Kenworth Previewed Hydrogen-Powered Semi Truck at Consumer Electronics Show

Kenworth Previewed Hydrogen-Powered Semi Truck at Consumer Electronics Show
Kenworth Previewed Hydrogen-Powered Semi Truck at Consumer Electronics Show

The powered trailer dolly you might use for your warehousing and transportation business doesn’t cause much damage to the environment, but what about the semi-trucks that deliver your products? Semi-trucks that run on traditional fuel do contribute to environmental damage, which is why improvements to these vehicles are being made. In fact, a semi-truck that runs on hydrogen was recently introduced at an electronics show.

Eco-Friendly Trucking

At the annual Consumer Electronics Show in January, Kenworth previewed a semi-truck that’s powered by hydrogen. The Kenworth T680 day cab runs on a hydrogen fuel cell rather than needing to rely on natural gas or diesel fuel. Why was this eco-friendly truck shown at an electronics show? The fuel cell contains a mixture of hydrogen and air that ends up producing electricity. When the truck runs, its only tailpipe emission is water vapor.

Details on the T680

The Kenworth T680, which was demonstrated for the show’s Zero Emission Cargo Transport project, won’t be ready to do long hauls just yet. Initially, the truck will mainly be able to handle 150 miles, which is better suited to short hauls. The horsepower that the motor puts out comes in at 565, and the truck is strong enough to carry the same weight as other Class 8 vehicles.

The electricity that the truck produces can be used to run the motor or recharge the batteries. This high-tech truck could help reduce emissions overall once it’s ready for regular use.

If you need a powered trailer dolly for your warehouse, please visit DJ Products to see our selection of available items. Our products offer important benefits for your business, including savings on manpower and reducing the risk of injuries.