Technology is Changing the Face of Property Management

the Face of Property ManagementTimes sure have changed since the typical property management equipment consisted of little more than a mop, broom, and screwdriver. Today, software runs the show behind the scenes.

According to a recent article about the most successful real estate apps, 88% of property managers are using cloud-based software. Apps can handle online rent collection, tenant requests for repair, new tenant screening and applications, vacancy listings, and more. highlights three property management apps with various selling points:

AppFolio, an enterprise level property management software-as-a-service

Buildium, with an owner portal packed with financial reports plus a tenant-facing portal

Cozy, a property management app aimed at landlords and small businesses

Venture funds and public offerings have injected hoards of cash into these tech companies, with the market’s most popular apps becoming extremely profitable. With costs as low as a dollar per tenant per month, this is technology that any size landlord can adopt.

Does Your Property Need More Software… or More Hardware?

The value of such apps mostly comes from small increases in efficiency thanks to reduced paperwork, streamlined rent payments, and digital record keeping.

Property management equipment can bring an immediate impact to your productivity and profits, too. A battery-powered cleaning supply cart can help condo staff do daily chores a little faster. With motorized dumpster movers, you can use one employee instead of two to handle waste collection — while also reducing the risk of worker injury claims.

DJ Products has the property management equipment solutions you need to achieve the profitability that is now possible with modern technology. Check out our WasteCaddy and other efficiency-boosting products for more info.

Mexico Hospital Holds US Citizen Hostage Over Unpaid Bills

powered housekeeping cartDespite the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, the United States has continued to struggle with the problem of spiraling healthcare costs. For one woman from Idaho, the issue crossed international borders and has taken on nightmare proportions.

Medical Care or Extortion?

During a vacation to Mexico with her sister-in-law, 67-year-old retired high school teacher Vikki Moormann began experiencing uncontrollable vomiting. Doctors at the Hospital San Javier Riviera Nayarit diagnosed Moormann with a urinary tract infection and the initial stages of pneumonia.

The story took a bizarre turn when Moormann claimed that the hospital wouldn’t allow her to leave until she paid her bill, which had risen to $40,000. A hospital representative denied the accusation, blaming the media and Moormann’s son Ryen for sensationalizing the situation.

The Situation Escalates

While Ryen attempted to raise the funds by setting up a GoFundMe page, Moormann was able to pay only $6,000 of the total charges. Moormann offered to make monthly payments, and her family contacted both the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Consulate, but nothing has been resolved.

In a conversation posted on his Facebook page, Ryen Moormann was told by another hospital representative that his mother would not be released until the bill was paid in full. When Fox News contacted Vikki Moormann, the phone cut in and out until they were informed that she was “busy.”

The Solution to Moving Heavy Hospital Carts

Whether your hospital cart needs are foreign or domestic, ask yourself if your employees struggle with moving hospital carts through busy hallways and tight quarters? Visit our website for information about electric tugs and pushers such as the CartCaddyLite from DJ Products.

Introducing the WasteCaddy Trash Hauler

Kayla pulling dumpsterHow many injuries do your employees have each year? Are any of those injuries related to moving heavy dumpsters on the job? If they are, then you need a solution. Moving dumpsters manually is hard work, and it puts employees and their health at risk. A dumpster puller or a great product like our WasteCaddy Trash Hauler can keep them safe. It also offers you plenty of other benefits.

Saving Time and Man Power

How would you use an extra employee? What would your employees be able to accomplish at work if they had more time? A dumpster puller could give you and your workers back some valuable time.

One customer stated that having the right equipment is, “…like having another employee on staff.” She went on to say that now, instead of needing two people to spend eight hours a week on the trash, it only takes one.

Preventing Injuries on the Job

Many on-the-job injuries are related to moving heavy dumpsters. This can get expensive for employers, plus, they also lose valuable members of their teams. Having the right equipment, such as using a WasteCaddy Trash Hauler, can prevent those injuries from occurring. This keeps businesses much more productive, and reduces costs in many areas.

Saving Money

When you save time and prevent injuries, you’re also saving money. In today’s world, that’s a big deal. Employers can avoid shelling out thousands of dollars every year because of lack of personnel and workers comp claims.

Do you have questions about the dumpster puller or the WasteCaddy Trash Hauler? We’d love to hear them and get you answers. Contact us!

