DoD Forms Advisory Panel to Help Firms that Aren’t Typical DoD Contractors

Changing Regulatory Instructions for the DoD are Fueling a Need for More Technological Adaption.
Changing Regulatory Instructions for the DoD are Fueling a Need for More Technological Adaption.

The most innovative companies have countless ideas and technologies that are useful to the Department of Defense, but doing business with DoD can look and feel very differently than what tech firms are used to. In Silicon Valley and beyond, firms that prize speed, agility, and the ability to pivot or launch a product on a moment’s notice can feel encumbered by red tape when collaborating with the government.

A DoD advisory panel was recently formed to expedite collaboration with non-traditional contractors—those companies who aren’t accustomed to DoD contracts.

So far, the Government Accountability Office has identified these challenges facing DoD contractors’ equipment needs, negotiations, and finances:

• Complex processes

• Drawn-out processes

• Inexperience on the part of DoD staff

• Unusual, government-specific terms and conditions

• Unpredictable budget and cash flow issues

• Conflicts with intellectual property rights

Government and the tech industry have long enjoyed a two-way street of innovation and growth. What’s different now? According to the GAO, the private sector has increased R&D spending by 200% since 1987, while the government has held steady at 10% growth.

Among the goals: speed up contracting agreements to 60 days max, and enable DoD agility with easier access to new technology platforms.

Technology for Government and Military Contractors

At DJ Products, our GSA-approved material handling carts serve military and DoD contractors’ equipment needs in hangars, warehouses, factories, construction sites, and more.

From the TrailerCaddy Chain Drive battery-powered trailer hauler to the remote-controlled BombCaddy for explosives removal or general confined space towing, we have solutions that empower DoD contractors and make it easier to fulfill government work. Contact DJ Products today for more info!

Probe Started into Camo Colors Selected for Afghanistan Military by the Pentagon

Probe Started into Camo Colors Selected for Afghanistan Military by the Pentagon
Probe Started into Camo Colors Selected for Afghanistan Military by the Pentagon

Military spending by the Department of Defense is sometimes a source of controversy. The subject recently took an unusual turn when a criminal probe was launched regarding the purchase of uniforms for Afghan troops.

“This Is About Reason and Common Sense”

John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, opened the investigation this past July. Sopko made the announcement when he recently appeared before a House Armed Services subcommittee.

According to Sopko, there are two significant problems with the purchase:

• Although Afghanistan is largely covered by desert, the uniforms feature a woodland pattern.

• The expensive and proprietary pattern was purchased from a private contractor when the Defense Department had their own patterns available for use.

In the IG’s 17-page report, it was implied that the pattern was selected based on a whim expressed by the Afghan defense minister rather than a formal assessment to determine an appropriate choice.

The Government Reacts

While the Pentagon and the IG are often at odds, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis criticized the “ineffective and wasteful manner” of spending taxpayer dollars. Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO), chair of the oversight and investigations panel, stated, “We cannot afford to make avoidable mistakes.”

Electric Tugs and Movers for DoD Contractors’ Equipment Needs

Moving heavy equipment such as aircraft, boats and trailers is labor-intensive and carries a significant risk of injury. DJ Products offers a full line of electric tugs and movers to accommodate any DoD contractors’ equipment needs.

Visit our website and let one of our friendly and knowledgeable sales engineers help you find the right solution for your business.

The Military Can Teach Business Owners the Value of Supporting Family

The Military Can Teach Business Owners the Value of Supporting Family
The Military Can Teach Business Owners the Value of Supporting Family

If you’re looking for advice on family dynamics, the U.S. military might not be the option that leaps to mind. In reality, the challenges of managing a massive workforce that’s continually on the move make the military a unique source of tips on how companies can support employees and their families.

Managing Career and Family: How to Succeed at Both

• Working parents have difficulty balancing the demands of the job against sharing quality time with their families. Show consideration by keeping their job commitments as predictable as possible. End meetings on time and limit last-minute assignments to true emergencies.

• People often compartmentalize their personal and professional lives, but shifting gears on a dime can actually keep us off-kilter. Encourage employees to settle into a moderate routine that prevents drastic shifts in tone.

• Your company probably offers a quality employee assistance program including counseling and other resources, but people are often reluctant to use them. Bring the program into the open with signs and other reminders placed in highly visible spots and make sure your managers are talking about it with their associates.

• In addition to your formal employee assistance program, give associates help in forming a network of peers, whether it’s online or in person. Working parents can learn a great deal from others who share similar experiences.

DJ Products: Helping DOD Equipment Suppliers Keep a Safe Workplace

DOD equipment suppliers deal with a diverse assortment of products, from explosives to boats and aircraft. Visit our website to learn about our full line of electric tugs, movers and pushers such as our WagonCaddyHD.

Introducing the BombCaddy

Introducing the BombCaddy
Introducing the BombCaddy

The BombCaddy was designed to handle one of the most sensitive situations — removing bombs or suspected explosive devices from public areas such as airports.

Remote control lets the operator safely steer the trailer smoothly at low speed, while the rugged design also makes the trailer towable at high speeds. It’s a versatile solution for many DoD equipment requirements.

The maneuverability of the BombCaddy makes it ideal for tight spaces. Operate it manually or by remote control to get around narrow hallways, warehouse floors, or other confined areas. The smooth, self-propelled movement has been calibrated for efficient transportation when safety is a priority.

