What to Know About Uber Freight

What to Know About Uber Freight
What to Know About Uber Freight

Whether you’re an independent driver or a warehouse manager, Uber Freight is quietly changing your industry. Just like the ride-sharing app, the Freight version matches customers to drivers. Shippers can book a load with a few clicks, and owner-operators can always make themselves available to drive.

With freight truckers on demand, a distribution center can simply use a semi trailer mover to line up each load in the yard. Hail a driver from your phone or tablet, and the load is already prepared for departure.

How Uber Freight Works

Initially, the app was made available to truck drivers looking for work. The goal was to help drivers find loads on return trips instead of making deadhead trips.

Now, the Uber Freight platform is fully featured for both carriers and shippers. Distribution firms can enter a few details and get a firm price, then schedule the driver. Drivers can choose to accept a load knowing their pay and without haggling.

The app includes tools for real-time freight tracking, simple documentation, and automated payment after proof of delivery.

Using Uber Freight for Shippers

Given the ongoing driver shortage, Uber Freight seemingly has the potential to help shippers in a pinch. The reduction of paperwork and phone calls also allow you to spend more time on your business.

Are you always looking for more drivers? Do you need to expand your capacity seasonally? DJ Products can help your business succeed with the Uberization of freight, thanks to our Electric Yard Truck semi trailer mover. Dock workers can easily tow and park trailers up to 100,000 pounds to prepare for your Uber trucker’s arrival.

Contact us to request a demo or read more about our semi trailer movers.

Reducing Logistics Costs Through the Use of Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT Will Revolutionize Warehouses
IoT Will Revolutionize Warehouses

The global supply chain already relies on smart technology to speed up distribution, reduce paperwork, and allow customers and vendors to track shipments. Next up, the Internet of Things for logistics is reducing costs by improving tracking and data.

Some retailers are moving closer to on-demand manufacturing. Others are reducing wait times and stagnant inventory by taking advantage of the smallest details, like using yard trucks to prepare trailers to go out even before customers have actually placed the order.

How IoT Affects Logistics

Traditionally, supply chain logistics has been about making the best of push-based systems that require manufacturing parts or products months or years before a product will ever be sold. Missing data and guesstimation lead to high costs.

Connected devices provide better data that makes several cost-cutting and efficiency goals attainable:

– Pull-based ordering and manufacturing

– Solving understock and overstock issues

– Analytics to predict customer demand

– Identify slow parts of the supply chain

– Map inventory from raw materials to delivery

Examples of Supply Chain IoT

Smart devices for the supply chain range from simple products like RFID and GPS sensors to more advanced robotics. The data you collect is just as important for analytics as it is for on-the-ground operations.

Once your supply chain is on the Internet of Things, you can enact measures for better operational efficiency at the warehouse. It’s all about getting things out the door on time – not a moment too soon or too late.

Electric yard trucks allow workers to park trailers at the dock and maneuver them around the lot for immediate pick-up. DJ Products makes powered trailer dollies like the TrailerCaddy yard trucks that any employee can use, even without a CDL.

Contact us for more info about warehouse material handling solutions.

Five Important Trends for 2019 in Logistics – Part One

All the major economic shifts and advances in technology are impacting the transportation and logistics industry. Everyone hears about eCommerce, the blockchain, augmented reality – but in logistics, these buzzwords are already impacting our bottom lines. Let’s dive into the logistics trends for 2019 to anticipate and stay ahead of the game.

How are Trends Changing and How Can Your Business Adapt?
How are Trends Changing and How Can Your Business Adapt?

Machine-driven processes may have the most direct and immediate impact. From robotic picking to new semi trailer movers that tow freight around the yard, any warehouse can benefit from upgrading its material handling equipment.

Accounting and consulting firm PwC recently released Transport and Logistics Trends 2019.

Logistics and the Economy, 2019

First, let’s consider some of the market forces at play:

– Mergers and acquisitions: 38 percent of CEOs are planning an M&A event in the next year. Would consolidation improve your efficiency? Is a competitor about to get much larger?

– International trade deals and trade wars: Are you ready to pivot when the next political move results in shifting trade routes and priorities?

– Rail traffic and trucking shortages: Logistics firms expect the pressure on freight transport to continue. Can you improve warehouse efficiency to mitigate high delivery costs?

