Top 5 Uses for a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Aerial Image of a Busy Trailer Yard that could Benefits of a Motorized Trailer Dolly.
Benefits of a Motorized Trailer Dolly.

When your business involves moving or pulling heavy loads or large vehicles, having an efficient way to do so is highly important. Using forklifts or other equipment that require manual handling puts your staff at risk of injuries, while also taking up a lot of time. A motorized trailer dolly offers the ideal solution for many businesses. The following are some of the top uses for these trailer dollies.

Distribution Centers

Some distribution centers have semi-trailers that have to be moved from one spot to another in the yard. Trailer dollies provide a safer and easier way to do this. They can be used to pull semi-trailers around distribution center yards as needed with minimal risk to workers.

Fulfillment Centers and Warehouses

Fulfillment centers and warehouses handle a lot of loading and unloading. This involves moving semi-trailers from dock doors to staging areas. Relying on a trailer dolly for this purpose offers a more efficient way to move semi-trailers for loading and unloading.

RV, Boat, and Cargo Trailer Dealerships

Dealerships that sell RVs, campers, boats, or cargo trailers need a safe way to move inventory around inside showrooms or on lots. Motorized trailer dollies are the perfect solution for moving RVs and other large vehicles from one area to another as safely as possible.


Mechanics who work on trailers or wheeled equipment need a dependable way to move these to service bays for repairs and maintenance. Trailer dollies make it possible to pull these around with greater efficiency.

Production Assembly Lines

Factories that produce trailers or wheeled equipment need to move these along production assembly lines as quickly yet safely as they can. Using a trailer dolly provides a fast way to do this, while also reducing the risk of injuries and productivity loss.

Benefits of Motorized Trailer Dollies

From safety and speed to efficiency, trailer dollies are the best solution for several kinds of businesses. DJ Products has several models available to choose from.

If a motorized trailer dolly could benefit your business, please contact DJ Products for more information. Our team can assist you in selecting the right solution for your company.

How to Improve Safety and Efficiency with a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Pallets on a Loading Dock In Need of a Motorized Trailer Dolly
Enhanced Efficiency of the Motorized Trailer Dolly defines material handling as “the loading, unloading and movement of goods, as within a factory or warehouse,” generally involving the use of mechanical devices. Our material handling experts explain how battery-operated aids, such as our motorized trailer dolly, help to improve safety and efficiency in your workplace.

What Is Material Handling Equipment?

Broadly defined, material handling equipment is anything that allows effective protection, movement and storage of items and products. This can range from cranes and dollies to refrigerated containers for food.

Much of the activity in a warehouse involves loading and unloading pallets and transporting materials throughout the inbound and outbound processes. Material handling also extends to the yard, where trailers have to be guided into and out of the loading docks. Our motorized trailer dolly lets a single worker navigate trailers weighing up to 100,000 pounds with ease.

OSHA Safety Regulations

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has specific guidelines governing safety features on material handling equipment. This provides a firm standard with no gray areas, so companies know exactly what is required of them.

Safety features on our trailer dolly include:

  • Neutral throttle braking
  • Safety stop switch
  • Safety horn
  • Safety strobe flashing light
  • Solid tread tires

The trailer dolly is also ergonomically designed, with features such as a variable speed thumb twist pad, to prevent repetitive motion injuries from excessive strain on the musculoskeletal system.

Eco-Friendly and Low Maintenance

High fuel costs can greatly reduce the cost-effectiveness of gas-powered material handling equipment. In addition, they are expensive to maintain and generate fumes that pose a risk to the environment, as well as to the health of your workers.

Our trailer dolly operates on batteries that provide a full shift’s worth of operation when fully charged. The dolly navigates smoothly in tight quarters and up and down inclines, with a reduced noise level and no dangerous fumes.

Choose the Motorized Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

Our trailer dolly pays for itself in reduced workplace injuries and increased productivity. Call 800.686.2651 or use the chat feature on our website to learn more about our full line of tugs, pushers and movers from our helpful Sales Engineers.

