Hotels and Bed Bugs – The Problem That Won’t Go Away

Tugger with Soil Bucket #1 (003)
Take Care When Handling Linens in Your Hotel in Case of Bed bug Infestation. Let Us Help You Minimize Contact!

If you operate a hotel, bed bugs are going to rear their ugly heads at some point. Cleanliness is your best prevention and legal protection. Since bed bugs mostly infest fabrics, hoteliers should consider powered hotel linen carts to keep up with laundry duties and give housekeeping more time to check around mattress edges to catch the problem early.

Travelers expect hotel staff to take bed bug reports seriously. Fast action goes a long way to keep people from blaming management for a problem that was probably brought in by the previous occupant of the room.

Know how to get rid of bed bugs so your staff can effectively treat infested linens, and so you can advise unhappy guests about what they can do to clean their own laundry when they get home.

– Wash linens, mattress covers, and other washable upholstery in the room on the hottest temperature for both the washer and dryer.

– Seal linens in a plastic bag and freeze them for a day to kill bed bugs and eggs.

– Hire an exterminator if you have blood spots or evidence of bed bugs nesting inside a mattress or box spring.

Stay On Top of Things with Powered Hotel Linen Carts

A little automation technology can keep your housekeeping staff full of energy and empowered to complete their duties quickly and efficiently. Our powered hotel linen carts can travel from 0–3 mph with ergonomic steering.

Bed bugs don’t have to be a devastating problem. Upgrade those heavy pushcarts with a battery-powered cart puller or a fully motorized linen cart so staff can complete daily tasks and respond to complaints quickly.

Explore the variety of hospitality carts from DJ Products and let us know if you have any questions!

Industrial Equipment Orders Rise and Strong Growth Predicted

The global economy might not be on solid ground, but that hasn’t stopped the industrial sector from experiencing increasing growth. In fact, strong demand for different types of industrial equipment has led to higher profits for industrial giant General Electric in the third quarter. Due to this growth, the company is shifting its focus to its industrial products and moving away from financial and consumer appliance products.

What does this growth mean for other industrial manufacturers and suppliers? It signals that this is an ideal time to take advantage of the rising demand for industrial products, whether that includes developing new products or expanding current product offerings. This growth represents a turnaround from the drop in industrial sales that occurred when the 2008 financial crisis hit. Back then, interest in purchasing industrial equipment waned as companies scaled back and looked for ways to save money rather than spend it. With the US economy on its way to recovering, companies are once again showing more willingness and financial ability to purchase industrial equipment.

The rise in industrial equipment demand is also something that companies who use these products should keep an eye on. Those who need material handling carts or other industrial products, such as the following ones, should see a wider range of items to choose from:

They should also start noticing improved quality and more competitive prices as industrial manufacturers and suppliers shift into high gear to keep up with this growing demand. This growth trend is also expected to continue in the next few years.

If you need cart movers, material handling carts or other pullers or tuggers, visit DJ Products. We carry a wide selection of industrial equipment for warehouses, hospitals and heavy industrial companies.

The Property Manager’s Guide to Recycling

Future Recycling Tips
Future Recycling Tips

Recycling has become one of the key words in this modern world of managing waste removal. The more items that can be recycled, the less garbage that ends up in landfills. That’s a good thing for both the community, as a whole, and the environment.

The First Step

Dumpster management is important for recycling to be a normal part of any commercial property. Most waste removal companies feature recycling as a regular part of their business, with a minimal or no extra charge. Having a dumpster set aside just for recyclables, goes far and away to promote a recycling mindset, because people will literally separate recyclable materials from trash, if given the option. And that’s what dumpster management is all about.


The second step is to make sure that people are aware that they have a recycling option. Signage and notifications, on printed media that can be posted in common accessible places, like laundry areas for example, are good reminders that items should be separated and placed in the correct receptacles. This can be done as a regular reminder in newsletters, notices can be tacked to bulletin boards, and signs can be mounted to the enclosure that houses the dumpsters. In this way, you’ll always keep the idea of recycling front and center, and doing so will always lead to more participation.

For more information about the easy way to move your dumpsters around, or for other industrial cart movers that may suit your warehouse or other industry, like trailer movers or small aircraft tuggers, please contact DJ Products. We have the right moving solution for any industrial need.

