Maximize Assembly Line Efficiency with the Trailer Pusher

Manufacturers of trailers, campers and boat equipment have a unique challenge as their products moves down the assembly line getting formed into a complete and saleable unit, it becomes larger, heavier and much more difficult to manually maneuver.

As the trailers and equipment get larger, employees in many plants have one of two options – they can risk serious injury by trying to manually force the heavy equipment where it needs to go, or they can use forklifts, pallet jacks or other material handling equipment that wasn’t specifically designed for the job and risk not only injury, but damaging the equipment and product.

In order to complete any job properly the right equipment is a necessity and in the case of moving trailers, the Trailer Pusher from DJ Products is the best possible choice.  The Trailer Pusher is completely reliable, ergonomically designed and makes moving the largest and heaviest of trailers easy enough that it can be done safely by a single employee.

Using the Trailer Pusher ensures that the employees are kept safe during the entire manufacturing process and that the brand new products won’t be damaged prior to even getting completed.  Once the assembly process is complete, the Trailer Pusher can be used to safely and easily roll the finished product wherever it needs to go prior to shipping  even it if means travelling a good distance over uneven terrain.

Manufacturing large and cumbersome projects comes with inherent dangers; there is no need to maximize the dangers by trying to complete the process without the proper equipment or without any equipment at all.  You can do your part to keep the process smooth and as efficient as possible by providing your employees with the best possible equipment to perform their work and in the case of building trailers and farm equipment it would be hard to find a more appropriate and efficient way to complete the job than with the Trailer Pusher from DJ Products.

Transport Trailers and Boats with the Trailer Caddy HD

Although tractor trailers have wheels they cannot be driven everywhere. There are times when instead of doing the hauling, a tractor trailer itself needs to be hauled.

The Trailer Caddy HD Chain Drive tractor trailer pusher is a powered pusher designed for pushing or pulling trailers that require lifting on one end before maneuvering.

Most often used with RVs, campers, equipment trailer, and boats, a Trailer Caddy can be used to transport these items across show rooms or down assembly lines, as well as in or out of storage. A Trailer Caddy can be of great use to individual owners or campers and trailers as well as to those who own and rent out this equipment.

Other equipment you may have used in the past probably allowed you to push an RV or a boat, but how did you feel afterwards? If you felt any strain or pain and it wasn’t too serious, chances are you forgot about it but you never know when this kind of strain will lead to a more challenging injury.

You really don’t want to take any chances with your health when transporting this kind or equipment. The powered Trailer Caddy HD Chain Drive tractor trailer pusher is less bulky than the traditional electric puller product, and that is useful because if you think about it, the trailer or boat itself is already bulky. The relative compactness of the Trailer Caddy HD does not mean that it is ineffective; instead it results in fewer accidents, lower maintenance costs, and minimal damage to surrounding parts and equipment due to the maneuverability and control the operator has using the Trailer Caddy tractor trailer pusher in tightly confined areas.

Battery powered Trailer Pusher for moving standard ball coupler, gooseneck, and kingpin trailers and trailer equipment.

DJ Products of Minneapolis, manufacturers of a boat pusher and trailer pusher has introduced another tug for standard ball coupler, gooseneck, and kingpin trailers. Called the Trailer Caddy® trailer tug, this unit is designed for manufacturers, distributors, or users of equipment and machinery that is typically pulled behind cars, trucks, or tractors.Trailer Pusher

Continue reading “Battery powered Trailer Pusher for moving standard ball coupler, gooseneck, and kingpin trailers and trailer equipment.”

Boat and Camper Maintenance Made Easy with a Trailer Pusher

The end of the Summer is upon us and for many people that means officially having to close up shop at the campground or marina.  Boats and small campers have been utilized to their fullest for the last few months and may need either minor or major repairs prior to being stored away until next year’s vacation season.In dealerships or facilities that repair, restore, distribute or even manufacture boats, campers and trailers there is nothing that makes the job easier than a trailer pusher.  In environments where a trailer pusher isn’t available, employees might be required to move a heavy trailer manually, which could potentially result in serious injury.  A trailer pusher quickly and easily hooks up to standard ball coupler, gooseneck or kingpin trailers and allows a single person to safely move even a heavy camper or boat from one location to another, with minimal chances of personal injury or damage to the unit or surrounding property.Trailer pushers are compact in design and operate on battery power, which means that they are quieter while in use and quite a bit easier to store than a bulky, propane operated forklift.  A trailer pusher has a much tighter turning radius than a full size forklift so employees will have a much easier time maneuvering boats and campers around in small repair bays or crowded parking lots, resulting in less of a chance of bumps, scrapes and scratches that would make for unnecessary additional work.Boats, campers and trailers are just too large and cumbersome for employees to try and move around manually and using improperly designed equipment will often result in accidental minor damage.  Using a trailer pusher to get a boat or camper from point A to point B on the assembly line or in the repair shop is the best way to keep both your employees and the units themselves as safe as possible when a move needs to be made.