Highlighting the DJ Products Shopping Cart Retriever

Shopping Cart Caddy
The Shopping Cart Caddy

With their tendency to drift off in unpredictable directions, gathering shopping carts can be like herding cats. Make this difficult task easier and more efficient with a battery-powered shopping cart pusher from DJ Products.

Who Wants to Chase Shopping Carts?

Right now, gathering shopping carts at your business is a completely manual operation. Hourly employees take time out from other duties to chase carts around the parking lot and maneuver an increasingly awkward chain.

Pushing and pulling are frequent causes of workplace injuries, making this a particularly risky job. Add the inconvenience of bad weather and retrieving shopping carts becomes a thankless job for any employee.

A Simple Solution to a Tough Problem

Our shopping cart pusher lets a single employee of any age, size and gender move up to 50 shopping carts at one time. Once the pusher is attached to the back of the line of carts, the employee stands in front to guide the line and uses a remote control to activate the pusher.

In addition to making your employees’ job easier and safer, our shopping cart pusher has other money-saving benefits.

  • Car dings from loose carts are a huge pet peeve for shoppers, so a lot full of stray carts can be a deterrent to business.
  • Carts left out in the parking lot can often tempt people to take them for their own use.

Money- and Labor-Saving Solutions from DJ Products

Our shopping cart pusher is the perfect solution to a long-standing problem. Visit our website and use our handy chat feature to learn more about our full line of electric pushers, pullers and tugs.

Get Ready for the Holiday Shopping Rush

Get Your Warehouse Ready for December!

The holiday shopping season is in full swing, with “Black Friday” shopping spread out across the season. For retail, that means heavy traffic and high workloads for weeks on end.

Many people shop early in November and late into December to avoid the major crowds. Ironically, for retailers that actually lengthens the span of time spent dealing with higher-than-normal store traffic.

The National Retail Federation recently released its annual survey of consumer holiday shopping statistics. With 46 percent of holiday shopping taking place online, brick-and-mortar retailers need to convert traffic into sales efficiently. Online shopping provides the lure of convenience, so stores need to make it easy for customers to find and buy items.

Buyers love the “in-store pickup” option. This process can be streamlined by having employees use baskets and shopping carts to prep orders.

The Right Tools to Help Customers Shop

We often talk about inventory moving carts to help keep the warehouse and stock room in full motion. For holiday shopping, you also need a solution to retrieve shopping carts so customers don’t feel turned away or stressed.

Our motorized shopping cart movers help your business turn more sales and keep your employees fresh and energized. The benefits of shopping cart movers include:

  • Present a great first impression on shoppers
  • Encourage shopping cart use vs. carrying items by hand
  • Retain your best workers with improved working conditions
  • Simplify the task for seasonal workers with less experience
  • Protection from parking lot accidents

Help your employees keep customers happy — empower them with shopping cart movers for retrieving and relocating carts without the physical strain of doing it manually.

Shopping Cart Retriever Allows Retailers to Focus on Customers

During the holidays, they’re particularly noticeable. The bundled up teens sloshing through the slush in search of errant shopping carts left stranded by harried holiday shoppers. They struggle to push them into long, snaking lines and over ruts of ice and snow, muscling them from side to side as they push them toward the store where shoppers wait impatiently to grab one and hit the aisles.

Shopping cart retrieval is a perennial problem for retailers across the country, but especially during the busy holiday shopping season. Each moment you keep your customers waiting for a cart adds to their frustration, not exactly the feeling of good will you’re trying to promote during the make-or-break holidays. You want your customers pushing their cart through the aisles of your store, filling it will all kinds of holiday goodies.

And the more staff you have to task to collecting shopping carts, the fewer staff available to wait on anxious customers and ring up their purchases. During your busiest hours when you need your full staff complement working on the floor, sending two or three (and in bad weather, often four or six) employees out to retrieve needed shopping carts can put an unfortunate dent in your ability to serve your customers quickly and effectively. With the poor economy forcing most businesses to cut back on staff, delegating employees to shopping cart retrieval puts an even bigger burden on your staff and taxes the patience of your customers.

DJ Products’ powered shopping cart retriever takes the strain out of gathering shopping carts and delivering them back to the store. A single employee can quickly and easily maneuver up to 50 shopping carts around a parking lot and in the door without assistance, even through parking lots rutted with frozen snow and ice. The ergonomic design of our shopping cart retriever system eliminates the pushing and straining that often causes muscle injury and back strain when employees are forced to maneuver a line of carts manually. Your employees will thank you for making an onerous job easy. Your customers will thank you for keeping maximum staff on the floor to make their shopping experience more pleasant. And your accountant will commend you for finding a cost-effective way to improve efficiency and productivity. It’s a win-win-win scenario. Visit the  DJ Products website to find out more about our shopping cart retrieval system.

