Harness the Power of Electric to Move Your Compactors

Container Mover

Moving dumpsters or compactors from one area to another comes with a risk of injuries when it’s not done safely. These heavy containers can also be time-consuming and difficult to move around in tight spaces. Using dumpster movers from DJ Products, such as the RollOffCaddy Container Mover, provides an efficient and safe way to move these around.

Move Heavy Dumpsters Easily

The RollOffCaddy Container Mover offers a convenient way to pull, or push roll off or self-contained dumpsters or compactors that weigh up to 50,000 pounds and lift up to 20,000 pounds. These dumpster movers run on either a 36 volt 3-battery system or 48 volt 4-battery system. Using these movers allows workers to move dumpsters with speeds between 0 and 2 mph in forward or reverse, even in tight spaces. These movers also work well on snowy and ice terrain and on inclines.

Gain Important Benefits

Using the RollOffCaddy Container Mover can help improve safety in the workplace, which helps prevent worker injuries. In addition to protecting your employees, this can reduce workers compensation claims and insurance premiums for your company. Using this dumpster mover can also double efficiency in your company’s trash room. You can use these movers to store containers indoors during severe weather, then easily move them outdoors for trash pickup.

Choose from Different Options

The RollOffCaddy Container Mover is available in different models. Depending on your company’s needs, you can choose the 6K lift with 36-volt batteries or 48-volt batteries, the 15k lift with 36 volt or 48-volt batteries, or the 23k lift with 48-volt batteries. The standard features for these different models vary. Some include a 6 hp motor.differential transaxle, while others have a 3 hp motor/differential transaxle. All models come with a heavy-duty steel frame for durability, as well as drive tires, neutral throttle braking, and high-tech speed controller. Safety features on these movers include a safety horn, safety stop switch, and more.

For more information on our dumpster movers, please contact DJ Products. We can provide you with additional details on the RollOffCaddy Container Mover.

Lift the Burden from Your Staff with the Easy to Use WasteCaddyLite – Trash Container Mover

Highlighting the WasteCaddyLite
DJ Products WasteCaddyLite

Did you know that most injuries at a multi-family property occur in the trash room? Create a safer workplace while saving time, money and manpower with the WasteCaddyLite Trash Container Mover from DJ Products.

Why Choose the WasteCaddyLite?

Due to their bulky size and weight, most trash containers require two or more people to move them. Even with the additional manpower, the containers are difficult to maneuver around corners and through tight spaces. Add it up and the result is a prime scenario for injuries.

Enter the WasteCaddyLite, an electric mover designed to take the stress and strain out of moving trash containers, a regular activity at any multi-family property. As DJ Products’ Jeremy Nuehring explains, “The WasteCaddyLite will lighten the work load, open up maintenance staff’s availability for other tasks at their buildings, and reduce the possibilities of workers comp claims with the click of a button.”

First-Hand Testimony from a Satisfied Customer

Linda Kadel, Community Manager from First Service Residential, offers this perspective from actual users of the WasteCaddyLite Trash Container Mover:

“I would like to thank you once again for your assistance and guidance in our purchase of WasteCaddyLites for our ten buildings. Our porters are certainly appreciative of the burden that has been lifted from their daily chores. One porter is able to handle their own building with ease. Prior to this, it took a team to move a full dumpster.”

Ms. Kadel goes on to say that First Service has been using the WasteCaddyLites for nearly a year with no performance issues.

WasteCaddyLite Features and Benefits
  • A single person can move trash containers weighing up to 2,000 pounds.
  • 36-volt, 3-battery system provides a convenient and eco-friendly power source.
  • The compact design allows for easy maneuvering around corners and through tight passages.
  • Wheels offer solid traction up and down inclines as well as during harsh weather conditions.


Material Handling Solutions from DJ Products

Learn more about what makes the WasteCaddyLite Trash Container Mover the perfect solution for your multi-family property. Contact us at DJ Products and let our friendly, knowledgeable sales engineers explain why the WasteCaddyLite is your #1 choice.

The Right Tool for Tight Trash Room Spaces

Waste Caddy Is Your Solution for Tight Trash Spaces.
Waste Caddy Is Your Solution for Tight Trash Spaces.

Do your employees expend unnecessary time and energy maneuvering dumpsters from tight trash room spaces to curbside pick-up spots? With the WasteCaddy, a battery-powered ride-on dumpster puller from DJ Products, a single employee can handle this difficult task with ease.