Key Specs for the BombCaddy

Here’s a quick rundown of the BombCaddy’s features:

  • RC steering from 0 to 2 mph
  • Up to 40 mph towing speed with bogie wheels
  • Manual, wireless, or pendant steering
  • Trailer payload up to 5,000 lbs
  • Approved as DoD contract equipment

The Many Uses for a Remote-Controlled Trailer

Based on similar technology to the industrial powered trailers from DJ Products, the BombCaddy is a convenient tool for many applications. First, it’s an ideal piece of machinery for safely maneuvering explosive devices from a safe distance.

The BombCaddy also gives DoD contractors a handy solution for materials handling. The dual-mode feature can tow multiple tons of heavy equipment across long distances in addition to maneuvering around factories, warehouses, hangars, and runways.

If you need a self-propelled trailer to move machinery or equipment — bombs or otherwise — the BombCaddy is a smart investment.

Contact DJ Products for a free demo or to learn more about our powered trailers for military and DoD contract equipment.

Trump’s Historic Defense Budget Increases Will Boost Defense Contracting

Swiss military men
Military Defense Contractors Are Eager to Book New Orders.

With his recent budget proposal, President Donald Trump is requesting a “historic” defense spending boost to make good on his promise to strengthen the U.S. military. Still, some lawmakers are questioning whether the amount is truly enough to maintain our country’s position as the world’s strongest military power.

“Making America Great”

Trump’s plan calls for the Pentagon to receive a total budget of $603 billion, which is 10 percent over Congressional caps instituted in 2011 but just three percent more than defense spending during the last fiscal year. Three percent is also only slightly higher than the country’s rate of inflation, which currently sits at 2.5 percent.

Much of the increase is intended for shipbuilding and military aircraft, which would provide a major influx of defense contracting. Trump believes the new budget will strengthen the reputation of “American strength, security and resolve” among the rest of the world.

What Happens Next?

The President’s budget now requires approval from Congress, which could involve several months of negotiations. Lawmakers such as Sen. John McCain, Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, object to what they feel is an insufficient increase. On the other hand, Democrats are taking issue with the cuts in domestic programs that are being requested to fund the increase in military spending.

Move the Heaviest DOD Contractor Equipment with Ease

DOD contractor equipment includes bulky and sensitive items such as trailers, aircraft and explosive materials. Battery-powered tugs, pushers and pullers from DJ Products let a single employee move these items safely and efficiently. Visit our website to learn more about our full range of DOD contractor equipment solutions.

Shoulder-Mounted Jammers Aim to Take Down Drones

Shoulder Mounted Drone Jammer

In the era of drones, new technology has begun proliferating to effectively shut down unwanted drones. The latest is something like a ray gun — a shoulder-mounted “rifle” that blasts radio waves of interference.

Radio-Powered Interference to Stop Drones

The DroneDefender was recently unveiled by an Ohio company called Battelle. The device operates on GPS and ISM radio bands and features a range of up to 400 meters. Specs remain somewhat secretive. What’s clear is that the DroneDefender has power over most commercially available consumer drone products.

When a drone flies over private property (or perhaps over restricted military areas), a jammer like the DroneDefender can interfere with the radio signals to force the drone into a hovering position. The operator then must land the device or return it home.

This technology should prove beneficial to police and military, as well as civilians wishing to protect private property from trespassing drones operated by other civilians.

DOD Contractor Heavy Equipment for Drones

Whether drone jammers should be available to the general public remains up for debate. For now, the technology seems to be a stopgap solution for unregulated drone flying by civilians. In the world of military and DOD contractor heavy equipment, jamming technology like the DroneDefender should not pose an issue.

For more information about DOD contractor heavy equipment, you can visit DJ Products to find out about electric platform carts, parts caddies, and motorized equipment movers. This includes tool and equipment solutions as well as aircraft and vehicle pullers with GSA authorization for DOD contractors.


Department of Defense Opens Combat Jobs to Women

Army parade – boots close-up

In a historic decision last month, the Department of Defense announced that woman will no longer be excluded from any combat operations. The move applies to all branches of the U.S. military.

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced the decision, calling it an important and necessary step to staff the armed forces with the best talent available.

The Debate Surrounding Women in Combat Roles

Some observers and military leaders have held to the view that women should not serve in combat, for various reasons. A Marine corps report from September 2015 had bolstered this stance with the findings that, in simulated tests, females performing combat tasks were injured more frequently and fared less well at shooting accuracy. The study observed male-only and mixed-gender teams.

However, supporters of women in combat have pointed out that the male-only teams may have fared better partially because those participants were more experienced. With less training and experience, the teams that included females may have naturally produced less positive results.

Finding Ways to Strengthen the Military

Ultimately, the announcement simply means that women pass all requirements for combat roles are allowed assignment to those positions. The move should hopefully strengthen the armed forces with talent better allocated to every role.

The armed forces continue to seek ways to operate more efficiently and optimally. Tools and technology including DOD contractor material handling equipment can help in this regard. Battery-powered equipment to move vehicles and heavy items can be easily used by any service member, allowing units to accomplish tasks with fewer resources.

Contact DJ Products for more information about approved DOD contractor material handling equipment.