Make Moving Your Aircraft Easier with a Powered Aircraft Caddy

Image of a Small Aircraft in Need of a Powered Aircraft Tug
Move Your Aircraft Safely with a Powered Aircraft Tug

Having to move aircraft around your hangar requires the right kind of equipment. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging your aircraft or ending up with injuries. While a tow bar is often used for moving aircraft, a powered aircraft tug offers better handling.

Tow Bar vs. Powered Aircraft Tug

A tow bar provides a manual way to push or pull aircraft. When using one, you need to be careful not to damage the propellors, wiring, and other aircraft components. It’s also possible to injure yourself when trying to move an airplane with this kind of equipment.

A powered aircraft tug provides an easier way to handle aircraft. Instead of having to strain muscles pushing or pulling, you can let the tug do most of the work. These tugs are able to move aircraft of varying sizes and weights.

Benefits of a Powered Aircraft Tug

Using this type of equipment to move aircraft comes with many important benefits, including improved safety and better maneuverability.

Increased Safety

Powered aircraft tugs, such as the AircraftCaddy, provide a safer way to move airplanes from one location or space to another. Rather than relying on physical strength, the tug handles the task of pushing or pulling aircraft. This helps lower the risk of muscle tears and other kinds of injuries.

Simple Operation

These tugs are easy to use, making them an ideal choice for anyone who has small to medium-sized aircraft to move around. High-tech speed controllers and other features offer simple ways to control the tug and move aircraft as needed.

Better Handling

Powered aircraft tugs are designed to be easier to maneuver. This makes them a great choice for hangars of all sizes. With better handling, you can move aircraft in tighter spaces without having to worry about damage or injuries.

Reduced Risk of Aircraft Damage

Using a powered aircraft tug helps keep your airplane safe from potentially costly damage. These tugs are made to move aircraft as smoothly as possible.

With a powered aircraft tug, you don’t have to deal with the challenges of manually moving an airplane. Contact DJ Products to learn more about our aircraft moving solutions.

Why Embrace a Culture of Safety in Your Warehouse

Warehouse Safety Checklist Being Filled Out By Worker.
Improving Warehouse Safety

Warehouses are filled with equipment and situations that can easily lead to injuries or accidents. However, there are ways to make this type of work environment safer. Choosing better equipment, such as a trailer dolly, and encouraging safety awareness are just a couple of ways to reduce the risk of workplace injuries. Find out more about the importance of promoting a culture of safety in your warehouse.

Increased Productivity

Making changes to increase safety leads to higher productivity. With a lower risk of injuries and accidents, employees can focus on doing their jobs. There’s also a lower chance of downtime when you have safer equipment, which also helps boost productivity levels in your warehouse.

Improved Efficiency

A safer workplace results in better efficiency. Having the right equipment can help ensure that tasks are completed more efficiently while also keeping the risk of accidents lower overall. This allows workers to get more done in a shorter timeframe.

Higher Employee Satisfaction

Taking steps to provide workers with a safe environment helps improve employee morale. Workers who are satisfied with their jobs are much less likely to leave or take extra time off. This helps maintain productivity levels and reduces the risk of high turnover rates.

Reduced Costs

Creating a culture of safety in your warehouse helps keep certain costs down. Workers’ compensation, the cost to recruit and train new employees frequently, decreased productivity, increased downtime, and other costs can add up when you have an unsafe work environment.

How to Provide a Safer Work Environment

Making sure employees are trained on safety issues can go a long way toward ensuring a safer environment. Keep workers up-to-date on safety training as needed. Providing protective equipment and making sure workers know how to use it is also important. Using equipment that boosts safety also helps. Motorized trailer dollies, for example, can help eliminate the need for forklifts and other types of equipment that are linked to a higher risk of accidents.

If you’re looking for a trailer dolly to help increase warehouse safety, please contact DJ Products. Our experts can help you choose the right solutions for a safe workplace environment.

eCommerce Warehouse Needs Are Boosting Commercial Real Estate Investment

Buying Online Is Only Going to Grow in the Future.
Transportation concept. Isolated on white

Are your tugger carts operating on prime real estate? E-commerce has online retailers shopping for commercial space. Duke estimates over the next few years, another 339-million square feet of industrial space will be needed.

Low Space Availability Drives Up Prices, Spurs Development

In an assessment by Morningstar Credit Ratings, trends in the industrial real estate sector point to a strong demand for warehouse space as e-commerce and manufacturing explode. This has resulted in reduced space availability, encouraging developers to create more. For every billion in online sales, over 1-million-square-feet of warehouse space is needed.

Stock from the online retail giant Amazon, with its 70-fulfillment center’s nationwide, is seeing earnings power increase with every dollar of net e-commerce sales growth. Though growth in this sector has posed challenges to the retail sector, it’s been a boon for others, including industrial REITS

This drives demand for logistics landlords who can turn ‘flex’ space into an industrial real estate goldmine. Rental space in this sector is likewise seeing an increase in rental rates and demand as vacancies dry up and e-commerce platforms expand.

Can Anything Stop the E-Commerce Boom?

The biggest threats to the e-commerce industry, and subsequently industrial real estate, outside the obvious – a highly unlikely decline in online purchases, include the very real threat of a decline in manufacturing activity. Given continually escalating tariffs, an outright trade war isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Should the sector experience a downturn, however, the supply end of the industrial real estate spigot could be turned off relatively quickly, allowing for a quick return to market equilibrium.

Can your tugger carts handle the e-commerce boom? Grow with the burgeoning industry with the help of DJ products today.