Is It Best to Push or Pull a Heavy Dumpster?

DJ Products' Dumpster Caddy Reduces Workplace Injuries
DJ Products’ Dumpster Caddy Reduces Workplace Injuries

Deciding whether to push or pull a loaded dumpster can have a significant impact on your health, and the health of your employees. Moving several hundred pounds of trash and metal unassisted is never easy and can be close to impossible if the surface isn’t completely flat and smooth.

Pushing or Pulling – Which is Better?

In most cases, pushing a dumpster will result in less strain on your back and is generally safer since it cannot end up rolling over you if you fall down. Even so, a fully loaded dumpster can weigh half a ton or more, making it extremely difficult to move even with two people on the job.

How to Alleviate the Problem

Dumpster tugs are designed to work around the problem of forcibly moving a dumpster by giving you a way to use a powered device to help move it along. Our tugs are designed to be operated by only one person, making it less likely that you will need multiple employees to handle trash collecting activities. In a hotel or apartment complex environment, this frees up maintenance workers to focus on more pressing matters surrounding the comfort of your guests and residents.

DJ Products has developed dumpster tugs that make moving trash around extremely simple. To find out more about how our products can benefit your business, give us a call at 1-800-686-2651

Top 2018 Waste & Recycling Trends for the Restaurant Industry

How Do You Handle the Food Your Customers Don't Eat?
How Do You Handle the Food Your Customers Don’t Eat?

Our electric dumpster moving equipment makes it safer and easier for employees to handle the physical requirements of waste removal. But what are you doing at your restaurant to manage waste and recycling at the source?

Restaurant waste negatively impacts the environment and sharply reduces profitability. Here are three major trends currently affecting waste and recycling in the restaurant industry. How can you apply these ideas in your own business?

1. Avoid Food Waste

This sounds like a simple concept, but it’s essential to identify where the waste is coming from so you can implement solutions. Are chefs being careless when peeling vegetables or slicing meat? Do all employees follow consistent portion sizes? Make sure the staff has the necessary training and equipment to minimize food waste.

2. Waste Management by the Numbers

Restaurant technology has moved beyond POS systems and kitchen equipment. IoS sensors in garbage and recycling containers can capture data such as fluctuations in waste volume that let you make better decisions and catch problems before they grow out of hand.

3. Reduce, Reuse then Recycle

It’s not enough to simply recycle waste and call it good. Factors such as China’s stringent new waste and recycling restrictions are resulting in overburdened recycling systems. Reducing waste should be the first priority in processing trash, followed by reuse. Recycling should remain the last resort when the first two options are not feasible.

Is Your Dumpster-Moving Equipment Up to Date?

Trash rooms and dumpsters are frequently the top causes of workplace injuries, which seriously harm productivity and profitability. Dumpster moving equipment from DJ Products reduces the risk of muscle strain, pinched fingers and other injuries.

Visit our website or call 800.686.2651 for more information about our dumpster moving solutions.

Beyond the Dumpster: Scientists Create Enzyme that Breaks Down Plastic Bottles

Scientists Research Enzymes to Eat Plastic
Scientists Research Enzymes to Eat Plastic

Every day life-changing discoveries are made

Scientific findings and technological advancements punctuate the news with creative and environmentally-friendly solutions. Recently, a plastic-decomposing, mutant enzyme was found by scientists. Now, rather than waiting hundreds of years for nature to take its course, the breakdown process of plastics can begin within a few days.

Bold developments such as this work hand-in-hand with problem-solving machinery. Like technological breakthroughs, simple solutions such as incorporating reliable dumpster-moving equipment can change the environment you live in. These revolutionary inventions act as a welcome answer to the complex challenges of waste management.

The Problem with Plastic

Development of this new enzyme is an exciting development. However, mutant enzymes that lead to more efficient trash reduction and plastic independence are still far from being incorporated fully into the mechanisms of our current industries. There are still many other ways to ensure workable systems are in place to facilitate a cleaner, brighter future. Dumpster moving equipment is one type of system that will contribute to a clean and safe environment for years to come.

