Logistics Companies Benefit from New Mobile Weighing Technology

This New Mobile Weighing Technology is the Future for Warehousing.
This New Mobile Weighing Technology is the Future for Warehousing.

As online shopping continues to grow, customer expectations increase the need for speed in the supply chain and logistics. Our battery-powered semi trailer movers provide greater efficiency in the truck yard.

Technology is creating tools to streamline operations inside the warehouse. Mobile weighing has become a necessary step in making the loading and unloading process less cumbersome and time-consuming.

Mobile vs. Manual Weighing

In the traditional logistics model, product is transferred via pallet jack or forklift to stationary scales inside the warehouse. As the product is weighed, a worker manually records the data before the load is transported back to the loading/unloading area.

Mobile weighing lets product be loaded or unloaded and weighed simultaneously. In addition, data is captured immediately and transmitted wirelessly to warehouse management systems.

Benefits of Mobile Weighing

– Mobile weighing reduces time and expenses. One medium-sized facility switched to a mobile scale and cut three minutes off each weighment, which calculates out to annual savings of 620 manhours and $21,696 in labor costs.

– Data flows directly into the capturing device, eliminating the risk of human error.

– Locating the weighing mechanism inside a pallet jack or forklift removes the need for a cumbersome assortment of equipment that can cause safety hazards.

What Does the Future Hold?

Mobile weighing systems may ultimately include voice activation and cameras to send visual information down the processing chain. There is also potential for integration with wearables from picking to communicating information to the customer.

Shunting on Demand with Semi Trailer Movers from DJ Products

Why wait for a shunt truck to maneuver trailers around the yard? Our popular Electric Yard Dog can be operated by any worker with no permits or special training required. Contact us for more information.

Our Top Tips for Truckers for Winter Driving

Our Top Tips for Truckers for Winter Driving
Our Top Tips for Truckers for Winter Driving

As we roll out our newly-built semi trailer movers for delivery to help you manage the influx of holiday shipping, Mother Nature is likewise delivering her cargo in the form of winter snow and icy rain. To help you ensure a safe and cheerful holiday season at home with your family, your friends at DJ Products thought we’d share a few of our top winter driving tips.

Watch the Weather

Snow and ice make for challenging driving conditions. Ensure a safer trip by staying vigilant of the weather to prevent ending up in unexpected situations. Leave earlier/later as needed. Drive with more caution during snowy and icy weather: Slow down, leave more space, brake sooner, and remain hyperaware. This is especially important on busy city streets, which are more congested with fellow motorists and pedestrians during the busy holiday season.

Don’t Get Distracted

Keep your eyes on the road and off your cell phone. Distracted driving is a leading cause of traffic fatalities. Pull over and stop if you must make a call or text. Just a two-second distraction doubles the chance of an accident.

Dress (Your Vehicle) for Success

Remove ice/snow to ensure maximum visibility and avoiding hazards. Ensure safety when stranded by stocking your rig with basic supplies such as warm blankets, water, and food to increase your chances of survival in life-threatening scenarios.

Avoid Impairment

Avoid driving impaired whether due to sleepiness or eggnog overindulgence, respectfully sharing the road with other motorists and ensuring everyone enjoys safe holidays at home with family. Report suspected drunk drivers (weaving, straddling the lane, erratic braking). A simple call can save lives.

Keep semi trailer movers, cargo, and drivers moving safely this holiday season with the help of DJ Products today.

What You Need to Know About the TrailerCaddy Terminal Tractor and Electric Yard Dog

 What You Need to Know About the TrailerCaddy Terminal Tractor and Electric Yard Dog

What You Need to Know About the TrailerCaddy Terminal Tractor and Electric Yard Dog

Looking for a way to immediately boost efficiency without the red tape involved with implementing many new processes? TrailerCaddy semi trailer movers deliver! Allowing any worker to navigate trailers at a moment’s notice without a CDL, certification, or health card, TrailerCaddy terminal tractors and electric yard dogs are an ideal way to streamline your services, easily integrating into your current operation.

Keeping it Simple

With TrailerCaddy semi trailer movers, there’s no need to log driving hours or involve employees in long and complicated training sessions. Smaller and more maneuverable than a yard truck, our terminal tractors and electric yard dogs are the perfect addition for tight docks and yards. With forward, walk-along operation, precise steering and speed control, and better sight lines, they are easy for anyone to operate, improving safety.

