Improve Staff Scheduling for Distribution Center Efficiency

Warehouse Scheduling Tips
Warehouse Scheduling Tips

While state-of-the-art equipment like our trailer dolly helps to maximize productivity, the greatest asset of any company is the workforce. Does your planning include updated scheduling procedures? Empower your employees with staff scheduling approaches that accommodate them as well as your business operations.

Incorporating Flexible Scheduling

The days of fixed 40-hour workweeks for everyone are largely in the rear-view mirror. Many warehouses and distribution centers are adopting scheduling policies that promote greater work/life balance while optimizing staffing levels.

  • With open shift posting, jobs are scheduled for a specific date and time, but they’re not assigned to a specific employee. This allows workers to “bid” on shifts that suit their interest and availability. Some companies also allow employees to trade shifts, such as in the case of an unexpected emergency, which cuts down on unplanned absences.
  • Due to seasonality and other effects on the ebb and flow of business demands, staffing requirements can vary greatly. Voluntary time off, also known as VTO, is a helpful tool in managing these changes. For example, if your warehouse traditionally experiences a slowdown after the first of the year, you can offer workers the chance to take time off. While this differs from PTO (paid time off) in that VTO is unpaid, employees retain their seniority and benefits.


Benefits of Flexible Scheduling
  • According to a report by CNN Money, nearly three-quarters of people surveyed ranked respect as the #1 factor in job satisfaction. Flexible work schedules demonstrate a healthy level of respect for your employees and their needs. As a result, workers will also develop a sense of loyalty that reduces turnover.
  • Just as our trailer dolly and other top-quality equipment helps prevent physical injuries, flexible scheduling promotes mental and emotional well-being through greater job satisfaction. Happy employees maintain a positive attitude and have better attendance.


DJ Products: Your Top Source for Material Handling Solutions

We offer a full line of tugs, movers and pushers that boost workplace efficiency and reduce costly on-the-job injuries. Call DJ Products at 800.686.2651 or use our handy online chat feature to learn more from our friendly and knowledgeable Sales Engineers.

Manufacturing Industry Shifting Gears Amid Supply Chain Disruptions

One memorable example of a widespread product shortage began in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. Toilet paper was out of stock everywhere – from local grocery stores to online retailer giants like Amazon. While supply chain has always been an integral aspect of businesses, the pandemic-fueled toilet paper shortage and resulting hysteria it caused, sparked a magnified focus on product inventory for companies worldwide. Supply chain breakdown has impacted nearly every industry; especially manufacturing. Companies have been forced adapt to these shifts and look at changing production process to ensure they’re able to deliver their product in a timely manner. According to Industry Today, here are three principles that supply chain-focused employees can implement to adapt to supply-related woes:

Examine Your Process and Deliver

Taking a step back, many leaders in manufacturing have begun to pinpoint weak areas in their own supply chain (including distance and inventory waste) and implement new solutions. Recent research has found that 91% of Chief Supply Chain Officers agree that fixing supply chain issues is important to their business’s success.

Stay Prepared

Change is the only constant. Planning for the future by monitoring data, shipping analytics and economic trends is key to staying ahead of the game and continuing to deliver according to customer expectations.

Customers Dictate Agenda

Meeting customer needs is more than simply delivering a good or service on time. Finding ways to ensure customers’ many needs are met is paramount. Setting expectations on expected delivery timeframe ensures the customer is in the know. Customer expectations ultimately shape the supply chain agenda. We are happy to report that DJ Products has continued to operate with no disruption to service amid the global pandemic. Please reach out to a sales engineer (phone: 1-800-686-2651, email: if you’re interested in a material handling solution for your business!

Meet Our Team: Matt

At DJ Products, we have an incredible team of employees that work hard and help keep our business running strong. From Sales to Production to every role in-between, each and every team member plays an important role in the success of our company.  Meet our team!

How long have you worked at DJ Products?