How The DJ Products Trailer Dolly Improved Efficiency

Trailer Yard in Need of a Electric Trailer Dolly.
Trailer Yard in Need of an Electric Trailer Dolly.

Being able to move vehicles, large loads, or other objects around outdoor lots or indoor facilities comes with numerous challenges. Traditional methods, such as using a forklift, tend to be time-consuming and raise the risk of accidents. Find out how the motorized trailer dolly from DJ Products has helped boost efficiency for businesses, including an RV dealership.

Efficient Outdoor Use

Explore RV has relied on the battery-powered TrailerCaddy 6K 36V unit to move RVs around dealership lots. Using a forklift or truck to move these around requires special training, while also increasing the chance of damage or accidents. With a trailer dolly, dealerships and other businesses have a much more efficient way to push or pull vehicles and trailers weighing thousands of pounds in outdoor areas. In fact, the TrailerCaddy 6K can move trailers and vehicles that weigh up to 50k pounds. It also comes with a 6k-pound hydraulic lift kit for ball, king pin, and pintle hitch trailer connections.

Improved Indoor Efficiency

Trailer dollies can help companies become more efficient in indoor settings. Explore RV now has an easier and less time-consuming way to move RVs and trailers around inside convention centers and other indoor areas. The company depends on these trailer dollies for moving vehicles over short distances rather than having to maneuver a forklift around in tight spots. Switching to a motorized trailer dolly can help warehouses, distribution centers, dealerships, and many other businesses with indoor facilities improve efficiency and productivity.

Enhanced Efficiency and Safety Overall

Using the TrailerCaddy has allowed Explore RV to help keep staff safe when moving RVs around. Forklifts and similar machinery require careful operation and training. Otherwise, businesses face higher risks of having workplace injuries or accidents occur. This can result in increased expenses for companies, decreased productivity, lower employee morale, and higher turnover. Using a trailer dolly instead provides a great way to improve safety and employee satisfaction.

If you’re looking for ways to improve efficiency in your facility or outdoor lot, contact DJ Products to learn more about our solutions. We can help you select the ideal motorized trailer dolly for your business to help boost safety, productivity, and efficiency.

The Benefits of Transitioning from a Forklift to a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Warehouse Transitioning from Forklifts to a Motorized Trailer Dolly
Transitioning from Forklifts to a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Forklifts are the traditional way to move loads around warehouses and other facilities. This equipment comes with a number of risks to employees, though. Switching to a motorized trailer dolly can provide a more efficient, safer, and faster way to move heavy loads or items around. Find out more about the benefits of making this change.

Saves Time

Trailer dollies are easier to operate compared to forklifts. This can help reduce the amount of time it takes to push or pull pallets and other loads around warehouses, distribution centers, and other facilities. Saving time allows workers to handle other tasks, leading to increased productivity.

Reduces Costs

Forklifts can cost your company more in terms of hiring drivers with the right training and paying workers’ compensation for accidents and injuries. Using motorized trailer dollies instead costs your business less. Fewer accidents help lower workers’ compensation costs, and operators don’t need to be certified to use this equipment as forklift operators do.

Improves Safety

Having a forklift move loads around carries a high risk of injuries and accidents. This equipment is difficult to maneuver, especially in tight settings. Trailer dollies can handle tight turns and move loads around more safely, which helps decrease the risk of injuries and accidents on the job.

Enhances Efficiency

Forklifts can be challenging to use, which can require more time and effort for moving items or heavy loads around. Changing to electric trailer dollies helps boost efficiency in your business. This equipment makes it easier to pull and push loads from place to place, resulting in a more efficient workplace.

Uses Cleaner Energy

Forklifts typically require gas, diesel, propane, or other fuels to run. This uses up more energy, while also being less eco-friendly. Trailer dollies that run on electricity consume less energy and can be powered up for use in one or more shifts at a time before needing to be recharged. This also helps your company save money.

If you’re looking for the right motorized trailer dolly for your company, contact DJ Products. Our experts can help you select the best type for your business.