Warehouse Ergonomics Are Less About OSHA Than Productivity and Staff Retention

worker with fork pallet truck
Warehouse Ergonomics and Productivity

The practice of warehouse ergonomics began as a way to safeguard employees from injuries due to overexertion or repetitive motions. As the industry faces an increasing labor shortage, implementing ergonomics has become crucial in terms of retaining workers while also maintaining high service levels.

Current State of Ergonomic Practices in the United States

Unlike countries such as Canada and Australia, ergonomics are not covered by federal law in the United States. OSHA’s General Duty Clause is so broadly written that companies are cited only when extremely poor conditions exist. Jim Galante, chairman of MHI’s Ergonomic Assist Systems and Equipment (EASE) Council, says that despite loose regulations, awareness of ergonomic practices has grown.

According to Galante, efforts to solve production problems and improve efficiency often result in ergonomic solutions. Issues such as improper motions and wasted energy are almost always at the root of bottlenecks and slowdowns.

In addition, a changing workforce has become a serious concern for the warehouse industry. Galante cites statistics showing that the average workforce age has doubled over the past 22 years, while a third of its members are now classified as obese.

What are the Best Methods to Implement Ergonomics?

  • When choosing equipment such as warehouse tugs and movers, consider the impact on overall productivity as well as individual workers.
  • Regularly solicit feedback from employees who are actually using the equipment. Take the information into consideration when evaluating processes and make necessary modifications.

Boost Workplace Safety with Warehouse Tugs and Movers

DJ Products offers a wide variety of ergonomically designed material handling solutions to meet every need. Visit our website for more information.

More Tips to Improve Warehouse Efficiency

Continuing our Monday post, today we provide more tips to ramp up warehouse efficiency by improving material handling processes in distribution centers. In a recent Supply Demand Chain article, TriFactor systems engineer Greg Tuohy offered these suggestions:

  1. Re-evaluate pick tech. Eliminate paper-based picking in favor of auto-enhanced technology. Implementing radio frequency (RF), pick-to-voice or pick-to-light technology can make your operation more efficient. Evaluate the density of SKU locations, throughput, product characteristics and specialized procedures such as serial number tracking to determine the pick technology best suited to your operation, Tuohy advises.
  2. Evaluate pick method. Decide which picking method is most cost effective for your operation. Piece picking where the picker walks the aisles picking and completing one order at a time is the most time-consuming and, therefore, most costly. Small, maneuverable powered tugs can facilitate far more efficient batch picking where all orders are picked simultaneously in a single pass. Dolly pullers and electric tugs can also be used to streamline operations that use assembly-line style zone and wave picking. Powered carts and tugs help streamline your operation by increasing the speed and volume of work that can be accomplished by each worker.
  3. Multi-task. Practice task interleaving which combines picking with the put-away process, Tuohy suggests. Interleaving ensures that operators and equipment are always tasked, that time and energy are not wasted on empty loads. The idea is to create a continuous loop where equipment is always loaded, bringing materials to pick locations and returning empty pallets or delivering picked product to shipping locations.
  4. Minimize downtime. Equipment requires planned maintenance. A proactive maintenance plan will minimize downtime and save time and money. Planned maintenance should be conducted on equipment and automated systems on a regular schedule. Correct small problems immediately and keep frequently needed spare parts on hand.
  5. Protect power supply. Assess the vulnerability of your power supply. Lightning strikes, power outages and power spikes can wreak havoc with distribution systems, says Tuohy. Work with your local electric company to install surge protectors and other recommended protections. Battery-powered carts and tugs with enough juice to work through an entire shift can be the lifeline that keeps your operations moving when Mother Nature throws a fit.

Automation Is Changing Warehousing

Warehousing and distribution centers are being forced to perform more quickly than ever before and meet a growing list of unique customer requirements. Automation is the key to success.

“To get more throughput while decreasing cycle times, more facilities are turning to the strategic use of automation for picking, conveying, storage and sortation,” wrote Modern Materials Handling editor Bob Trebilcock in a May 2006 Modern Materials Handling article on warehousing systems.

