Can Equipment Moving Solutions Be Used in Icy and Snowy Conditions?

Fall may have technically just begun, but for many regions worldwide, dropping temps and snowfall are fast approaching. While winter’s icy conditions and snow may put a damper on roadway conditions, they’re no match for our heavy equipment-moving solutions.

All of our products – from our TrailerCaddy Terminal Tractor to our AircraftCaddy Airplane Tow have been rigorously tested and can traverse not only wet and rainy conditions, but also ice and light snow. Every company’s application and needs are unique. Depending on the amount of snowfall in your area, using grit over the snow to promote traction may be recommended. Our sales engineers are skilled in helping customize your specific product based on your conditions.

Optional Customizations to Enhance your Solution for Winter Use

The below options are available to tailor fit your battery-powered unit to fit your needs:

  • Heavy duty snow tires
  • Safety light and/or lighting kits
  • Extra weight for increased traction

If your business is located in an area with frequent cold temps, snow or ice, work with our experienced sales engineers to ensure your equipment-moving solution is optimized for your application. Watch the below video to see the AircraftCaddy push an airplane over icy terrain into the hangar. Interested in your own material handling solution? Don’t hesitate to reach out to a sales engineer at 1-800-686-2651 or at

Customizing your Electric Equipment-Moving Unit for your Application


You have determined that your business needs a solution to move heavy equipment (trailers, materials, vehicles, etc.) The next step is identifying and considering your application details. These factors help paint a picture of your unique scenario so our sales engineers can find the perfect solution for you. Application specifics include:

  • The average weight of the item/materials you need to transport
  • How often you need to move your item/materials
  • How are you moving your item/materials now and what don’t you like about it?
  • Whether there is a grade or slope that you need to traverse
  • The conditions you will be moving your equipment in (indoor, outdoor, cold temperatures, etc.)

In addition to pinpointing the best unit for your application, our list of optional add-on customizations may further optimize your solution.  Here are some optional customizations we offer:

  • Safety Flashing Light & Pole
  • Battery Upgrades
  • Heavy Duty Tire Upgrades
  • Custom Built Brackets or Attachments

Our solutions are not one size fits all. DJ Products sales engineers are masters at their craft – considering all application factors to hand-tailor you the perfect equipment-moving solution. Work with your designated sales engineer to ensure your solution will fit your needs.

Check out our customer testimonial videos

Interested in a particular solution? Tell us about your needs and a member of our team will be in touch shortly. Feel free to contact us by phone at 1-800-686-2651 or via email at

How to Save Money by Using Eco-Friendly Electric Material Handling Solutions

Our electric material handling solutions offer many perks for companies large and small: improved operational efficiency, increased safety measures, and unparalleled load maneuverability to name a few. Additionally, our battery-powered equipment moving units are no-emission.  Rather than relying on pollution-causing gas or diesel, all of DJ Products tugs are electric and environmentally-friendly. Companies who use our eco-conscious electric material handling solutions can take advantage of additional cost-savings via various state-specific environmental programs, such as the California Clean Energy Program or the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. These various programs can reimburse California companies quarterly for utilizing electric and environmentally-friendly material handling solutions. According to the website, “The California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted to extend the LCFS program by ten years to 2030 and to double the program’s carbon intensity reductions target from 10% to 20%.” If you have already purchased one of our electric equipment moving solutions, or if you’re looking to find one in the future, be sure to check out your state’s specific environmental programs to take advantage of possible reimbursement opportunities. We offer material handling solutions for virtually any industry. To discuss your application needs, please reach out to one of our sales engineers at 1-800-686-2651 or at

Why Now is the Time to Invest in an Electric Material Handling Solution

Ask anyone and they’re likely to agree that 2020 has been anything but normal. Since the pandemic hit the world in full force in the beginning of the year, businesses everywhere have had to learn to adapt rapidly – cutting budgets, streamlining operations, possibly furloughing or laying off employees, and finding ways to do more with less manpower.

Companies in a variety of industries can benefit from our solutions – from apartment complexes maneuvering heavy trash bins, to manufacturing operations moving semi-trailers in and out of docks, to factory workers moving equipment along an assembly line. Below are three reasons why purchasing an electric tug or tow solution can help improve the way you do business.

Invest in Employee Safety

Keeping your team members safe is paramount. The last thing that businesses want to allocate funds to workers compensation claims from on-the-job injuries sustained while manually maneuvering heavy equipment. Our cost-effective battery-powered units allow one person to safely move heavy equipment from point A to point B without causing strains or pain from trying to push or pull wheeled equipment. Additionally, our products are perfect for social distancing; one person can maneuver heavy loads versus the need for multiple employees in close proximity to one another moving equipment manually.

Boost Operational Efficiency

Throughout the pandemic, slowing sales (domestically and internationally) have forced businesses to find innovative ways to increase efficiency throughout their business while simultaneously decreasing the workforce. Our solutions allow one person to get the job done; reducing the number of employees needed to complete a task and improving efficiency. Our battery-powered tow solutions allow for fast maneuverability cutting down on supply chain lags.

Budgets: Use Them or Lose Them

For many departments, annual budgets operate on a “use it or lose it” principle; if not utilized by year-end or fiscal year-end, the funds will expire and may not be carried over. Considering a material handling solution is an excellent investment to help your employees easily and safely relocate heavy equipment or materials in a more efficient manner. If you’re considering a material handling solution, please reach out to one of our sales engineers via phone (1-800-686-2651) or online chat. We’re happy to help you find the right solution for your particular application needs.