DJProducts Rail Car Caddy Make Easy Work of Heavy Jobs

Rail Car Mover

Railcars can weigh up to 250,000 pounds, making the job of moving them an intimidating and time-consuming task. Fortunately, you don’t need to put Superman on your payroll. Our Railcar Caddy from DJ Products lets a single employee handle the procedure safely and efficiently.

Electric Caddy vs. Diesel Movers

How are you currently moving railcars around terminals, yards and repair shops? Most workers end up relying on diesel-powered movers, which are expensive, bulky and require extensive maintenance. Burning diesel fuel also creates emissions that are harmful to vegetation and contribute to acid rain.

Our caddy is not dependent on fossil fuels of any kind. It operates on a standard 48-volt, four-battery system. Battery life extends eight hours or more, the length of most work shifts, and the charger can be plugged into a conventional 120/220 AC outlet. In addition, there are no fumes, vibrations or loud noises, making the caddy safe to use in enclosed places.

Ease and Versatility of the Railcar Caddy

Moving a railcar frequently involves more than one person, limiting productivity by pulling employees away from other important tasks. A single person can easily operate our caddy on their own, without any specialized training or license.

The mover comes equipped with a custom coupler that quickly connects to any railcar, and the front hydraulic lift transfers weight to the caddy for superior traction over surfaces such as flush tracks and lightly-packed gravel. Thanks to the unit’s compact size, it can be maneuvered easily, even with the weight of a railcar attached.

Standard and Optional Features
    • Low-speed, high-torque motors and transaxle provide adjustable acceleration and braking for maximum control at speeds of 3 MPH in forward and reverse.
    • The variable-speed thumb twist grip is ergonomically designed for ease of use with less stress on muscles and joints.
    • Customize the caddy with safety horns, flashing pole and light, trojan batteries, enclosed chain guards and dual solid-drive tires.


DJ Products: Your #1 Source for Material Handling Solutions

Want to learn more about the Railcar Caddy and other movers from DJ Products? Call us at 800.686.2651 to chat with our cheerful and expert Sales Engineers.

The Top Trends We Are Watching in Rail for 2018

Rail Freight Growth Trends
Rail Freight Growth Trends

Our innovative railcar mover is designed to operate dependably through a wide range of conditions. No matter what changes in the rail industry, you can count on our mover for reliable service.

The past few years have been a time of flux in the rail industry, and 2018 is no exception. Here’s a look at the current trends affecting rail.

Increased Traffic

Declining rail traffic led to its second-lowest total of revenue ton-miles in 2016. But by June 2017, both Class 1 freight and regional railroad volume were showing significant year-over-year growth.

High Demand for Coal Transport

Lower stockpiles, reduced days of burn and higher temperatures combined to drive up the demand for coal at power plants. Coal transport increased by 20 percent over the period of June 2016 to June 2017.

Railroad Stocks on the Rise

Coal exports also increased by 60 percent in 2017, while overall growth in U.S. gross national product (GDP) is driving a greater demand for goods and commodities. As a result, railroad stocks are expected to reap the benefits of these upturns.

Integration of Technology

The rail industry has been behind the curve in adopting cloud computing, Big Data analytics and other high-tech innovations. With costs shrinking as technology matures, more rail companies are investing in these systems.

Transport Management Systems Become the Industry Standard

Early versions of transport management systems (TMS) were too elementary to be cost-effective, but software has progressed to the point where TMS is increasingly seen as a valuable solution.

Increase Safety and Productivity with the Railcar Mover from DJ Products

Moving railcars is a cumbersome operation. With our electric railcar mover, a single employee can easily and safely handle the job. Visit our website for more information.