A Push for Greater Productivity and Efficiency is a Top Material Handling Trend in 2024

Top Material Handling Trends 2024 and Electric Trailer Dollies
Electric Trailer Dollies Improve Workplace Safety

Companies in many industries are looking for ways to boost productivity and efficiency in the new year. In the material handling industry, this push is even more important as workers face risks of accidents on the job. The following are some of the top trends that are relevant to these issues.

Labor Shortage

Worker shortages are leading business owners in material handling to look at other options for improving productivity. While some are turning to robotics and other automated systems, there are other solutions to this problem. The use of an electric trailer dolly, for example, allows workers to move loads more efficiently and quickly. This can help make up for having fewer workers to handle these kinds of tasks.

Commercial Construction Costs

The increasing cost of construction has some companies exploring other option for expanding. Rather than paying to have new facilities or additions built, some companies are looking into having overhead conveyors and similar systems installed. This gives companies a way to get more use out of existing space instead of needing new commercial construction.

Quick Delivery Times

With more customers expecting rapid deliveries, companies in the material handling industry have had to find ways to adapt. These businesses need improved ways to have merchandise shipped as quickly as possible without having to wait for brand new systems to be installed.

E-Commerce Growth

Material handling companies need solutions to handle the increase in online shopping. With more consumers turning to e-commerce stores and expecting fast deliveries, these businesses need distribution center and warehouse solutions that allow them to keep up with this pace. Trailer dollies offer a smart way to ensure better productivity and efficiency.


More and more material handling companies are exploring ways to improve energy efficiency. Forklifts and other equipment that uses fuel are costly to operate, while also using up a lot of energy. Motorized trailer dollies that run on electricity provide a more energy-efficient solution.

If you’re looking for ways to become more productive and efficient, contact DJ Products. Our experts can help you find the right solution, such as investing in a trailer dolly.

Tips for Improving Warehouse Efficiency

Expect the Unexpected
Expect the Unexpected

Warehouse management can often feel like a circus juggling act as you struggle to keep everything up in the air. Does your warehouse equipment help or hinder productivity in your warehouse? Here are four more tips to help you “keep your eye on the ball” and optimize warehouse efficiency.

Tips for Improving Warehouse Efficiency

1. Keep Aisles Clear of Obstructions

Leaving empty pallets or unshelved merchandise sitting in the aisles “just for a minute” can stretch into hours or even days, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Make sure employees are in the habit of keeping the aisles free of anything that doesn’t belong.

2. Optimize Warehouse Design to Meet Workflow Needs

Minimizing travel time is key to improving productivity. Design storage and layout of your warehouse to reduce the number of times a product has to be touched, eliminating need for time-wasters such as repalletizing or restacking.

3. Analyze Order Processing Cycle Time

Do you know how long it takes to process the average order in your warehouse? One distribution center was stunned to discover that less than 40 percent of their order processing cycle time was spent in actually working on the order. Analyze your current order processing steps and identify weak spots.

4. Establish a Culture of Safety

Workplace accidents have both short- and long-term effects on your overall productivity and the injured worker’s health. Enforce use of appropriate safety equipment, train employees in proper procedures and post safety tips and reminders in visible places.

DJ Products: Your #1 Choice for Safe and Efficient Warehouse Equipment

DJ Products offers a comprehensive line of battery-powered tugs, movers and pushers to accommodate the needs of any application. Visit our website and use the convenient online chat feature to learn more.

Material Handling Equipment Market Surges Forward Aggressively into 2018

Make Your Job Easier. Get Equipment for Material Handling.
Make Your Job Easier. Get Equipment for Material Handling.

In 2018, we’ll see more automated equipment purchased and implemented than ever before. Companies in the e-commerce industry are increasingly looking for material handling equipment suppliers for powered carts and cart pullers. Elsewhere, industries ranging from food distribution to heavy construction are also turning to machines for better efficiency.

While automation is often associated with labor reduction, many more factors will drive the material handling equipment industry in 2018 and beyond. Equipment can make the job significantly safer for human workers. In warehouses, picking and packing can be both faster and more accurate.

Soaring Sales for Material Handling Equipment

The consultancy Market Research Future forecasts a compound annual growth rate of 7.5% through 2023 for the material handling equipment supplier industry.

E-commerce leads the way, and Asia will be the region outspending the rest. The most common application is material handling for smaller loads such as retail goods and small parts.

Small and large players are driving competition in the field. Rather than being dominated by just a few global manufacturers, firms often choose a regional material handling equipment supplier.

