Made in America – Meets National Security Needs for Department of Defense

Made in America - Meets National Security Needs for Department of Defense
Made in America – Meets National Security Needs for Department of Defense

Following a push for “Buy American,” the Trump Administration has rolled out another executive order regarding the sourcing of defense equipment from domestic manufacturers. Soon, contractors may be required to source made-in-the-USA materials from a DoD equipment supplier whenever feasible.

A more thorough analysis of what we know so far about the new DoD equipment supplier requirements has been made by Inside Government Contracts. Among the takeaways:

> The manufacturing order is intended to assess the military’s procurement methods as well as to boost the country’s defense manufacturing industry.

> The Secretary of Defense must complete a report by April 17, 2018, detailing the “resiliency and capacity” of the defense industrial base, so exact laws and regulations will be clearer around that time.

> Requirements to buy American products will most likely impact purchases for products that are already made or could be made domestically, and are not prohibitively more expensive than foreign-made alternatives.

DJ Products, a USA-Made DoD Equipment Supplier

Our company’s mission is to provide ergonomic, safe, and affordable solutions for material handling equipment such as warehouse cart movers and trailer tows. As a DoD equipment supplier, we have GSA-approved products such as our CarCaddy Military Truck Pusher, which can haul Humvees and other heavy trucks.

DJ Products is based out of Minnesota, and our material handling solutions are made in the USA. Rest assured that our DoD contractor equipment will satisfy any kind of domestic procurement law that may affect your operations in the near future.

Contact DJ Products to learn more about our cost-effective options for military contractors who need vehicle, trailer, or equipment moving solutions.

Military Contractors: The New Cyber Security Gurus

Questions on the Rise of Cyberintelligence

Over the last few years, a sizable stream of high-ranking intelligence officials and operatives have migrated to similar positions with military contractors and other private sector firms. How does this blurring of lines impact our country’s intelligence community?

Rise of the Cyberintelligence-Industrial Complex

As President Dwight Eisenhower left office in 1961, he famously warned about the dangers of the growing military-industrial complex. Observers are now noting the similar rise of a cyberintelligence-industrial complex that could have even more serious implications.

A prime example of this model is the Chertoff Group, founded in March 2009 by the firm’s namesake, Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security. Chertoff also enlisted Michael Hayden, retired four-star general and former National Security Agency (NSA) director.

From the beginning, the Chertoff Group touted its ability to provide clients with access to the same leaders who have “kept the American homeland and its people safe.” Hayden was even more explicit, expressing his desire to re-create his government experience in the private sector.

Democracy at Risk?

What are the dangers of this new cybersecurity elite?

• Knowledge gained by men and women working at the highest levels of cyber-intelligence is now available to the highest corporate bidder.

• This new class is free to operate in a “black hole of secrecy” without government oversight.

Solutions for Today’s Military Contractor Equipment Supplier

Are you a military contractor equipment supplier trying to make your operations safer and more efficient? Contact us for information about our full line of electric tugs, pushers and movers for military and DoD applications.

Are Military Contractors Being Helped Too Much by the Government?

Safety Should Always Be First.
Safety Should Always Be First.

Dating back to the mid-20th century, President Dwight Eisenhower predicted an unholy alliance between defense contractors, politicians and military brass. Today his vision has become reality, as fat contracts have taken precedence over the actual needs of our troops.

Profits Taking Priority Over Function and Safety?

The problems of a poorly-equipped military date back to the Civil War. Over the subsequent years, the level of dysfunction in the procurement process has grown to the point where 50 of the Pentagon’s 63 largest programs are over budget by a staggering $296 billion.

A military contractor equipment supplier faces little competition and even less outside scrutiny. As a result, contractors will often line their pockets by offering plenty of bells and whistles with no substance.

The stakes are even higher for military supplies and equipment than for most other products. If a refrigerator or computer malfunctions, it’s an inconvenience. With military items, problems can result in injuries or even deaths.

Reforming the Military Procurement Process

• Solicit input from the troops. The men and women who will actually be using the supplies and equipment are the true experts.

• Restore competition among contractors. Open up the process to companies outside the so-called Iron Triangle.

• Designate a centralized office or agency to provide the strong oversight that’s sorely lacking right now.

Full Line of Electric Tugs, Movers and Pushers for Military and DOD

Material handling needs of a military contractor equipment supplier range from engines and refueling tanks to explosives and aircraft. Call 800.686.2651 and let one of our knowledgeable sales engineers at DJ Products help you find the right solution for your applications.

Networking Summit Acted as Matchmaker between Businesses and the Military

Networking Summits Acted as Matchmakers between Businesses and the Military
Networking Summits Acted as Matchmakers between Businesses and the Military

Most business people rely on networking to market themselves and discover valuable new opportunities. The same holds true for a military contractor equipment supplier attending the recent Army Contracting Summit in Killeen, TX.

“Marrying” Contractors and Local Companies

The Washington, D.C.-based Defense Leadership Forum hosted the two-day event for approximately 150 area vendors and business leaders. Various workshops and speeches focused on providing local companies with information and advice about Army contracts in the Fort Hood area.

