Make Light Work of Heavy Tasks with the Waste Caddy Dumpster Tow

Powered Dumpster Mover
Powered Dumpster Mover

On the surface, a trash room may not seem to present a lot of danger to employees. In fact, most work-related injuries in multi-family properties occur in the trash room, resulting in lost productivity and costly worker compensation claims.

Don’t put your employees at risk for cuts and bruises, muscle strain and other mishaps. Promote safety and improve working conditions when you let our WasteCaddy dumpster mover do the heavy lifting.

Benefits of the WasteCaddy from DJ Products

So why do you need our WasteCaddy dumpster mover?

• Manpower is one of the biggest items in your budget. Moving a dumpster manually is an awkward process that usually involves at least two people. The Waste Caddy lets a single person move dumpsters that weigh up to 5,000 pounds, freeing other employees to attend to other tasks.

• Pushing and pulling heavy objects like dumpsters is hard on muscles and joints. Injuries caused by strain can become chronic conditions that continue to flare up over time. With the WasteCaddy bearing the load, injury risk is greatly reduced.

• When your employees use the WasteCaddy, they can move the dumpster without coming into physical contact with it. This cuts down on cuts and bruises from sharp edges and other obstructions, as well as the possibility of being harmed by something inside the dumpster.

• The WasteCaddy is compact and easy to maneuver, eliminating potential damage from transporting a dumpster through narrow passageways and around tight corners.

Top Features of the WasteCaddy Dumpster Mover

• The WasteCaddy runs on three 36-volt batteries, making it quiet, economical and eco-friendly. Simply plug it into a standard 120/220 Hz outlet for a charge that will last through a full work shift.

• High-tech speed controller and neutral throttle braking allow for smooth start, stop and movement on any surface, including snow, ice and inclines.

• Variable speed twist grip is easy to operate and ergonomically designed to cut down on repetitive motion injuries.

Want to Learn More?

Our Sales Engineers are ready to help you choose the right solution for your specific application. Call 800-686.2651 or use the convenient online chat feature for more information.

Beyond the Dumpster: What’s Trending in the Garbage Collection Industry

Questions on Garbage Collection Trends
Questions on Garbage Collection Trends

The garbage collection industry is relatively straightforward, with the basics remaining largely the same from year to year. Innovations such as our eco-friendly dumpster mover become standard as companies recognize the benefits.

Even so, the industry does find itself periodically shifting in response to domestic and global changes. Here are some significant trends that are affecting waste collection today.

China’s Revised Import Policies

Many industry members point to China’s stringent new policies on importing recyclables as the biggest factor impacting garbage collection today. China once accepted up to half of the world’s scrap paper, plastic and metals, and the changes are leaving countries scrambling to find alternate means of disposal.

The Franchising Controversy

Smaller garbage collection companies fear that franchising, or zoned collection, will hurt their ability to compete on the open market. The largest such franchise to date in the U.S. is recycLA in Los Angeles, which works with Waste Management and six other service providers with a market of more than 70,000 customers.

Integration of Technology

Technology has been a game-changer in just about every industry, so it was only a matter of time before waste collection followed suit. In addition to the use of artificial intelligence and more sophisticated software, the industry will likely begin moving toward more electric or hybrid vehicles with an eye toward autonomous vehicles in the future.

The Zero Waste Debate

“Zero waste” has long been an industry buzzword, but there’s little consensus about what the term means beyond a reduced reliance on landfills.

Waste Collection Made Easier

Our electric dumpster mover is eco-friendly and ergonomically designed to fit your company’s needs now and transition smoothly through the future. Visit our website to learn more from one of our helpful sales engineers.