Industrial Equipment from DJ Products

What’s the only thing holding back the market? Much of the technology available requires a high initial investment, and implementation involves a radical change to the way your warehouse operates.

DJ Products offers more affordable solutions. Our material handling equipment can easily be learned and operated by just about any employee.

Our offerings include the CartCaddy (and CartCaddyLite version) with an ergonomic design to push or pull heavy loaded carts with ease. There are also more task-specific models like the PartsCaddy and CarpetCaddy.

Need a new material handling equipment supplier? Contact us at DJ Products to stay ahead of industry trends with game-changing industrial equipment.

Automation Is Changing Warehousing

Warehousing and distribution centers are being forced to perform more quickly than ever before and meet a growing list of unique customer requirements. Automation is the key to success.

“To get more throughput while decreasing cycle times, more facilities are turning to the strategic use of automation for picking, conveying, storage and sortation,” wrote Modern Materials Handling editor Bob Trebilcock in a May 2006 Modern Materials Handling article on warehousing systems.

Over the past decade, automated systems have moved from simple stock locator systems to islands of single-task automation to the unified, integrated systems being installed today. Automation is speeding up every aspect of warehousing, including inventory control, receiving, material movement, picking, packing and shipping. Automation allows greater volumes to be handled in shorter timeframes. Today, automation allows customization of an end-user’s needs to be accomplished with amazing speed, accuracy and efficiency.

Engineering a customer’s requirements “into the workflow” and performing them as a matter of course, is the most efficient and cost-effective way to meet specific customer requirements, Trebilcock writes in a July 2008 Modern Materials Handling article. Some examples of using automation to meet unique customer requirements:

  • Pick-to-light solutions ensure order-picking accuracy and maintain throughput.
  • Synchronizing material delivery to the production line in the same sequence as component assembly and packing saves time on the order assembly line.
  • Automatic print and apply processes save labor in applying shipping labels and guarantee accurate shipments.

Anything you can do to automate your warehousing or distribution operation will improve speed and accuracy for your customers and allow you to handle a higher volume while still meeting unique customer requirements.

Material Handling Offers Good Job Growth Potential

Particularly in a tight economy everyone wants to know where the jobs are and where they’re going to be for the next decade or so. Material handling and the related fields of logistics and warehousing are growth industries that offer good job potential now and into the future. International development is predicted to drive 5% annual growth in the worldwide material handling industry for each of the next five years (see our Sept. 22 post). In the U.S. retiring baby boomers are creating critical worker shortages in logistics and warehousing. However, automation and increasingly sophisticated technology are also creating a need for more highly skilled and more highly educated workers.

While the value of experiential education is still recognized, a bachelor’s degree is the new entre into a professional career; and a master’s degree, the ticket to climbing the career ladder, according to Mike Ensby of Clarkson University’s Engineering & Global Operations Management Department. “The three most important credentialing letters today seem to be ‘MBA,'” he said in a recent interview with Modern Materials Handling, particularly if you’re aiming for the boardroom.

Companies do still hire people right out of high school, and many professionals who began their own careers that way seem to place greater value on certified skills than college degrees. But material handling is in a state of transition. Industry experts say the drive to automation and integrated systems will increasingly demand a workforce with advanced technical skills. Tomorrow’s warehouse worker is more apt to operate a computer than a forklift.

In the coming decade, high school grads may find themselves stuck in a career track that rarely rises above skilled labor, such as order fulfillment. “Going into the future, not many people will have much success in their career progression without professional development of some kind,” Ensby said.

Next time: What courses will catapult your material handling career to success? What will employers be looking for?

Education That Will Forward Your Material Handling Career

Material handling offers good growth potential now and for the future. It is also becoming increasingly automated and technical (see our Sept. 29 post). So how can students interested in material handling as a growth career and current workers who want to move up position themselves to be in demand by employers today and into the future?

Industry experts agree that education is the key. While a high school diploma can still get you an entry-level job on the warehouse floor, it will take certified skills to maintain that job as the level of technology accelerates through the material handling, warehousing and logistics industries. Moving up the corporate ladder will increasingly require a bachelor’s degree. If you aspire to a management position, plan on putting in that extra year or two to get your MBA. Some colleges now offer concurrent bachelor/MBA programs and many offer night, weekend and online courses. Executive MBA programs geared to working business professionals provide an accelerated path to a higher degree by recognizing acquired experiential knowledge.

“Going into the future, not many people will have much success in their career progression without professional development of some kind,” warned Mark Ensby, director of Clarkson University’s Engineering & Global Operations Management Department. “The three most important credentialing letters today seem to be ‘MBA.'”

