Why Your Warehouse Management Needs to Embrace the Internet of Things

Warehouse truck works
The Smart Warehouse via the IoT is Coming

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been described for years as an emerging technology, so when will using it become universally accepted? Nobody will hoist a banner announcing the official victory for the IoT. You wouldn’t delay purchasing a piece of automation equipment like warehouse tugs, so why wait to add innovative technology?

The technology and devices of the IoT are already here. Warehouses should go ahead and embrace it.

Benefits of Warehouse IoT

David Akka recently detailed for Magic Software why warehouse IoT should be embraced just like other recent technology such as mobile apps. Customer-facing apps serve the dual purpose of benefiting the user experience and increasing sales through engagement. Similarly, the IoT has benefits for customers and warehouse management:

  • Capitalize on Big Data analytics
  • Smart barcodes for shipping and receiving
  • Plan for “burst capacity” and short-term extra storage
  • Enable warehousing as a service for third parties
  • Propagate changes to sales, customer data, shipping statuses, etc.

Embracing New Technology in the Warehouse

Sometimes waiting to implement new technology can be wise, especially if your customers or clients are unfamiliar with it. However, people already use the IoT at home and work. Shift to IoT integration, and your warehouse staff and customers will be quick to leverage it for a better experience.

Ultimately, the IoT represents just another important step in the warehouse automation trend. Automated equipment like warehouse tugs for your staff and smart technology of the IoT for your devices can drastically reduce costs and stay ahead of the game.

Find out more about warehouse tugs and other warehouse materials handling equipment from DJ Products.

IoT Connectivity is Revolutionizing the Modern Warehouse

Make the Load Easier!
Make the Load Easier!

Sophisticated technology has made it possible for you to control you home thermostat via your smart phone and order groceries through your refrigerator, but what does that mean for your business? Here’s how the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing warehouses and why you need to be prepared.

Creating “Smart” Warehouses

As technology continues its rapid advancement, the international market for warehouse management IoT devices is projected to reach an astounding $19 billion by the year 2025. Ian Jindal, editor-in-chief of InternetRetailing, predicts a seismic shift in “how companies handle and distribute orders.”

The most significant impact will likely occur in supply chain visibility. Accurate tracking of a product from origin to consumer has always been a priority, and devices such as radio frequency identification (RFID) tags will allow a specific picture of a product’s real-time progress through the system.

Planning for the Future

So what steps should you take to begin preparing your warehouse for the IoT revolution?

  • Evaluate your current warehouse management system (WMS). If it’s been implemented relatively recently, it may be IoT-ready. If not, consider the net savings from upgrading your system compared to keeping a soon-to-be outdated one.
  • Start incorporating peripheral IoT devices, such as a system to control ambient features like temperature and lighting.

Modernize Labor with Warehouse Tugs from DJ Products

Take an immediate step to improve workplace safety with electric warehouse tugs like our CartCaddy5WP, which lets a single employee of any size or gender efficiently move loads of up to 10,000 pounds. Use our convenient online chat feature to learn more from our experienced sales engineers.

Garbage and Dumpster Safety – It’s Your Job!

Safety in the Trash Room is Everyone's Job!
Safety in the Trash Room is Everyone’s Job!

Do you leave trash room and dumpster safety to your garbage removal service? It’s up to you to maintain a safe environment for everyone, whether they work for you or an outside company.

Be Proactive About Garbage and Dumpster Safety

Here are four tips to create a safe workplace that allows for efficient trash disposal.

1. Keep Dumpsters and Other Receptacles Free and Clear

If people have to run an obstacle course to get to the trash receptacles, the chances of injury are high. Make sure both indoor and outdoor containers are easily accessible.

2. Don’t Overfill Trash Receptacles

Overflowing dumpsters present an attractive home for mice, squirrels and other pests. If your trash containers fill up too quickly, consider adding more receptacles or getting larger ones.

3. Break Down Large Items

Boxes should never be tossed into a dumpster without being broken down or flattened first. Any large items such as furniture or equipment should also be broken down as much as possible or set aside for immediate pickup.

4. Maintain the Pavement

Can your garbage area support the regular stress and strain of a heavy trash removal truck? Damaged pavement can quickly become a safety risk. Make sure any cracks and holes are repaired promptly.

Maximize Safety with a Dumpster Puller from DJ Products

Many costly workplace injuries are due to overexertion as a result of pushing and pulling heavy objects such as loaded dumpsters. Visit our website to find out why clients consider a dumpster puller like our popular WasteCaddyLite to be “like having another employee on staff.”

Tips for Safe Trash Removal in the Workplace

Smiling worker in warehouse
Hot Tips for Trash Room Safety

Working in the trash room may not sound like hazardous duty, but did you know the average cost of a claim for an injury incurred there is more than $40,000? Most of these injuries are caused by excessive twisting, pushing and pulling of heavy loads.

Control expenses and reduce risk of injury with these valuable tips for safe trash removal.