Improve Your Customers’ Experience with Our Shopping Cart Mover

Is there anyone who hasn’t come out from a shopping trip to find those telltale cart dings in their car doors? Using our shopping cart movers is a great way to help your customers avoid that annoyance when patronizing your store.

You undoubtedly have employees assigned to handle cart retrieval, but when it’s done manually it’s a cumbersome task. The associate has to round them all up then attempt to steer them back to the store without any escaping the line. Our motorized cart pusher moves up to 50 carts with less effort.

Once the carts are in line, your employee simply attaches the cart pusher to the back. He then moves to the front and steers with one hand while operating the mover with a convenient remote control. The ease of operation reduces the likelihood of injury and means your employee spends less time outside in bad weather conditions.

Stray carts in the parking lot presents a two-fold inconvenience for your customers. They have to navigate around the obstacles when entering and leaving the lot. It’s also difficult when they attempt to shop and there are no carts available. Our shopping cart mover gives you a solution for both issues.

The shopping cart pusher is only one of the full line of ergonomically designed, battery-powered tugs and tows from DJ Products. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff can recommend the appropriate solution for your application. Please call us at 800.686.2651 for prompt assistance. If you prefer, use our online chat feature.

Shopping Cart Retriever Saves Money, Prevents Injury

You feel sorry for them when you see them in the parking lot struggling with a long line of shopping carts. Cart retrieival has got to be the least-liked job among grocery store, big box and other retail employees. It might not seem like too bad a job on a nice spring day, but cruising the parking lot for carts in the blistering July heat or the pouring rain or driving snow can be brutal.

Have you ever watched a cart retrieval operation? Workers walk hither and yon in a time-consuming search for carts, gathering them into an every increasing line. Often, carts tossed into corrals must be wrenched apart with force so they can be nested together correctly for the push back to the store. Some workers will try to muscle a line of carts half an aisle long, straining to push and pull what has become the equivalent of a fixed-wheel piece of heavy equipment. They use brute force to jerk the line of carts this way and that as they try to maneuver them into the store.

Manual cart retrieval is an open invitation to worker injury. Strained muscles —  particularly back, leg and arm — from muscling carts across the parking lot are common. Wrists can be sprained trying to jerk carts apart or force a line of carts into a curve. Smashed fingers are a daily occurrence. And all those injuries cost an employer money in medical bills, insurance premiums, workmen’s compensation and lost man-hours.

The shopping cart retriever system eliminates the drudgery, hard work and potential health concerns associated with rounding up shopping carts. The shopping cart retriever attaches to the back of a line of carts and can push up to 50 shopping carts, far more than even the strongest employee can attempt. With the cart pusher attached to the back of the cart train, an employee standing at the front of the line can easily steer the line of carts into the store using a remote control device to operate the retriever. Pushing the carts from behind, the retriever does all the heavy work, protecting your employees from possible injury. Click here to find out more about the handy shopping cart retriever.

Taking the Pain out of Cart Retrieval

Nearly all large retail establishments have a multitude of shopping carts to serve their customers and invariably at several points throughout the day; many of those shopping carts are strewn about the parking lot.  This leaves the burden of cart collection on the employees of the establishment, and while its good to have job security, especially in this day and age, this particular duty is probably among the least favorite of many retail employees.

Carts get left in the parking lot regardless of the weather or temperature outside, leaving employees having to go out in the rain, snow, sleet and freezing temperatures to perform this high labor duty.  Collecting just a few carts at a time could make the process take far too long, and trying to collect a dozen all at once could lead to an unnecessary injury – manual cart collection, especially in less than favorable weather, is a lose-lose situation.

A cart retriever from DJ Products can take all of the hassle out of collecting shopping carts by removing the stress and strain on the employee and allowing the task to be performed at a much faster pace.  DJ Products cart retriever can easily handle a line of up to fifty shopping carts, allowing an entire parking lot to be cleaned of carts in a fraction of the time it would take to perform the collection manually.

The Cart Retriever makes this once dreaded job much safer and much easier and it frees up many more man hours for employees to attack other jobs inside the store to potentially create more revenue.  When employees aren’t pre-occupied with cart collection, more product can make its way on to the shelves, more customers can be served and the establishment can be kept organized and clean.  Increasing productivity in the workplace without risking employee safety is the best way to increase profitability and the Cart Retriever does just that.

Increasing Productivity With a Shopping Cart Retriever

Despite the fact that the retail industry still isn’t generating the volume of sales that were present a few years ago, discount stores, big box stores and grocery stores still see a high volume of customer and the majority of those customers are pushing around carts to make their shopping experience easier.  The traditional way to gather up all of these errant carts is to have one (or possibly several) employees scour the parking lot to manually retrieve them and while this method may be effective, it isn’t very efficient or very safe for the employee(s) who are doing it. 

A shopping cart retriever can make this part of a retail job much less strenuous on the employees responsible for gathering the carts.  Manual cart retrieval only allows for gathering a few carts at a time if an employee wants to avoid potential injury, but the use of a shopping cart retriever allows for safe moving of dozens of carts at a time.  Being able to perform more work while reducing the potential for injury is a huge benefit for any industry and that’s exactly what a shopping cart retriever can do for a high volume retailer.

