Planning Your First Warehouse Staff Holiday Party? How to Make it Memorable

Social Gatherings Can Set the Tone for Your Office, Make Sure It's a Good One!
Social Gatherings Can Set the Tone for Your Office, Make Sure It’s a Good One!

The holidays are a time to put away material handling equipment for a while and celebrate with your warehouse employees. Staff holiday parties are a great way to help employees bond and show your appreciation for their hard work.

Company parties involve different considerations than strictly social events. If you’re planning your first warehouse staff party, here are some useful tips to make it a festive holiday event for all.

Tips for Planning a Warehouse Staff Holiday Party

– It’s impossible to choose a date that will accommodate everyone. Conduct a survey offering three or four options and select the one that receives the majority of votes.

– Set a budget and allocate funds based on the priority of different elements. For example, you might spend 50 percent on entertainment, 35 percent on food and 15 percent on decorations.

– Decide what type of party you will hold. Do you want formal, casual, themed, activity-based? Make sure that whatever style you settle on is inclusive of all attendees.

– Possible venues include workplace, off-site facility or private home. The budget will be the primary deciding factor.

– Food can range from appetizers or pot luck to buffet or sit-down dinner. Don’t forget to ask guests about allergies beforehand and include vegetarian dishes for non-meat eaters.

– If alcohol will be served, don’t take any chances with drinking and driving. Hire a bus or other private transportation, provide credits for ride-share services or have sign-up sheets for carpools with designated drivers.

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Smart Tips for Hiring Pickers for Your Warehouse Operation

Smart Tips for Hiring Pickers for Your Warehouse Operation
Smart Tips for Hiring Pickers for Your Warehouse Operation

Having the right material handling equipment in your warehouse improves productivity, but high turnover rates can quickly negate those gains. Use these tips to recruit and hire qualified pickers and packers for a more stable workforce.

Encourage Employee Referrals

Current employees can often be the best source of quality candidates. Workers feel a sense of pride in making a contribution to the company, and they’re reluctant to risk their own reputation by recommending a substandard applicant.

Some companies offer a bonus program for referrals who are hired, but that can be a double-edged sword. Employees may be tempted to refer someone simply to collect the money, so think carefully before going that route.

Use On-Demand Staffing Platforms

As the industry moves toward more temporary positions, it becomes increasingly counterproductive to spend a lot of time vetting job applicants. On-demand staffing platforms have developed to meet the demand of companies that need pre-screened candidates who are prepared to accept a job immediately.

Fine-Tune Your Requirements

The more specific you are with a job description, the easier it is to find a qualified candidate who matches your needs. As an added benefit, a detailed job description can provide strong evidence against possible discrimination claims.

Offer a Competitive Starting Pay Rate

Research the market to get a feel for what other companies are paying workers for comparable skills and responsibilities. Review your starting pay rates frequently to make sure they’re not falling behind the rest of the industry.

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