A Current Solution

Ease your burdens by using what you have at your “disposal” to create a safe, efficient and organized process. Investing in your employees’ well-being by reducing their potential for occupational accidents is one of the many reasons DJ Products are so desirable. With tried and tested dumpster moving equipment, and a goal to develop solutions that are sustainable, you can form a pattern of consistency that improves your business.

If you strive to implement a plan that will clean up your business and preserve good habits in the long-term, there are DJ Products available for you! Start on a path to a cleaner, safer work environment today!

Beyond the Dumpster: Plastics Piling Up in Wake of China’s Global Recycling Changes

Plastics Are Piling Up in Landfills
Plastics Are Piling Up in Landfills

Businesses everywhere utilize dumpsters on a daily basis. The prompt removal of trash and other potential safety hazards is imperative for sustaining an inviting and exceptional professional setting. China has recently decided to disallow other countries, including the US, to send recyclables to China.

The addition of these new recycling changes could mean even more dumpster foot traffic will occur on site. With a notable uptick in dumpster usage in many companies’ foreseeable futures, durable quality dumpster movers will soon be a necessary addition to avoid excessive labor and safety concerns.

Taking out the Trash

China’s ban is affecting small and large businesses alike. You can’t always predict whether a change will be beneficial or costly to your business. But, a dumpster mover product that will always be a win-win solution for you doesn’t need to depend on ‘what-ifs’ to help you operate successfully. You can keep safety violations and injuries on-the-job to a bare minimum when you invest in products that protect your employees and your best interests.

If your business strives to recycle as much of your materials as possible, DJ products can minimize the effects this newest ban could have on your bottom line. Quality dumpster movers that can carry the weight of up to 5,000 pounds are heavy-duty helpers when you need to ease the burden from your hard-working employees’ shoulders. Battery operated machines help you forge ahead and better your chances at improving the work environment.

Going with the Flow

Do you need consistency in an industry that is fraught with unknowns? Let our DJ Products be your staying power. We understand that when changes happen a reliable source is needed to combat the uncertainty. Our products can be your calm in this newest storm.

Surfacing New Waste Management Trends for 2018

Surfacing New Waste Management Trends for 2018
Surfacing New Waste Management Trends for 2018

What interesting cargo might your dumpster mover be hauling? As more environmentally-responsible ways of disposing waste come into the spotlight, dumpsters are becoming increasingly dedicated to transporting specialized loads.

2018 Trends in the Waste Management Industry
As government mandates regarding waste handling continue to change, waste management containers and disposal operations likewise evolve:

Recycling Systems for Safer Plastics
The phase-out of previously popular plastic packing materials such as polystyrene foam and shopping bags in communities nationwide due to environmental concerns has led to safer plastic options, such as polylactic acid resins. However these safer, biodegradable plastics require special handling to ensure they compost correctly. This is prompting municipal waste and recycling centers to put the proper systems in-place to ensure successful disposal.

New Methods for Sourcing Energy from Organic Waste
Anaerobic digestion technology, which uses food and other biodegradable waste as a means to produce energy, is under development in California. Used in Sacramento to process 100+ tons of organic matter daily. If its success continues, it is expected to spread eastward.

More Responsible Handling of E-Waste
Today’s glut of gadgetry requires constant upgrades, creating an increasing amount of electronic waste. As this issue becomes part of a broader discussion both nationally and globally, municipal and retailer recycling programs are expected to increase in prevalence.

Conscientious Disposal of Demolition Debris
Dumpster movers toting demolition debris are increasingly at-risk of hauling dangerous products, prompting the need to foster awareness of items that are treacherous to toss, from batteries and electronics, to cleaners, solvents, pesticides, and car fluids.

You’re careful about what goes into your waste containers, are you careful about how you transport them? Ensure the health and safety of employees and cargo with a dumpster mover from DJ Products today.