Improve Productivity and Efficiency with a Dumpster Puller

The WasteCaddy measures only 27″ wide so it can navigate narrow trash rooms and tight corners equally well. A bolt-on receiver and cotter pin construction forms a sturdy connection to any trash container, and the steel frame and three 36-volt batteries are powerful enough to pull up to 5,000 pounds.

The path between the trash room and curbside pick-up spot is rarely a smooth one. There may be an incline leading up to street level, or bad weather conditions can create snowy or slippery areas. Thanks to foam-filled tires and electric power, the WasteCaddy travels well on any surface.

Reduce Workplace Injuries and Insurance Claims

Since the trash room presents the highest risk of injuries in multi-family properties, use of our dumpster puller is considered a best practice by property management companies. Safety features include:

• Maximum speed of 6 MPH in forward and 2 MPH in reverse

• High-tech speed controller

• Adjustable acceleration and braking

• Neutral throttle braking

• Variable speed thumb twist grips to prevent repetitive motion injuries

DJ Products: Your Solution for Effective Material Handling

In addition to the WasteCaddy, we carry a full line of battery-powered tugs, movers and pullers. Call 800.686.2651 or visit our website and let our friendly sales engineers help you choose the best solution for your company’s needs.

What Every Property Manager Needs to Know About Dumpsters

Trash Container Mover
Take Care of That Dumpster Safely

Whether you take out the trash yourself or manage a large janitorial team, the property manager’s job includes making sure that waste gets disposed of responsibly and safely. The unwieldy weight of dumpsters creates a perfect storm of physical labor that often leads to serious injuries.

Ergonomic solutions exist to ease this burden. Dumpster tugs use a battery-powered motor that handles the load while the employee simply steers.

The facts are clear — moving dumpsters manually is dangerous:

  • Wheels do not remove enough of the physical force required to move a dumpster safely.
  • Workers who move dumpsters without motorized equipment are more likely to get injured or develop a muscle disorder.
  • Risks include strained and torn muscles, herniated discs, and other significant injury.
  • Bumpy or inclined ground increases the risk of injury.

What Regulations Exists for Workers Moving Dumpsters?

The exact laws will vary by country and state. Generally, the applicable laws for workers in both the U.S. and Canada require employers to provide a safe work environment. Equipment must be provided and kept in good condition, and the employees should be properly trained on how to use the equipment.

Where the law requires “every precaution reasonable” to protect your workers, this may mean that you need motorized dumpster tugs to sidestep the need for manual pushing and pulling. A worker injury will result in lost time and productivity — and perhaps even a costly compensation claim or lawsuit.

Canada’s OHSA recommends powered equipment such as dumpster tugs, and OSHA in the U.S. also recommends powered equipment for material handling applications.

Explore options for waste container movers and pullers among at DJProducts.com.

Dumpsters Need Love Too: Benefits of the WasteCaddy

Dumpsters Need Love Too!

Even though they perform an important function, dumpsters don’t get much love. They provide a convenient disposal location for office and apartment buildings, malls and construction sites, but for most people they’re barely an afterthought. Would you feel differently about a dumpster as a housing option?

A photographer in San Francisco recently used this humorous concept to make a serious point. Fed up with exorbitant real estates prices in his home town, he published a series of tongue-in-cheek photos of “alternative” housing such as mailboxes and manholes covers. The picture of a dumpster was accompanied with a caption referring to it as a “$5,000 waterfront condo”.

All joking aside, without dumpsters trash disposal and recycling would be nearly impossible. The downside is that their size makes them difficult to move, especially when they’re full. Our WasteCaddy and WasteCaddyLite offer perfect solutions to this workplace problem.

These battery-powered pullers are so powerful that one person can easily use them to move dumpsters from underground garages and across dirt and gravel. Their compact design makes them maneuverable even in narrow, confined spaces. Ergonomic features such as the variable speed twist grip help to reduce occurrences of repetitive stress injuries. We also offer a variety of add-ons so you can tailor the caddy to meet your specific needs.

The WasteCaddyLite can handle loads up to 2,000 pounds while the WasteCaddy accommodates up to 5,000 pounds. Our friendly Sales Engineers at DJ Products are ready to help you choose the one that’s right for your application. Please contact us at 800.686.2651 or visit our website to use our convenient real-time chat assistance.