All this drama takes place against a backdrop of a strong economy and optimistic forecasts. Money is being made, and the stakes are high. Smaller firms need to stay agile and invest in improvements to come out on top rather than getting eaten up by the behemoths.

The Next Big Thing in Logistics

In Part Two, we’ll look at software and technology trends in logistics. From augmented reality warehouses to automated material handling and semi trailer movers, 2019 will see plenty of changes on the ground and in the cloud. Contact us at DJ Products for more info about trailer movers.

Five Important Trends for 2019 in Logistics – Part Two

Technology Should Make Working Easier. That is the Future. A more Efficient Workplace.
Technology Should Make Working Easier. That is the Future. A more Efficient Workplace.

How should logistics use blockchain? Can technology help businesses make up for a shortage of skilled labor? These are some of the burning questions for logistics in 2019. We’re in a strong business climate, but forecasters like PwC say that two-thirds of T&L CEOs expect technology and other factors to substantially disrupt their business.

Now let’s look at how companies will be using technology to change the game. Yard trucks and other material handling equipment are helping workers of all skill levels. On the digital side, we’re seeing a new generation of logistics tools that use blockchain, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence.

The Machines Are Taking Over…

While the media likes to cover automation that eliminates jobs, most warehouses are using robotics and smart equipment to empower their employees. In 2019, logistics technology is helping businesses make up for the skill gap.

Trends for more efficient logistics include resources such as:

– Predictive AI for inventory, scheduling, deliveries, etc.

– Blockchain and distributed ledgers for security in the supply chain

– Augmented reality (AR) to design an efficient warehouse, find items quickly, scan for shipping, etc.

But We Still Need Tools for Warehouse Workers

Various forms of electro-mobility are empowering businesses to get more productivity and efficiency out of warehouse workers.

Look at the electric yard trucks from DJ Products for an example. You don’t need to waste a CDL driver by asking them to move trailers around the dock or freight yard. Now, any dock worker can shift a semi-trailer using an easy tow dolly. It’s fast, precise, and less expensive than a shunt truck to own and operate.

Follow the DJ Products blog for logistics industry news, and call 800.686.2651 for more info about our yard trucks and material handling equipment.

The “Need for Speed” Hits Supply Chains – What to Know

The "Need for Speed" Hits Supply Chains - What to Know
The “Need for Speed” Hits Supply Chains – What to Know

With Amazon, Target, and the like offering increasingly faster shipping times at little to no additional cost to entice customers, the pressure is on. Those moving goods from the docks via terminal tractors, toting it via tractor trailer, and delivering door-side are all under a time crunch. As the ‘need for speed’ becomes increasingly pressing, how can your business keep up the pace?

Five Supply Chain Logistics Tips for Meeting ‘Instant Gratification’ Needs:

1. Get Closer

Instead of one large distribution center, consider a number of smaller centers to place yourself closer to customers/shippers and speed the flow.

2. Invest in the Right Equipment

Instead of constantly waiting on hostlers, invest in terminal tractors that can be driven by any employee – no CDL or Health Card required. Not only do these motorized trailer dollies offer faster movement, but they improve safety and control, reducing the risk of injury and damage.

3. Make Friends

If you’re a smaller firm, increase your shipping range with the help of a partner, such as local couriers or ShipBob. This nationwide service holds goods in its warehouses, picking, packing and shipping them for small-to-medium sized companies to nearby consumers, shrinking shipping times.

4. Embrace Tech

This includes a number of recent innovations, including:

– Data analytics for better planning.

– Visibility tools that allow you to quickly identify what/where your inventory is.

– Internet of Things (IoT) tools that enable better inventory tracking, segmentation, and placement.

– Predictive analytics to uncover disruptions before they occur.

5. Automate

Sorters, conveyors, and robots are a great way to speed up a range of distribution and fulfillment processes, as are autonomous vehicles.

Running behind? Get your supply chain running a little faster with the help of terminal tractors from DJ Products today.

Logistics Companies Benefit from New Mobile Weighing Technology

This New Mobile Weighing Technology is the Future for Warehousing.
This New Mobile Weighing Technology is the Future for Warehousing.