Boosting Efficiency & Controlling Costs

Tired of waiting for a hostler? Less than 1/4 the price of costly shunt trucks, with no need for a specialized operator, TrailerCaddy semi trailer movers easily boost efficiency, further helping your control operating costs with no expensive annual maintenance.

Safeguarding Employees

Most accidents, injuries, and damage to trailers, tractors, and buildings occur in the yard, not on the road. With easy wagon-wheel steering and forward operation, the exceptional maneuverability of TrailerCaddy terminal tractors and electric yard dogs reduce the risk of damage to docks, trailers, and equipment. No more looking over your shoulder to backup, no more crawling in/out of the cab.

Helping You Make a Big Move in the Right Direction

TrailerCaddy semi trailer mover 48-volt batteries provide long run times, allowing any employee to move tank and semi-trailers up to 100,000-pounds, even those with air brake systems when equipped with optional compressor.

Learn more about semi trailer movers from DJ Products today.

Three Trends Changing Fulfillment and Logistics

Trends to Watch
Trends to Watch in Fulfillment and Logistics

As a leading supplier of semi trailer movers, we stay on top of news and trends that affect the warehouse and supply chain industry. Here are three current trends changing the role of fulfillment and logistics for e-commerce, which is the hottest segment of retailing today.

1. Pop-Up Shops

Small to mid-sized e-commerce retailers have discovered that pop-up shops are a way to distinguish themselves from Amazon and other industry leaders. A pop-up shop is an actual brick-and-mortar storefront that opens for only a few months, offering the advantages of in-person shopping with few of the common drawbacks.

– Customers can see and touch the products.

– Retailers can build their brands by focusing on specific items without the trouble and expense of carrying a lot of inventory.

– Orders can be placed online for quick delivery, sometimes as soon as same-day.

– Vendors aren’t locked into long-term leases so they can easily test different locations.

2. Data-Based Forecasting

Maintaining accurate inventory levels can make or break a business. Too much inventory ties up valuable capital, while too little means risking unhappy customers due to stock outs.

Savvy merchants are using modern technology to compile historical data from all aspects of their business, including orders, sales channels and customers. Once the data is integrated, it creates a clear picture that makes forecasting more precise.

3. Fast and Affordable Shipping

With so much purchasing being done online, customers are demanding timely shipping at low rates. In many cases, losses from inexpensive or free shipping are more than offset by the increase in sales.

Choose DJ Products for Quality Semi Trailer Movers

Our semi trailer movers satisfy the demand for yard equipment that increases productivity without sacrificing safety. Contact us to learn more.

How Some Trucking Companies Are Retaining Drivers with a “Coolness Factor”

Is It Getting Cool to be a Driver?
Is It Getting Cool to be a Driver?

The trucking industry is actively trying to promote their “coolness factor” in a hurry. As the influx of delivery requests continue to tick upwards, the high demand for willing drivers to fulfill their many tasks is growing as well. There are not enough job takers.

Before when driving semis was considered “cool,” drivers could talk diesel, boast of stellar equipment and a lifestyle that appealed. Now, those in the industry are scrambling to find ways to compensate for the lack of interest and the lack of able-bodied workers. That’s where the motorized trailer dollies factor comes in.

A Fresh Face

Until drivers begin to get behind the steering columns again, warehouses and semi companies will have to work together to find simple solutions. Simple, yet efficient machinery can do the job to pick up the slack. If you are looking for a reliable worker, DJ Products’ motorized trailer dollies, de-stress your hard-working employees and get logistics back on track! An extra mechanical hand makes light the work!

Upping the Cool Factor

Do you want to keep your hardworking team on task and not out of breath? Nothing’s cooler than machinery that protects employees from extra strain. The less human contact with heavy loads the better. DJ Products uses high-grade machines to help you make great delegating choices. How can you make the process of loading/unloading and delivery go smoothly? You keep tireless machines on the job and diligent workers off the injured list!

Our DJ Products Simplify

Our battery operated motorized trailer dollies don’t require any special training to get them to do the job. Anyone can act as a guide/operator of our premium machinery. Visit DJ Products today and discover how we aspire to a higher standard by design!

