Manufacturing Industry Shifting Gears Amid Supply Chain Disruptions

One memorable example of a widespread product shortage began in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. Toilet paper was out of stock everywhere – from local grocery stores to online retailer giants like Amazon. While supply chain has always been an integral aspect of businesses, the pandemic-fueled toilet paper shortage and resulting hysteria it caused, sparked a magnified focus on product inventory for companies worldwide. Supply chain breakdown has impacted nearly every industry; especially manufacturing. Companies have been forced adapt to these shifts and look at changing production process to ensure they’re able to deliver their product in a timely manner. According to Industry Today, here are three principles that supply chain-focused employees can implement to adapt to supply-related woes:

Examine Your Process and Deliver

Taking a step back, many leaders in manufacturing have begun to pinpoint weak areas in their own supply chain (including distance and inventory waste) and implement new solutions. Recent research has found that 91% of Chief Supply Chain Officers agree that fixing supply chain issues is important to their business’s success.

Stay Prepared

Change is the only constant. Planning for the future by monitoring data, shipping analytics and economic trends is key to staying ahead of the game and continuing to deliver according to customer expectations.

Customers Dictate Agenda

Meeting customer needs is more than simply delivering a good or service on time. Finding ways to ensure customers’ many needs are met is paramount. Setting expectations on expected delivery timeframe ensures the customer is in the know. Customer expectations ultimately shape the supply chain agenda. We are happy to report that DJ Products has continued to operate with no disruption to service amid the global pandemic. Please reach out to a sales engineer (phone: 1-800-686-2651, email: if you’re interested in a material handling solution for your business!

Use a Trailer Mover to Transport Heavy Items at Trade Shows and Expos

If your company manufactures items like boats or RVs, you probably see a great benefit to participating in trade shows and expos that give interested parties a chance to see your products. Yet, before your salespeople can show off all of the impressive features of a boat or RV that you manufacture, you have to get your products into a convention center or other exhibition hall. And this is where a DJ Products trailer mover can make a difference.

Overextending the body when manually lifting and moving items like trailers from one location to another can cause significant strain. You not only want your merchandise to arrive in good condition; you want your workers to be safe as well. Although a boat, camper or RV travels a short distance to and from your exhibit space, transporting these items even briefly can cause strain. The electric TrailerCaddy trailer mover is a perfect solution.

Our powered trailer movers have lower maintenance costs than typical trailer movers. They are also less bulky than traditional electric trailer pullers, so strain is minimized. However, being less bulky does not mean that our trailer movers are less powerful. Trailer movers like our TrailerCaddy are designed for increased control in tightly confined areas. This is especially useful for maneuvering through busy trade shows and convention centers where workers from other companies are also transporting goods.

If you are interested in seeing just how versatile our trailer movers are, you can inquire about our free demo trial trailer program. Our program allows you to use a trailer mover at your facility on a trial basis before you make a decision about purchasing one. After you fill out the Demo Program Inquiry, a Sales Engineer will get in touch with you to discuss the proper trailer mover solution.

Use a Powered Roll Pusher to Push Paper

You ask some people what they do and they’ll tell you that they spend all day pushing paper. Of course, they say this to give you some idea of the kind of work that they do and to indicate that they work in an office setting. With the use if computers and efforts to reduce paper use, they may not even really push that much paper.

However, we know that in some workplaces people really do push paper and if this describes your workplace, think about getting a Paper Roll Pusher from DJ Products to lighten the load and make work easier and safer.

The CartCaddy Powered Roll Pusher is designed to push rolls of paper, fabric, and other products or equipment that moves in a straight line and roll on their own surfaces–all while helping the operator avoid pushing his or herself over the limit. It has been ergonomically created to prevent the strains and pains that are normally associated with manually pushing and pulling heavy carts and equipment. The use of the roll mover minimizes the risk of injury, which consequently reduces the number of workers’ compensation and insurance claims.

The powered roll pusher provides directional force while the steering mechanism maintains the route of the cart. The CartCaddy pusher has been extremely successful in paper companies and for wire spool applications.

For people who really push paper (as opposed to just moving it from an inbox to an outbox) a powered roll pusher is a great piece of equipment for avoiding injury and getting the job done.

Why Do We Need Material Handling Solutions?

If you are new to an industry in which your employees labor in plants and warehouses, you may not be fully aware of the need for material handling solutions to assist with transporting goods. You may think that if you are supplying your employees with carts or trolleys that they should not need more than that to move products or raw materials around. What you may not realize is just how difficult and possibly dangerous it can be to just use a cart in certain situations.