As online shopping continues to grow, customer expectations increase the need for speed in the supply chain and logistics. Our battery-powered semi trailer movers provide greater efficiency in the truck yard.

Technology is creating tools to streamline operations inside the warehouse. Mobile weighing has become a necessary step in making the loading and unloading process less cumbersome and time-consuming.

Mobile vs. Manual Weighing

In the traditional logistics model, product is transferred via pallet jack or forklift to stationary scales inside the warehouse. As the product is weighed, a worker manually records the data before the load is transported back to the loading/unloading area.

Mobile weighing lets product be loaded or unloaded and weighed simultaneously. In addition, data is captured immediately and transmitted wirelessly to warehouse management systems.

Benefits of Mobile Weighing

– Mobile weighing reduces time and expenses. One medium-sized facility switched to a mobile scale and cut three minutes off each weighment, which calculates out to annual savings of 620 manhours and $21,696 in labor costs.

– Data flows directly into the capturing device, eliminating the risk of human error.

– Locating the weighing mechanism inside a pallet jack or forklift removes the need for a cumbersome assortment of equipment that can cause safety hazards.

What Does the Future Hold?

Mobile weighing systems may ultimately include voice activation and cameras to send visual information down the processing chain. There is also potential for integration with wearables from picking to communicating information to the customer.

Shunting on Demand with Semi Trailer Movers from DJ Products

Why wait for a shunt truck to maneuver trailers around the yard? Our popular Electric Yard Dog can be operated by any worker with no permits or special training required. Contact us for more information.

The Pain Continues with the ELD Data Shift for Compliance

ELD Changes for Semi Truck DriversBe glad your powered trailer mover is functioning correctly. Some ELDs still aren’t. ELD pain continues across all sectors, hitting small fleets and independent owner-operators particularly hard, including Jon Hose of Texas, who was issued a false-log violation in Missouri in June of this year following the malfunction of his ONE20 F-ELD.

Out of Production

Using the most inexpensive ELD on the market, Hose’s violation occurred just two weeks before the manufacturer ONE20 stopped support for the device on June 18. ONE20 recently made the news this summer for losing support from its principal investor, owner of PeopleNet, Trimble Companies, after which it stopped production and support of its F-ELD devices.

Out of Luck

Hose noted en-route malfunctions of his ONE20 F-ELD were common. In an Overdrive Radio podcast he stated he’d noticed ongoing issues with the device: Automatic duty-status changes he still can’t explain, despite his master’s in data science. After one such occurrence, he believed he solved the issue and proceeded to his destination, where he unloaded and attempted to return home, but was instead stopped by a Springfield, Missouri officer.

Out of Service

Believing his ELD wasn’t even connected, and noting yet another malfunction Hose couldn’t explain, the officer put Hose out of service with a false-log violation. He has since switched to provider BigRoad, with no issues to-date. Since this master’s in data science couldn’t explain the issue, those hoping for leniency would do better ensuring the right equipment aboard their rigs, allowing access to logs from an admin account (independent) or ensuring a direct line to key support personnel (fleet/partner carrier), or ELD provider.

Out of commission? Powered trailer movers from DJ Products will get you back in action. Learn more from DJ Products today.

Tire Safety Tips Every Semi Truck Driver Should Know

Maintaining Your Vehicle Is of the Utmost Importance When You're on the Road Often.
Maintaining Your Vehicle Is of the Utmost Importance When You’re on the Road Often.

Is your semi trailer mover toting unsafe equipment? Keeping an eye on the condition of the tires on both your trailer and hauler is key to avoiding costly citations, worsened gas mileage, and potentially deadly wrecks. Put these things on every pre-inspection checklist to ensure a safe, efficient arrival at your destination…

Air Pressure Check

Inform yourself about tire air pressure specifications for your tires and load, making sure tire pressures are at the proper setting for your hauler and cargo. Use an accurate gauge, checking when tires are cold (pre-trip), ensuring adequate pressure and avoiding under-inflation. If maintaining air pressure is a problem, inform your maintenance department ASAP. Low pressure is a major cause of blowouts, fires, and other tire issues.

Check Tire Wear and Damage

Uneven tread wear is a sign of improper air pressure and potential alignment issues. Now, not later, is the time to check for and manage air leaks, axle alignment, tire repair and replacement needs.

