Forklift Dangers and How to Prevent Them

Is forklift safety a priority in your warehouse? According to OSHA, there are one million forklifts in use around the United States and they’re involved in 20,000 serious injuries each year. Here are tips to minimize risk of the top dangers of this popular warehouse equipment.

1. Turnovers

Forklift turnovers are usually a result of overload, unbalanced loads or traveling with the fork too high.

– Require drivers to wear seat belts at all times when operating a forklift.

– Train employees in optimum methods of stacking loads.

– Slow down when turning as well as when traveling across wet or slippery surfaces.

– Keep the load uphill when going up or down inclines and ramps.

2. Striking Pedestrian Employees

Pedestrian employees can be struck directly by forklifts, or indirectly by objects that have been hit by forklifts.

– Restrict specific aisles to pedestrians only or forklifts only.

– Avoid operating forklifts near time clock, break rooms, exits and other areas where pedestrians tend to congregate.

– Locate workstations away from aisles and safeguard with physical barriers when necessary.

– Pedestrians should also take responsibility for being aware of their surroundings and moving out of the way if they encounter a forklift or hear a horn or backup signal.

3. Crushing Workers

Approximately 16 percent of forklift fatalities occur when the vehicle crushes a worker.

– All passengers must be in a seat with the seat belt engaged.

– Never allow anyone to ride on the fork itself.

– Drivers should inspect their route carefully for potential hazards and obstructions.

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Safety – It’s All About Being Alert to Moving Equipment in the Warehouse

Forkift Safety is Crucial in Busy Warehouses
Forkift Safety is Crucial in Busy Warehouses

Is forklift safety a priority in your warehouse? A material handling equipment supplier like DJ Products can help you find effective options. Make sure your employees follow these guidelines for safe forklift use.

Forklift Safety Tips

– Don’t let unauthorized employees operate forklifts – no exceptions! OSHA specifies that only people 18 and over who have been properly trained and certified are allowed to drive a forklift.

– Know the recommended load limits for each forklift and make sure employees don’t exceed them.

– Before operating a forklift, visually inspect the exterior and test the mechanical function to ensure everything is in working order.

– Check the work area immediately around the forklift for obstructions and be alert to any obstacles along the way. Be particularly cautious with any blind spots.

– Make sure that employees and visitors to the workplace give forklifts a wide berth. If a pedestrian does cross the path, the forklift operator should stop and lower the load, resuming only after the pedestrian is completely out of the way.

– Never allow a forklift to block a stairway, exit or other points of access.

– While a forklift is in operation, the load shouldn’t be more than four inches off the ground. When the load is being lifted, no one should walk underneath.

– A running forklift should never be left unattended.

– In the event of problems, employees should immediately notify their supervisor.

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Our battery-powered movers such as our best-selling CartCaddyLite include ergonomic and safety features for maximum productivity with minimum injury risk. Call 800.686.2651 and let one of our cheerful sales engineers help you select the perfect solution for your application.

The Trouble with Forklifts

Warehouse truck works
Fork Lift Issues

Staying safe around warehouse equipment is extremely important, especially around large machines such as forklifts. When employees work around forklifts all day, mistakes are bound to happen, making it critical that when they do occur, the results are relatively minor so people won’t get seriously injured.

Forklift Dangers

Even a small-sized forklift is several hundred pounds of mobile steel on a platform controlled by someone prone to human error. The turning radius that a forklift has can make a big difference in how safe it is for the people working around it. Zero-turn models are relatively safer since other employees do not need to clear the space required to make a turn.

How Can the Danger be Mitigated?

One of the best ways to help keep your employees safe is to use a lift that has the power of a forklift, but allows for a 360 degree line of sight for the operator. These lifts typically tend to be smaller, but should cut down on accidents greatly thanks to their lower center of gravity and the fact that they can safely stop in a much shorter distance.

At DJ Products, we aim to make industrial facilities safer and more efficient with the use of our line of warehouse equipment designed to be smaller but still powerful. For more information about how you can reduce accidents in your workspace, give us a call at 1-800-686-2651 or visit us on our website.

Forklift Safety Tips Your Warehouse Staff Needs to Know

Large warehouse
Forklift Safety

Does your material handling equipment include forklifts? While they’re helpful in lifting and transporting heavy loads, forklifts present the same safety risks as other motorized vehicles.

A safe workplace minimizes loss of efficiency due to on-the-job injuries. Make sure your employees know and practice these helpful safety tips from OSHA:

Before Starting

  • Do a pre-check for any obstacles in your path.
  • Be sure your hands and the soles of your shoes are dry to prevent slipping as you mount the forklift.
  • Watch your footing as you mount and dismount.

Driving and Steering

  • Sound the horn at aisle crossings, blind spots and anywhere your vision is obstructed, such as operating in reverse.
  • Always come to a complete stop before changing directions.
  • When turning, slow down to a manageable speed. Start the turn as close to the inside corner as possible to allow for the wide swing of the forklift’s rear end.
  • The lift should be lowered before turning.

Stopping and Parking

  • Stop the forklift in a clear spot that doesn’t obstruct foot or vehicle traffic.
  • Place the direction lever in neutral, lock the mechanism and set the emergency break. The tips of the lift should be touching the floor.
  • Once the forklift is completely stopped with all safety measures engaged, dismount carefully, without jumping.

Efficient, Cost-Effective Material Handling Solutions from DJ Products

Overexertion and repetitive motions are two of the primary causes of work-related accidents and injuries. Protect your employees with durable, eco-friendly material handling equipment from DJ Products. Call 800.686.2651 for prompt and friendly assistance from our experienced sales engineers.