Communities Focus on Reducing Solid Waste – Can You Help?

Communities Focus on Reducing Solid Waste - Can You Help?
Communities Focus on Reducing Solid Waste – Can You Help?

How quickly does your dumpster get filled up? Many communities are working to save the environment by focusing on reduction of solid waste. Here are some ways you can join the fight.

Tips to Reduce Solid Waste

1. Throw Fewer Things Away

Common sense dictates that the fewer things you throw away, the less garbage you’ll have. Get into the habit of thinking twice before automatically disposing of an item. Has it really outlived its usefulness? Maybe you can repurpose the item or pass it along to someone else who can put it to use.

2. Be Mindful of Packaging

Earthworks Group, a consulting firm that specializes in sustainability projects, says that packaging comprises approximately one-third of the contents of our country’s landfills.

Even if your business doesn’t actually package products, it uses items that come in packages. Look for suppliers that use minimal packaging made from recycled materials.

3. Promote Recycling

Recycling pays double dividends. It keeps items out of landfills and reduces the need for natural resources.

Some of the more common recycling programs include:

• Curbside recycling containers for widely-used items such as newspapers, glass bottles and aluminum containers

• Community recycling centers or recycling zones

• Composing programs that gather organic waste for mulch or landfill cover

Improve Operations with an Electric Dumpster Pusher

No matter how heavy your dumpster gets, a single employee can move it safely and efficiently using a dumpster pusher from DJ Products. Call 800.686.2651 to learn more about products like our best-selling WasteCaddyLite, which can move loads of up to 2,000 pounds.

Tips for Loading Up Your Dumpster

Protect the Safety of Your Employees with the Dumpster Caddy
Protect the Safety of Your Employees with the Dumpster Caddy

Did you know that a disproportionate amount of worker injuries occur around dumpsters? You can injure a shoulder while throwing bulky items, or sustain a repetitive-stress spinal injury from maneuvering dumpsters up and down ramps.

That’s why so many organizations use waste container pullers like the WasteCaddy dumpster mover and why your team should know more about dumpster safety.

Tips for Using Dumpsters

Some of the best tips for using a dumpster come from companies that rent dumpsters to the general public, because they have to coach people on loading dumpsters every day. Here’s what we can all learn from a roll-off rental service:

Put lightweight items on the bottom if possible, so heavier items will compact them

Spread weight around instead of letting heavy items stack up in one place

Break down large objects to conserve space and save money, and to prevent long items from sticking out

Wear gloves, eyewear, and other personal protective equipment when loading a dumpster with loose debris

Avoid prohibited items from dumpsters such as paint, fuel, asbestos materials, etc.

Automated equipment makes dumpsters less likely to cause injury or property damage. The WasteCaddy dumpster mover from DJ Products eliminates the painful, dangerous task of manually pushing or pulling a loaded dumpster.

There’s a productivity boost, too, because our bin pullers and dumpster tows can free up an employee. Many of our users have gone from two employees moving dumpsters to only needing one worker to do the job.

With the WasteCaddy dumpster mover (or WasteCaddyLite for 2-yard dumpsters and other containers up to 1 ton), you can improve dumpster safety even more!

What Steps Can You Take to Deter Dumpster Diving at Your Facility

What Steps Can You Take to Deter Dumpster Diving at Your Facility
What Steps Can You Take to Deter Dumpster Diving at Your Facility

Although one man’s trash might be another man’s treasure, your business probably does not want its dumpsters to be treated as a free-for-all. Dumpster divers leave behind an ugly mess that can be dangerous. You may also have sensitive, proprietary information that you don’t want to fall into the wrong hands.

We recommend using the WasteCaddy so any employee can safely transport dumpsters to locked areas when not in use. Your organization can also learn some tricks from the self-storage industry.

Tales of Dumpster Diving

Storage facilities are ripe targets for dumpster diving because quality items are often discarded by people who don’t have any other options. The Storage Facilitator blog recounts tales of dumpster divers visiting every night, and unfortunately, failing to pick up after themselves.

