What are the Top Five Warehouse Injuries?

Trailer Dolly
Warehousing Tips

When it comes to your warehouse safety program, does it focus on the areas of greatest risk? Our trailer dolly is a great tool for protecting employees against these top five warehouse injuries.

1. Forklift and Heavy Machinery Accidents

Not surprisingly, forklifts and other machinery are involved in the greatest number of warehouse injuries. Statistics from the Occupational and Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) indicate that forklift-related accidents number close to 100,000 each year. All workers should be fully trained in the operation of forklifts and heavy machinery, with periodic reviews to maintain awareness.

2. Slips and Trips

Slipping and tripping may seem like relatively mild mishaps, but they can lead to serious injuries and even fatalities. Proper maintenance is the best safeguard against such incidents. Make sure aisles are kept clear and spills are promptly cleaned up. Other tips include:

    • Install adequate lighting to improve visibility.
    • Clearly mark steps, ramps and other areas where the floor is not flat.
    • Encourage workers to get in the habit of not leaving boxes, pallets and materials unattended on the warehouse floor.


3. Musculoskeletal Injuries

During the workday, employees are in almost constant motion, with tasks frequently involving movement of heavy items. Sprains and strains can sometimes lead to chronic pain, which affects productivity both short- and long-term. Train workers in proper ergonomic techniques and provide personal protective equipment, such as back braces and knee supports.

4. Pallet Rack Collapses

When a pallet rack collapses, it can trigger a domino effect by causing its contents to spill out. It may even result in nearby pallets collapsing. Invest in high-quality pallet racks that conform to safety standards and avoid overloading them.

5. Falls

Warehouse falls account for more than 95 million lost workdays annually. Instruct employees to use approved ladders to reach high levels, rather than climbing on forklifts or shelves, and repair any uneven sections of the floor.

Choose the Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

Our electric trailer dolly is just one of the many eco-friendly and ergonomically designed material handling solutions we offer. Learn more when you call 800.686.2651 to speak with one of our cheerful Sales Engineers.

Five Tips to Improve Material Handling Efficiency

Improve Material Handling with Trailer Dolly
Material Handling Tips

When was the last time you reviewed your material handling procedures? Just a few unnecessary minutes here and there can add up to a serious drain on productivity. Use our battery-powered trailer mover along with these expert tips to improve material handling efficiency in your warehouse or distribution center.

Five Top Tips to Boost Material Handling Efficiency
1. Have experienced workers handle put-aways.

If you assign new employees to put-away duties before they’ve had a chance to learn the layout or best practices, you’ll lose valuable time while they try to figure it out as they go. Let experienced workers take care of put-aways and assign new employees to order picking.

2. Establish different shifts for shipping and receiving.

When workers are constantly shifting gears between shipping and receiving processes, neither function will run as smoothly as it should. Processing shipping and receiving during separate shifts is a better use of time and warehouse space. Be sure to schedule all trucks to avoid pressure on your employees and downtime for drivers.

3. Keep floors well-maintained.

Have your employees become accustomed to dodging potholes and weaving around deteriorating floor sections? Poorly maintained warehouse floors are a double whammy. They slow down work activities and increase the risk of personal injury or damage to products.

4. Improve packing operations.

Customers will judge you by how their orders look when they arrive. Ask yourself the following questions:

    • Are packers frequently forced to look for missing items?
    • Do packers have enough room to perform their job comfortably, without bumping into equipment or each other?
    • Does the packing process follow a logical flow?


5. Invite input from forklift operators.

Forklift operators know the warehouse or distribution center better than anyone. Ask your top operators what one thing they would do to improve operations and have them share their go-to tips and tricks with others.

Put a Trailer Mover in Your Truck Yard

DJ Products has a number of electric trailer movers to suit any application. Contact us at 800.686.2651 or use our handy online chat feature for cheerful assistance from our knowledgeable Sales Engineers.

