Hosting an Office Picnic? What Employers Should Know in Advance.

Make Sure Staff Knows the Rules for Company Picnics
Make Sure Staff Knows the Rules for Company Picnics

Summer is a time to turn off warehouse equipment for a day and treat employees and their families to a company picnic. Make sure it remains a pleasant event for all by planning ahead to prevent accidents and other possible liabilities.

1. Attendance Should Be Voluntary

If someone’s not interested in participating, forcing them to attend won’t make it any more enjoyable. On a serious note, making attendance mandatory can imply that the event is “in the scope of employment,” thereby increasing liability.

2. Hold the Event Off-Site

Who wants to spend a social occasion surrounded by reminders of work? Host the event off-site and refrain from award presentations, business speeches and other work-related activities.

3. Enforce Company Policies

Attendees should still be expected to act responsibly. Remind everyone tactfully but firmly that harassment and other company policies guiding respectful behavior will be in effect.

4. Set Hard and Fast Rules About Alcohol

If you prefer to hold an alcohol-free event, proceed no further. If there will be alcohol allowed, keep in mind that this is the biggest minefield for potential liability.

– Hosting a cash bar can help limit consumption and remove you from the role of directly supplying alcohol.

– Take a zero-tolerance approach to underage drinking.

– Ensure that plenty of food is served, along with non-alcoholic beverages.

– If you won’t be providing transportation to and from the event, encourage people to have designated drivers and be prepared to arrange transportation for anyone who is intoxicated.

Turn to DJ Products for Top-Quality Warehouse Equipment

Studies show that job satisfaction is higher when workplace conditions are good. Visit our website and find out how our battery-powered warehouse equipment can make a difference in safety and efficiency at your warehouse.

Expectations – What Your Competitors Expect of Their Warehouse Employees

The "Right" Employees Boost Productivity
The “Right” Employees Boost Productivity

Any business that provides goods to customers, whether they’re consumers or other businesses, needs an efficient warehouse to process direct orders or supply brick-and-mortar stores. Employees work extensively with material handling equipment, but what else is involved in these jobs?

More than two million people in America are employed as order fillers in warehouse facilities. What do Amazon, Walmart and other retail giants expect from these workers, and how are they compensated?

Job Responsibilities

– Approximately one-third of order filling jobs are part-time status. Many of these are due to seasonal employment as companies ramp up for high sales periods.

– Many large warehouses operate 24/7, so employees should be prepared to work 10- to 12-hour shifts day or night, including weekends.

– High-tech radio frequency identification (RFID) scanners have greatly improved order-filling productivity and accuracy. Typical tasks include checking in received items, inspecting them for damage, picking customer orders and preparing them for shipment.

– Warehouse jobs require frequent lifting of items up to 70 pounds. Employees should be knowledgeable about how to recognize safety risk factors to minimize their chances of workplace injuries.

– While warehouses have heating and air conditioning systems, employees should be able to adapt to different temperatures, especially if there are refrigerated areas or freezers onsite.


– According to recent figures, the median annual salary for order fillers is $23,840.

– Many companies offer healthcare coverage, which may include dental and vision plans, prescription coverage and parental leave.

– Tuition reimbursement, paid vacation time and 401(k) plans can be other features of benefit packages.

Are You Getting the Most from Your Material Handling Equipment?

DJ Products is a top supplier of high-quality material handling equipment that will raise productivity at your warehouse to the next level. Call 800.686.2651 for more information.

What Should be on Your List of Top Attributes for Warehouse Employees

What Should You Be Looking For When Hiring?
What Should You Be Looking For When Hiring?

When you shop for warehouse equipment, you have a wish list of specific features you’re looking for. Shouldn’t you do the same for your warehouse employees?

Labor is your most valuable asset. Maximize productivity and minimize costly turnover by incorporating this checklist of top attributes of quality warehouse employees in your hiring practices.

Ability to Adapt to Different Work Environments

There’s no physical blueprint for skilled warehouse workers. They can be short, tall, thin or stocky. What’s important is that they feel comfortable working in different environments, regardless of location, temperature, or various other elements.

Familiarity with Warehouse Equipment

Working knowledge of power equipment used in your warehouse is a must, as well as appropriate licensing or certification for operating forklifts and other machinery. A strong candidate should also understand whatever warehouse management system your company uses.

