Tips to Keep Warehouse Workers Warm in a Cold Warehouse this Winter

winter warehouse tips
winter warehouse tips

Frigid temperatures can create an uncomfortable or even hazardous work environment for warehouse employees. Whether staff members are using a forklift or a motorized trailer dolly to move heavy loads around, it’s important to help them stay warm. The following tips can help ensure that your workers can handle the cold, while staying safe and productive.

Provide Education

Educating staff members on working in a cold warehouse to help reduce the risk of cold stress. If your warehouse doors frequently open and close, this is even more important, since more cold air flows in. Workers should know how to recognize signs of hypothermia, frostbite, and similar signs of cold stress. They should also know how to dress warmly and how long to work in cold conditions.

Encourage the Right Snacks and Beverages

Workers should avoid drinking hot coffee to stay warm, since this kind of beverage can dehydrate them. Instead, staff members should drink water or other fluids, such as sports drinks that provide electrolytes. Employees should also eat snacks that offer high amounts of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs.

Offer a Space for Warming Up

Workers need some kind of environment that allows them to escape the cold. Set up a heated break room or office where staff can go when they need to warm up. Another option is to set up space heaters in safe areas, so workers can warm up without leaving the warehouse floor.

Invest in Winter Wear

Consider providing workers with gloves, hats, and other winter wear to protect against the cold. This can help ensure that your staff are safe from freezing temperatures while doing their job. Instead of providing these, you can encourage staff to wear their own items at work.

Warm Up the Warehouse

Take steps to keep drafts and cold air out of your warehouse, so it stays warmer. Seal up gaps, improve airflow, and schedule a tuneup for the heating system. These steps can help keep your warehouse’s interior temperature warmer all winter long.

Exploring other ways to keep workers safe, such as purchasing a motorized trailer dolly? Visit DJ Products to learn more about our material handling solutions.

Winter Safety Tips for Warehouse Workers

Dangerous Snowy Conditions at a Warehouse Loading Dock.
Our Electric Trailer Dolly Operates in Snow

Safety is a year-round priority in warehouses, but injury risks increase during the winter, when snow and cold weather create additional challenges. Our trailer dolly can help you successfully transport materials in any conditions. Here are some other helpful tips to keep your employees safe and injury-free in winter weather.

1. Clear walkways and truck yards.

The simple act of walking becomes treacherous when surfaces are covered with snow and ice. Walkways, truck yards, and any outdoor places where employees travel should be cleared as often as necessary. Salt is commonly used on icy surfaces, but it can damage concrete in the long run. Other options include sand, rubbing alcohol, wood chips, straw, and even kitty litter.

2. Dress appropriately.

Clothing is a first line of defense against cold temperatures. Pay particular attention to protecting vulnerable extremities with hats, gloves, thick socks, and boots. Encourage employees to dress in layers that are easy to adjust as they move from indoors to outdoors and back again.

3. Don’t forget to hydrate.

Drinking water is a no-brainer when the sun’s out, but hydration is equally important in winter. Regular intake of water combats fatigue and keeps the mind alert. Consider providing reusable bottles for your workers so they can always have water on hand.

4. Do regular stretching exercises.

Cold temperatures cause muscles to tighten up, setting the stage for debilitating strains. Instruct your workers in basic stretching techniques that are easy to incorporate during the workday.

5. Keep floors dry.

It doesn’t take long before water from snow and ice outdoors gets tracked indoors. Make sure that warehouse floors are mopped and dried frequently to prevent slips and falls. Any problem areas should be clearly marked and blocked off if needed.

6. Train employees.

Enlist workers to take a proactive approach toward their own safety with training programs focusing on the seasonal dangers of winter.

Our Trailer Dolly Is a Year-Round Safety Solution

The trailer dolly from DJ Products is just one option in our full line of material handling equipment. Call 800.686.2651 to learn more from our friendly and experienced Sales Engineers.