Tread Check

Low tread depth impacts traction, reducing your hauler’s ability to brake quickly and efficiently. It can also increase the likelihood of hydroplaning on wet roads, and blowouts – especially when you run over road debris. To ensure safety and keep your hauler on the road, ensure a minimum tread depth of 4/32 on every major tread groove of your steering tires.

Mid-Trip Incidentals

When mid-trip, immediately replace missing valve caps to keep gunk out of valve stems and safeguard tire pressure. If you hit/run-over road debris, don’t keep on trucking. Always pull over and check for tire damage and foreign objects.

Looking for new ways to shorten transportation times, reduce damage, and increase safety? Learn more about semi trailer mover from DJ Products today.

Is “Lidar” the Next Big Thing in Transportation Safety?

The Next Thing for Transportation Safety
The Next Thing for Transportation Safety

Our battery-powered yard trucks greatly reduce risk of workplace injury for your on-site employees. What about the long-haul drivers who are responsible for transporting large tractor-trailers across hundreds or even thousands of miles of highway?

No matter how skilled and experienced a truck driver is, they can’t account for the actions of automobile drivers sharing the road. Lidar technology is on the verge of creating unprecedented safety features that can act as a driver’s extra “eyes.”

Lidar = Light + Radar

Lidar is an enhanced form of radar that measures distance using pulsed laser lights rather than radio waves. Thanks to the differences in laser return times and wavelengths, the data can actually create a 3D representation of the target.

Combinations of cameras, radar and lidar are currently used for passenger car features such as automatic emergency braking and blind spot monitoring. Velodyne, the Silicon Valley-based company that invented lidar more than 10 years ago, is working with tech companies and truck manufacturers to adapt lidar to large Class-A tractor-trailers.

Making “The Big Picture” Even Bigger

According to Andrew Nelson, North America commercial vehicles manager of Velodyne, lidar can provide a constant 360-degree view at nearly 1,000 feet. Velodyne’s system also uses infrared lasers, making them effective even at night or during poor weather conditions.

As with most new technology, cost has been the biggest roadblock to implementing lidar. Velodyne is focused on bringing costs down to mass-market levels, and Nelson believes companies will recognize that the benefits of lidar far outweigh the investment.

Put Safety First with Yard Trucks from DJ Products

Our Electric Yard Dog lets a single person move trailers up to 100,000 pounds, reducing the risk of common musculoskeletal injuries. Visit our website for more information.

Machine Learning Tools Provide Welcome Fast Hauling Quotes to Shippers

Fast Truck Hauling Quotes with Machine Learning
Fast Truck Hauling Quotes with Machine Learning

Are you searching for innovative answers to delivery dilemmas? Now, reducing labor through data platforms and technologically advanced machinery is becoming the norm. If you’ve been waiting for progressive ideas and inventions to accommodate your business plan, wait no longer. The trucking industry is gaining steam on the technology front, utilizing automated “middleman” tactics instead of implementing traditional labor-intensive solutions.

Choosing On-Trend

People who are involved in producing and/or delivering products gain access to pricing tools and time-saving instant truckload booking when using machine learning tools. Similarly, innovations in machinery like our terminal tractors, are leading companies to utilize time-tested battery-operated answers to navigate and solve age-old questions.

Endless phone calls, distracting emails and hours of saturated research between carriers and shippers can cause efficiency errors and safety concerns for those involved. With the right tools, you can cut back on your concerns and increase positive results.

How To

You can protect your employees’ loads and interests by utilizing data collection and analytical technology to widen your business scope and decrease safety issues. Terminal tractors can facilitate safeguards and lower labor costs when you depend on DJ Products’ high-quality machinery to multi-task.

Dedicated employees using our terminal tractors can spend their quality time completing other duties, maximizing efficiency. A simple solution made of many premium moving parts caters to a growing need for simplicity in an often complex industry.

DJ Products’ Simple Solution

If you are seeking a solid answer to continual open-ended questions in your business, DJ Products can help. Terminal tractors and their creators have put in the extra effort so you don’t have to. Help your employees and your business with solutions that are worth the investment! Visit DJ Products today and we’ll get you started!