Experience in Warehouse Procedures

At a minimum, your ideal warehouse employee should be skilled in the following procedures:

– Counting and cross-checking orders and shipments

– Picking and staging customer orders

– Reading and completing paperwork correlating to orders and inventory

– Loading and unloading trucks

Safety and First Aid Training

Workplace injuries are a drain on all your resources. Employees with current safety training are more aware of potential accident hazards and they’re ready to assist during an emergency.

Focus on Customer Service

Your workers represent you and your company. The best employees internalize a commitment to superior customer service and take a proactive approach to problem-solving.

Improve Workplace Operations with State-of-the-Art Warehouse Equipment

Help your employees to do their best by supplying warehouse equipment that makes their job safer and more efficient. Visit our website for information about our CartCaddyLite and other battery-powered tugs, movers and pushers from DJ Products.

A Worker is Injured on the Job – What Are the First Steps to Take?

Injured on the Job? What to do first.
Injured on the Job? What to do first.

As a leading supplier of material handling equipment, one of our main goals at DJ Products is helping to improve workplace safety. If an employee becomes injured on the job, your response can be a critical factor in limiting the severity of the incident.

Use this checklist to make sure you’re following the appropriate steps to handle a workplace injury.

1. Obtain Medical Attention

At this point, the employee’s health and physical attention should be your overriding concern. Prompt medical attention can mitigate injuries and reassures workers of your interest in their well-being.

Call 911 if you even suspect the injury is serious. It’s best to err on the side of caution. If the injury is obviously minor, you should still encourage the employee to seek medical care.

2. Document the Incident

You’ll need to provide detailed reports for Workers’ Compensation as well as any information required by your company’s specific policies. Don’t forget to take pictures and interview any employees who were involved as witnesses.

Injured employees have the right to file a claim, so provide them with the form promptly and report it to your workers’ compensation insurance company. Never give information to anyone but your insurance carrier and their attorneys.

3. Welcome the Employee Back to Work

Terminating or penalizing an employee for an workers’ compensation claim can open your company up to major repercussions.

4. Take Steps to Prevent Future Incidents

How could the accident have been avoided? Evaluate the situation and make any necessary changes.

DJ Products: Your First-Choice Supplier of Material Handling Equipment

Our battery-powered tugs and movers minimize risk of injury from pushing and pulling, the number one cause of workplace injuries. Visit our website for more information.

Tips for Saving Space Creatively in Your Warehouse

Tips for Saving Space Creatively in Your Warehouse
Tips for Saving Space Creatively in Your Warehouse

Quality material handling equipment can increase productivity in your warehouse, but it can’t increase your workspace. If you’re not prepared to move to a new facility or make costly renovations to your present one, use these creative ideas to save space in your existing warehouse.

Add Over-Aisle and Over-Dock Storage

Installing beams over cross-aisles provides additional room for pallets. Over-dock storage is often used for cardboard boxes, stretch wrap and other supplies. Be sure to look for a racking system with high impact resistance to guard against the effects of forklift traffic.

Use Vertical Space

Raise the height of your racking system, either by purchasing taller uprights or attaching extensions to the current ones. You might also consider a mezzanine for holding slow-moving items.

Change Beam Levels

Compare pallet dimensions to beam spacing. If there’s more room than you actually need for pallet lift-off, you can gain space by realigning the levels.

Change Storage Mediums

Regardless of the items that are stored in your warehouse, not all of them move at the same frequency or in the same quantities. Review the inventory and incorporate storage mediums that are best suited to different categories of items.

Maximize Slotting Systems

Slotting software can help you create a system that maximizes storage space and minimizes congestion. As an added benefit, a more efficient slotting system reduces travel time by workers, resulting in greater productivity.

Material Handling Equipment for All Applications

No matter how big or small your warehouse is, battery-powered material handling equipment from DJ Products enables streamlined day-to-day operations and greatly reduces risk of workplace injuries. Our friendly sales engineers are standing by to help you find the right solution for your warehouse.

Call 800.686.2651 for more information.

Smart Tips for Hiring Pickers for Your Warehouse Operation

Smart Tips for Hiring Pickers for Your Warehouse Operation
Smart Tips for Hiring Pickers for Your Warehouse Operation

Having the right material handling equipment in your warehouse improves productivity, but high turnover rates can quickly negate those gains. Use these tips to recruit and hire qualified pickers and packers for a more stable workforce.