A Push for Greater Productivity and Efficiency is a Top Material Handling Trend in 2024

Top Material Handling Trends 2024 and Electric Trailer Dollies
Electric Trailer Dollies Improve Workplace Safety

Companies in many industries are looking for ways to boost productivity and efficiency in the new year. In the material handling industry, this push is even more important as workers face risks of accidents on the job. The following are some of the top trends that are relevant to these issues.

Labor Shortage

Worker shortages are leading business owners in material handling to look at other options for improving productivity. While some are turning to robotics and other automated systems, there are other solutions to this problem. The use of an electric trailer dolly, for example, allows workers to move loads more efficiently and quickly. This can help make up for having fewer workers to handle these kinds of tasks.

Commercial Construction Costs

The increasing cost of construction has some companies exploring other option for expanding. Rather than paying to have new facilities or additions built, some companies are looking into having overhead conveyors and similar systems installed. This gives companies a way to get more use out of existing space instead of needing new commercial construction.

Quick Delivery Times

With more customers expecting rapid deliveries, companies in the material handling industry have had to find ways to adapt. These businesses need improved ways to have merchandise shipped as quickly as possible without having to wait for brand new systems to be installed.

E-Commerce Growth

Material handling companies need solutions to handle the increase in online shopping. With more consumers turning to e-commerce stores and expecting fast deliveries, these businesses need distribution center and warehouse solutions that allow them to keep up with this pace. Trailer dollies offer a smart way to ensure better productivity and efficiency.


More and more material handling companies are exploring ways to improve energy efficiency. Forklifts and other equipment that uses fuel are costly to operate, while also using up a lot of energy. Motorized trailer dollies that run on electricity provide a more energy-efficient solution.

If you’re looking for ways to become more productive and efficient, contact DJ Products. Our experts can help you find the right solution, such as investing in a trailer dolly.

How to Improve Safety and Efficiency with a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Pallets on a Loading Dock In Need of a Motorized Trailer Dolly
Enhanced Efficiency of the Motorized Trailer Dolly defines material handling as “the loading, unloading and movement of goods, as within a factory or warehouse,” generally involving the use of mechanical devices. Our material handling experts explain how battery-operated aids, such as our motorized trailer dolly, help to improve safety and efficiency in your workplace.

What Is Material Handling Equipment?

Broadly defined, material handling equipment is anything that allows effective protection, movement and storage of items and products. This can range from cranes and dollies to refrigerated containers for food.

Much of the activity in a warehouse involves loading and unloading pallets and transporting materials throughout the inbound and outbound processes. Material handling also extends to the yard, where trailers have to be guided into and out of the loading docks. Our motorized trailer dolly lets a single worker navigate trailers weighing up to 100,000 pounds with ease.

OSHA Safety Regulations

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has specific guidelines governing safety features on material handling equipment. This provides a firm standard with no gray areas, so companies know exactly what is required of them.

Safety features on our trailer dolly include:

  • Neutral throttle braking
  • Safety stop switch
  • Safety horn
  • Safety strobe flashing light
  • Solid tread tires

The trailer dolly is also ergonomically designed, with features such as a variable speed thumb twist pad, to prevent repetitive motion injuries from excessive strain on the musculoskeletal system.

Eco-Friendly and Low Maintenance

High fuel costs can greatly reduce the cost-effectiveness of gas-powered material handling equipment. In addition, they are expensive to maintain and generate fumes that pose a risk to the environment, as well as to the health of your workers.

Our trailer dolly operates on batteries that provide a full shift’s worth of operation when fully charged. The dolly navigates smoothly in tight quarters and up and down inclines, with a reduced noise level and no dangerous fumes.

Choose the Motorized Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

Our trailer dolly pays for itself in reduced workplace injuries and increased productivity. Call 800.686.2651 or use the chat feature on our website to learn more about our full line of tugs, pushers and movers from our helpful Sales Engineers.

How The DJ Products Trailer Dolly Improved Efficiency

Trailer Yard in Need of a Electric Trailer Dolly.
Trailer Yard in Need of an Electric Trailer Dolly.