For Efficiency in Material Handling, Equipment Needs to Follow These Guidelines

Increasing Material Handling Efficiency with a Trailer Dolly
Material Handling Efficiency

Regardless of how much you pay for material handling equipment, the true value is a combination of reduced downtime and increased productivity. When purchasing our Trailer Dolly or other pieces of equipment, spend less time considering the sticker price and more time evaluating the item based on these helpful guidelines.

1. Does it keep material moving?

Maximum efficiency calls for a steady flow of materials from one point to the next, with few stoppages and little to no backtracking.

2. Does it fit within the layout of your facility?

Conduct periodic reviews of your warehouse layout to make sure it’s not hindering workflow. Ask questions such as:

    • Are aisles wide enough to prevent congested traffic?
    • Is machinery set up in a logical progression?
    • Are potential danger spots clearly marked?


3. Are material sizes standardized?

Variety may be the spice of life, but it’s detrimental to warehouse operations. It’s not feasible to have a single size for equipment such as containers, but it’s best to go with the minimum number needed to accomplish the job. Standardization of equipment also cuts down on the amount of space required to store replacement parts.

4. Does the equipment improve workplace safety?

Liberty Mutual, one of the largest insurance companies in the United States, estimates that employers pay a staggering $1 billion per week in workers compensation costs for non-fatal injuries. Add that to the amount lost in reduced productivity, and it’s easy to see why workplace safety should be a priority. Morale is also improved when employees see that the company values their well-being.

5. Does the equipment accommodate a variety of uses?

As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus famously said, “The only constant in life is change.” Your warehouse often incorporates new products, new methods and other updates. Do you want to purchase new equipment every time you make a change? Look for products that are adaptable to a number of different applications.

Boost Productivity and Worker Safety with the Trailer Dolly

The Trailer Dolly is just one of our electric material handling solutions designed to meet the needs of the warehouse and distribution center industry. Call us at 800.686.2651 to learn more.

Prevent Injuries with Our Warehouse and Distribution Center Safety Tips

Trailer Dollies Move Stacks of Pallets Easier
Plastic Pallets for a Safer Workplace

Benjamin Franklin famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nowhere is this more applicable than in a warehouse or distribution center, where our Trailer Dolly and these practical tips can help prevent costly workplace injuries.

Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees

Some workplace incidents, such as forklift accidents, can result in serious and even life-threatening injuries. As a result, companies often focus on prevention of these types of occurrences.

Unfortunately, minor injuries, such as sprains and cuts, may be overlooked and considered an unavoidable side effect of warehouse work. In reality, such injuries can add up to the point where they create a negative impact on employee morale, workplace productivity and company profitability.

Injuries that fall in this category include:

    • Sprains and strains from overexertion and repetitive movements, frequently affecting the lower back
    • Cuts and splinters, which are easily treated but can lead to serious infections when exposed to the non-sterile environment of a warehouse or distribution center
    • Slips, trips and falls may cause minor embarrassment and major physical injuries


Tips to Prevent Workplace Injuries
1. Switch to Plastic Pallets

Many musculoskeletal injuries come from lifting heavy items. Plastic pallets are lightweight, well within the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines, and their smooth lines eliminate splinter hazards.

2. Institute a Program of Ergonomic Evaluation and Training

Handling small items can still cause injury if a worker is using poor form. Provide ongoing training in ergonomic practices and have managers review common daily tasks to see where there’s room for improvement. Check with your insurance carrier for any safety training programs they may offer.

3. Equip Workers with Protective Gear

The body’s extremities are some of the more vulnerable areas. Sturdy, rubber-soled boots protect feet from cuts and bruises as well as help prevent slips and falls, while plastic gloves safeguard cuts and splinters in hands and keep others from occurring.

Trailer Dolly and Other Eco-Friendly Material Handling Solutions

Boost workplace morale by demonstrating your commitment to employee safety. Contact us at 800.686.2651 to learn which of our comprehensive selection of tugs, movers and pushers is best suited for your specific application.