Over the past decade, automated systems have moved from simple stock locator systems to islands of single-task automation to the unified, integrated systems being installed today. Automation is speeding up every aspect of warehousing, including inventory control, receiving, material movement, picking, packing and shipping. Automation allows greater volumes to be handled in shorter timeframes. Today, automation allows customization of an end-user’s needs to be accomplished with amazing speed, accuracy and efficiency.

Engineering a customer’s requirements “into the workflow” and performing them as a matter of course, is the most efficient and cost-effective way to meet specific customer requirements, Trebilcock writes in a July 2008 Modern Materials Handling article. Some examples of using automation to meet unique customer requirements:

  • Pick-to-light solutions ensure order-picking accuracy and maintain throughput.
  • Synchronizing material delivery to the production line in the same sequence as component assembly and packing saves time on the order assembly line.
  • Automatic print and apply processes save labor in applying shipping labels and guarantee accurate shipments.

Anything you can do to automate your warehousing or distribution operation will improve speed and accuracy for your customers and allow you to handle a higher volume while still meeting unique customer requirements.

Process Automation Key to Logistics Success

For logistics providers competing in a tight economy, process automation is an essential strategy. A MarketInsight study just released by Hubspan, Inc. surveyed more than 200 North American logistics companies with annual revenue between $30 million and $10 billion. Process automation to streamline shared processes, achieve operational efficiency and improve collaboration between customers, carriers and distributors were identified as the most critical challenges facing the logistics industry today.

“The logistics industry recorded strong growth over the past decade due to globalization and an increased demand for imported goods,” said Robert Pease, Vice President of marketing for Hubspan. “However, the industry shifted in early 2008 due to a slowing economy, rising fuel costs and a shortage of qualified personnel. This shift drives the need for logistics companies to apply efficiencies that automate processes and streamline operations to overcome current economic hurdles.”

Incompatible systems and difficulties in integrating systems were cited as the greatest challenge by a majority of survey respondents. “In an industry driven by efficiency, it is surprising that so few logistics providers are able to resolve core integration issues that impact on-time performance, process automation and customer service,” Pease said. “Increasing process automation and system compatibility illustrate two key opportunities for logistics providers looking to outperform the competition and thrive in today’s tough economic environment.”

Utilizing ergonomically designed powered carts and tugs to replace the manual transport of materials and products is one way logistics companies can increase automation and improve production efficiency. With the logistics industry facing a shortage of workers, ergonomic material handling solutions allow each worker to efficiently accomplish a greater workload while dramatically decreasing potential risk of injury. Replacing expensive, high-maintenance, fuel-guzzling forklifts and gas/diesel-powered equipment, with less costly, more maneuverable, electric-powered carts and tugs can result in a considerable savings in high fuel costs. These smaller, more maneuverable carts also provide more versatile solutions to material handling problems. For more information on ergonomic solutions to material handling problems, visit the DJ Products website.

Tips to Improve Warehouse and Distribution Productivity

There are three key areas to consider in improving productivity at your warehouse, distribution facility or fulfillment center:

  1. Information flow must match physical flow. When the flow of information matches the physical flow of goods, inventories can be better managed and storage, pick-and-pack and retrieval operations can be streamlined, increasing productivity. It is important to realize that optimal inventory does not necessarily mean minimal inventory. To efficiently manage inventory and the flow of goods, look beyond weekly order statistics. Today’s global market demands consideration of complex logistics. If goods must be shipped from distant or multiple locations, maintaining a higher inventory of certain products can enable faster and more efficient customer response. Gathering maximum information about each specific facet of your operation allows you to discern customer and supplier patterns and the interrelationship of the many logistical factors that connect them. Developing a thorough understanding of “the big picture,” puts you in position to more effectively and efficiently direct the flow of goods through your facility.
  2. Know and improve your total operation first. Before implementing new technology, particularly before engaging in the requisite evaluation that precedes a major change in your operation, make certain you have a thorough understanding of every aspect of your present operation. Current processes should be honed and improved to maximum efficiency and productivity before embarking on the time, expense and training involved to implement new technology. A thorough understanding of your total operation will enable you to make optimal use of current processes and pinpoint areas that can best profit most from new technology.
  3. Automate where possible. As labor becomes more expensive and laborers become harder to find, automation is the key to increasing productivity. With the Baby Boomer generation reaching retirement age, the traditional U.S. workforce is beginning to shrink. There are fewer people available to replace the retiring workforce, and fewer young people are seeking jobs in warehousing, distribution and fulfillment. A smaller available workforce will be in a position to demand higher wages. Increased automation and, where automation is not possible, the use of equipment that allows a single worker to accomplish more tasks in less time can decrease necessary workforce and labor costs while increasing efficiency and productivity.