Being able to move vehicles, large loads, or other objects around outdoor lots or indoor facilities comes with numerous challenges. Traditional methods, such as using a forklift, tend to be time-consuming and raise the risk of accidents. Find out how the motorized trailer dolly from DJ Products has helped boost efficiency for businesses, including an RV dealership.

Efficient Outdoor Use

Explore RV has relied on the battery-powered TrailerCaddy 6K 36V unit to move RVs around dealership lots. Using a forklift or truck to move these around requires special training, while also increasing the chance of damage or accidents. With a trailer dolly, dealerships and other businesses have a much more efficient way to push or pull vehicles and trailers weighing thousands of pounds in outdoor areas. In fact, the TrailerCaddy 6K can move trailers and vehicles that weigh up to 50k pounds. It also comes with a 6k-pound hydraulic lift kit for ball, king pin, and pintle hitch trailer connections.

Improved Indoor Efficiency

Trailer dollies can help companies become more efficient in indoor settings. Explore RV now has an easier and less time-consuming way to move RVs and trailers around inside convention centers and other indoor areas. The company depends on these trailer dollies for moving vehicles over short distances rather than having to maneuver a forklift around in tight spots. Switching to a motorized trailer dolly can help warehouses, distribution centers, dealerships, and many other businesses with indoor facilities improve efficiency and productivity.

Enhanced Efficiency and Safety Overall

Using the TrailerCaddy has allowed Explore RV to help keep staff safe when moving RVs around. Forklifts and similar machinery require careful operation and training. Otherwise, businesses face higher risks of having workplace injuries or accidents occur. This can result in increased expenses for companies, decreased productivity, lower employee morale, and higher turnover. Using a trailer dolly instead provides a great way to improve safety and employee satisfaction.

If you’re looking for ways to improve efficiency in your facility or outdoor lot, contact DJ Products to learn more about our solutions. We can help you select the ideal motorized trailer dolly for your business to help boost safety, productivity, and efficiency.

5 Reasons Industrial Ergonomics Matter

Industrial Ergonomics Matter when Pulling a Cart
Improved Safety with a Motorized Tug

Industrial ergonomics plays an important role in protecting workers from injuries. The use of ergonomics in warehouses and similar workplaces where manual labor is done helps ensure a safer environment. This type of design reduces injuries workers can get from doing repetitive tasks or pushing or lifting heavy loads. A simple change, such as using a motorized trailer dolly, can help support ergonomic design in these settings. Learn more about the kinds of benefits industrial ergonomics provides.

Increased Productivity

Workplace injuries, such as muscle strains, can make it difficult for workers to be productive. A loss of productivity can have a negative impact on your business. Ergonomic equipment makes it easier and more comfortable for workers to handle everyday tasks, resulting in increased productivity.

Better Workplace Safety

Operating forklifts, manually pushing heavy loads, and doing other tasks in industrial settings comes with a wide range of risks and safety hazards. Using ergonomic design and equipment, such as motorized trailer dollies, helps boost safety in the workplace and reduces the risk of injuries.

Reduced Costs

Workplace injuries and accidents can lead to high costs for companies in terms of workers’ compensation, healthcare costs, and staff turnover, and decreased productivity. Ergonomics helps keep these costs low through higher productivity, improved safety, and stronger employee morale.

More Employee Engagement

Providing a safe and comfortable workplace environment for workers helps reduce the risk of having them leave. This helps keep employee turnover lower, so companies don’t have to spend significant time and money finding and training new staff. Having happier employees thanks to industrial ergonomic design also helps increase productivity.

Improved Service or Product Quality

When workers have injuries or fatigue on the job, this can lower the quality of products or services they handle from day to day. Making changes in the workplace through ergonomic design and equipment can help improve product or service quality. This helps companies boost customer satisfaction.

If you’re looking for a motorized trailer dolly for your workplace, please contact DJ Products. Our team can assist you in finding one that fits your needs, so you can enjoy the benefits that ergonomic equipment provides.