4 years


Assist customers with finding the perfect solution to solve their moving application/needs.

Can you explain your role?

I sell product solutions to customers and assist with internal processes and procedures to improve sales efficiency.

Before you came to DJ Products, what did you do? 

I spent 7 years as a project manager for a structural steel and miscellaneous metals fabricator.  It provided a good background and insight to custom manufacturing processes.

What would you describe as your specialty/specialties and why?

I’d say I’m analytical, detail-oriented and try to look at problems from different angles/viewpoints to find a solution. 

What’s your favorite thing about your job or working at DJ Products?

Interacting with people, co-workers, customers and partners.  The upbeat pace and diversity of sales really makes the days go by fast!  One minute I’m helping a customer find a solution to push vehicles and the next minute helping a different customer move a 200,000 lbs+ railcar.  

What do you like to do in your free time?

Spend time with family, run, hunt, fish.

Favorite T.V. shows: 

Shark Tank, live sports (College Basketball, College Football, Pro Football, NHL Hockey, Baseball), The Office

How do you like your coffee?

N/A, I drink water, a gallon a day! 

Five Key Industries that Benefit from our Electric Tug Solutions

For any business, pinpointing ways to improve efficiency is key. Streamlining operations is an important way to grow your business’s bottom line. Change and improvement remain constants for companies that challenge the notion that “this is the way we’ve always done it.” If moving heavy equipment, materials or carts is a daily task for your business, one actionable way to boost productivity (and employee safety) is to invest in a walk behind electric tug. From manufacturing operations to luxury condos – hospitals to auto repair shops, if you’re moving something heavy, we have an electric solution to help move loads more efficiently. Here are five of the unique industries our hand-tailored products serve:

Industrial/Material Handling

For many manufacturing or distribution environments, manually pushing and pulling are two common actions that place heavy strain on the body and can result in injury. Our specialized industrial cart movers take the load off of employees; allowing one person to easily maneuver carts or heavy equipment from point A to point B. Here’s how Allen Engineering utilizes our electric CartCaddy 5WP to move a large piece of equipment out on the assembly floor:

Dumpster Movers

Who are our dumpster tows best suited for? Most frequently, apartment complexes, commercial properties, multi and single-family housing, as well as restaurants and retail shops use our WasteCaddy products to relocate heavy trash containers from trash room to curbside for pick up. Our trash container movers allow one person to safely and efficiently relocate these bins over a variety of surfaces – even up inclines and on snow, sleet, ice or rain, without risking injury from strains or falls from manually moving the bins by hand. Watch how Pearl Flagler Village Apartments uses a WasteCaddy to save time & effort.

Trailer Movers

Manufacturing operations and distribution centers utilize our heavy-duty TrailerCaddy products to allow one person – no CDL required – to move loaded or unloaded trailers up to 100K lbs. around their lots, or in and out of dock doors. Additionally, trailer or RV storage and sales facilities use our trailer movers to relocate RVs on their lots or on showroom floors. Watch the video below to see why Quality Bicycle Products prefers the TrailerCaddy over an expensive yard truck.

Car & Heavy Truck Movers

Most commonly, auto dealerships, vehicle repair shops, automotive testing facilities and private car owners utilize our vehicle movers to easily push or pull vehicles along assembly lines or around crowded lots without the hassle of manually pushing, which can require 2-4 people depending on the vehicle. LAcarGuy loves using the CarCaddy Car Pusher around the dealership.


The versatility and quality of our aircraft tugs are perfect for any aircraft towing application up to 35,000 lbs. for individual, FBO, or corporate aircraft ground equipment. The AircraftCaddy allows one person to easily move their aircraft in, out and around the hangar or for staging on the ramp in minutes flat. Here’s why Prescott Flying Club loves the AircraftCaddy to maneuver multiple airplanes

No matter the industry you’re in, our electric equipment moving solutions are customized to fit your company’s specific needs. Get in touch with a sales engineer today – 1-800-686-2651 to discuss your application.