While a cart or trolley may be equipped with casters, this does not mean it is equipped to handle all of the spaces and surfaces where your employees work. Slight inclines and tight corners may make it difficult to maneuver some types of wheeled equipment that would otherwise move with ease.

A tug from DJ Products can help ease possible muscle strain that could occur when an employee attempts to push or pull carts, especially ones with heavy loads. You can use our industrial tuggers to help transport carts with casters, carts that use 4-swivel casters or a wagon-wheel style of turning, and carts in a straight line. Not only can you avoid employee injury, you can also avoid collisions and accidents that might damage valuable raw materials or products.

It is our goal to provide solutions for material handling situations that are ergonomically correct, safe and cost effective. You can feel free to call us at 800-686-2651 if you are unsure as to which material handling solution will work best for you. Our Sales Engineers can provide recommendations. The will also be happy to explore custom applications where our base products match primary criteria.

Overseas Jobs Could Be Headed Back to America

The tide could be turning. Following up on a campaign promise to stop the flow of manufacturing jobs overseas, President Obama has proposed closing loop holes in the U.S. tax code and raising corporate taxes on offshore earnings to encourage U.S. manufacturers to keep jobs in America. The President is pressuring Congress to eliminate certain tax breaks that he says encourage U.S. companies to move jobs overseas. At the same time, the President’s recently-released budget initiative proposes to increase corporate taxes on overseas earnings.

Proponents say the President’s plan would not only keep more jobs in America, it would raise more than $100 billion in much needed revenue over the next decade. Current tax laws allow U.S. firms to defer taxes on overseas profits if they invest those profits in their foreign subsidiaries. Critics say that practice encourages businesses to fund their foreign operations at the expense of those located on U.S. soil. And, of course, there’s considerable debate on both sides about what the amount of the tax rate should be if the rules are changed. Many consider the current 35% rate (which few actually pay) unsustainable, particularly in the current economy. Some industry experts have suggested a more realistic 15% to 20% tax rate. The debate is expected to be energetic. If your company has a global reach, you might want to weigh in with your Congressional representatives.

Any move to keep U.S. jobs on U.S. soil will be a positive one for America’s manufacturing industry, American workers, and the U.S. economy. Hard-hit by the economic recession and the problems of Detroit’s Big Three auto manufacturers, the future of U.S. manufacturing has been painted as bleak by many. But the real story is much more complex and, fortunately, rosier. While U.S. manufacturing jobs have moved overseas, particularly to China, to take advantage of lower labor costs; over the past 15 years, the number of Chinese manufacturing jobs has not increased, leading industry experts to believe we’re on the downslope of the outsourcing peak, at least with regards to China. In fact, according to the Material Handling Industry of America, the percentage of workers employed in manufacturing is higher in the U.S. than it is in China. Good news for U.S. workers.

More on Friday

U.S. Manufacturing Not Dead Yet

Despite dire reports that U.S. manufacturing is dying, the old boy still seems to be alive and kicking.

  • Sure the recession has U.S. manufacturers flailing, and the failure of the Big Three automakers is a definite blow to the country’s manufacturing power; but it’s far from the death knell some have predicted.
  • Sure global recession has decreased domestic and foreign demand, but faith in history tells us that’s a temporary problem. The turnaround may not materialize as quickly as we’d like, but demand will increase; it always does.
  • Sure manufacturing employment figures are declining, but statistics don’t tell the whole store. The decrease is due in part to improved manufacturing efficiency and automation, not merely the effects of decreased supply and demand in a recessionary economy.

The most important clue that there’s still plenty of life left yet in U.S. manufacturing is that increased efficiency.

U.S. manufacturers have been able to harness technology to produce goods more efficiently with fewer workers, making marked gains in productivity in the process. This increased productivity will make it more attractive for manufacturers to bring manufacturing operations and jobs back to U.S. soil (see our May 13 post). It’s a move the Obama administration is poised to encourage by closing tax loopholes that the President believes have exacerbated the outsourcing of American manufacturing jobs overseas.

The climate is right for such a show of faith by manufacturers. Americans are clamoring to have American goods produced on American soil by American workers. Legions of Americans are making a point to Buy American and eschew foreign-made products and the businesses that sell them. For the first time in decades, U.S. workers, pushed by the Detroit reality, are showing a willingness to scale back their demands and work with manufacturers to make American salaries more competitive in the global market. The economy is tightening up competition, weeding out the weak players and giving the strong a more open playing field. Real estate is cheap and opportunities to purchase near turn-key operations abound for savvy shoppers.

Taken together, the time is ripe to bring U.S. manufacturing — and jobs — back home. U.S. companies that are able to take advantage of the current climate and move jobs back to the U.S. stand to reap untoward benefits in public relations and worker and customer loyalty.