As automation and the global economy drive industry to greater integration, versatility and cross-industry knowledge will be increasingly valued. Students who combine material handling courses with industrial engineering, logistics, supply chain, warehousing, project management and computer systems studies will best position themselves for the future.

Partnerships between industry associations and universities are also expected to increase experiential learning. As it moves toward the future, material handling and associated industrial engineering industries will be looking for graduates with experiential learning, not just theoretical knowledge. “Associations like MHIA are going to play more and more of an important role in leveraging universities as the provider of skilled employees,” predicted Dan Boos, president of consulting firm Gorillas and Gazelles.

Mark Tomlinson, executive director of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, has called for public schools to place greater emphasis on manufacturing as a viable career choice. Industry pressure is expected to increase two-year technical training opportunities in manufacturing, material handling, and industrial engineering fields. Tech schools, some beginning at the high school level, are seen as a quick way of solving the looming worker shortage in these industries. “The challenge is there just isn’t going to be enough of anybody for what’s needed,” Boos said.

“Over their lifetime, many of them (high school grads) will earn more because they started working sooner than those who took four or five years to finish college,” Tomlinson pointed out. “So we’ve got to get away from a good job/bad job mindset and encourage people to get some training.”

Plenty of Jobs Available in Material Handling Fields

With the economy down and unemployment up, jobs are a hot topic this election. As industry starts to feel the economic pinch, plants are closing, workers are being laid off and some companies are facing bankruptcy. But there are jobs aplenty in the material handling industry and the associated industries of logistics, fulfillment and warehousing.

There’s a severe shortage of qualified industrial workers in America, particularly in material handling fields, that holds promise for job-seekers. The material handling industry is expected to be “50% short in terms of employees needed by 2010,” said Virginia Wheeler, executive director of the Material Handling Industry of America’s (MHIA) Education Foundation. The growing worker shortfall guarantees job security well into the next decade for people going into material handling jobs in warehouses, fulfillment centers, logistics operations, and factories.

“Our industry is begging for people,” said Dan Quinn, MHIA VP for education. He feels America’s high schools are undercutting the value of the trade jobs that built and continue to build America. “A lot of schools measure themselves on the percentage of students who go on to college,” Quinn criticized. “Schools should embrace the concept that non-college-bound students are still valuable contributors to the economy and society.”

The reality is that many high school students are not interested in pursuing a college education for a wide variety of reasons. Many simply prefer hands-on, physical work to sitting at a desk. Many are anxious to get out on their own and lack the interest in four more years of schooling. Many do not have the financial resources to consider college but must provide for themselves immediately after high school graduation. As the recession deepens, finances are expected to play an increasing role in education/work decisions. Some high school juniors and seniors, like Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s future son-in-law, have already been forced to drop out of school to help support their families. Some employers are offering their employees the opportunity to complete their high school education through GED programs.

It’s unfortunate that many high school guidance counselors are so focused on college that they ignore the positive opportunities available in material handling industries. Raising awareness of job opportunities is one of the primary challenges facing the material handling industry, said Alan Howie, author of Fundamentals of Warehousing and Distribution. “. . . the essential problem is we have to get the message out there that . . . work in the material handling industry is much more than a manual labor job. It’s a career in a high-tech industry. Our challenge is to build awareness of all of this in the schools and colleges.”

What You Can Do to Attract Workers to Material Handling

By the end of this decade — that’s only two short years away — industry experts are predicting a 50% shortfall of material handling workers. Worker shortages are already being felt in manufacturing, logistics, transportation, warehousing and fulfillment venues; and it’s only going to get worse (see our November 3 post). The Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA) and other industry leaders are spearheading initiatives to build awareness of material handling job opportunities in America’s high schools and colleges, but they can’t do it alone. Each of us must work to change public opinion and entice young people into our industry if we are to survive.

In building awareness of job opportunity in the material handling industry, we will need to update our image with school counselors, students and the public at large. Our efforts to attract new workers are burdened by the outdated perception of material handling workers as unskilled manual laborers lagging at the bottom of the payment and benefit scale. Times have changed. Material handling jobs offer good pay, good benefits and a growth industry, an appealing triumvirate, particularly during the current economic downturn that is forcing many industries to lay off workers.

Of added benefit is the ability of material handling to offer jobs across the educational spectrum. While college grads and MBAs increasingly populate our industry, there is still great appreciation for the individual who moves right into the workforce out of high school, determined to work hard and make something of his life. It’s how many of today’s leaders in the material handling industry got their start, and we haven’t forgotten. The increasing emphasis on automation and system integration in our industry should appeal to the computer-savvy teens and 20-somethings poised to enter the workforce. Material handling jobs can offer young people the opportunity to reap immediate reward from their prodigious self-taught computer skills. And many employers will help workers increase and improve both their technical and business skills through educational assistance programs. The “you learn while you earn” approach can be particularly appealing during a tough economy.