Safety Tips for Your Semi Trailer Transit Yard

Trailer Yard in need of a Motorized Trailer Dolly
A Motorized Trailer Dolly Improves Trailer Yards

Our battery-powered trailer dolly greatly improves the safety factor in your semi-trailer transit yard. Add these four helpful tips to boost productivity while preventing costly workplace injuries and accidents.

1. Strictly enforce a safe speed limit in the yard.

Regardless of the type of motor vehicle, excessive speed is usually one of the primary causes of accidents. Due to the size and composition of these vehicles, even a low-impact collision can result in serious damage or injury.

  • Post speed limit signs in visible spots around the transit yard and maintain consistent enforcement of the rules.
  • Control traffic with methods such as speed bumps, rumble strips and chicanes, which are serpentine curves that must be navigated at lower speeds.
2. Use signs, signals and markings to promote awareness of safety procedures.
  • Utilize the same shapes, symbols and colors, such as “Stop” and “Yield,” that are found in conventional traffic signs. This allows for instant recognition without the need to learn a new set of symbols.
  • Signs should be placed in high-visibility spots and kept clean and unobscured. If work activities take place during nighttime hours, include reflectors or other sources of illumination.
  • Mirrors can be a useful aid if there are sharp turns or other areas with limited visibility.
3. Maintain situational awareness.

Semi-trailer transit yards are sites of constant activity, where the surroundings change from one minute to the next. Just a few seconds of inattention can mean the difference between safety and chaos. Workers should get in the habit of putting all their focus on current activity in the yard. This includes staying off of cell phones and other distracting devices.

4. Clearly designate pedestrian and traffic routes.

Workplace activities require pedestrians and vehicles to operate within the same space.

  • Create clearly delineated pedestrian routes.
  • Make sure the more dangerous areas are marked as, “No Pedestrian Entry.”
Create a Culture of Safety with the Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

Our trailer dolly is only one of the eco-friendly tugs, movers and pushers we offer to fit any workplace application. Find out which solution fits your specific needs by calling 800.686.2651 to speak with one of our Sales Engineers.

How Can I Know if My Warehouse is Organized Enough?

Warehouse workers struggling to organize materials without a motorized trailer dolly
Motorized Trailer Dolly for Easier Organization

According to Benjamin Franklin, “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” In a warehouse, where time really is money, improved organization can truly impact the bottom line. Our experts at DJ Products, makers of the TrailerCaddy a motorized trailer dolly, share some useful tips to help organize your warehouse.

1. Practice good housekeeping.

To paraphrase a popular saying, a cluttered warehouse can lead to a cluttered mind. Studies show that cluttered spaces often cause procrastination and difficulty focusing, two qualities you can’t afford to have in your workers. Schedule time each week to tidy up the warehouse.

2. Keep inventory lean.

Inventory bloat results in added costs and reduced efficiency in fulfilling orders. Work with suppliers to see if you can arrange smaller loads delivered on a more frequent basis.

3. Monitor inventory error rates.

There’s always room for improvement, but you need to know where to place the focus. When you track how and when errors are made, you can discover patterns that lead to workable solutions.

4. Institute a program of cycle counts.

The sooner you catch inventory discrepancies, the sooner they can be corrected before they snowball into major problems. A single annual inventory leaves too much room for things to fall through the cracks. Use cycle counts for improved accuracy.

5. Leverage technology.

Workplace automation becomes more sophisticated almost daily. Tools such as warehouse management software reduce the number of tasks that need to be done manually. If you don’t commit to implementing high-tech solutions wherever possible, you run the risk of losing business to your competitors who do.

6. Invest in labels and signs.

Look at your warehouse from the perspective of a new employee. Is it easy to navigate the various sections? Do you have to search shelves to find a specific product? Use labels, floor maps and signs so every element of the warehouse is clearly marked.

Improve Warehouse Organization with a Motorized Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

Without proper organization, a warehouse yard can quickly evolve into chaos. Our battery-powered trailer dolly lets a single employee transport heavy trailers between docks and staging areas quickly and efficiently. Contact us to learn more.