Reduce the Impact of Truck Driver Shortages with a Motorized Trailer Dolly

View of a Busy Distribution Trailer Yard in Need of a Trailer Dolly.
Benefit of a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Truck driver shortages, already a serious issue, have become even more critical in the post-pandemic world. Mitigate the challenges of a limited labor force by operating a trailer yard anchored by the use of our electric trailer dolly.

How Does a Trailer Yard Work?

In the past, delivery and unloading were often two parts of a single process. Trucks would pull up directly to a dock for loading or unloading. While this may sound logical in theory, the process included many inefficiencies, such as creating congestion. that interfered with timely completion of a job.

Several of the disadvantages of the traditional process are eliminated with use of a trailer yard. Delivery and unloading are handled as two separate tasks for streamlined operations.

1. When a truck arrives for delivery, instead of pulling up to a loading dock, the driver parks the trailer in the yard’s holding area.

2. A single worker employs a yard dog to move the trailer to the appropriate dock for loading or unloading.

3. Once the work is completed, the trailer is staged back in the holding area.

4. Instead of waiting for the loading or unloading to be done, the driver can pick up another trailer and be on their way.

Benefits of an Electric Trailer Dolly
    • Since the truck driver never enters the loading and unloading area, there’s less risk of safety concerns and accidents.
    • The cumbersome and time-consuming process of directing a driver into the proper orientation to the docks is eliminated.
    • As the world has become more aware of the spread of infectious diseases, use of an electric trailer dolly reduces the number of “outside” personnel on the premises.
    • The trailer dolly also cuts down on the possibility of sensitive or proprietary information being exposed to outsiders.
    • Our electric trailer dolly is battery-powered, creating a more sustainable workplace with much lower levels of CO2 emissions.


Put Our Trailer Dolly to Work for You

Is your warehouse as productive as it could be? Let our qualified Sales Engineers help you find the right mover, tug or pusher for your specific application. Contact us today at 800.686.2651 to learn more.

Managing Warehouses in a Blended Environment of Change

Depiction of Futuristic Blended Environment Warehouse
Improve Efficiency with Our Trailer Dolly

Historically, the material handling industry has been highly fragmented but relatively stable. Manufacturers were able to specialize in a particular subsegment, maximizing brand awareness and sales growth. The new millennium has brought eCommerce, artificial intelligence and other factors that are forcing manufacturers and warehouses to keep up with these rapid changes. DJ Products, makers of the electric trailer dolly, identifies four strategies that can help to navigate the new blended environment.

The Changing Landscape of Material Handling

So what are the primary elements driving this shift?

    • Advances in technology have created new subsegments, including AGV (automated guided vehicles) and ASRS (automated storage and retrieval systems).
    • Segments are challenged to adapt to trends such as new regulations, response to COVID-19 and increased customer demand.
    • Since different segments have varying degrees of market resilience, companies should consider diversifying material handling solutions.
    • Cost control is a consistent throughline that runs through all segments and trends.


Four Pathways to Success

1. With the growth in eCommerce, it’s difficult for companies to be equally responsive to challenges such as same-day delivery, fluctuating volumes and urban area logistics. Instead of specialization, companies are better served by expanding into a comprehensive suite of capabilities.

2. Cost control, combined with the need for more efficient distribution channels, means companies can benefit from new delivery models in order to stay competitive. Options include pay-per-use or leasing-and-rental contracts.

3. As labor remains scarce and workforces continue to age, automation is a need, not a luxury. During the transition to more advanced technology, make sure that all subsegments can be integrated with each other to avoid disruptions and reduced productivity.

4. Customers value “one-stop solutions.” Leverage your solutions and partnerships to create a seamless experience for consumers.

Our Trailer Dolly Serves Multiple Needs

Eco-friendly, cost-effective, easy to use, ergonomically designed – the battery-powered trailer dolly from DJ Products checks all the boxes for a state-of-the-art material handling solution. In addition, we offer a wide variety of options for customization to fit any specific applications.