So how can you help get the word out? Visit guidance counselors at local high schools, tech schools and community colleges. Let them know what material handling has to offer their students and leave some brochures they can pass out to students. Volunteer to speak at career day programs. This is a great opportunity to talk directly to students. Invite vocational high school or community college classes on a tour of your facilities and explain job opportunities. Offer summer internships or initiate a co-op (work/study) program through local high schools, community colleges or universities.  This is time-honored way to give interested students a taste of the real work world, and many co-op students become full-time employees.

Attracting future workers to the material handling industry is everyone’s job. Get out there in your community and start spreading the word. Our future depends on it.

“Where do you get off …?” Why DJ Products Talks About Economy, Politics

We cover a lot of ground in the DJ Products’ blog: general material handling news, business and production tips, product specifications and applications, industry trade shows, ergonomics, government regulations, and manufacturing forecasts. To the apparent annoyance of some of our readers, we also discuss the economy and politics.

It’s our view that today’s astute business person is interested in a broad view of the business world, as opposed to a narrow, industry-specific perspective. Because he/she realizes that American business does not exist in a vacuum, the savvy business person is interested in not only what’s in front but what’s coming over the horizon. It’s the economic and political landscape of our country that shapes that future view.

One of the purposes of this blog is to provide a forum for discussing those broader forces that affect U.S. business. If our readers just wanted to learn about DJ Products’ ergonomically-designed carts, tugs and movers, they could visit our website. But we think they want more, and we’re not the only ones. Many industry bloggers stray off their own narrow subjects to address the greater concerns of business. And, like us, they get the occasional reader comment, “Where do you get off ….” talking about the economy or politics or whatever annoys the reader. 

Mike Botta addressed this issue in his March 2 post on the Industrial Equipment News blog. Botta labeled it “Stimulosis Psychosis,” which he defined as “a rare disorder that causes people to temporarily lose touch with today’s economic, political and business realities.” Botta has run into the same issue we have: Blog readers complaining that they prefer to get their economic and political news from other sources. It seems to be a question of bona fides. While we agree that we are not national experts in the field of economics or politics, who better to discuss how the broad concepts bandied about in Washington will actually affect the businesses forced to apply them than the business owners tasked with the job?

An excellent case in point is national ergonomics standards. Ergonomics standards have waxed and waned with Washington’s shifting political winds: in with Clinton, out with Bush, coming in again with Obama. While business owners generally support ergonomic measures because they increase production, lower overall costs and improve worker health and safety, the state of the economy has many worried about the expense of implementation and reporting procedures if the feds get involved.

Politics and the economy are all part and parcel of doing business in America. It’s like Botta, who writes about industrial equipment, says in his blog, “No Industry = No Equipment.” Without a viable U.S. industrial community, material handling firms have no market for their equipment. A healthy industrial community is dependant on a healthy economy and, right now in particular, a healthy economy is dependant on politics.

Corporate Videos Get Their Own YouTube Site

Billed as YouTube for business, eCorpTV.com seems tailor-made for videophiles like DJ Products’ marketing department! As we’re sure you’ve noticed when you visit our website, we’re great fans of video. At DJ Products, we’ve found that while a picture may be worth a thousand words, a video is the next best thing to putting our product in the customer’s hand. Just as realtors have discovered that video tours draw home buyers, DJ Products has discovered that showing customers what our ergonomic powered carts can do is a highly effective way to sell our product.

That’s the idea behind eCorpTV.com. Businesses from Fortune 500s to small start ups can quickly and easily post their product videos on the site free of charge. As the site developers note, more than 68% of American workers aged 25 to 44 will watch online videos this year. Adding online video marketing to your advertising mix just makes sense. Online videos have the potential to attract not only customers, but investors, journalists and potential employees. Corporations don’t have to worry about competing with stupid pet tricks or humorous rants, eCorpTV.com accepts only G-rated legitimate business videos. They aim to become a quality service for the business community.

We think they’re on the right track. Watch one of the DJ Product ergonomic material handling product videos. We’ve found that no amount of text can show quite as effectively as a video exactly how tight a turn our CartCaddy power tug can make or just how our side-steer powered cart can be maneuvered. If you haven’t added video to your product website yet, it’s time to take a page from the future and start filming!