When is the Best Time of Year to Purchase Material Handling Equipment for Your Warehouse?

Industial Material Handing Warehouse in Need of a Motorized Trailer Dolly
Motorized Trailer Dolly Improves Warehouse Efficiency

Warehouses rely on various types of material handling equipment, such as forklifts. These pieces of equipment can break down or develop damage over time. In some cases, businesses become busier and don’t have enough equipment to handle more loads. Whether you’re looking into getting a motorized trailer dolly or another type of equipment for material handling, knowing when to make this purchase is important.

Busy Seasons

Is your warehouse busier during certain seasons, such as the holiday shopping season? If so, it’s essential to make sure you have material handling equipment to take on more loads. Otherwise, your current equipment can end up with more wear and tear, which can boost the chance of needing repairs or more frequent maintenance. If you’re expecting increased business during the holidays, order the material handling equipment you need now. If your busy season is summer, it’s still a good idea to order ahead of time in case of delays.

Supply Issues

When many other businesses are ordering equipment, you might experience lengthy delivery times. For example, a shortage of material handling equipment can lead to long delays before you’re able to get your items. If you know you’ll be needing more equipment in the near future, put your orders in now to make sure they arrive on time.

Damaged or Worn Equipment

Don’t wait until the ideal time of year to buy material handling equipment if yours is worn or damaged. Ordering as soon as possible helps ensure that you receive new equipment, while also lowering the risk of excessive downtime and productivity loss.

Not Enough Equipment

If your warehouse is expanding or business is picking up steadily, plan ahead. Take a look at the equipment you have now and determine what you need in order to keep up with the growing demands of your warehouse. Place orders for material handling equipment as soon as you know what you need.

If it’s time to purchase a trailer dolly for your warehouse, please contact DJ Products. We offer material handling solutions to help businesses improve efficiency, productivity, and safety, while lowering costs.

Why Embrace a Culture of Safety in Your Warehouse

Warehouse Safety Checklist Being Filled Out By Worker.
Improving Warehouse Safety

Warehouses are filled with equipment and situations that can easily lead to injuries or accidents. However, there are ways to make this type of work environment safer. Choosing better equipment, such as a trailer dolly, and encouraging safety awareness are just a couple of ways to reduce the risk of workplace injuries. Find out more about the importance of promoting a culture of safety in your warehouse.

Increased Productivity

Making changes to increase safety leads to higher productivity. With a lower risk of injuries and accidents, employees can focus on doing their jobs. There’s also a lower chance of downtime when you have safer equipment, which also helps boost productivity levels in your warehouse.

Improved Efficiency

A safer workplace results in better efficiency. Having the right equipment can help ensure that tasks are completed more efficiently while also keeping the risk of accidents lower overall. This allows workers to get more done in a shorter timeframe.

Higher Employee Satisfaction

Taking steps to provide workers with a safe environment helps improve employee morale. Workers who are satisfied with their jobs are much less likely to leave or take extra time off. This helps maintain productivity levels and reduces the risk of high turnover rates.

Reduced Costs

Creating a culture of safety in your warehouse helps keep certain costs down. Workers’ compensation, the cost to recruit and train new employees frequently, decreased productivity, increased downtime, and other costs can add up when you have an unsafe work environment.

How to Provide a Safer Work Environment

Making sure employees are trained on safety issues can go a long way toward ensuring a safer environment. Keep workers up-to-date on safety training as needed. Providing protective equipment and making sure workers know how to use it is also important. Using equipment that boosts safety also helps. Motorized trailer dollies, for example, can help eliminate the need for forklifts and other types of equipment that are linked to a higher risk of accidents.

If you’re looking for a trailer dolly to help increase warehouse safety, please contact DJ Products. Our experts can help you choose the right solutions for a safe workplace environment.

