Lift the Burden from Your Staff with the Easy to Use WasteCaddyLite – Trash Container Mover

Highlighting the WasteCaddyLite
DJ Products WasteCaddyLite

Did you know that most injuries at a multi-family property occur in the trash room? Create a safer workplace while saving time, money and manpower with the WasteCaddyLite Trash Container Mover from DJ Products.

Why Choose the WasteCaddyLite?

Due to their bulky size and weight, most trash containers require two or more people to move them. Even with the additional manpower, the containers are difficult to maneuver around corners and through tight spaces. Add it up and the result is a prime scenario for injuries.

Enter the WasteCaddyLite, an electric mover designed to take the stress and strain out of moving trash containers, a regular activity at any multi-family property. As DJ Products’ Jeremy Nuehring explains, “The WasteCaddyLite will lighten the work load, open up maintenance staff’s availability for other tasks at their buildings, and reduce the possibilities of workers comp claims with the click of a button.”

First-Hand Testimony from a Satisfied Customer

Linda Kadel, Community Manager from First Service Residential, offers this perspective from actual users of the WasteCaddyLite Trash Container Mover:

“I would like to thank you once again for your assistance and guidance in our purchase of WasteCaddyLites for our ten buildings. Our porters are certainly appreciative of the burden that has been lifted from their daily chores. One porter is able to handle their own building with ease. Prior to this, it took a team to move a full dumpster.”

Ms. Kadel goes on to say that First Service has been using the WasteCaddyLites for nearly a year with no performance issues.

WasteCaddyLite Features and Benefits
  • A single person can move trash containers weighing up to 2,000 pounds.
  • 36-volt, 3-battery system provides a convenient and eco-friendly power source.
  • The compact design allows for easy maneuvering around corners and through tight passages.
  • Wheels offer solid traction up and down inclines as well as during harsh weather conditions.


Material Handling Solutions from DJ Products

Learn more about what makes the WasteCaddyLite Trash Container Mover the perfect solution for your multi-family property. Contact us at DJ Products and let our friendly, knowledgeable sales engineers explain why the WasteCaddyLite is your #1 choice.

Video: WasteCaddy Dumpster Mover Customer Testimonial – Grand Central Flats

The WasteCaddy Dumpster Mover helps Doug Olson quickly and effortlessly transport heavy trash bins at Grand Central Flats in Columbia Heights, MN. Benefits:

  • Pushes full dumpsters up to 5,000 lbs. from trash room to curbside for pick-up
  • Works well on snow, sleet, and up inclines for outdoor or indoor applications
  • Reduces the risk of on-the-job injury and workers compensation claims

Watch the video below to hear Doug’s experience using the WasteCaddy. Contact a sales engineer at DJ Products to schedule your free demo: 800-686-2651.

Beyond the Dumpster: Technology and Innovation are Changing Waste Management and Recycling Efforts

Making Our Planet Cleaner and More Inhabitable is Invaluable to Sustainability.
Making Our Planet Cleaner and More Inhabitable is Invaluable to Sustainability.

At DJ products, we know how important technology can be in addressing waste management issues, whether it’s a trash hauler to make toting trash safer, or a dumpster mover to more efficiently shuttle waste. And we’re not alone.

Every day, product designers and industry professionals are changing the waste management landscape. How are their innovative new ideas paving the way for a brighter future? 

Waste as a Renewable Energy Source

The capacity to turn waste into power is one of the most significant innovations in the industry. Rather than breaking down in the landfill, new machinery called ‘digesters’ can convert waste and the biogas that it produces and turn it into energy for use on-site.

This process is compatible with food waste, animal waste, agricultural byproducts, and more. Bioreactors, micro-turbines, and fuel cells can likewise achieve similar results.

Improving the Recyclability of Precious Metals

New recycling methods, such as plasma arc recycling for platinum, can recover greater amounts of this precious metal, making them available for reuse in the automotive, technology, and chemical sectors. Look for new technology to achieve the same with palladium, iridium, and other metals.

Boosting Route Efficiency

Advanced software that optimizes collection routes improves fuel efficiency and reduces energy usage. 

