Use Powered Roll Pusher to Push Paper Efficiently

When you ask some people what they do for a living, the response you get is, “I push paper.” These people are likely referring to office work where they process or pass along documents. They are not really pushing paper, as much as they are passing it along and with the use of computers, the volume of paper being processed in office environments has decreased.

Even with new technology, there are, however, still people who really do push paper, and lots of it. Paper companies still make paper and it still has to be transported through warehouses and onto trucks and distributed around the world. A paper company may have employees transport paper rolls that weigh up to 10,000 lbs. In the past, they used air pushers, but found that these were not exactly efficient. DJ Products, Inc. offers a paper roll pusher system that can be adjusted to accommodate paper rolls of different heights. The great thing about a powered paper roll pusher is that it efficiently allows rolls of different sizes to be transported while efficiently only requiring a single operator to push and maneuver rolls and there is not need for the limitations presented by air hoses.

And while you can opt to use fork trucks, walkies or riding tugs to move rolls at your paper manufacturing facility, keep in mind that this kind of equipment will require a lot more storage space than is need for the CartCaddy powered roll pusher. Additionally, you can also use a powered roll pusher from DJ Products to transport wire spools as well as paper rolls.