Using a shopping cart retriever will also dramatically cut down on the time that it takes for an individual to gather carts from all over the property, which will free up their time to help other associates and perform other duties.  An extra set of available hands is always welcome in a retail establishment, especially during busier times when shelves need to be stocked and customers may need assistance.

Success in the retail industry requires satisfying the customers and creating return business – in order to do that retailers need to increase their efficiency by any means possible.  With the state of the economy, hiring more hourly individuals to help serve customers may not be an option, but any retailer can free up employee time by using high quality and reliable equipment like a shopping cart retriever.

Shopping Cart Retrievers Help Keep Customers Satisfied

Entering the fourth quarter of the year means one thing to retail establishments, an increase in traffic.  Retailers pull out all the stops during this time of year to get more customers into their stores and to generate more sales.

Specials, discounts and coupons are great for driving sales, but retailers need to be wary that their service level doesn’t drop as the customer flow begins to increase.  You and your employees need to provide everything that your customers need in order to make their shopping experience a pleasant one, including a readily available and fully functioning shopping cart.

With heavier traffic in your retail establishment, there will likely be a lot more shopping carts used.  During particularly busy shopping times, carts have a tendency of getting left strewn all over the parking lot – that’s where a shopping cart retriever can come in handy.

Manual retrieval of carts takes a good deal of time and is very strenuous.  A single employee attempting to push a multitude of carts across a parking lot could end up suffering an injury that causes them to miss work.  A shopping cart retriever allows a single employee to quickly and safely move up to fifty shopping carts at a time to deposit them where new customers can easily access them.  Shopping cart retrievers are a great way to cut down on the stress and strain put upon hourly employees during busy times. 

In many areas of the country there are also serious weather conditions to contend with during this time of year.  Shopping cart retrievers make cart retrieval a much more safe and tolerable job when conditions outside are less than favorable.  Adding a piece of equipment like the shopping cart retriever will increase employee productivity and safety, both of which are crucial to your business’ success during the holiday season.

Handling the Holiday Retail Rush with a Shopping Cart Retriever

Black Friday has come and gone, but the holiday retail rush is far from over.  There are still a few very hectic and very high volume weeks of shopping left for retailers to hit their projected sales numbers.  These last few weeks require stock crews, customer service personnel and cashiers to do whatever it takes to serve the masses of customers coming through the doors.

In some of these retail environments hourly employees will responsible for cart retrieval, which can be a very labor intensive and potentially dangerous duty if the proper equipment isn’t available.  A simple addition of a battery powered shopping cart retriever can make this job safer, easier and far less time consuming. 

Manual cart retrieval requires and employee to try and strong arm as many carts as he or she is capable of handling across a cold and busy parking lot.  Depending upon how many carts have made it out into the lot, this could take several trips back and forth through parking lot traffic over a reasonable amount of time. 

A shopping cart retriever allows a single employee to easily maneuver up to fifty carts at once across a parking lot, potentially getting the entire job done easily in a single trip.  This is not only a much safer scenario for the employee responsible, but will take much less time and free up valuable hands to help service the customers inside of the store.

A busy retail store needs empty shopping carts inside of the store for customers who are ready to shop, but getting them there doesn’t have to be a labor intensive hassle.  A shopping cart retriever takes one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks of a busy retail store and allows it to be completed effortlessly in a fraction of the time. 

Eliminating Retail Woes with a Shopping Cart Retriever

The long, cold months of winter can be a difficult time to work in retail, especially if your job duties include manually retrieving shopping carts from the parking lot.  Consumers who venture out into the sub freezing temperatures may be less likely to return their carts to the appropriate areas once their cars have been loaded with their purchases.  This means that retail employees will have to scour the parking lot, in frigid temperatures, in search of the errant carts.

Without access to a piece of labor saving equipment like a shopping cart retriever, this task can be quite laborious and exceedingly time consuming.  A shopping cart retriever can help a single employee easily handle up to fifty shopping carts at a time, dramatically reducing the amount of time it takes to gather carts.  The shopping cart retriever also eliminates virtually all of the physical strain associated with the task of shopping cart retrieval, keeping valuable employees injury free as they perform their job duties.

The shopping cart retriever from DJ Products is very easy to operate and works well in virtually all weather conditions.  Hourly employees will be able to quickly and safely gather carts from the farthest reaches of the parking lot and return them for use by incoming shoppers during inclement or unfavorable weather situations. 

A shopping cart retriever can also work to improve the overall efficiency of your operation.  A shopping cart retriever minimizes the time it take to perform this particular task, which allows those employees responsible for cart retrieval to readily tackle other duties in the establishment.  Employees who previously spent the majority of their time on the clock collecting carts could now be available to help bag items at checkout, stock shelves or lend a hand cleaning.