Our battery-powered yard trucks greatly reduce risk of workplace injury for your on-site employees. What about the long-haul drivers who are responsible for transporting large tractor-trailers across hundreds or even thousands of miles of highway?
No matter how skilled and experienced a truck driver is, they can’t account for the actions of automobile drivers sharing the road. Lidar technology is on the verge of creating unprecedented safety features that can act as a driver’s extra “eyes.”
Lidar = Light + Radar
Lidar is an enhanced form of radar that measures distance using pulsed laser lights rather than radio waves. Thanks to the differences in laser return times and wavelengths, the data can actually create a 3D representation of the target.
Combinations of cameras, radar and lidar are currently used for passenger car features such as automatic emergency braking and blind spot monitoring. Velodyne, the Silicon Valley-based company that invented lidar more than 10 years ago, is working with tech companies and truck manufacturers to adapt lidar to large Class-A tractor-trailers.
Making “The Big Picture” Even Bigger
According to Andrew Nelson, North America commercial vehicles manager of Velodyne, lidar can provide a constant 360-degree view at nearly 1,000 feet. Velodyne’s system also uses infrared lasers, making them effective even at night or during poor weather conditions.
As with most new technology, cost has been the biggest roadblock to implementing lidar. Velodyne is focused on bringing costs down to mass-market levels, and Nelson believes companies will recognize that the benefits of lidar far outweigh the investment.
Put Safety First with Yard Trucks from DJ Products
Our Electric Yard Dog lets a single person move trailers up to 100,000 pounds, reducing the risk of common musculoskeletal injuries. Visit our website for more information.