One man rented storage units at various facilities just to gain (technically legal) access to the dumpsters. The token amount of business was far outweighed by the constant mess.

Tips to Discourage Dumpster Diving

Some of the best ways to deter people from digging through trash include:

• Always lock dumpsters so only maintenance staff has access.

• Locate dumpsters in a locked parking lot after hours.

• Use a powered dumpster mover like the WasteCaddy for an easier time moving and relocating dumpsters.

• Provide smaller trash cans for customers and employees and empty them regularly.

• Routinely send scrap metal and other desirable debris to recycling facilities.

Moving dumpsters behind locked gates is an easy solution, but manually pushing dumpsters carries a huge injury risk. Talk to us at DJ Products about how the WasteCaddy or WasteCaddyLite can help keep your facility clean and secure.

Technology and Trash Removal: Making Dumpsters “Smart”

Technology is Making Dumpster "Smart"
Check It Out! Technology is Making Dumpster “Smart”

Today’s technology has given us smart phones, smart appliances and … smart dumpsters? Here’s how one forward-thinking company developed an ingenious solution to “garbage watching.”

Trash Removal in the Digital Age

In 1991, long before the Internet of Things was on anyone’s radar, OnePlus Systems saw technology as an answer to the problem of smelly, overflowing dumpsters. Their first model was a rudimentary wired pressure sensor that alerted a client’s operations department as well as their waste removal company that a pick-up was needed.

The next step included integration of a web-based platform to provide reporting and leverage waste data. In 2015, private equity company Parker Gale recognized the system’s potential and purchased OnePlus along with SmartBin, a Dublin, Ireland-based manufacturer of intelligent waste disposal solutions.

Under Parker Gale’s direction, the original system began using SmartBin’s wireless ultrasonic fill-level sensors and robust routing and analysis software. Thanks to these “smart” devices and their sophisticated platform, clients receive real-time data and visual tracking of non-compacting dumpsters.

Benefits of Smart Dumpsters

• Waste removal companies get optimized routing so they can focus the workload on full containers.

• Collected data shows that a smart dumpster can reduce waste removal expenses by up to 50 percent.

• Clients can allocate labor to higher priority jobs.

Reduce Expenses and Workplace Injuries with a Dumpster Puller from DJ Products

Are your employees constantly struggling with maneuvering heavy dumpsters in the workplace? Our best-selling WasteCaddyLite is designed to safely transport full dumpsters weighing up to 2,000 pounds.

Call 800.686.2651 or visit our website to find out which battery-powered dumpster puller is the best solution for your workplace.

IoT Connectivity is Revolutionizing the Modern Warehouse

Make the Load Easier!
Make the Load Easier!

Sophisticated technology has made it possible for you to control you home thermostat via your smart phone and order groceries through your refrigerator, but what does that mean for your business? Here’s how the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing warehouses and why you need to be prepared.

Creating “Smart” Warehouses

As technology continues its rapid advancement, the international market for warehouse management IoT devices is projected to reach an astounding $19 billion by the year 2025. Ian Jindal, editor-in-chief of InternetRetailing, predicts a seismic shift in “how companies handle and distribute orders.”

The most significant impact will likely occur in supply chain visibility. Accurate tracking of a product from origin to consumer has always been a priority, and devices such as radio frequency identification (RFID) tags will allow a specific picture of a product’s real-time progress through the system.

Planning for the Future

So what steps should you take to begin preparing your warehouse for the IoT revolution?

  • Evaluate your current warehouse management system (WMS). If it’s been implemented relatively recently, it may be IoT-ready. If not, consider the net savings from upgrading your system compared to keeping a soon-to-be outdated one.
  • Start incorporating peripheral IoT devices, such as a system to control ambient features like temperature and lighting.

Modernize Labor with Warehouse Tugs from DJ Products

Take an immediate step to improve workplace safety with electric warehouse tugs like our CartCaddy5WP, which lets a single employee of any size or gender efficiently move loads of up to 10,000 pounds. Use our convenient online chat feature to learn more from our experienced sales engineers.