Best Practices for Trash Room Safety

  • Always test the weight of a load before actually lifting it. Ask for help if necessary.
  • Multitasking may save time with some jobs, but not in the trash room. Never try to hold the dumpster lid open while tossing trash inside. Open the lid first, then use both hands to deposit trash.
  • Lifting above the shoulders puts undue strain on the upper body and torso. Empty garbage cans by placing them on their side and sliding the trash bag out.
  • Wear gloves to prevent injury from dangerous materials inside trash bags and dumpsters. Provide separate containers for glass and other sharp objects.
  • Don’t let trash pile up. Empty garbage cans regularly. If you find that the loads are frequently too heavy for one person to handle, consider changing to smaller cans and bags.

Dumpster Mover from DJ Products: “Like Having Another Employee on Staff”

Maximize your workforce with a one-time investment in our battery-powered WasteCaddyLite. Our clients find that use of a dumpster mover makes trash removal a one-person job, freeing up the other employee to work on other tasks.

Visit our website and use the convenient online chat feature to consult our sales engineers on the best dumpster mover for your business.

Manual Handling Injury Prevention with WasteCaddy Products

Accident at work
Staff Injuries are Costly to All Parties Involved

Preventing worker injuries is more than just the right thing to do. As one of our clients described to us, temporary staff replacements for injured regulars are “more expensive, and worse, they are really inefficient because they are not familiar” with the job’s demands. This client was a property manager who also said that staff injuries directly led to dissatisfied tenants.

Whatever industry you’re in, you can protect human resources and property by using WasteCaddy products to prevent injuries from manual tasks like pushing dumpsters.

From Small Trash Container Movers to Large Dumpster Towing

WasteCaddy products simply use a battery-powered motor to push or pull heavy loads at up to 3 mph. Even on ice or inclines, the employee keeps firm and precise control over the direction and speed.

These are powerful little haulers — even the WasteCaddyLite can haul dumpsters weighing up to 10,000 pounds, and we have larger options as well.

Our dumpster pushers prevent injuries in multiple ways. Primarily, the automation takes away thousands of pounds of stress and exertion. Ergonomics run down to the small details as well, such as the comfortable steering grip design.

OSHA recommends ergonomic programs for retail, grocery, and other businesses with employees who need to use manual force to push and maneuver heavy equipment like dumpsters. WasteCaddy can be the central component of reducing injuries among your workers such as lower back strains, rotator cuff injuries, tendonitis, and other musculoskeletal disorders.

If you have employees moving dumpsters by brute force, you are at elevated risk of worker’s comp claims. Talk to the ergonomics experts at DJ Products for help choosing automated equipment.

Grocery Stores May Lower Injury Claims with Proper Dumpster Protocols

Manager In Warehouse Checking Boxes
Reduce Stress and Injuries For Your Employees

Often, the grocery and retail industries focus on preventing injuries related to repetitive tasks and lifting boxes in the warehouse. After taking steps to improve worker safety and ergonomics, grocery stores see fewer claims for worker’s compensation and fewer injuries in general. For another area where you can reduce injury claims, you should also consider new protocols for how workers use dumpsters and waste containers.

Moving dumpsters manually (i.e., pushing a wheeled dumpster without the aid of a motorized dumpster puller) presents numerous risk factors for employee injuries:

• Heavy force

• Pushing to get started from a standstill

• Shoulder and back stress

• Awkward postures

• Unnatural motions

Factors such as a worker’s height relative to the dumpster, or whether a waste container must be pushed across gravel or inclines, can all add up to create a very dangerous situation for grocery store employees who move or operate dumpsters.

Our dumpster puller equipment such as the WasteCaddyLite remove the physical stress of pushing and maneuvering dumpsters. With the push of a button, the worker can move and control the container easily without the risk factors for musculoskeletal injury such as overexertion from breaking the inertia of a heavy dumpster.

Improved dumpster protocols should also include employee training, starting with OSHA guidelines for grocery stores. Dumpster areas should be kept clean to reduce slips and falls. All workers should know the proper motions for lifting heavy items.

Never neglect waste collection and dumpster moving protocols when trying to improve worker safety at your grocery store. Use a dumpster puller from DJ Products to keep everybody healthy while also keeping the workplace safe and productive!

North Dakota Offers Safety Grants – Could You Buy a Dumpster Mover?

Does Your Safety Grant Cover a Dumpster Caddy?
Does Your Safety Grant Cover a Dumpster Caddy?

As healthcare costs continue to spiral, companies are focusing on preventive measures to help reduce injuries and illnesses. In many cases, government agencies are offering financial incentives as encouragement for employers to implement workplace safety measures.

Promoting Ergonomic Safety in the Workplace

North Dakota administers an ergonomic initiative through the state’s Workplace and Safety (WSI) agency. The goal is to reduce the number of cumulative trauma injuries, which make up 35 percent of claims that were reported in North Dakota over the last five years.

One part of the initiative provides for a safety grant to be issued to qualified employers who participate in the program.

• The process begins when an employer submits an application.

• Once the application is approved, the employer selects a provider from the WSI network to perform an on-site assessment to identify problems, make recommendations and conduct training.