Ergonomic Equipment Cuts Strain on Depleted Workforce

News continues to look dire for the labor market. The Conference Board Employment Trends Index, or ETI, continued to decline in October. Down nearly 12% from a year ago, the index fell to 105.3 in October, a further 2% decrease from its September level. And the future isn’t looking good, said Conference Board Senior Economist Gad Levanon who predicts continued deterioration of the labor market and rising unemployment rates well into 2009.

“The economic developments of the last two months made it clear to businesses that demand for goods and services in the U.S. is declining, and businesses are responding by aggressively slashing their payrolls,” said Levanon in an interview published in Manufacturing & Technology eJournal. “Unfortunately, it seems this environment will persist for several more quarters and business leaders will continue reducing their workforce.”

Published monthly by the Conference Board, a global non-profit business organization that monitors and forecasts economic trends, the ETI is a compilation of eight labor-market indicators:

  • percentage of workers who find jobs “hard to get”
  • initial unemployment insurance claims
  • percentage of companies with job openings
  • number of temporary hires
  • number of part-time workers working for economic reasons
  • number of job openings
  • industrial production rates
  • real manufacturing and trade sales

Whether we like it or not, in a recession most businesses are forced to trim labor costs in order to survive. It’s happening in every sector of U.S. economy. From retail sales to office workers to manufacturing, layoffs are occurring, workforces are being downsized and retiring workers are not being replaced. This means fewer workers must shoulder greater burdens if production quality and output are to be maintained.

Ergonomically-designed equipment easily enables a single worker to do a job that may previously have required two or more workers when performed manually. By transferring physical effort from the worker to the equipment, ergonomically-designed carts and equipment movers allow business owners to effectively reduce their workforce without taxing their workers.

Ergonomic equipment is designed to prevent the expensive and debilitating musculoskeletal injuries that plague manual pushing, pulling and lifting tasks.  The introduction of ergonomic equipment and ergonomic practices into the workplace have been shown in countless studies to immediately reduce worker injury, decrease associated medical and insurance costs and improve worker morale and productivity.

To find out how ergonomically-designed equipment can help you maintain production values with a depleted workforce, talk to the ergonomic experts at DJ Products.

Tips for Ramping Up Warehouse Efficiency

The economy is forcing everyone to tighten up operations. Efficiency is today’s business byword. In a timely article posted on Supply Demand Chain, TriFactor systems engineer Greg Tuohy offered provocative tips to ramp up warehouse efficiency by improving material handling processes in distribution centers.

  1. Know where you’re at. Before you can decide where to make improvements, you have to know where you are, says Tuohy. Review operational data and break it down so you can see where your money goes and relationships between processes. Start with the big picture, but break it down to figure the cost of each element in the process. This will show you where you’re getting the best value for your dollar and where you need to tighten up your operation.
  2. Define customer service. Tuohy recommends defining your commitment to customers as narrowly as possible to allow more accurate measurement of success or failure. Defining what constitutes achievement of a perfect order, including labeling, delivery time, damage and documentation, also defines employee goals and customer expectations. Aim for realistic and achievable results that will give you a competitive edge.
  3. Touch it once. Each time an item is touched invites human error. Track the number of times an item is touched from the time the order is received until it ships out of your facility. Work to eliminate as many steps in the process as possible.
  4. Look up. When you need to expand operations, expand upward into unused overhead space instead of laterally. Elevating operations makes more efficient use of available space, allowing you to extend the useful life of your facility.
  5. Map SKUs. Gather data on SKUs in inventory, says Tuohy. Carefully map each SKU for shape, weight and velocity of use. Knowing how fast items move from demand to use allows you to slot your facility for maximum efficiency. “The data also allow you to take advantage of the cubing features of most warehouse management systems in order to calculate the appropriate-sized carton to use for a respective order,” says Tuohy, thus reducing carton and packing filler expenses.

Next time: More ways to ramp up warehouse efficiency