Dumpster Loading Safety Tips for Your Maintenance Staff

Dumpsters Weigh Tons and Can Cause Terrible Accidents if Not Handled Correctly.
Dumpsters Weigh Tons and Can Cause Terrible Accidents if Not Handled Correctly.

Routine trash removal from multifamily properties, office buildings, and industrial facilities can be an unpleasant and even dangerous job. Trash loads vary by size and weight, making the trash room the most likely area for worker injuries in a multifamily property.

Many of those injuries are fall-related or strains that occur when someone is manually trying to move a heavy dumpster. A battery powered dumpster caddy from DJ Products can significantly reduce the risk of injury and maximize manpower by enabling one person to easily move heavy trash containers.

Other safety tips for maintenance staff

Commercial trash often includes hazardous materials such as broken glass and other sharp objects. Provide your maintenance staff with proper personal protective equipment such as safety glasses and work gloves. Signage should clearly indicate that no smoking is allowed in the trash area and that only authorized personnel are to handle the trash and move dumpsters. The dumpster area should be secure and well lit to prevent trespassing.

Maintain waste containers and the trash area

Damaged trash receptacles should be repaired or replaced. Properly closed lids will deter pests. Workers should avoid lifting waste containers or trash bags above their heads when putting them in dumpsters. You may need to build a platform to elevate workers above dumpster openings to prevent lifting injuries. Keep a fire extinguisher near the trash area and keep the area free of potential trip hazards. It’s a good idea to sweep the entire area each week after trash collection.

A powered dumpster caddy from DJ Products helps your company operate more efficiently and safely. Contact us to speak with one of our courteous and knowledgeable sales engineers about which battery-powered trash mover is best for your facility.

Tips for Keeping Your Dumpster Enclosure Clean

Tips for Keeping Your Dumpster Enclosure Clean
Tips for Keeping Your Dumpster Enclosure Clean

The importance of a clean dumpster enclosure goes beyond looks. A messy dumpster area endangers the safety of tenants and employees. Protect against injuries with a dumpster moving product and use these tips to keep the enclosure neat and well-maintained.

Do Your Homework

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to dumpster and recycling set-ups for properties. Factors such as size, number of tenants and community standards all play a part in determining waste disposal needs. Review each property carefully to make sure you have appropriate equipment and procedures.

Enlist the Help of Tenants

It’s easier to maintain a clean trash area when all associates and tenants are involved. Encourage tenants to take pride in the property and use signage and other materials that make it simple for them to dispose of trash properly.

Use Correct Disposal Methods

No property can efficiently dispose of trash with only one type of receptacle. In addition to creating environmental hazards, poor waste disposal usually results in a messy trash area due to spills and congestion. Make sure you have appropriate receptacles for everyday trash along with food waste, recyclables, liquids, grease and other forms.

Use Effective Dumpster Moving Equipment

Full dumpsters can weigh thousands of pounds. If employees are forced to move them manually across different surfaces, it increases the chances of a dumpster tipping over and causing a messy spill. Battery-powered dumpster movers let a single person quickly and safely move the heaviest dumpsters.

Effective Dumpster Moving Solutions from DJ Products

We offer a wide range of electric dumpster moving equipment, such as our popular WasteCaddyLite, that meets the needs of any type of property. Visit our website and let our sales engineers help you find the model that best fits your applications.

Our Top Tips for Choosing Dumpster Moving Equipment

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Dumpster Mover

Did you know that the trash room is the most dangerous area on multi-family apartment and condo properties? A high-quality dumpster caddy reduces risk of injury while improving efficiency.

Here are four questions to help you find the right dumpster caddy for your applications.

Tips for Selecting Dumpster Moving Equipment

1. Is the equipment designed for the job?

OSHA recommends use of motorized aids when employees have to exert more than 50 pounds of force to move an object. A full dumpster can weigh in the neighborhood of 2,000 pounds.

People sometimes try to multitask and use forklifts, pallet jacks and similar vehicles to move dumpsters. These methods are not optimized for the task of moving dumpsters, so they won’t do much to minimize injury risk.

2. Does your equipment vendor understand your needs and stand behind their products?

Material handling requirements for property trash rooms are different from those of warehouses and other industries. A top equipment vendor will ask the right questions to assess your specific needs and make sure that you’re satisfied with your choice.

3. What’s the availability of parts and service?

Whether it’s leased or purchased, a dumpster caddy is an investment that should last many years. Check with the supplier about service plans, maintenance schedules and parts availability.

4. What is the supplier’s track record?

A successful equipment vendor should have no problem providing you with references who can talk about their positive experiences with the products.

DJ Products: Your First Choice for Dumpster Moving Equipment

A battery-powered dumpster caddy from DJ Products demonstrates your commitment to workplace safety. Call 800.686.2651 and get more information about our full line of dumpster moving equipment from our friendly sales engineers.

OSHA on Dumpsters – Fatalities Do Happen

Most businesses have a dumpster on-site, many of which are pushed, pulled and otherwise manhandled without the help of a waste caddy. Far from the innocuous trash compartments we take for granted, they hold a deadly secret: These bland-looking boxes take the lives and limbs of many office workers annually – and that’s without getting into those who specialize in waste collection.

Not Just a Dirty Job, a Deadly One
Garbage collection comes in at #7 on the list of deadliest jobs, according to the 2009 Bureau of Labor statistics, robbing 25 lives for every 100,000 full time workers. Think because your office staff handles this job on rare occasions that they’re immune? Think again. Based on OSHA reports, dumpster accidents are frequent and serious.

Dumpsters and Trash Compactors Involve Many Overlooked Hazards
Every year, employees are pinned, crushed, punctured, suffer limb amputation, are exposed to chemicals and bacteria, trip and fall, and are even take calls when dealing with dumpsters and trash compactors. Worse, employers overlook these risks, assuming dealing with dumpsters and trash is common sense, and sending employees to deal with the dangers without proper instruction and safety equipment.

Dumpster Safety is Detrimental
It’s important to be aware of hazards and work cautiously around dumpsters and compactors:

– Keep the area free of clutter.
– Never move items within a dumpster with hands/feet, or climb into a dumpster.
– Don’t dispose of hazardous waste in solid waste containers.
– Use caution when opening/closing the lid, noting pinch points and carefully placing hands. Be especially careful on windy days.
– Learn the essential ergonomics of moving dumpsters, or ensure safety with a waste caddy.

Protect your employees and make disposal a snap with a waste caddy from DJ Product. Learn more today.