5 Common Warehouse Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Power Trailer Dolly for Heavy Loads
Power Trailer Dolly for Heavy Loads

For warehouse workers, holiday shopping translates to increased business and longer work days. While the boost in activity means bigger paychecks, the downside is a bigger risk of injury. Our Trailer Dolly is a perfect solution to help prevent these common warehouse injuries.

1. Forklift Mishaps

While forklifts are involved in only about one percent of warehouse accidents, these incidents tend to be more serious, accounting for 11 percent of physical injuries. Overturned forklifts top the list in this category, and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that nearly 70 percent of such accidents could be eliminated with better training.

2. Slips, Trips and Falls

With so many people moving simultaneously across a warehouse floor, it’s no surprise that a number of accidents involve workers losing their footing. Some factors, such as the drop between the loading dock and the ground below, require vigilance and caution. Others, such as spilled materials and obstructed aisles, can be controlled with improved maintenance.

3. Overexertion

Warehouse work frequently involves moving heavy objects. Over time, this puts excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system, especially if workers are using poor form while lifting, pulling and carrying. While these injuries can affect any part of the body, the back is particularly susceptible. Musculoskeletal injuries can also become chronic, leading to long-term problems.

4. Repetitive Stress

Similar in nature to overexertion injuries, repetitive stress injuries result from a specific action performed regularly over a period of time. Some examples are:

* Carpal tunnel syndrome, caused by pressure on a major nerve in the arm

* Tendinitis, an inflammation of the connective tissue between bone and muscle

* Bursitis, which occurs when the lubricating pouch between tendon and bone becomes inflamed

5. Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials contain chemicals or other substances that can cause damage to humans and the environment. Handling of hazardous materials is strictly regulated by OSHA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other government organizations.

Promote Workplace Safety with the Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

Our Trailer Dolly is only one of our eco-friendly tugs, movers and pushers that effectively reduce risk of injury in your warehouse or distribution center. Contact us at 800.686.2651 to learn more.

What is Amazon’s Plan to Reduce Warehouse Worker Injuries by 50%?

Increase Warehouse Safety with a Trailer Dolly
Warehouse Safety

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, warehouses and storage facilities have by far the highest injury rate of any industry. As the world’s largest online retailer and marketplace, what is Amazon doing to improve safety for their workers? Our Sales Engineers at DJ Products, makers of the eco-friendly trailer dolly, take a look at Amazon’s recent activities and policy changes.

Amazon Invests in Employee Safety

In 2019, Amazon launched WorkingWell, a program designed to offer a number of wellness services to their workers. WorkingWell was implemented at 350 sites across North America and Europe, covering a total of 859,000 employees.

Despite this measure, Amazon’s continued growth has triggered extensive criticism about working conditions. Last year, in an effort to address these complaints, Amazon rolled out WorkingWell to their U.S. operations across the board. They also announced an ambitious goal to reduce recorded incident rates of worker injury and illness by 50 percent as of 2025. Overall, the company invested $300 millon in various safety projects during the year.

How Is Amazon Reducing Their Injury Rate?

Musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs, are a primary focus of these initiatives. MSDs make up approximately 40 percent of work-related injuries reported at Amazon. Many of them, such as sprains and strains due to repetitive motions, are associated with new employees.

John Dony, senior director at the National Safety Council, compared the situation to baseball coaches training pitchers in mechanics to help prevent risk of repetitive-motion injuries. In fact, Amazon has hired many certified athletic trainers to work as injury prevention specialists, providing one-on-one employee coaching and assisting with workstation ergonomics.

Other steps being taken by Amazon include:

    • Daily meetings, called “Health & Safety Huddles,” to watch short interactive videos
    • Hourly prompts asking employees to complete brief mental and physical exercises
    • Addition of dedicated onsite wellness spaces
    • Increased availability of healthy food options


Reduce Injury Risk with the Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

Are you doing enough to reduce the injury rate in your warehouse or storage facility? Contact us at 800.686.2651 to learn more about our material handling solutions from our friendly and helpful Sales Engineers.