• If any equipment is recommended during the assessment, the employer completes the second part of the application requesting a safety grant.

• Upon approval of the application and completion of signed agreements between both parties, the employer purchases the equipment and submits the paid invoice for reimbursement.

Could You Use Your Safety Grant to Purchase a Dumpster Mover?

Many workplace injuries happen when moving heavy dumpsters by hand. One of our clients explains that a dumpster mover from DJ Products allows this task to be completed by a single person, so it’s like “having another employee on staff.”

Don’t let workplace injuries compromise employee productivity. Visit our website and let our friendly sales engineers help you find the right solution from our comprehensive selection of battery-powered movers and tugs.


For Condo Property Managers Dumpster Cleanliness is Job One

Keep Your Renters Happy
Keep Your Renters Happy

Bells and whistles are nice, but property management has to start with getting the basics right. For residents, this begins with clean and efficient trash service.

Keeping the dumpster areas clean helps in three important ways: maintaining a great atmosphere for residents, preventing pest infestations, and preventing worker injuries.

Here’s what safety experts recommend for dumpster cleanliness:

  • Avoid overstuffing. Even if it fits, the next person will be tempted to leave trash on the ground or let the dumpster. You may need an extra dumpster or more frequent disposal if this is a frequent problem.
  • No loose items. Everything other than bulk items should go in heavy-duty trash bags. Kitchen trash bags should be combined into larger, stronger trash bags. Most importantly, all food waste should be bagged.
  • Keep the surroundings clear. Trash on the ground brings pests and lets filth build up. It’s also a tripping hazard.
  • Place signs with instructions. Prohibited items, recycling guidelines, and safety practices should be posted for both condo employees and residents.
  • Move dumpsters safely between collection sites and pick-up sites. Efficient trash systems tend to be cleaner. With a motorized dumpster tugger it’s easy to place dumpsters where people can easily use them, then have staff members move them to garages or pick-up spots for disposal.

A dumpster tugger helps you keep trash areas safe and clean. Need to move the dumpster because of construction or special events? Want to move dumpsters from a garage to the street? One employee can easily maneuver it across the property.

Learn more at DJProducts.com about using a dumpster tugger or bin mover to improve condo management.

Property Managers Cut the Fluff to Get Bottom-line Results

Property Managers are Taking Action

Out of lean economic times has grown a new era of lean management for both residential and commercial property managers. Although occupancy and rent collection have the greatest impact on revenue, reducing expenses has become the new market trend that drives profitability.

According to the Nevada Business Journal, some commercial property manager tips for improving the bottom line include:

  • Maintain service quality for issues that directly impact tenants, while trimming expenses behind the scenes.
  • Provide value without adding to costs by connecting tenants with outside services for things like tax assistance and financial services.
  • Be transparent with commercial tenants and open a dialog about operating expenses to get a clear picture of which services are providing real value.

For residential, we have property manager tips that reduce costs while pleasing tenants in a very competitive market:

  • Work with HOA clients to maximize the amount of upkeep required of homeowners while still providing a high level of service.
  • Make reasonable investments in new technology to automate and streamline operations including janitorial, trash collection, and landscaping.
  • Use online systems for applications and rent payments to minimize office labor.

Property management still boils down to getting the basics right — down to details like making sure the garbage gets collected. On that front, property managers have automated technology available such as dumpster movers that reduce the required staff from three or four people down to just one employee.

When you want to “do more with less,” you need the right tools. For information about waste bin movers and other motorized systems, visit DJProducts.com — and follow our blog for property manager tips.

The Garbage and Waste Industry Goes Green

Dumpster Tow Featured Image
Dumpster Mover

In terms of operating costs and environmental impact, how we handle waste is just as important as how much waste we create. The garbage industry is doing its part with alternative fuel vehicles for green waste solutions.

Garbage Fleets Switch to Gas and Electric

Over the last decade, thousands of waste collection trucks have been replaced by or converted to natural gas rather than the traditional diesel engine. It’s all part of greening the industry with lower emissions — as well as saving money.

As Waste360 has noted, natural gas engines emit less carbon monoxide as well as less nitrogen oxide, while greatly reducing engine noise. Natural gas also costs less than the equivalent amount of diesel.

The electric vehicle industry has also jumped at the chance to make energy efficient garbage trucks.

A co-founder of Tesla, Ian Wright, has founded a company specifically to make electric engines and retrofit kits for dump trucks and other commercial trucks. Wright noticed that waste trucks burn extra energy because of the constant stopping and starting, making these vehicles ideal candidates to go electric.

Efficiency Is King

The refuse industry and private businesses need efficiency for so many reasons — green initiatives, cost reductions, slimmer operations, and even worker health. Dumpster tugs improve the process at the source — making it easier to move waste from dumpster locations to the curb. Motorized dumpster tugs allow just one employee to move a heavy dumpster quickly and efficiently, with far less risk of injury.

Efficient waste removal can help your bottom line as well as the environment. Visit DJProducts.com to find dumpster tugs and waste bin movers.