The Pain Continues with the ELD Data Shift for Compliance

ELD Changes for Semi Truck DriversBe glad your powered trailer mover is functioning correctly. Some ELDs still aren’t. ELD pain continues across all sectors, hitting small fleets and independent owner-operators particularly hard, including Jon Hose of Texas, who was issued a false-log violation in Missouri in June of this year following the malfunction of his ONE20 F-ELD.

Out of Production

Using the most inexpensive ELD on the market, Hose’s violation occurred just two weeks before the manufacturer ONE20 stopped support for the device on June 18. ONE20 recently made the news this summer for losing support from its principal investor, owner of PeopleNet, Trimble Companies, after which it stopped production and support of its F-ELD devices.

Out of Luck

Hose noted en-route malfunctions of his ONE20 F-ELD were common. In an Overdrive Radio podcast he stated he’d noticed ongoing issues with the device: Automatic duty-status changes he still can’t explain, despite his master’s in data science. After one such occurrence, he believed he solved the issue and proceeded to his destination, where he unloaded and attempted to return home, but was instead stopped by a Springfield, Missouri officer.

Out of Service

Believing his ELD wasn’t even connected, and noting yet another malfunction Hose couldn’t explain, the officer put Hose out of service with a false-log violation. He has since switched to provider BigRoad, with no issues to-date. Since this master’s in data science couldn’t explain the issue, those hoping for leniency would do better ensuring the right equipment aboard their rigs, allowing access to logs from an admin account (independent) or ensuring a direct line to key support personnel (fleet/partner carrier), or ELD provider.

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Tire Safety Tips Every Semi Truck Driver Should Know

Maintaining Your Vehicle Is of the Utmost Importance When You're on the Road Often.
Maintaining Your Vehicle Is of the Utmost Importance When You’re on the Road Often.

Is your semi trailer mover toting unsafe equipment? Keeping an eye on the condition of the tires on both your trailer and hauler is key to avoiding costly citations, worsened gas mileage, and potentially deadly wrecks. Put these things on every pre-inspection checklist to ensure a safe, efficient arrival at your destination…

Air Pressure Check

Inform yourself about tire air pressure specifications for your tires and load, making sure tire pressures are at the proper setting for your hauler and cargo. Use an accurate gauge, checking when tires are cold (pre-trip), ensuring adequate pressure and avoiding under-inflation. If maintaining air pressure is a problem, inform your maintenance department ASAP. Low pressure is a major cause of blowouts, fires, and other tire issues.

Check Tire Wear and Damage

Uneven tread wear is a sign of improper air pressure and potential alignment issues. Now, not later, is the time to check for and manage air leaks, axle alignment, tire repair and replacement needs.

Tread Check

Low tread depth impacts traction, reducing your hauler’s ability to brake quickly and efficiently. It can also increase the likelihood of hydroplaning on wet roads, and blowouts – especially when you run over road debris. To ensure safety and keep your hauler on the road, ensure a minimum tread depth of 4/32 on every major tread groove of your steering tires.

Mid-Trip Incidentals

When mid-trip, immediately replace missing valve caps to keep gunk out of valve stems and safeguard tire pressure. If you hit/run-over road debris, don’t keep on trucking. Always pull over and check for tire damage and foreign objects.

Looking for new ways to shorten transportation times, reduce damage, and increase safety? Learn more about semi trailer mover from DJ Products today.