Tips for Effective Warehouse Personnel Scheduling for Holiday Season Traffic Spikes

Warehouse Scheduling
Warehouse Scheduling Tips

It’s holiday season and time for all hands on deck to handle the rapidly increasing activity in your warehouse. How do you create a schedule that maximizes productivity with the least disruption to employees? Our Sales Engineers at DJ Products, makers of the electric trailer dolly, share some expert tips.

Tips for Holiday Warehouse Scheduling
1. Gather all the pieces of the puzzle.

Scheduling involves a number of moving parts. Factors to take into consideration include:

  • What is the ebb and flow of the workload?
  • What is your payroll budget?
  • Are you working with full-time workers, part-time workers, or a mix?
  • Do you have all required positions covered?

Make sure you have all the necessary information before you begin scheduling.

2. Get input from employees.

While work is certainly a priority for most people, personal life events, such as the birth of a child, can and should be accommodated. The best schedules incorporate a degree of flexibility to allow for such occasions. Institute a system for employees to request changes for major events.

Here are some other ways to get workers involved:

  • Allow employees to find their own coverage for shifts they can’t work.
  • If possible, let workers adjust the time of their shift if needed. For example, they could start two hours later and finish two hours later.


3. Keep the channels of communication open.

For a schedule to work well, everyone should be on the same page. Make sure you establish a system of communication, whether written or digital, so workers can easily contact managers and each other.

4. Think outside the box.

Companies are no longer tied to the rigid, 9-to-5 schedules of the past. Flex time and split shifts are just a couple of the solutions you can use. Don’t be afraid to get creative if you’re faced with some scheduling difficulties.

The Trailer Dolly and Other Material Handling Solutions from DJ Products

Now that your scheduling procedures are set, help your workers improve productivity. Contact us at 800.686.2651 to learn more about the trailer dolly and other battery-powered tugs, movers and pushers from DJ Products.

What are Warehouse Ergonomics and How Can They Reduce Injuries?

DJ Products Trailer Dolly
Trailer Dolly for Better Ergonomics

You’re probably familiar with the term “ergonomics,” but how much do you know about actually applying these principles in your warehouse? Our experts share tips on how use of our trailer dolly and other ergonomic techniques can reduce injuries among your warehouse workers.

Ergonomic Best Practices for Warehouse Tasks

In general, warehouse tasks fall within three broad categories. Here’s a look at each one, including the risks involved and ergonomic methods to minimize them.

Placing and Picking

Placing and picking usually refers to handling items that go on shelves or in bins, often while filling orders. The repetitive motions and body postures involved can cause undue strain, especially with heavy objects.

  • Train workers to align themselves with the item’s location so they don’t have to twist their spine.
  • Use proper lifting techniques, with the majority of work taking place between shoulder and knee height.



Once items are picked, they’re ready to be packed for shipment. The stress of repetitive motion comes into play here as well, along with the stress of moving heavy boxes, crates and pallets.

  • Emphasize maintenance of a neutral posture. Neck and back should be straight, shoulders down, elbows held at a right angle.
  • Use carts, conveyors and roller tables whenever possible to cut down on the excessive need to carry items.


Receiving and Shipping

In addition to moving pallets, receiving and shipping calls for maneuvering semi-trailers in and out of loading docks, doubling the risk of injury.

  • Pallet jacks and other mechanical tools allow for smooth transport of pallets without forcing workers to handle most of the weight.
  • Our trailer dolly lets a single worker move a wide variety of trailers, up to semi-trailers quickly and effortlessly, even in crowded warehouse yards.


Reduce Workplace Injuries with the Trailer Dolly from DJ Products

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, musculoskeletal injuries are twice as common in warehousing as they are in other industries. DJ Products offers a full line of tugs, pushers and movers to protect employees from injury and maintain a safer workplace.

Contact us at 800.686.2651 and let our knowledgeable Sales Engineers help you find the right solution for your specific application.

Do You Know These Warehouse Safety Tips?