Recycling Screening Technology

Sensors that alert waste management pros when bins are full reduce the likelihood of recyclables being tossed in the trash. New screening technology also sorts recycling, taking this task out of the hands of consumers and increasing recycling rates.

Looking for a way to solve your waste management woes? DJ Products has a wide variety of dumpster movers and waste haulers to make your life easier. Learn more today.

What’s Trending? What to Know About Concierge Trash Management

Make Life a Bit Easier on Yourself. Invest in Our Waste Caddy.
Make Life a Bit Easier on Yourself. Invest in Our Waste Caddy.

Considering concierge trash services? A growing trend in waste management in multifamily housing units, concierge trash and recycling collection offers many benefits besides those to residents. And with state-mandatory recycling on the rise, demand for these services is expected to skyrocket.

Why Go Concierge?

Dumpster areas around apartments and condos are notoriously gross, making them a constant, high-maintenance headache for your staff. Concierge trash management helps property owners keep their property and the surrounding environment cleaner, as well as increases resident participation in recycling programs. This supports a healthier, greener, pest-free environment.

Eliminating Waste Worries

How many times have you or your staff witnessed – and had to clean up – a bag of trash that soared off the top of a resident’s car in transport? Just as your dumpster mover makes the process of managing residents waste easier, so too can so-called ‘butler bins’ or trash haulers help you more easily manage transporting trash on a smaller scale.

Easily collect trash and recyclable door-to-door 5-7 times each week in custom-designed trash bins located outside residents’ doors, such as hideaway benches. Then, carry it to your refuse and recyclable dumpsters for collection. No more ‘trash bombs’ from cars or piles of waste left just outside your dumpster.

A Coveted Service

Studies show renters look for efficient trash pickup as a top feature when shopping for housing. Easily covered with a minimal increase in rent, concierge trash services are not only cost-effective and profitable, they can actually help reduce the labor involved in resident-related rubbish issues.

Wish you could reduce waste management headaches at your multifamily property? Improve services and increase safety with a trash hauler and dumpster mover from DJ Products today.

Beyond the Dumpster: The Problem with Plastic

Look Closer at Plastic in Our World
Look Closer at Plastic in Our World

Our dumpster mover accommodates loads of up to 5,000 pounds, but how much of that is plastic? Despite an increased focus on recycling, a disturbing amount of plastic continues to end up in the trash.

Plastic poses a wide range of threats resulting in long-term damage to the environment. Scientists continue to grapple with the problem of controlling the massive quantities of plastic waste around the globe.

“Statistic of the Year”

Approximately 9% of plastic produced over the last 60 years has been recycled. This staggering fact is so significant that Great Britain’s Royal Statistical Society named it their Statistic of the Year for 2018.

In quantifiable terms, plastic waste is accumulating at 6.3 billion metric tons per year. Even scientists working on the study were shocked at this almost incomprehensible number. Since plastic takes more than 400 years to decompose, most of it still exists.

A Global Approach to Plastic Recycling

For the past two years, scientists have been conducting their first-ever global analysis of plastic production and disposal. With 79% of plastic waste taking up space in landfills or across the environment as litter, projections show there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic waste by 2050.

Most plastic waste ultimately finds its way into the ocean, where it causes significant harm to fish, birds and marine wildlife. Previous studies found that 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in oceans annually.

According to researchers, production of plastic has accelerated beyond the capacity to handle the waste. Scientists urge re-evaluation of manufacturing, design and usage to develop more eco-friendly strategies.

Dumpster Mover: A Practical Solution to Easier Trash Removal

Reduce costly workplace injuries with a dumpster mover from DJ Products. Call 800.686.2651 for more information.

Beyond the Dumpster: The Interesting Ancient History of Recycling and Garbage, Part Two

Beyond the Dumpster: The Interesting Ancient History of Recycling and Garbage
Beyond the Dumpster: The Interesting Ancient History of Recycling and Garbage

Following the 1940s, as the buildup of waste increased alongside environmental concerns, the need for better dumpster moving equipment and recycling became increasingly apparent.


Consumers are sold on the idea that single-use items are a necessity of modern life. Ease and convenience trump all restraint and the ‘throwaway era’ is born. Green space and highways become littered with trash.