Waste Valets Come to Multifamily and Condo Units

Man calling on a telephone to check on waste valet services.
Calling to Check on Waste Valet Services

As people look for ways to add time to their busy days, services such as meal delivery and concierge doctors are becoming popular. Now some multifamily and condo units are trying to make an unpleasant task more convenient with valet waste service.

How Valet Waste Service Works

At most properties, tenants lug their garbage to trash receptacles that are usually outdoors, where employees use dumpster moving tugs to transport waste to collection trucks. Thanks to waste valets, tenants no longer have to face bad weather, risk the mess of broken trash bags or argue with family and roommates about whose turn it is to take out the garbage.

Waste valets are receptacles that sit steps away from a tenant’s front door. These receptacles are disguised as decor items, functional pieces or both, such as a sitting bench. Tenants simply place their trash inside the receptacle and their job is done. The waste is then collected by an employee for final disposal.

Worried about the environment? Most waste valet services accommodate recycling. Some use separate receptacles, while others specify different types of bags to distinguish between recycling and trash.

Valet Waste Service Tips

– Make sure you understand the service fees and whether they’re included in rent or utilities or payable separately.

– Know the collection days for your properties. Some communities have pick-ups each weekday, but not all follow the same schedule.

– Learn and follow the requirements concerning what types of bags should be used and how they should be secured.

Increase Safety and Efficiency with Dumpster Moving Equipment from DJ Products

Dumpster moving tugs such as our best-selling WasteCaddyLite let employees transport waste receptacles safely and easily under any conditions. Call 800.686.2651 to learn more.

Dumpster Loading Safety Tips for Your Maintenance Staff

Dumpsters Weigh Tons and Can Cause Terrible Accidents if Not Handled Correctly.
Dumpsters Weigh Tons and Can Cause Terrible Accidents if Not Handled Correctly.

Routine trash removal from multifamily properties, office buildings, and industrial facilities can be an unpleasant and even dangerous job. Trash loads vary by size and weight, making the trash room the most likely area for worker injuries in a multifamily property.

Many of those injuries are fall-related or strains that occur when someone is manually trying to move a heavy dumpster. A battery powered dumpster caddy from DJ Products can significantly reduce the risk of injury and maximize manpower by enabling one person to easily move heavy trash containers.

Other safety tips for maintenance staff

Commercial trash often includes hazardous materials such as broken glass and other sharp objects. Provide your maintenance staff with proper personal protective equipment such as safety glasses and work gloves. Signage should clearly indicate that no smoking is allowed in the trash area and that only authorized personnel are to handle the trash and move dumpsters. The dumpster area should be secure and well lit to prevent trespassing.

Maintain waste containers and the trash area

Damaged trash receptacles should be repaired or replaced. Properly closed lids will deter pests. Workers should avoid lifting waste containers or trash bags above their heads when putting them in dumpsters. You may need to build a platform to elevate workers above dumpster openings to prevent lifting injuries. Keep a fire extinguisher near the trash area and keep the area free of potential trip hazards. It’s a good idea to sweep the entire area each week after trash collection.

A powered dumpster caddy from DJ Products helps your company operate more efficiently and safely. Contact us to speak with one of our courteous and knowledgeable sales engineers about which battery-powered trash mover is best for your facility.

Our Top Tips for Choosing Dumpster Moving Equipment

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Dumpster Mover

Did you know that the trash room is the most dangerous area on multi-family apartment and condo properties? A high-quality dumpster caddy reduces risk of injury while improving efficiency.

Here are four questions to help you find the right dumpster caddy for your applications.

Tips for Selecting Dumpster Moving Equipment

1. Is the equipment designed for the job?

OSHA recommends use of motorized aids when employees have to exert more than 50 pounds of force to move an object. A full dumpster can weigh in the neighborhood of 2,000 pounds.

People sometimes try to multitask and use forklifts, pallet jacks and similar vehicles to move dumpsters. These methods are not optimized for the task of moving dumpsters, so they won’t do much to minimize injury risk.

