Improve The Safety of Your Trash Room with a Motorized Dumpster Tow

Image of a Tightly Packed Trash Room in Need of a Motorized Dumpster Tow
Improve Safety with a Motorized Dumpster Tow

Having employees lug heavy loads of garbage around in dumpsters can easily lead to injuries. Dumpsters often contain garbage that weighs thousands of pounds. In some cases, dumpsters need to be moved across long distances as well. A motorized dumpster tow can make this task much safer for employees in your trash room.

Motorized Dumpster Tows Offer Safer Trash Hauling

The WasteCaddy a motorized dumpster tow, provides a more efficient way to move dumpsters around. This battery-powered dumpster mover can haul dumpsters that weigh up to 5,000 pounds. There’s no manual lifting or pulling involved, which helps reduce physical strain on employees. This tow uses a 36-volt 3-battery system that can go from 0 to 3 mph in forward or reverse. It also works on inclined surfaces and on snowy or icy surfaces. This allows employees to safely move dumpsters to their designated location without the risk of injuries.

Efficient Design

The WasteCaddy has dumpster brackets that can be bolted or welded to dumpsters. This provides a secure attachment that prevents dumpsters from coming loose. It also includes multiple safety features, such as a safety horn and a safety stop switch and guard kit. Other features that make our motorized dumpster tow safer and more efficient include adjustable acceleration and braking and variable speed twist grip for easy maneuvering. Employees can use the WasteCaddy to pull or push dumpsters over long distances, in tighter spaces, or on slippery surfaces with ease.

Versatile Usage

The WasteCaddy offers an ideal dumpster moving solution for multi-family properties, parking garages, manufacturing complexes, malls, and many other commercial buildings. It provides a simple and efficient way to move dumpsters several yards for curbside garbage pickup. This helps ensure that garbage is removed from commercial or multi-family residential properties on a regular basis.

Cost Savings

Using the motorized dumpster tow for trash rooms can help companies save money. Its efficient design and safety features help reduce workplace injuries. This results in less money spent on workers’ compensation and related expenses and less productivity.

If you’re looking for a dumpster tow for your trash room, please contact DJ Products. We can provide you with additional details about the WasteCaddy.