Power Mover Could Take Bite Out of Prepping for Ida

The weather folks are in their glory, on full alert as hurricane Ida churns toward the Gulf Coast. Even up here in the far northern reaches of the Midwest (Little Falls, MN) where even mild fallout from Ida is highly unlikely, local weather broadcasters are dancing on screen in paroxysms of joy as they gasp the latest warning bulletins. It’s likely to be a few weeks before any real snow hits our neck of the woods, so I guess Ida gives the storm chasers something to do; but prevailing winds being what they are, I don’t think we’re in much danger of flooding up here.

All the hoopla in the press did give me a new idea to pass along to our sales team. I saw resort workers struggling to push stacked lounge chairs across pool aprons and into storage areas. You could see them struggling to muscle the heavy stacks of chairs against the wind. It occurred to me how easy the job with be with DJ Products’ versatile WagonCaddy power mover. We’ve already adapted our powered material handling equipment to help local schools maneuver metal bleachers around school gymnasiums and on and off playing fields. This application for the hospitality industry would be a snap!

Ergonomically-designed to take the strain off workers’ backs, DJ Products’ WagonCaddy power mover allows an operator to quickly and easily transport materials — like lounge chairs — parts or machinery without physical exertion. (Click here to see a video of the WagonCaddy in action.) Like all of our ergonomically-designed, powered material handling equipment, this tug is equipped with an instant safety stop to prevent injuries. A variable speed thumb twist allows the operator to smoothly move in forward and reverse up to 3 mph. Compact design allows for maneuvering in narrow corridors and tight spaces and the cart can pivot loads a full 360 degrees. For full details, visit DJ Products website.

Welcome to the DJ Products, Inc. Blog

Welcome to the DJ Products, Inc. blog! We specialize in ergonomic material handling products geared to take the pain and strain out of moving heavy carts, equipment and materials. We pride ourselves in providing material handling solutions that are maneuverable, safe and cost effective. Our goal is to minimize the wear and tear on your personnel, your product AND your bottom line.

Our products are used in manufacturing and distribution settings including heavy and light industry, warehouses, fulfillment centers, the automotive industry pushing stalled vehicles with our Car Pusher and more. Our products can be used to pull RV’s, trailers, boats, generators, wheeled equipment — anything with a ball coupler or pintle hitch tongue called our Trailer Mover. You’ll also find our products in use at car dealerships, hospitals, the hospitality industry, groceries, big box stores and the retail industry.

DJ Products cart pusher, cart mover, caddies and lifts offer superior operating flexibility, allowing them to be used in a greater number of applications than standard material handling equipment. Our products are battery powered “walk-behind” units that provide maximum operator control, even in tight, difficult spaces. Our ergonomically designed products reduce employee injuries, promote easy and frequent use, and eliminate the use of more costly and cumbersome equipment ill-suited to the task.

Join us in this space for news, discussion and insight on topics that impact your business, including:

  • How you can improve the ergonomics and safety of your workplace when moving products and materials.
  • New products and trends in material handling.
  • OSHA regulations and how they impact your business and employees.
  • Innovative material handling solutions to common problems.
  • New ergonomic findings and trends in material handling.
  • Pallets vs. carts: parameters for making an informed decision.
  • Benefits and information on implementing an ergonomic health and safety program.
  • Safety tips for manually moving objects.
  • Evaluation of market products including carts, casters, caddies, etc.

If you’re looking for up-to-date, useful information on material handling solutions, bookmark the DJ Products blog and check our new posts frequently. DJ Products: Changing the way you move materials and equipment.

When Speed and Safety are Top Priorities, a Power Mover is a Necessary Piece of Equipment

As holiday shopping approaches, many material handling environments get busier, but not all can afford to increase staff to help with the increased workload.  In environments where manual material handling is still the primary way of stocking and shipping goods, this increase in volume can lead to an increase in injuries.

If you hope to keep satellite stores and customers happy, you have no choice but to keep pace with the demand.  Having the right type of material handling equipment, like a power mover, can help your staff to adequately handle any increase in work volume without running the risk of increasing your instances of workman’s compensation claims.

The WagonCaddy power mover allows a single operator to easily move a load of parts, goods or supplies from one location to another without any of the stress and strain that normally comes with manually material handling.  This power mover from DJ Products also has a built in safety stop switch that allows the user to immediately stop the mover whenever necessary by simply pushing a button.  This feature can help to minimize, or possible eliminate the instance of accidents as the warehouse environment becomes more hectic.

The WagonCaddy power mover also has a tight, 360 degree turning radius, making it an ideal piece of equipment for facilities with tight spaces or narrow aisles. 

Making the right type of material handling equipment available at your facility can help your staff to easily keep up with increased work volume.  The power mover from DJ Products is ergonomically designed with the operator’s safety in mind and it is fast and reliable enough to help employees get their job done quickly and accurately.

Move Horse Trailers with a Powered Trailer Dolly

There was a time when horses were our main source of transportation. We rode on them and used them to move heavy loads. Horses are still used to do a lot of heavy lifting and pulling but there are times when even they must be transported and they cannot be the means of transport. In those instances, we put horses into horse trailers that move the animals along.

Just as horses who can transport themselves sometimes have to be put into horse trailers, so too sometimes you may need help moving a horse trailer itself. Moving something like a horse trailer, even a short distance, can cause muscle strain and possibly cause injury. This is where a powered trailer dolly can be of great benefit. With its compact size, variable speed and the ease with which it can be maneuvered, a powered trailer dolly is a great alternative to yard tractors and pick up trucks.

Skeptical? You should know that our powered trailer dolly features a heavy-duty 36-volt motor that generates an enormous amount of power in the compact powered dolly.

The TrailerCaddyHD Extreme from DJ Products is not just for transporting horses; it can also be used to move boats, RVs, toy haulers and equipment trailers. If your workplace needs a horse trailer, there is a good chance that you will be able to put a powered trailer dolly to use in several ways. This powered dolly unit is the perfect solution for manufacturers, warehouses, distributors, and anyone who has to move heavy trailers short distances either indoors or outdoors.

Getting the Job Done

A study from commercial insurer CNA that examined the risks associated with working in the food processing industry found that “the types of incidents most likely to cause worker injuries are manual material handling and physical stress; struck by and struck against; and falls on the same level.” The report also noted that while the industry has increased its use of power movers, there was still a reliance on manual transport that lead to injuries that may have been prevented.

As the reports also states, “Profitability in the food processing industry depends on the rapid production of final product and its timely shipment to customers. The continuous rapid movement of large amounts of raw materials and finished products throughout the production cycle exposes workers to injuries resulting from contact with moving objects.”

We know that you cannot afford to slow down operations. We also know that you would like to avoid costly worker compensations claims and the loss of productivity and morale that go along with those claims. So, try using a DJ Products powered mover, like the CartCaddyShorty for example.

The CartCaddyShorty can be used to transport a variety of heavy loads, including things like large quantities of cold cuts or a cart full of cookie dough. This small, but powerful tugger is one the most maneuverable tugs you’ll find today.

While you can continue to allow your employees to push heavy carts because they are ‘getting the job done,’ consider that ergonomically designed equipment will still help them complete their tasks with the added benefit of preventing strains and sprains that can harm your staff and your financial outlook.