The Internet of Things Comes to Warehousing and Logistics

The Internet of Things Can Be Very Valuable to Businesses
The Internet of Things Can Be Very Valuable to Businesses

The Internet of Things(IoT) has quickly proven its value in the world of business. Companies are integrating IoT within the framework of their operations to make the entire production process more efficient and transparent. This integration is also being extended towards the warehousing and logistics framework of companies for finding new material handling trends and their solutions.

At DJ Products, we have made enormous progress in adopting IoT solutions for product warehousing and logistics. Various types of sensors and RFID tags have been incorporated into the material handling equipment. This has resulted in a number of advantages:

1. Faster Movement

The speed of the entire operation has increased greatly, thanks to instantaneous information being relayed across the various teams involved in the operation. No more lag time between individual steps of the operation that can bottleneck the overall process.

2. Error Free Process

The addition of sensors and alarms means that the chances of an error occurring in the middle of an operation are virtually eliminated.

3. Around the Clock Monitoring

Thanks to sensors being integrated into vehicles, which carry data back to the control center, we are always aware of exactly what speed the vehicle is traveling at, how much load it’s carrying and the directions it needs to take, making the entire process highly transparent and providing constant material handling trends information.

So the next time you need help with material handling solutions that are safe and cost effective, call on the experts at DJ Products, and we’ll bring you the most cutting edge motorized vehicle solutions that are able to handle the most cumbersome equipment with ease!

Are Robots in the Future for Your Warehouse?

Robots have become integrated into many operations as a material handling solution. Until now, their use has revolved primarily around safety issues. Worker safety has been improved in areas where robots have handled the heavy lifting. As technology improves, robots are becoming sophisticated enough to assist with more specialized tasks.

As manufacturers try to meet demands for faster service and higher productivity, robots are becoming more important for their ability to move and store both large and small items. They enable the ability for quick turnarounds, with only a settings change required to accommodate different products and shifting quotas.

Whereas robots that handle large loads need heavier arms and grippers, the key to moving smaller items is to incorporate grippers with more flexibility and a lighter touch. Companies that deal with more fragile items such as electronic components have turned to delta robots. This style uses a parallel link rather than serial to allow for faster, more precise movements.

Food handling might sound like an insurmountable task, but the USDA has actually certified certain grippers to touch raw food. The FDA has followed suit by certifying grippers for biotech applications such as handling blood and plasma samples.

Our comprehensive line of tugs and pushers from DJ Products have also made major contributions in the area of worker safety. Their powerful battery-operated motors and ergonomic design enable a single person to handle loads of up to 50.000 pounds with ease. Please call our Sales Engineers at 800.686.2651 or use our convenient online chat feature to find the perfect solution for your application.