Free CartCaddy Demo Program Lets You Try Before You Buy

If you’re a businessman, you know that marketing and sales can get a customer in the door and make that first sale, but it’s superior customer service that keeps customers coming back. The management and staff of DJ Products are dedicated to providing our customers with superior service. If you have a material handling problem, our trained sales engineers can help you find a cost-effective, ergonomic solution that will improve production efficiency, benefit employee health and safety and improve your bottom line.

That’s a tall order for one of our compact, fuel-efficient, highly-maneuverable CartCaddies, but we know our equipment. We’re so certain of our product, we offer a free demo trial program. Try before you buy! Contact us and one of our sales engineers will make arrangements for you to receive and utilize a CartCaddy cart pusher at your facility before you buy. Put our ergonomically-designed, easy to maneuver, extremely versatile CartCaddy cart movers to the test in your own environment before you decide to order. It’s a good way for you to get to know us and experience first-hand the superior customer service that keeps our customers coming back.

A typical response from our demo program is this comment from C.F. at Admiral Beverage Corp.: “Tried it, all is well! Just send the invoice for payment.”

Here’s what some of our other customers have to say about DJ Products’ innovative CartCaddy carts, tugs and movers and our superior customer service program:

“Very impressed with the unit and love it!” said M.W. of Mark Webber, noting that the unit shipped sooner than expected.

“The CCShorty is working great. We haven’t had any problems with it. I will share this with other Weyco. Thanks for checking on us,” said J.G. of Weyerhaeuser, pleased with our follow-through customer service.

“The CartCaddy 5WP is working very well. The service you provide is great and it will be a pleasure to do future business with you,” said S. F. of Weyerhaeuser.

“Easy to operate, lots of power! Just like you said!” raved S.P. of Advanced Barrier Extrusions.

“First try worked flawlessly; all folks like it. Very maneuverable; talking about buying second unit,” noted a pleased R.R. at Aerospace.

“You did a great job adapting it to our containers,” said B.W. of Air Products, noting our ability to engineer and build to order.

“They got all five units. The one extra unit was for their gift shop and they LOVE it. They are very pleased with all the units; made their job so much easier,” said L.S. of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital. The hospital’s L.F. added, “Very pleased with your service and assistance … been a pleasure working with you.”

“Folks surprised at how fast it goes,” said A.P. of Airforce Research. “Slicker than they thought!!”

“The unit they have now; they want another one! Sending over PO# for two units,” said A.B. and Add Vantage.

CartCaddyHD Chain Drive Cart Mover Increases Productivity

When companies purchase material handling equipment they usually consider the product and where and how it’s going to be moved. What they leave out of the equation is people. But as Bob Trebilcock reminds us in a March 24, 2009 posting on Modern Materials Handling online, it’s people who move products and supplies from point to point. Neglecting to consider the impact of workers on production will invalidate your productivity assessments.Trebilcock mentions programs some companies have implemented to improve worker morale and health that were showcased at the recent annual meeting of the Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association. He talks about one manufacturer’s installation of a company cafeteria for worker use to cut down on driving time during lunch breaks and to provide workers easy access to nutritious food. He mentions a firm that opened an onsite medical clinic and pharmacy to improve employee health, conduct medical screenings and reduce medical costs to its self-insured health plan.What surprised us here at DJ Products is that Trebilcock failed to mention the health, cost and productivity benefits of using ergonomically-designed material handling equipment such as the CartCaddyHD Chain Drive cart mover. Moving to ergonomic material handling equipment has been proven to drastically reduce on-the-job musculoskeletal injuries, improve worker morale and significantly increase productivity. Equipment costs are generally recouped within the first year, but savings in medical, health insurance, disability and workers’ compensation costs continue, as do savings from increased productivity. If a company is concerned about its workers’ health and safety, a move to a cart mover should head the list of improvements to be made.A leader in the design and manufacture of ergonomic material handling equipment, DJ Products produces a wide variety of cart movers and battery-powered cart movers for every application. From heavy industrial/manufacturing and assembly line settings to the busy, narrow corridors of hospitals and hotels, DJ Products’ ergonomic material handling equipment is improving workers’ health and safety and increasing their productivity across America.DJ Products’ designs its cart movers to take the strain of labor off the backs (and legs and arms and shoulders) of workers and put it where it belongs, on the material handling equipment they are using. Workers avoid the aches and pains that can make them less productive. Ergonomic equipment is less tiring to operate, keeping workers alert and productive for the entire length of their shift. Ergonomic equipment is easier to operate, allowing workers to complete each assignment more quickly, increasing shift productivity.If you really want to do something that will benefit your workers and increase productivity, make the switch to a cart mover. Visit the DJ Products website and let one of our ergonomic equipment specialists tell you how.