2. Does your equipment vendor understand your needs and stand behind their products?

Material handling requirements for property trash rooms are different from those of warehouses and other industries. A top equipment vendor will ask the right questions to assess your specific needs and make sure that you’re satisfied with your choice.

3. What’s the availability of parts and service?

Whether it’s leased or purchased, a dumpster caddy is an investment that should last many years. Check with the supplier about service plans, maintenance schedules and parts availability.

4. What is the supplier’s track record?

A successful equipment vendor should have no problem providing you with references who can talk about their positive experiences with the products.

DJ Products: Your First Choice for Dumpster Moving Equipment

A battery-powered dumpster caddy from DJ Products demonstrates your commitment to workplace safety. Call 800.686.2651 and get more information about our full line of dumpster moving equipment from our friendly sales engineers.

OSHA on Dumpsters – Fatalities Do Happen

Most businesses have a dumpster on-site, many of which are pushed, pulled and otherwise manhandled without the help of a waste caddy. Far from the innocuous trash compartments we take for granted, they hold a deadly secret: These bland-looking boxes take the lives and limbs of many office workers annually – and that’s without getting into those who specialize in waste collection.

Not Just a Dirty Job, a Deadly One
Garbage collection comes in at #7 on the list of deadliest jobs, according to the 2009 Bureau of Labor statistics, robbing 25 lives for every 100,000 full time workers. Think because your office staff handles this job on rare occasions that they’re immune? Think again. Based on OSHA reports, dumpster accidents are frequent and serious.

Dumpsters and Trash Compactors Involve Many Overlooked Hazards
Every year, employees are pinned, crushed, punctured, suffer limb amputation, are exposed to chemicals and bacteria, trip and fall, and are even take calls when dealing with dumpsters and trash compactors. Worse, employers overlook these risks, assuming dealing with dumpsters and trash is common sense, and sending employees to deal with the dangers without proper instruction and safety equipment.

Dumpster Safety is Detrimental
It’s important to be aware of hazards and work cautiously around dumpsters and compactors:

– Keep the area free of clutter.
– Never move items within a dumpster with hands/feet, or climb into a dumpster.
– Don’t dispose of hazardous waste in solid waste containers.
– Use caution when opening/closing the lid, noting pinch points and carefully placing hands. Be especially careful on windy days.
– Learn the essential ergonomics of moving dumpsters, or ensure safety with a waste caddy.

Protect your employees and make disposal a snap with a waste caddy from DJ Product. Learn more today.

It’s Our Most Popular – the WasteCaddyLite Dumpster Mover

Support Your Staff by Providing the Right Tools
Your Staff Needs Our Most Popular Dumpster Mover the WasteCaddy Lite

Nobody likes hassling with a heavy dumpster. That’s why our powered dumpster mover ranks as our most popular product! The WasteCaddyLite uses a battery-powered motor to assist employees who need to push, pull, or maneuver dumpsters. It’s the fastest and safest way to take care of trash duty at an office building or apartment complex.

We have larger options for more industrial needs, but the WasteCaddyLite handles the needs of most facility and property managers. It pushes up to 2,000 pounds at up to 3 miles per hour.

In other words, a powered dumpster mover lets your maintenance staff move the waste container as easily as a shopping cart!

Why Use a Powered Dumpster Mover?

An employee might have enough muscle to push a wheeled dumpster across a parking lot. However, if they do that routinely, a devastating injury is bound to occur.

Lower back strains, pulled muscles, or even spinal damage can occur from manually moving dumpsters. The WasteCaddyLite can keep your all-star janitor happy, productive, and on the clock.

Dumpster injuries also lead to high insurance premiums and costly worker’s compensation claims. Automated equipment reduces the risk and protects your bottom line.

Meet the WasteCaddyLite

We designed our powered dumpster mover with all the features you need. The bracket system can be bolted or welded to virtually any dumpster, and the wheels are safe for icy pavement or gravel.

Even the steering system has an ergonomic design and smooth functionality.

Check out the specs and features of the WasteCaddyLite to see if it suits your needs, or contact DJ Products to request info or a free demo.