.

Think about how much effort and time go into moving parts and equipment around your warehouse. The PartsCaddy helps keep your workers energized and healthy while speeding up transit times. Less downtime, fewer injuries, and greater efficiency around the clock.

Find out what our power carts can do for you by calling a Sales Engineer at 1-800-686-2651.

Highlighting the Cart Caddy

Just because carts or other equipment have wheels doesn’t mean they’re easy to move. The size and weight of these loads makes transporting them awkward at best and stressful at worst. Using the Cart Caddy 5WP tug gives you the power and maneuverability to handle the toughest jobs.

This upgrade to the 5W provides greater traction thanks to more weight over the drive tires, enabling it to move heavier loads. The tug attaches to the swivel caster end of the equipment to negotiate turns and other movements with ease.

The Cart Caddy is versatile enough to move any equipment without the need for an assortment of special attachments. Its tug arm can lift or lower to fasten securely to the bottom of any cart. Once in place it has a pivot range of a full 180 degrees, removing the possibility of jackknifing interrupting the transport.

Operator health and safety is a priority with all powered pushers from DJ Products. Our Cart Caddy operates in both forward and reverse up to 3 MPH with a variable speed twist grip to prevent carpal tunnel and offer the operator greater control. There is also an easily accessible safety stop switch for immediate shut-off in case of emergency.

DJ Products offers a wide selection of material handling solutions to streamline your operation safely and efficiently. Our free demo trial program lets you see first-hand how your company can benefit from using the Cart Caddy or any other cart pushers. Expert Sales Engineers are ready to answer your questions at 800.686.2651.

Cart Caddy Minimizes Hospital Worker Injuries

Injury occurs when the physical demands of a task exceed the physiological capabilities of a worker. In a hospital, pushing or pulling a rack of dinner trays, a portable x-ray machine or a patient bed may present minimal risk for a healthy, 25-year-old, 5′ 10″, 160-pound male. However, the same task can cause serious injury in a 50-year-old, 5′ 3″, 135-pound female.

Height, weight, age and general health all affect a worker’s physical ability to accomplish various hospital tasks. Different workers will need to exert different amounts of force to move the same piece of equipment. Injuries are most common when initiating and stopping motion. Those movements require application of the greatest amount of force, compared to the relatively low amount of force required to keep an object in motion.

Injuries are also common when maneuvering equipment around turns, up or down inclines, and into or out of tight spaces, such as elevators and next to hospital beds. No matter what a person’s body type, injury is apt to occur any time body posture is thrown off center, as when maneuvering a piece of equipment around a corner. Over-extension of the muscles in the arms, legs, shoulders, back and neck during maneuvering is another frequent cause of worker injury.

The CartCaddyLite Puller takes the physical strain out of moving hospital carts and other equipment. The smallest, most maneuverable tug on the market, the CartCaddyLite Puller is powerful enough to handle most push or pull applications, including linen carts, hospital carts, maintenance carts and hospital beds. Capable of performing fine maneuvers in tight spaces, the CartCaddyLite Puller allows any worker, no matter their size or age, to move equipment without injury.

Click here to watch a video of DJ Products’ dynamic hospital CartCaddyLite Puller in action. You’ll notice how easily the powered CartCaddy attaches to a bank of carts, allows the worker to pull it out, maneuver and then replace it.

Customers Find Unusual Applications for DJ Products’ Powered Carts

Here at DJ Products, we love to hear about some of the unusual and unique uses our customers have found for our motorized carts and powered movers. Often our customers’ inventiveness matches our own when it comes to finding new uses for our ergonomically-designed, compact and highly maneuverable CartCaddies.

S.B. of Sound Construction, who uses our versatile TrailerCaddy on job sites, found a unique personal use for his motorized vehicle mover during off hours. Boating and fishing are the big sports in his neck of the woods where nearly every driveway sports a boat on a trailer. Tired of the tedious back and forth maneuvering it takes to back a boat trailer into a narrow driveway, S.B. put his TrailerCaddy to use and easily positioned his boat in record time — and still had plenty of space to get the family car into the garage. His neighbors were so impressed, his TrailerCaddy is now in hot demand.

“No more must I watch the neighbors look like geeks trying to back their boats into the driveway — they simply borrow my TrailerCaddy,”  S.B said.

Often, customers come to us with a specific problem that challenges us to find new applications for our motorized equipment movers. We’re always pleased when our solution is a hit, as it was for J.A. of Wausau West High School.  

Lugging heavy, unwieldy, free-standing bleachers from one site to another was a problem for the maintenance crew at Wausau West High School. If you have ever tried to move one of these massive blocks of “portable” temporary bleachers, you know portability played second fiddle to sturdy construction when these units were designed. Unfortunately, the multiple uses to which schools must put their space demand flexible equipment use. Muscling bleachers into position for band concerts, school assemblies and various sporting events can tax the physical resources of even the stoutest maintenance crew. The risk of muscle and back strain and other injuries is high.

J.A. came to us seeking a solution. Our small profile, highly maneuverable, powered tugger, the CartCaddyShorty, proved to be the perfect solution. Capable of handling 3,000 pounds and maneuvering in tight spaces and crowded school corridors, the CartCaddyShorty allows a single worker to move and maneuver into place the school’s bleacher units in record time with no more backaches!

“Planning on spreading the work on this solution to the bleacher problem in other schools,” said a pleased J.A.

If you’ve found an unusual use for our equipment, we’d love to hear from you. And if you have a particular problem, give us a call. We love a challenge!

DJ Products is Team Cart Caddy

DJ Products is one of the top manufacturers of electric and motorized material handling solutions. Our new website demonstrates all the reasons why we’re Team Cart Caddy, and why you should be too.

Our goal is to provide you with material handling options that are safe and ergonomically designed while remaining cost-effective. They’re so easy to use that they can be handled by a single person, leaving your other employees free to work on other duties.

The relatively compact size of our movers along with their generous range of movement allow for more effective maneuverability, even in tight spaces. Your employees will find them to be more convenient and manageable than traditional equipment like fork lifts. As a result, they’ll use them more frequently which results in greater productivity and fewer workplace injuries.

Team Cart Caddy offers a selection of pushers, pullers and tugs to accommodate a wide variety of applications. Simply click on “Industry” on the menu at the top of the page to locate your specific requirement. “Applications” gives you images of our products in actual workplaces. Select “Products” to view a complete listing.

If you can’t find your industry or you’re unsure about the best solution for your application, our friendly, knowledgeable Sales Engineers are ready to assist you. Call 800.686.2651 to speak with them directly or submit a question on our website. For additional convenience we also have a handy online chat feature.

Our team has solved more than 10,000 material handling applications for customers. We welcome the opportunity to help with yours as well. Visit our website and become a member of Team Cart Caddy.