Management by Walking Around – Can It Help Improve Warehouse Productivity?

Warehouse managers often overlook the many benefits walking around can have on productivity. If you are writing a movie and want the boss portrayed as arrogant, out of touch, and the villain, put him in a glass-walled office that looks down on employees and keep him there. But to be the best manager you can be in the real world, interact with people and see what they are facing firsthand.

Frequent walks around your warehouse benefit in many ways:

  • Identify bottlenecks- When you get an up close perspective of the day to day operations, you can more easily identify areas that could be improved by automation and industrial power movers.
  • Improved awareness- There is no denying that employees are more conscious and mindful of following proper procedures and maintaining quality when the boss is nearby.
  • Improved trust- It is much easier for employees to trust you when they get to know who your really are and do not have misconceptions about you. By interacting with them naturally, you remove barriers to open communication.
  • More accountability- Agreements that are made in person and conversations that take place one-on-one are more meaningful. Everyone is more likely to follow through when you interact with your team members on a daily basis.
  • More openness- When people feel comfortable, they are more like to express ideas. Some of their ideas can really be creative and beneficial.

To discuss ways our line of material movers and cart pullers can improve both the safety and efficiency in your warehouse, call 800.686.2651 to speak with one of your knowledgeable and courteous sales engineers today.

History and Popular Trivia of the Forklift

Forklifts Take Out The Lifting
Forklifts Take Out The Lifting

The forklift, as we know it, began life as a powered winch. It was used to hoist heavy objects, and used electrical motors to get the job done. They were compact but specialized, with pulleys and chains for lifting heavy objects. World War II saw the widespread uses of these hoists, as they were mainly employed to lift up bombs for transportation. That’s a job that certainly calls for hazard pay!

In 1920, the first hydraulic lifting system was invented, and this was melded to a couple of forks. These huge trucks were the direct forerunner of the forklifts that we see today, and when pallets became standardized in the late 30’s, so too did the forks to lift them. But they were big and bulky, and they needed a lot of space to work.

When electric motors and hydraulics finally came together in the mid 40’s, the first real forklift was born. These vehicles were relatively small and compact, yet they could lift very heavy loads.

Here is some trivia.

  • Forklift batteries originally only lasted 8 hours on a full charge, which is how long an average working shift lasts.
  • Forklifts account for only 1% of all accidents in a commercial setting.
  • A forklift was once used to steal an ATM.
  • A modern forklift called a “Sidewinder” is the only forklift that can travel in any direction, even when it is carrying a load.

If you want more information about what a forklift or other industrial cart movers, like trailer movers, small aircraft tuggers and dumpster movers, among others, can do for you, please contact DJ Products.

A Light Cart Caddy To Do Big Jobs

When you think of workplace back injuries from hauling heavy weights, you might picture burly staff in a warehouse or at a construction site. In reality, almost anyone can suffer back and spine related injuries on the job—especially when pulling or dragging carts.

From hospitality professionals to nurses and assistants in hospitals and senior care centers, many careers involve pushing or pulling loaded carts throughout the day. Even with empty or lightweight loads, the act of maneuvering these carts asks the worker to twist and pull in uncomfortable directions. The end result: debilitating injuries that bring significant pain to the worker and heavy financial burden to the company.

CartCaddyLite: The Right-Sized Cart Puller

Carts up to 1500 pounds can be easily towed and effortlessly maneuvered by any worker using the CartCaddyLite.

This is the ideal cart pusher or cart puller for everyday loads:

  • linen carts
  • maintenance carts
  • meal delivery carts
  • carts without built-in tow arms

The CartCaddyLite attaches to any cart and steers ergonomically. Instead of risking injury and growing tired from pushing or pulling carts throughout the day, the worker simply connects the CartCaddyLite  with the included towing system. The 24-volt battery system moves the cart at up to 3 mph and maneuvers around tight turns and corners.