Why Now is the Time to Invest in an Electric Material Handling Solution

Ask anyone and they’re likely to agree that 2020 has been anything but normal. Since the pandemic hit the world in full force in the beginning of the year, businesses everywhere have had to learn to adapt rapidly – cutting budgets, streamlining operations, possibly furloughing or laying off employees, and finding ways to do more with less manpower.

Companies in a variety of industries can benefit from our solutions – from apartment complexes maneuvering heavy trash bins, to manufacturing operations moving semi-trailers in and out of docks, to factory workers moving equipment along an assembly line. Below are three reasons why purchasing an electric tug or tow solution can help improve the way you do business.

Invest in Employee Safety

Keeping your team members safe is paramount. The last thing that businesses want to allocate funds to workers compensation claims from on-the-job injuries sustained while manually maneuvering heavy equipment. Our cost-effective battery-powered units allow one person to safely move heavy equipment from point A to point B without causing strains or pain from trying to push or pull wheeled equipment. Additionally, our products are perfect for social distancing; one person can maneuver heavy loads versus the need for multiple employees in close proximity to one another moving equipment manually.

Boost Operational Efficiency

Throughout the pandemic, slowing sales (domestically and internationally) have forced businesses to find innovative ways to increase efficiency throughout their business while simultaneously decreasing the workforce. Our solutions allow one person to get the job done; reducing the number of employees needed to complete a task and improving efficiency. Our battery-powered tow solutions allow for fast maneuverability cutting down on supply chain lags.

Budgets: Use Them or Lose Them

For many departments, annual budgets operate on a “use it or lose it” principle; if not utilized by year-end or fiscal year-end, the funds will expire and may not be carried over. Considering a material handling solution is an excellent investment to help your employees easily and safely relocate heavy equipment or materials in a more efficient manner. If you’re considering a material handling solution, please reach out to one of our sales engineers via phone (1-800-686-2651) or online chat. We’re happy to help you find the right solution for your particular application needs.

DJ Products International Partnership – GCC (United Arab Emirates & Kuwait)

DJ Products is excited to announce a recent global partnership supporting the UAE (United Arab Emirates) and Kuwait. Jamal Shaheen of Dynamic Holding now serves as DJ Product’s representative serving customers in the GCC region. Based in Kuwait, Jamal and his team specialize in supporting solutions for the logistics, transportation, manufacturing, aircraft, and automobile industries in the region. To inquire about our products or for information regarding application solutions in or near UAE & Kuwait, please visit or contact Jamal directly at

DJ Products International Partnership – Australia & New Zealand

DJ Products is excited to announce a recent global partnership supporting Australia & New Zealand. Merit Manufacturing now serves as DJ Product’s territory representative serving customers and sub-distributors in the broader territory. Led by Wade George and based in Campbellfied (Melbourne), Merit Manufacturing specializes in wide ranging metal and steel component manufacturing for industries of all kinds. Timing was ideal for Merit to offer and support a broader product portfolio that could move/tow products applicable to their customer base. To inquire about our products or for information regarding application solutions in or near Australia & New Zealand, please visit or contact Wade and team directly at:

Meet Our Team: Stacy S.

At DJ Products, we have an incredible team of employees that work hard and help keep our business running strong. From Sales to Production to every role in-between, each and every team member plays an important role in the success of our company.  Meet our team!


Sales Engineer – Material Handling

How long have you worked at DJ Products?

Since March, 2004 – 16 years.

What are your responsibilities? 

Sales & Customer Service; communicating with our customers.

Can you explain your role?

I assist customers with their needs; specifically discussing their specific application and helping steer them in the direction of what product would work best. Then, once they’ve purchased a product, if they have questions, feedback or need anything I’m there to provide continued support.

What would you describe as your specialty/specialties and why?