Driver’s Pay on the Rise with Contract Increases

Keep An Eye Out for Semi Truck Driver's Pay to Increase.
Keep An Eye Out for Semi Truck Driver’s Pay to Increase.

The flourishing economy is producing opportunities for growth in the trucking and warehouse industries. According to a recent industry article, drivers in the industry are experiencing wage increases and excess opportunities for deliveries.

The lack of drivers in the industry is startling but the uptick in demand is expected to bring about positive change, yet it also brings concerns.The need continues to grow for simple-solution products like battery-operated semi-trailer movers.

Decreasing Concerns

How can you fill the tasks that experienced drivers already can do but don’t have the time to do? The technological advances found in battery-operated semi-trailer movers allow for much-needed task delegation. Any dedicated worker can now play an integral role in the logistics division when they utilize specialized machinery. Can one machine do the work of the middleman? It can and will.

Despite the noticeable decline in able-bodied experienced truck drivers in the industry, everyday warehouse employees and novice drivers can learn new tasks with minimal training.

Battery-powered semi trailer movers can move hundreds of thousands of pounds with precision and at safe speeds. Trailers carrying small or large freight deliveries are easily transferred to the appropriate areas for loading and unloading. If you invest in expertly-designed premium machinery, you can expect a much higher level of efficiency.

Increasing Assurance

DJ Products offers solutions that push beyond previous boundaries. Humans and machinery can work together in a synchronized model of precision and accuracy. The difficult task of moving large loads is easy when battery-propelled semi trailer movers are utilized. They effectively address the complexities and workload problems that seem insurmountable by facilitating safe simple answers.

If your wish is to make your hardworking employees work day a little easier, DJ products has ideal solutions for the job!

UPS Truck Fleet Goes Green

Going Green to Save Energy
Going Green to Save Energy

Will your semi trailer movers soon be toting cargo for haul on greener tractor trailer models? United Parcel Service (UPS) is expanding its fleet to include 730 new alternative fuel semis. In efforts to trim fuel costs and reduce emissions, compressed natural gas will now power 19% of the shipping giant’s fleet­.

How Much Green is Going Into the Investment?
To cover the cost of the 730 compressed natural gas vehicles, UPS is forking out $130-million. It is also adding 5 compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling stations to the company’s existing framework of fueling stations to accommodate the addition.

Which Truck Manufacturers are Greening-Up their Product Line?
The company’s purchases include 400 big rigs from Freightliner (Daimler North America) and Kenworth (Paccar), as well as 300 semi trailer movers for toting trailers to their new digs.

Why’s the Company Shifting Gears?
The investment is part of a broad, company-wide effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ground operations 12% by 2025. It comes alongside a $20-billion investment in facilities technology and automation in efforts to adjust to the household e-commerce boom, a sector which tends to be less profitable than business deliveries. Focusing on fuel, historically the biggest expense for transportation companies, UPS is aiming to keep their business in the black.

Will Others Follow?
Many others are exploring alternatives for their delivery vehicles: Anheuser-Busch has reserved hundreds of Nikola Motor Company’s hydrogen-electric trucks; Walmart and J.B. Hunt Transport are in line to test out Tesla’s all-electric big rigs; and Deutsche Post AG’s DHL supply chain and truck-leasing company Ryder are likewise jumping aboard the green vehicle bandwagon.

Looking for new ways to safeguard your bottom line? Save time, manpower, and prevent injuries with semi trailer movers from DJProducts today.

Will Your Drivers be Sleeping While Their Self-Driving Trucks Take the Wheel?

Magnifying Glass – Questions
Questions on Self Driving Trucks

The newest technology advancements in the transportation sector have all the hallmarks of either creating revolutionary solutions or causing a plethora of troubling problems. Should the trucking industry get on board?

Semi trailer moving has already been made simple with products like terminal tractors and other battery operated machinery. Are drivers or the world ready to trust their livelihoods to autonomous vehicles?

Analyzing the Angles

Safety on the job is imperative to protect vulnerable drivers from injury. Terminal tractors are complicit with the higher standards set by quality craftsmanship and quality assurance. Both self-driving semis and semi trailer moving machinery seek to ensure exhausted workers get much-needed rest to avoid accidents.