From hospital hallways to freight elevators, the CartCaddyLite helps everyone from nurses and health care professionals to maintenance crews enjoy a lower-risk work environment. Call us at 800.686.2651, email us, or chat with us online for info about adding the CartCaddyLite to support your staff members and enjoy a huge jump in productivity.

Hiring Seasonal Staff? Find Out What the Feds Say You Should Know

two shipping and warehouse worker portrait in workplace
Tips for Keeping Hiring Season Staff.

Hiring seasonal staff is beneficial to your business and helps many people by providing them some extra money for holiday expenses or vacations. To avoid problems and ensure the hiring and utilization of your seasonal workforce goes smoothly, keep the following Warehouse Management Tips in mind.

They are covered by the same laws

The U.S. Small Business Administration makes it very clear that seasonal workers have equal protection from harassment and discrimination. They are entitled to the same workplace safety and health standards of any other employee. To minimize the risk of workplace injury, keep user-friendly cart movers available for maneuvering heavy objects and bulky material.

Keep job descriptions and training current

Your customers expect the same quality, regardless of whether the work is done by a seasonal staff member or someone who has been with your company for many years. You will prevent most potential problems by having ergonomic cart movers,  providing proper training for the newly hired workforce, and by ensuring they have a thorough understanding of their job.

Independent contractors

These self-employed individuals often have the desired experience you need. You do not have to pay unemployment taxes or withhold taxes, Medicare, and Social Security. You can, however, determine what hours they will work. Visit the SBA website for some more Warehouse Management Tips on hiring independent contractors and more information on your legal obligations.

Industrial equipment from DJ Products will improve productivity without significantly increasing your operating cost. Call  800.686.2651 to speak with one of our courteous and knowledgeable Sales Engineers. They will help you determine the safest and most economical material handling solutions for your particular business.

Customers Find Unusual Applications for DJ Products’ Powered Carts

Here at DJ Products, we love to hear about some of the unusual and unique uses our customers have found for our motorized carts and powered movers. Often our customers’ inventiveness matches our own when it comes to finding new uses for our ergonomically-designed, compact and highly maneuverable CartCaddies.

S.B. of Sound Construction, who uses our versatile TrailerCaddy on job sites, found a unique personal use for his motorized vehicle mover during off hours. Boating and fishing are the big sports in his neck of the woods where nearly every driveway sports a boat on a trailer. Tired of the tedious back and forth maneuvering it takes to back a boat trailer into a narrow driveway, S.B. put his TrailerCaddy to use and easily positioned his boat in record time — and still had plenty of space to get the family car into the garage. His neighbors were so impressed, his TrailerCaddy is now in hot demand.

“No more must I watch the neighbors look like geeks trying to back their boats into the driveway — they simply borrow my TrailerCaddy,”  S.B said.

Often, customers come to us with a specific problem that challenges us to find new applications for our motorized equipment movers. We’re always pleased when our solution is a hit, as it was for J.A. of Wausau West High School.  

Lugging heavy, unwieldy, free-standing bleachers from one site to another was a problem for the maintenance crew at Wausau West High School. If you have ever tried to move one of these massive blocks of “portable” temporary bleachers, you know portability played second fiddle to sturdy construction when these units were designed. Unfortunately, the multiple uses to which schools must put their space demand flexible equipment use. Muscling bleachers into position for band concerts, school assemblies and various sporting events can tax the physical resources of even the stoutest maintenance crew. The risk of muscle and back strain and other injuries is high.

J.A. came to us seeking a solution. Our small profile, highly maneuverable, powered tugger, the CartCaddyShorty, proved to be the perfect solution. Capable of handling 3,000 pounds and maneuvering in tight spaces and crowded school corridors, the CartCaddyShorty allows a single worker to move and maneuver into place the school’s bleacher units in record time with no more backaches!

“Planning on spreading the work on this solution to the bleacher problem in other schools,” said a pleased J.A.

If you’ve found an unusual use for our equipment, we’d love to hear from you. And if you have a particular problem, give us a call. We love a challenge!