The thing I enjoy the most would be the communication between myself and the customer. I think that I’m personable and can make the customer feel comfortable throughout the process. I enjoy helping them find what their looking for, even if they may not know exactly what that is at first.

What’s your favorite thing about your job or working at DJ Products?

The company; it’s a very friendly environment and our team works together well. Like I mentioned, working with our customers is great too.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Spend time with my family; my husband and three kids who keep me busy!

Favorite T.V. shows: 

Reality T.V. – Real Housewives, Bachelor, Bachelorette.

How do you like your coffee?

I like cappuccino. I need lots of sugar & flavor added.

Encourage Safety in Your Warehouse with Safety Walkarounds

Hard Hats Save Lives, Folks. Wear Them!
Hard Hats Save Lives, Folks. Wear Them!

Use of our electric industrial tugs demonstrates your commitment to employee welfare. Make workplace safety a permanent part of your company culture by conducting regular walkarounds to promote ongoing safety awareness.

What should you focus on during warehouse walkarounds? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends a three-step process for safety inspections.

Before the Inspection

– Never do a “cold” walkaround. Take time beforehand to completely understand warehouse operations and review any previously identified safety issues.

– Talk to managers and supervisors about any specific concerns they may have.

– Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

During the Inspection

– Limit walkaround participants to a handful of people. Larger groups may intimidate workers and prevent open communication.

– Look for hazards such as blocked aisles and doorways, exposed electrical wiring, and sloppy work areas.

– Solicit employee input as much as possible. Reassure workers that your goal is to spot and solve problems, not point fingers.

– As you go, make a list of identified hazards and prioritize them based on risk level.

After the Inspection

– Lack of follow-through dooms many workplace programs. Employees will be more engaged and cooperative when they see you taking action on findings.

– Create a hazard abatement plan specifying a course of action and timeline for addressing each issue discovered on the walkaround.

– Share the plan with both supervisors and employees and provide progress updates.

– If you don’t already have one, form a warehouse safety committee to help further integrate safety education and awareness in daily workplace operations.

Make Industrial Tugs from DJ Products Part of Your Safety Program

Customers say ergonomically designed industrial tugs such as our best-selling CartCaddyShorty are “like having an extra employee.” Our cheerful sales engineers are available to help through our convenient online chat feature.

Encourage Safety in Your Warehouse with Safety Walkarounds

Managing Your Warehouse by Walking Around
Managing Your Warehouse by Walking Around

Use of our electric industrial tugs demonstrates your commitment to employee welfare. Make workplace safety a permanent part of your company culture by conducting regular walkarounds to promote ongoing safety awareness.

What should you focus on during warehouse walkarounds? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends a three-step process for safety inspections.

Before the Inspection

– Never do a “cold” walkaround. Take time beforehand to completely understand warehouse operations and review any previously identified safety issues.

– Talk to managers and supervisors about any specific concerns they may have.

– Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

During the Inspection

– Limit walkaround participants to a handful of people. Larger groups may intimidate workers and prevent open communication.

– Look for hazards such as blocked aisles and doorways, exposed electrical wiring, and sloppy work areas.

– Solicit employee input as much as possible. Reassure workers that your goal is to spot and solve problems, not point fingers.

– As you go, make a list of identified hazards and prioritize them based on risk level.

After the Inspection

– Lack of follow-through dooms many workplace programs. Employees will be more engaged and cooperative when they see you taking action on findings.

– Create a hazard abatement plan specifying a course of action and timeline for addressing each issue discovered on the walkaround.

– Share the plan with both supervisors and employees and provide progress updates.

– If you don’t already have one, form a warehouse safety committee to help further integrate safety education and awareness in daily workplace operations.

Make Industrial Tugs from DJ Products Part of Your Safety Program

Customers say ergonomically designed industrial tugs such as our best-selling CartCaddyShorty are “like having an extra employee.” Our cheerful sales engineers are available to help through our convenient online chat feature.