Preparation Can Aid in Overcoming Unforeseen Obstacles

There are a number of things, out of your control, that can hamper your ability to get shipments out to your customers in a timely manner.   Any time you are bringing in products from a location that isn’t local, you can become the victim of shipping delays that can affect how quickly you are able to fulfill customer orders; and any time you are in need of an out of stock or made to order item, production delays can most certainly affect the prospected arrival date of materials.

Many of your customers may be understanding and not overly critical of you if the delays don’t impact their business too greatly, but others are only concerned with getting their order as quickly as possibly and don’t want to hear excuses of manufacturer delay.

Though your hands might be tied when it comes to manufacturer delays, you can help to offset these undesirable instances by being as prepared and efficient as possible in your own operations.  Properly trained and motivated employees who operate in a safe and organized environment with reliable equipment can turn around freight from receipt to shipment much more quickly and much more accurately than employees who work in a cluttered environment with outdated equipment that could be prone to breakdown.

Lifts and carts from DJ Products can handle a heavy workload for a full eight hour shift on a single charge and they are designed with the employee’s safety in mind.  All equipment from DJ Products is ergonomically designed to dramatically cut down on work related injuries and these lifts and carts make it easy for a single person to handle loads of material that would have required two people working with a manual cart.

You can’t control what happens outside of your facility, but by being as efficient and prepared as possible you can minimize the potential damaged caused by delays with quick and accurate actions within your facility.