Warehouse Safety
Warehouse Safety Tips

Warehouse workers face risks of injuries when they operate equipment, pull heavy loads, and perform other tasks. Maintaining a safe workplace environment in your warehouse should be a top priority in order to protect your employees. Consider the use of a trailer dolly or warehouse tug to prevent injuries. The following warehouse safety tips can help you provide a safe working environment for your staff.

Keep PPE Available at All Times

Personal protective equipment for workers should always be available in your warehouse. Your workers should also be aware of when to use PPE and how to use it properly. The use of PPE helps reduce the risk of injuries in your warehouse.

Hold Safety Equipment Training Sessions

Having safety equipment in your warehouse isn’t enough to guarantee that it will be used correctly. Schedule training sessions to make sure that your workers know how to operate or use safety equipment correctly. A trailer dolly is easy to operate and does not need intensive training. From time to time, hold retraining sessions or refresher courses.

Teach Vehicle Awareness to All Staff

Office staff and staff in other areas of your facility need to be trained on vehicle awareness as well. This helps cut down on accidents that can happen when these employees are on the warehouse floor instead of in their office.

Create an Efficient and Safe Layout

Your warehouse floor should have a layout that reduces the risk of collisions or accidents when forklift trucks or other vehicles are being operated. Make changes to your current layout as needed in order to keep workers walking on the floor from being in or near the path of vehicles.

Put in Physical Barriers

If you don’t have barriers already, consider installing them in your warehouse. Physical barriers, such as guard rails, help separate vehicles lanes or areas from areas where workers walk around. These barriers can help lower the risk of accidents in your warehouse.

Install Sensors and Other Visual Barriers

Sensors and other kinds of visual barriers can serve as another layer of protection for warehouse employees. These barriers might alert forklift operators or other vehicle operators to the presence of workers walking in certain areas.

For more warehouse safety tips and to find solutions that help improve safety in your facility, visit DJ Products. We are highlighting the Trailer Dolly this week. Ask us for a video demo or more information today.

Five Key Warehouse Safety Facts

Warehouse Safety
Warehouse Safety Facts

Providing a safe environment for workers in your warehouse is essential. Reducing the risk of injuries and accidents in your warehouse keeps employees safe from harm while also boosting productivity. The following warehouse safety facts can help you better understand the importance of ensuring the safest environment possible. Consider a trailer dolly to stop injury when moving heavy loads.

Overturned Forklift Trucks Cause the Most Fatalities

Forklift trucks are often used in warehouses to move pallets and other large objects around. These trucks can tip or overturn, leading to potentially fatal injuries. In fact, overturned forklift trucks are the most common incident resulting in fatalities. Over 40 percent of fatalities are caused by these trucks overturning.

U.S. Warehouses Have Fewer Than 30 Fatalities Each Year

Regulations on worker safety have made it possible for warehouse owners to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries in these facilities. Even with more and more warehouses being built in recent years, the number of fatalities has remained stable. Warehouses in the U.S. have fewer than 30 fatalities per year.

Warehouse Injuries Cost Over $84 Million a Week

The cost of warehouse injuries, which includes medical bills, equipment damage, replacement staff training, and production time loss, adds up quickly. One of the most notable warehouse safety facts is that injuries in these facilities in the U.S. cost more than $84 million a week.

Warehouse Staff Numbers Have Doubled in the Last Decade

Warehouse safety becomes more and more important as the number of workers in these facilities increases. In fact, the number of warehouse staff has doubled during the last decade and is expected to reach close to 2 million by 2030. With more warehouse workers, it’s crucial for owners to ensure warehouse safety.

Forklifts Cause 90 Percent of Pallet Rack Failure

While forklifts are commonly used for moving goods around warehouses, they can lead to pallet rack failure. Collisions with these trucks is one of the top reasons that failure occurs. The way forklift trucks move makes them more likely to hit pallet racks.

Having the right equipment for moving large items around is an effective way to ensure warehouse safety. Visit DJ Products to learn more about the solutions we offer. Our highlighted product this week is the versatile Trailer Dolly. Find out more today.