Aluminum cans are introduced, with manufacturers quickly identifying opportunities for recycling/reuse, resulting in a massive recycling system. The symbol for ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’, the Mobius Loop, is introduced to raise environmental awareness.


The first Earth Day brings attention to the overabundance of waste and importance of recycling. The ‘Bottle Bill’ is born, enticing consumers with a refundable nickel deposit as incentive to recycle bottles/cans. The nation’s first recycling mill is erected in Pennsylvania as curbside recycling pickup is introduced in other states. The Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act creates disposal and landfill standards for typical/hazardous waste.


Recycling initiatives (‘blue box’ and curbside projects) increase, with some cities mandating recycling. Curbside recycling programs are 1,050 strong.


McDonald’s gives Styrofoam the boot. Curbside programs reach 5,404 strong, and recycling centers 10,000+. A record 47.6-billion soft drink containers are recycled in ’95 (63%-U.S./80%-California) alongside 62 billion cans. The U.S. rate of recycling is 25%.

Early 2000s

EPA confirms the global warming/waste connection. In efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions, 5 states require electronics recycling; Dell offers free recycling for their products. SanFran bans plastic grocery bags.

Late 2000s

585 million+ pounds of consumer electronics are recycled in 2012, up 25% from 2011. California bans plastic grocery bags state-wide. China’s recycling import bans force the U.S. to step-up recycling practices.

Dumpster moving equipment dated or non-existent? Contact DJ Products today.

Beyond the Dumpster: The Interesting Ancient History of Recycling and Garbage Part One

Beyond the Dumpster: The Interesting Ancient History of Recycling and Garbage
Beyond the Dumpster: The Interesting Ancient History of Recycling and Garbage

Think recycling is new? Both literally and figuratively, recycling is old news. With an interesting history, the recycling of trash has been in play on and by the earth since the days of dinosaurs decomposing into our favorite fossil fuels.

500 B.C.

Think moving waste without your dumpster mover is tough? In early Athens, Greece, city inhabitants were required by law to dispose of waste at least one-mile from city walls.

1031 A.D.

The first recorded reuse of paper waste was seen in Japan; recycled into new paper and resold in small family-owned shops nationwide.


Philadelphia’s Rittenhouse Mill introduced recycling using a manufacturing process that transformed fibers from cotton and linen rags into paper.


The British are coming… And American rebels turned to recycling to fuel the materials necessary for the War of Independence.


The Salvation Army in London, England began collecting, sorting and recycling unwanted items; later migrating to the U.S. in the 1890s.


NYC established a materials recovery facility where rubbish such as paper, carpet, burlap, twin, rubber, and metals were sorted for recycling and reuse.


‘Waste as wealth’ programs promoted the ability to earn money by sorting/reselling items found in household garbage.


America’s first aluminum can recycling plants opened their doors in Cleveland and Chicago.


‘Don’t waste it, save it’ referendum was promoted by the government to circumvent the massive shortage of raw materials in WWI.


Peddling rags, metal, etc. helped many survive the Depression.


Rationing and recycling helped support war efforts.

Don’t throw away productivity. Put your employee’s assets to better use with the help of a dumpster mover from DJ Products today.

Tow Device for Moving Your Dumpster Safely

Work Smarter, Not Harder. Get a Dumpster Caddy Today!
Work Smarter, Not Harder. Get a Dumpster Caddy Today!

When trash day rolls around, do your employees struggle to maneuver the dumpster to the designated pick-up area? Our battery-powered dumpster mover lets a single worker easily handle the job with reduced risk of injury.

Our dumpster tow device is so effective that it was featured in an article for American City and County, a magazine for state and local government officials. Here’s what they had to say about the WasteCaddy from DJ Products.

Battling the High Costs of Trash Room Injuries

Fully-loaded trash dumpsters can weigh thousands of pounds. Manually moving these loads can result in serious back and shoulder injuries, causing expensive medical claims and costly loss of productivity.

Benefits of the WasteCaddy

With our WasteCaddy, a single employee can maneuver dumpsters weighing up to 5,000 pounds up and down inclines, around tight corners and through narrow hallways. If your business or organization is located in a cold-weather area, the WasteCaddy works through snow and ice as well.