Improve Warehouse Ergonomics with a Few Tips and a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Warehouse Worker Moving a Pallet - Improve Warehouse Ergonomics
Improve Warehouse Ergonomics

You may have heard the term “ergonomics,” but how much do you understand about it? Ergonomics comes from the root érgon, which means “work” in Greek. Simply put, ergonomics is the study of interaction between humans and equipment. Our motorized trailer dolly is ergonomically designed to make it easier for workers to move trailers and other wheeled equipment.

According to the National Safety Council, overexertion is the second leading cause of workplace injuries. Use these tips for improved warehouse ergonomics to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries that can become chronic.

Tips for Improving Warehouse Ergonomics

1. Simplify material handling tasks wherever possible.

Are your workers performing a lot of manual tasks? For example, handling containers can involve lifting, lowering, filling, emptying, and carrying. Each one of these procedures places significant strain on the musculoskeletal system.

Our full line of material handling equipment is ergonomically designed to take the load off your employees. We have tugs, movers and pushers ranging from our CartCaddyLite to our motorized trailer dolly.

2. Implement effective work habits.

Is safety a major element of your workplace culture? When you demonstrate a commitment to the safety and well-being of your workers, they’ll follow suit. This is also a great way to improve employee morale.

Here are some programs you can use to make safety a priority:

  • Repetitive motion greatly increases the chances of injury. Institute a job rotation schedule to reduce undue stress.
  • Develop a comprehensive training program centered on proper material handling techniques.
3. Set up an ergonomically designed workplace.

Even when employees are stationary, they can become injured from bending, twisting or stretching. Here are some elements to consider:

  • Place all materials at work level.
  • Equipment such as workbenches should be adjustable to accommodate all sizes of workers.
  • Workstations should have enough clearance for employees to move and turn freely.
  • Make suspenders, back braces and other wearables readily available.
Choose Our Motorized Trailer Dolly for Enhanced Workplace Safety

Our battery-powered tugs, movers and pushers reduce the risk of workplace injury while improving productivity. Use our handy online chat feature to learn more from our friendly and knowledgeable Sales Engineers.

Trailer Caddy Testimonials – Our Customers Weigh In on Our Motorized Trailer Dolly

Image of a packed trailer yard in need of a motorized trailer dolly.
The Motorized Trailer Dolly Improves Efficiency

When you need a reliable way to pull or push trailers, vehicles, or other heavy loads around, a motorized trailer dolly offers the ideal solution. DJ Products has a wide range of these dollies available for use in multiple industries and settings. Here’s what some of our customers have had to say about our products in testimonials.

Sony Pictures

The famous movie studio was relying on tractors to move equipment and other oversized items and heavy loads around sets. The company needed a motorized trailer dolly and gave the TrailerCaddy a try to help make this more efficient. Sony Pictures now relies on this motorized trailer dolly to move trailers and equipment around sets much more easily.

Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office

The water patrol unit at the sheriff’s office in St. Paul needed a better way to move trailers, boats, and other equipment around. They turned to DJ Products for help and started using the TrailerCaddy. The office appreciates that the trailer dolly’s battery power lasts for several hours before needing to be recharged. This has allowed them to move boats and other equipment around when needed.

Trac Intermodal

Trac Intermodal relies on the TrailerCaddy to move equipment around its warehouse. Prior to using this motorized dolly, the company was depending on a 2-axle truck. This ended up costing a significant amount for fuel. Trac Intermodal has been able to save money using the motorized trailer dolly. The company likes that this solution is also reducing wear and tear on the 2-axle truck.

Explore RV

This RV company needed a good solution for moving heavy RVs around its lot, while lowering the risk of injuries to workers. DJ Products was able to help with the TrailerCaddy. The company has been able to use this electric-powered, motorized trailer dolly to move all sizes of RVs around without a high risk of accidents and injuries. Explore RV also loves how much more efficient the TrailerCaddy is, allowing employees to move RVs from one spot to another in shorter amounts of time.

Looking for a trailer dolly for your business? Contact DJ Products, and we’ll help you find the best solution for moving heavy loads, trailers or vehicles around.