Sadly, the highways and other types of roadways throw an unpredictable cog in the proverbial wheel. It’s called human error. Without safeguard controls put in place, tragedy can occur. Already, DJ products have a proven track record to enable drivers to be diligent without safety hazards. Self-driving semis do not.

Making the Right Decision

Would you be able to sleep if your job, your pay, and your life depended on implicit trust in autonomous vehicles? One article fears that drivers wouldn’t have the assurance they needed to allow self-driving vehicles to deliver them and their cargo to crucial checkpoints without allowing for more human control. So many variables need to be overcome before those in the industry will utilize a computerized system.

One thing drivers don’t fear is what they can see, maintain and maneuver for themselves. At DJ products, we understand that man and machine can work together to create simple solutions to real problems. Unlike self-driving semis, our semi trailer moving premium machinery keeps drivers abreast of the situation and aware while we ease their labor burden!

Will Your Drivers’ Workdays Be Extended to 17 Hours by the Feds?

Will Your Drivers' Workdays Be Extended to 17 Hours by the Feds?
Will Your Drivers’ Workdays Be Extended to 17 Hours by the Feds?

For decades, hard-working drivers have called for changes to be made to the hours involved in their workdays. Now a proposal to extend 14-hour days to 17-hour days in a workday has been brought to the table. Because of this newest development, valid concerns have emerged. What do longer hours mean for the overall health of drivers? Or for those who rely on the safe transport of goods?

What can be done to reduce possible accidents? Employing fail-safe technology like battery operated semi trailer movers provides simple solutions to address dangerous exhaustion that arises as a result.

You Are Not a Machine

One recent article questions if extending the hours in a workday are worth the risk. Do drivers recognize their need for rest? Will they adhere to the strict safety policies and revere the constraints placed for their safety and to ensure a higher quality of service?

More than three-fourths of truck drivers are clocked in at over 50 hours a week. Sadly, some of them are even encouraged to falsify their work diary. Close to half say they follow that implied mandate for fear of losing their job. Those hard-working drivers need someone in their corner to help them complete work safely and take their load when others won’t.

We Do When Others Don’t

At DJ Products, we quit the guesswork, and rely on premiere equipment to ease the issues that can result via overworked employees. Our quality semi trailer movers utilize precise speed control and require no special licensing to operate. We let busy drivers rest so our machinery can do the heavy moving. Safety is important on the job. Our products not only safeguard quality products but improve a diligent employee’s quality of life.

Are Load-Boards Right for You and Your Fleet?

Kenworth Previewed Hydrogen-Powered Semi Truck at Consumer Electronics Show
Could Load-Boards Work for Your Fleet?

In the trucking industry, the process of semi trailer moving is often filled with unknown variables. Reliable machinery, logistics and increased efficiency will improve the working relationships between owners, brokers, and shippers.

The utilization of Load Boards can be a positive tool when used to benefit warehouses, product acquisition, and transactions, but it can also bring added challenges. One quality machine can help bring assurance to all the moving parts involved. The addition of a premium terminal tractor will provide a reliable constant to unpredictable operational hazards.

Who Needs Load Boards?

For start-up companies, new or small business owners, using a Load Board is a simple way to accrue the resources needed to ensure product delivery and acquisition. Deadlines are important for increasing profit margins. A Load Board is utilized to post loads, available transportation for delivery and acts as an extra line of communication between owners, shippers, and brokers.

If you’re a broker and need a load to be delivered ASAP and can’t find a truck, a Load Board can help. But trusting an unknown shipper/truck driver or broker to handle a transaction appropriately can be an experience in uncertainty.

How They Handle Loads

If you’re working with an inexperienced driver, new warehouse workers, or a large load, our TrailerCaddy can benefit your bottom line. Late drivers and warehouse workers (that need a little help negotiating through unloading/loading) can inadvertently freeze product delivery and thus lower profit.

Efficient use of time in the industry benefits everyone. A TrailerCaddy makes semi trailer moving simple, allowing warehouse workers to move loads where needed and inexperienced drivers more efficient at unloading and loading so they can move on to the next job. Visit DJ Products to discover simple answers to complicated tasks!