Call 800.686.2651 or use our online chat feature to be connected with one of our friendly and helpful Sales Engineers.

Celebrate Your Independence Today from Hostlers to Move Your Semi Trailers

Large Fireworks Display
Celebrate the Benefits of a Trailer Dolly

Waiting for hostlers to move semi trailers around can take up a lot of time. Relying on manual labor to pull or push trailers from one place to another also increases the risk of accidents. Investing in a motorized trailer dolly offers the ideal solution, so you won’t have to depend on hostlers anymore.

What Is an Electric Trailer Dolly?

This type of trailer dolly has a motor that makes it easier to push or pull heavy equipment and vehicles around. These electric trailer dollies can be charged up to provide a full day’s labor. They also provide a more efficient way to move large items from place to place.

Who Should Use Them?

Any business that involves moving oversized vehicles, tons of equipment, or other heavy loads around can benefit from using these trailer dollies. This includes distribution centers, cargo trailer dealerships, RV dealerships, warehouses, and fulfillment centers. These trailer dollies are also ideal for boat dealerships, garages, and production assembly lines.

What Features Do They Have?

Electric trailer dollies from DJ Products have a variable speed handlebar twist grip, This makes it easier to operators to start up these dollies and move trailers around on hazardous surfaces. In fact, they allow smooth maneuvering on icy surfaces and steep inclines. Other features include convenient charging options to ensure that they’re always ready for use. These trailer dollies plug into 120-volt outlets. They also feature automatic safety brakes to help keep operators safe and lower the risk of accidents.

What Benefits Do They Offer?

Motorized trailer dollies offer enhanced safety, better maneuvering, and greater efficiency. Businesses don’t have to use hostlers to get heavy trailers moved to other locations. Instead, they can use these dollies on nearly any type of surface. These trailers can also handle moving around in tighter spaces due to their improved maneuverability.

What Types Are Available?

We have eight trailer dolly models to choose from. These models can be adapted to fit different trailer hitches, including king pin and gooseneck.

If you need help selecting the right motorized dolly for your business, contact DJ Products. Our experts can help you choose the best one to fit your needs.

Top Warehouse Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Warehouse Worker Injured By a Forklift
Warehouse Safety Can Be Improved With a Trailer Dolly

Warehouses can put workers at risk of being injured in several ways. Knowing more about some of the more common warehouse injuries can help warehouse owners take steps to prevent them from happening. From using a motorized trailer dolly instead of a forklift to making sure workers use protective equipment, keep the following in mind to improve warehouse safety.

Forklift Injuries

These industrial trucks are used to move pallets and other objects around warehouses and distribution centers. Forklift accidents and injuries can occur if these vehicles are operated incorrectly or when warehouse environments are set up in an unsafe way. Ensuring proper training for forklift operators, clearing obstructions in warehouses, and switching to trailer dollies are all ways to lower the risk of having forklift injuries occur. Keep in mind that forklift injuries can occur inside warehouses or on loading docks.

Slips and Falls

Warehouse workers can become seriously injured from falling on slippery floors or falling from heights. This can lead to fractures, head injuries, and other severe injuries. Having workers use protective equipment, marking slippery surfaces with signs, and making sure workers use ladders safely can help prevent fall injuries in warehouses.

Overexertion Injuries

Workers in a warehouse environment might put too much strain on their muscles and other parts of their body while lifting or moving items around. This can result in torn or strained muscles, injuries to connective tissue, sprains, and other injuries. Workers should know how to properly lift and carry objects around in order to reduce the risk of overexertion injuries.

Falling Objects

Having items stacked in an unsafe manner, such as being too high and unstable, can cause them to fall from shelves or other areas. This can lead to neck and head injuries if objects, especially heavy items, land on workers. Making sure products are stored and stacked as safely as possible can help prevent these kinds of injuries from occurring.

Looking for the right trailer dolly for your warehouse? Contact DJ Products to learn more about our products. We can assist you in finding the best motorized dolly to help keep workers safe on the job.