Foreign Military Contracts in Question with New Tariffs and Restrictions

Our Military is Our First Line of Defense, and As Such, They Need the Best Protection Too!
Foreign Military Contracts in Question with New Tariffs and Restrictions

Steel and aluminum are materials that are the lifeblood of many industries around the globe. New tariffs are forcing Department of Defense contractors in the military industry to look at more options and determine new strategies for acquisition contracts.

It’s a different era, and to combat the change delivering military-grade, strategic responses is a necessity. Likewise, GSA listed military-grade machinery, is a necessary addition to any functioning industry.

Preparation is Key

The first line of defense is a good offense. Unpredictable problems occur all the time. When Department of Defense (DoD) contractors utilize their military background they can scale just about any unforeseeable hurdles. Put a protective barrier between you and the troubles that may be coming from unexpected areas by preparing for every outcome. You can safeguard your business by employing the right team (human and machine) to carry out the mission at hand despite any threatening storms.

Quality employees and the GSA’s high-grade operating machinery that they use present a high-powered combination of preparation and capability to solve short-notice trends of volatility. Your business could be using the same GSA-approved products that ensure precision, practicality, and efficiency for military contractors. When you place premium machinery on the frontlines of your business, you’re postured to win!

DJ Products Stand at Attention

Relocate aircraft, remove dangerous materials, and transfer important materials (such as steel and aluminum) via trailers and save the backs of your hardworking team in the process! DJ Products continues to facilitate successful task completion. Employers and employees can be overwhelmed without having the right tools to help with day-to-day tasks. If you want to get a good jump on the rising storms, visit DJ Products. Their quality machines last long after the battle ends.

Coast Guard Wants to Fast Track Production of New Icebreaker Ship

Coast Guard ship docked at the Portsmouth harbor in New Hampshire.
The Coast Guard is Working to Upgrade Ships

The Coast Guard is eager to design and build the first of six new icebreakers ahead of the previously proposed schedule. The Polar Star is the sole Coast Guard heavy icebreaker still in operation. It was commissioned in 1976 and is now frequently down for repairs.

Suppliers of government and DoD military contract equipment must adhere to (GSA) processes and demonstrate they can produce top quality products efficiently and quickly. There are currently five companies vying for the contract, but bids remain open to anyone capable of completing the project. Rear Admiral Michael Haycock announced in April of 2018 that the Coast Guard hopes to take delivery of the first new icebreaker by the end of 2023.

“It’s a little bit like a marriage”

According to, the initial plan had a delivery date of 2028. The rough condition of the Polar Star necessitated the delivery date be pushed up to 2023. The Polar Star crew had to contend with numerous breakdowns during the most recent season at sea. Problems ranged from a flooded engine room to a failure of one of the three main gas turbines.

Haycock said he knows it’s going to be a challenge for designers and builders to meet the updated timeline. He compared the situation between the Coast Guard and contractors to a marriage saying, “If you’re equally unhappy, you know you probably got it right.”

At DJ Products, we understand the requirements of companies that produce DoD military contract equipment. We have high standards for our equipment and customer service. We have a wide line of materials and equipment movement solutions that meet military and DOD requirements. Contact us to speak with one of our sales engineers and to arrange a product demo.

How to Buy Equipment from the General Services Administration (GSA) Office

The GSA Assures You Are Selecting from High Quality Products
The GSA Assures You Are Selecting from High Quality Products

Products that meet high standards are difficult to come by unless you go through a GSA listed supplier. Various military standard equipment is sold through the GSA. They also provide listings for highly-qualified contractors, contractors who in effect have worked closely with the Department of Defense.

The GSA is a solid resource for federal agencies and the public to supply information, advisement and provides multi-billion dollar amounts of products to interested buyers. They also purchase products from small businesses.

Quality is an integral part of what the GSA facilitates. In an on-going technology-driven world, longevity in a product, through design, and premium materials are a commodity that businesses and their consumers appreciate. The GSA sells and purchases the best.

How to Buy through GSA

Whether you are with a federal agency or a public consumer, there are numerous ways you can align yourself with durable, industrial strength products and services. Besides sharing access to alphabetically organized GSA-listed supplier contacts, the GSA has compiled contract award information that can prove beneficial to your product inquiries.

Through their online ordering and shopping system, GSAAdvantage!, interested government employees can browse and compare millions of high-grade products and supplies with just a few clicks.

Similarly, DJ Products has their own selection of DoD and military products that are available to companies that prefer high-grade machinery. To save on labor costs, keep employees safe from injury, and avoid expenditures consistent with acquisition of low-quality products, DJ Products has self-propelled and remote-control machinery to meet unique buyer needs.

Keep valued staff protected and their productivity at a high level when you incorporate trusted machinery in your place of business. Buyers looking for quality use DJ Products to keep their efficiency and profits in tip-top shape.