The Benefits of Transitioning from a Forklift to a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Warehouse Transitioning from Forklifts to a Motorized Trailer Dolly
Transitioning from Forklifts to a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Forklifts are the traditional way to move loads around warehouses and other facilities. This equipment comes with a number of risks to employees, though. Switching to a motorized trailer dolly can provide a more efficient, safer, and faster way to move heavy loads or items around. Find out more about the benefits of making this change.

Saves Time

Trailer dollies are easier to operate compared to forklifts. This can help reduce the amount of time it takes to push or pull pallets and other loads around warehouses, distribution centers, and other facilities. Saving time allows workers to handle other tasks, leading to increased productivity.

Reduces Costs

Forklifts can cost your company more in terms of hiring drivers with the right training and paying workers’ compensation for accidents and injuries. Using motorized trailer dollies instead costs your business less. Fewer accidents help lower workers’ compensation costs, and operators don’t need to be certified to use this equipment as forklift operators do.

Improves Safety

Having a forklift move loads around carries a high risk of injuries and accidents. This equipment is difficult to maneuver, especially in tight settings. Trailer dollies can handle tight turns and move loads around more safely, which helps decrease the risk of injuries and accidents on the job.

Enhances Efficiency

Forklifts can be challenging to use, which can require more time and effort for moving items or heavy loads around. Changing to electric trailer dollies helps boost efficiency in your business. This equipment makes it easier to pull and push loads from place to place, resulting in a more efficient workplace.

Uses Cleaner Energy

Forklifts typically require gas, diesel, propane, or other fuels to run. This uses up more energy, while also being less eco-friendly. Trailer dollies that run on electricity consume less energy and can be powered up for use in one or more shifts at a time before needing to be recharged. This also helps your company save money.

If you’re looking for the right motorized trailer dolly for your company, contact DJ Products. Our experts can help you select the best type for your business.

4 Ways Ergonomic Motorized Equipment for Manual Material Handling Improves Safety

Motorized Material Handling Equipment in a Warehouse.
Motorized Material Handling Equipment

Workplace musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) include injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, back strains and hernias. Did you know that, in addition to direct treatment costs, WMSDs can cost up to five times as much in indirect costs? Find out how equipment such as our motorized trailer dolly can increase workplace safety and reduce risk of WMSDs.

How Does Ergonomic Motorized Equipment Improve Material Handling Safety?

1. Minimizes strain and fatigue

Excessive stress placed on joints and muscles is one of the leading causes of WMSDs. Employees may lift materials that are too heavy or

perform repetitive motion tasks that create undue strain. Use of motorized equipment takes the physical burden of such activities off the employees, relieving the causes of musculoskeletal stress.

2. Encourages correct posture and position

Have you ever seen workers attempting to extend their reach to retrieve an object on a high rack? Maybe you’ve noticed people bending over to pick up heavy items, rather than bending at the knees and using their legs. When an employee operates our motorized trailer dolly, they can maintain optimum posture as the dolly performs any necessary turns, twists and lifting.

3. Limits time spent on manual tasks

Alarmingly, nearly three-quarters of workers who participate in manual material handling, or MMH, experience back-related pain. These injuries, in turn, account for approximately one-third of compensation costs and lost productivity. Motorized material handling equipment moves items safely and efficiently, without the need for manual labor.

4. Reduces risk of slip-and-drop accidents

Many objects in a warehouse are heavy and bulky or have an irregular shape. This makes it difficult for workers to get a secure grip when handling or transporting these items. As a result, an employee may twist their body or limbs to gain better control, or they may lose their grasp altogether, causing injury to themselves or damage to the item.

Choose the Motorized Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

Are you ready to make safety a priority in your warehouse? Contact us at 800.686.2651, where our knowledgeable Sales Engineers are standing by to help you find the right ergonomic motorized tug, mover or pusher for your application.