Howard Snow, a retired Marine lieutenant colonel who formerly served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, moderated the event. He explained that the purpose of the summit was to serve as “matchmaker” for defense contractors and local businesses.

What’s In the Future for Army Contracts?

Summit highlights included details about specific military contracts for goods and services including vehicles, ammunition, communications and housing. Contractors also received insights into successfully dealing with the government’s procurement systems.

Richard G. Kidd IV, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for strategic innovation, gave the keynote speech. Kidd addressed the changing environment for military installations and the Army’s commitment to renewable alternative energy projects.

While in town, Kidd also attended a ribbon-cutting at West Fort Hood marking the completion of more than 60,000 solar panels. The hybrid renewable energy project is expected to save about $168 million dollars in energy costs over the next 30 years.

Military and DOD Tugs and Movers from DJ Products

We offer a full line of electric tugs and movers that are perfect solutions for military contractor equipment suppliers looking to improve workplace safety. Visit our website to learn more.


The Military Can Teach Business Owners the Value of Supporting Family

The Military Can Teach Business Owners the Value of Supporting Family
The Military Can Teach Business Owners the Value of Supporting Family

If you’re looking for advice on family dynamics, the U.S. military might not be the option that leaps to mind. In reality, the challenges of managing a massive workforce that’s continually on the move make the military a unique source of tips on how companies can support employees and their families.

Managing Career and Family: How to Succeed at Both

• Working parents have difficulty balancing the demands of the job against sharing quality time with their families. Show consideration by keeping their job commitments as predictable as possible. End meetings on time and limit last-minute assignments to true emergencies.

• People often compartmentalize their personal and professional lives, but shifting gears on a dime can actually keep us off-kilter. Encourage employees to settle into a moderate routine that prevents drastic shifts in tone.

• Your company probably offers a quality employee assistance program including counseling and other resources, but people are often reluctant to use them. Bring the program into the open with signs and other reminders placed in highly visible spots and make sure your managers are talking about it with their associates.

• In addition to your formal employee assistance program, give associates help in forming a network of peers, whether it’s online or in person. Working parents can learn a great deal from others who share similar experiences.

DJ Products: Helping DOD Equipment Suppliers Keep a Safe Workplace

DOD equipment suppliers deal with a diverse assortment of products, from explosives to boats and aircraft. Visit our website to learn about our full line of electric tugs, movers and pushers such as our WagonCaddyHD.

Army Starts Testing Self-Driving Trucks in Michigan

Military Interest in Self-Driving Cars
Military Interest in Self-Driving Cars

Practically all automobile manufacturers, technology companies, ride-share companies, and insurance companies feel that autonomous vehicles will be safer and more efficient. The general public is not yet convinced.

A lot of people say they’re not ready to trust riding in a self-driving car. Despite the negative perceptions of many, the US military is interested in embracing this still-developing technology and has begun testing it on a 21-mile stretch of Interstate 69 in Michigan.

Improving vehicle communications in military convoys

According to Digital Trends, The system currently being tested by the military doesn’t actually drive the trucks. It uses sensors developed by the Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) in Warren, Michigan. The road testing is being done in nearby St. Clair and Lapeer Counties. The TARDEC sensors notify all vehicles in the convoy of road conditions, bridges, vehicle slowdowns, and other possible obstacles.

Michigan moves forward with connected cars

The state of Michigan is ahead of most other states when it comes to connected car technology. It passed a bill in May of 2016 authorizing the sale and use of self-driving cars. By passing legislation that allows autonomous car tests and convoys of driverless trucks on public roads, the lawmakers show they want Michigan to stay the US auto capital.

At DJ Products, we understand how technology can improve safety. Our military truck pushers and remote-controlled BombCaddies can maneuver heavy loads and vehicles while keeping the operator safe.

To see our full line of military truck pushers and other equipment for military and DOD applications, visit or call one of our friendly sales associates at 1-800-686-2651.

Technology Leads the Way as the New Face of Defense Contracting

Technology is the Future for The DOD

It has become a new wave of electronics and DoD contracting equipment for warfare in the U.S. military. The Pentagon wants to implement advanced electronic technology that may hold up on the battlefield for a generation or more. As amazing as that sounds, electronics and other advanced technologies are capable of giving the military that type of edge.

Weapons Types

Some of the weapons that are ready for production or that are being made as prototypes are naval rail guns, which use electromagnetic energy to fire projectiles at 5 times the speed of sound; drone swarms that will break apart like a flock of birds and attack en mass; Iron Man type suits that will aid the soldier on the field; and LASER beam weapons made for land, sea and air deployments.

The Private Sector

For the most part, many of these weapons are being developed by the private sector and not by regular military contractors. This “outside of the box” thinking is allowing little known advances in such technology areas as fiber materials, artificial intelligence, software, and diverse equipment such as robotic-controlled ships, helicopters and planes.

Of course, with every new advancement in technology, regardless of what it is, equipment will be needed to move it around warehouses and other spaces, and that’s exactly where the movement solutions from DJ Products will shine.

For more information on DoD-contracted military equipment or any other job where heavy equipment moving is essential, contact DJ Products, makers of trailer movers, aircraft tugs, rail car movers, and more. We have the mobile solutions for all of your warehouse floor management needs.