The unit’s 36-volt, three-battery system is recharged with a charger that uses 120/220-volt outlets. Ergonomically-designed features such as the variable-speed twist grip help prevent common repetitive-motion injuries that can have chronic long-term effects.

WasteCaddy Works for All Applications

American City and County serves state and local governments, but our dumpster mover is appropriate for any business or organization that produces trash. The WasteCaddy is used in facilities as varied as warehouses, office buildings, multi-family housing units and retail complexes.

Which Dumpster Mover Is Right for You?

DJ Products offers a number of dumpster tows with a wide range of standard and optional features. Visit our website and use the convenient online chat feature to learn which dumpster mover is the best solution for your specific needs.

What Happens When We Run Out of Landfill Space?

Where Does the Trash Go Once Landfills are Full?
Where Does the Trash Go Once Landfills are Full?

How much do you know about what happens to waste once it’s transferred to pick-up with your dumpster moving equipment? Out of 258 million tons of solid waste produced in the United States each year, roughly one-third is recycled while the rest goes to landfills.

Unfortunately, land is a non-renewable resource and the country’s 2,000 landfills are running out of space. How did we reach this point, and what can we do to solve the problem?

An Industry in Crisis

Experts point to two significant factors contributing to dwindling landfill space.

– The amount of waste generated in the U.S., is already the highest in the world, and has been increasing over the last few years.

– China, which once accepted one-sixth of our country’s recyclable material, enacted strict bans at the beginning of 2018. As a result, waste companies have been forced to deposit the spillover in landfills.

According to a report from the Solid Waste Environmental Excellence Protocol (SWEEP), U.S. landfills are projected to reach capacity within 18 years. The situation is particularly dire in the Northeast, while landfills in the West are in slightly better shape.

Solving the Landfill Problem

– Data from the Environmental Protective Agency (EPA) indicates the U.S. currently produces energy by burning 33 million tons of waste per year. That number could rise, but the tradeoff in pollution may be unacceptable.

– More landfills could be created, but the process takes time and often meets resistance from local communities.

– Regulators, manufacturers and consumers can band together to develop more sustainable packaging and be proactive with waste-reduction activities.

Eco-Friendly Dumpster Moving Equipment from DJ Products

Our dumpster moving equipment is designed to make waste removal easier and reduce risk of workplace injuries. Contact us today for more information.

Top Trends in 2018 for Dumpster Safety

Top Trends for Dumpster Safety
Top Trends for Dumpster Safety

Our electric dumpster mover protects employees from common workplace injuries, but trash disposal involves a number of more wide-ranging safety concerns. What’s actually in a dumpster can present health hazards that spread to surrounding areas.

As companies strive to become more environmentally responsible, these trends are becoming part of green trash disposal procedures.

Updated Plastic Recycling

Polystyrene foam and other traditional packing materials have given way to more eco-friendly plastics. China, which previously imported the bulk of global plastic waste, instituted a ban on many disposables. As a result, waste and recycling centers are instituting systems to properly handle plastics.

Promoting Awareness of Bio-Hazards

Products such as pesticides, automotive fluids and cleaning solutions do more than cause injury when handled improperly. Chemicals can leak into the ground and seriously damage the ecosystem. Companies are training workers on identification and disposal of hazardous materials.

Responsible E-Waste Disposal

With computers, tablets, cell phones and other digital devices becoming staples in most households, frequent tech upgrades result in a flood of discarded electronics. Communities are increasing the number of e-waste programs and stations to accommodate the demand.

Converting Waste to Energy

California has taken the lead in development of anaerobic digestion technology, which is a method to convert food and other biodegradable waste into energy. The city of Sacramento currently processes more than 100 tons of organic matter each day. If they can sustain this success, the technology will undoubtedly make its way across the country.

Battery-Powered Dumpster Mover Combines Productivity and Safety

Show your commitment to responsible waste disposal and worker safety. Contact us to learn how an electric dumpster mover from DJ Products lets a single employee move loads of up to 5,000 pounds with less risk of musculoskeletal injury.