Increasing your Hiring Options and Eliminating Staffing Issues with a Powered Cart

Many positions in the manufacturing, warehousing and distribution industries can require a reasonable amount of manual labor – for this reason many employers had to be more selective in their hiring process in order to ensure that the employees that they took on would be capable of performing all tasks required of the position.  Having the proper equipment on hand for employees to use can make each employee more versatile and lighten the overall workload of each individual position in a warehouse or manufacturing environment.

The addition of a powered cart makes moving heavy boxes, materials and supplies from one location to another easy for any employee.  Powered carts from DJ Products are ergonomically designed to prevent many of the injuries commonly associated with manual material handling and the quiet operation of each powered cart keeps employees from being distracted while moving freight from point A to point B.

The powered carts from DJ Products have a large enough platform to carry a sizable load of material, but the frame size is small enough to be easily maneuvered in and out of small aisles or areas of shelving.  The powered cart from DJ Products is battery operated so there is no unnecessary downtime during a busy shift like you might have with a propane operated lift or cart that has run out of fuel – the powerful battery lasts for an entire shift on a single charge so employees can continue working and remain productive for the entire day.

Having reliable, safe and effective equipment helps to eliminate potential staffing issues and allows employers to have complete confidence that there will never be an issue in terms of fulfilling orders and delivering product in a timely manner.

Handle Oversized Loads Easily with a Side Steer Powered Cart

Employees in businesses that regularly use or distribute oversized products or materials face a completely unique set of challenges when it comes to performing their job duties.  Manually moving any heavy or fully loaded cart can de a difficult or potentially dangerous task.   If the load that you are moving overhangs the edges of the cart by a few feet on either side, the task becomes even more dangerous to the employee and those around them.

Extra long loads of material can make manual push carts unbalanced which can increase the chances for an accident that could result in property damage or a work related injury.  In order to keep your employees and the entire work environment as safe as possible, the proper equipment is an absolute necessity.

A traditional powered cart may help to ease the burden on employees caused by the weight of the load, but will do little to help make an oversized load more manageable.  In these instances a Side Steer powered cart from DJ Products provides the perfect solution.

With the Side Steer powered cart the employee can safely operate and steer a heavy cart with an oversized load from the side rather than one end.  The Side Steer powered cart allows the weight of the load to be evenly distributed which will keep the cart balanced.  Even in instances where the load must extend over either side of the cart by several feet, the employee can still safely and comfortably operate the cart exactly as it was intended to be operated.

DJ Products’ Side Steer powered cart can handle loads of up to five thousand pounds easily and is capable of travelling at speeds of up to three miles per hour.  Replacing an ineffective manual push cart with a Side Steer powered cart can help to dramatically increase productivity and safety in environments where oversized loads need to be moved.

Maneuvering through Tight Spaces with a Powered Cart

Hospital, nursing home and hotel environments can all be very fast paced and hectic.  One of the largest problems that employees encounter in these atmospheres is trying to maneuver the necessary equipment or supplies to the desired location through crowded or cramped quarters. 

As the volume of patients, guests or residents increases the workload for cleaning and maintenance crews increases as well.  Workers in these environments are already forced to deal with tight hallways and small rooms when transporting supplies.  The increase in people and activity in these cramped quarters reduces the worker’s ability to maneuver, making an already difficult job even more difficult.

In order for employees to be able to keep up with the increase in workload they need equipment that can easily handle moving heavy supplies in the tightest of confines.  The powered cart from DJ Products is very easy to control and small enough to allow employees to navigate even the most crowded corridors in busy hospital and hotel settings.  

The powered cart from DJ will instantly increase operational efficiency in a hospital or hospitality setting by making it easy for any employee to handle any material handling job.  The powered cart takes the physical labor completely out of transporting supplies and allows hospital and hospitality cleaning and maintenance crews to keep up with the largest increases in volume.

By investing is a piece of equipment like the powered cart hospital and hospitality managers can instantly increase the efficiency and minimize potential injuries among their maintenance staff.  These powered carts are capable of moving heavy loads of supplies quickly and easily across a variety of surfaces in minimal time without causing any undue stress on employees.

Making the Entire Staff More Productive with a Powered Cart

In many office and hospitality settings there are duties that get reserved for particular members of the staff.  Heavy boxes of supplies may be left where they are dropped upon delivery for the youngest and most able bodied employees to take care of, but this can be a dangerous inconvenience in a fast paced environment.

Having a piece of equipment like the Powered Cart form DJ Products makes it possible for virtually any employee to quickly and safely move product or supplies to their appropriate destination.  Employees can safely move hundreds of pounds of materials across the entire facility regardless of their age or physical condition.  The Powered Cart can keep offices, warehouses and all types of hospitality settings free of clutter and safer for all employees and visitors.

Despite having all the power necessary to transport heavy loads, the Powered Cart from DJ Products is relatively small and very easy to maneuver.  Employees can easily transport loads of heavy product or supplies down narrow aisles or crowded hallways at a speed of up to three miles per hour without disrupting other employees.

The Powered Cart from DJ Products also comes with a built in safety stop switch that allows employees to immediately kill power to the equipment in the event of a problem.  This is a very important feature for preventing injury in a facility that is constantly filled with activity.

Having equipment like a Powered Cart minimizes virtually all the hassle and hazard associated with manually handling deliveries of heavy products and supplies.  Any office, warehouse or hospitality environment that wants to immediately increase employee efficiency and reduce the risk of injury associated with manual material handling could benefit from a Powered Cart.