Encourage Employee Referrals

Current employees can often be the best source of quality candidates. Workers feel a sense of pride in making a contribution to the company, and they’re reluctant to risk their own reputation by recommending a substandard applicant.

Some companies offer a bonus program for referrals who are hired, but that can be a double-edged sword. Employees may be tempted to refer someone simply to collect the money, so think carefully before going that route.

Use On-Demand Staffing Platforms

As the industry moves toward more temporary positions, it becomes increasingly counterproductive to spend a lot of time vetting job applicants. On-demand staffing platforms have developed to meet the demand of companies that need pre-screened candidates who are prepared to accept a job immediately.

Fine-Tune Your Requirements

The more specific you are with a job description, the easier it is to find a qualified candidate who matches your needs. As an added benefit, a detailed job description can provide strong evidence against possible discrimination claims.

Offer a Competitive Starting Pay Rate

Research the market to get a feel for what other companies are paying workers for comparable skills and responsibilities. Review your starting pay rates frequently to make sure they’re not falling behind the rest of the industry.

Turn to DJ Products for Your Material Handling Equipment Needs

Employees feel greater job satisfaction when working conditions are optimized. Battery-powered material handling equipment from DJ Products demonstrates your commitment to a safe and efficient workplace. Call 800.686.2651 for more information.

Tips on Boosting Morale and Making Your Warehouse Staff Love Their Job

Tips on Boosting Morale and Making Your Warehouse Staff Love Their Job
Tips on Boosting Morale and Making Your Warehouse Staff Love Their Job

Does it feel like the air in your workspace is so heavy lately that even the strongest material handling equipment couldn’t lift it back up? If laughter in your workspace is but a vague memory, your employee morale needs a boost!

Low Morale = A Losing Business Scenario
Employee morale can make or break a company’s success. Low morale zaps productivity, amplifies grouchiness and lack of cooperation, and increases turnover. Keeping an eye on morale and strengthening it when times are tough are integral to helping your business achieve its goals.

Creative & Easy Ways to Strengthen Morale:

1. Help Employees Understand Their Work Serves a Higher Purpose.
It’s easy for employees to lose their sense of purpose in the daily grind. However simple postings of ‘I Got a Job’ stories from recently hired, grateful job seekers who snagged a spot with the company can help highlight the value of job positions.

2. Celebrate Accomplishments.
In your quest to get ahead, don’t forget to look behind, recognizing significant accomplishments of team members annually.

3. Give Employees the Chance to Recharge.
With adequate time off that grants an energizing break from regular responsibilities, whether in the PTO or creative office party arena. S’mores Friday, anyone?

4. Mix-It-Up.
Doing the same thing day-in-day-out is boring. Shake things up with office Olympics, ping-pong tournaments, or simple impromptu cookout lunches.

5. Have Fun.
Conduct a monthly lotto for participation in a card, board game, or Wii bowling match. Or reward workers with gift cards for play-days at amusement parks or other fun area events.

Boost morale by showing you care with ergonomic material handling equipment designed to prevent injuries, make work easier and more efficient, and reduce labor. Learn more from DJ Products today.

What to Know and Do When OSHA Makes a Surprise Visit

What to Know and Do When OSHA Makes a Surprise Visit
What to Know and Do When OSHA Makes a Surprise Visit

Does your warehouse maintain appropriate safety standards? Is your material handling equipment in good working order? An OSHA inspection can occur when you least expect it, so use these guidelines to be prepared at a moment’s notice.

During the Opening Conference

– Wait until designated management personnel are on site.

– Ask for a copy of the complaint and determine whether the inspection is safety- or industry hygiene-related.

– Designate an employee representative. If your warehouse is organized, a union official may serve. If not, choose a member of your safety committee.

– Limit the scope of the investigation to areas corresponding to the complaint.

During the Walk-Around

– Stay with the inspector at all times, but involve as few others as possible.

– Provide information only when asked, and don’t go beyond the parameters of the questions.

– Take pictures of anything the inspector photographs.

– Keep copies of any documents requested by the inspector and take detailed notes of the walk-through, recording the areas inspected, how much time was spent in each and the names of any employees who were interviewed.

– Repair minor violations on the spot to show good faith.

– If the inspection is related to industrial hygiene, find out what tests OSHA will be conducting and consider having simultaneous testing done by a third party.

During the Closing Conference

– Listen carefully and take notes.

– Be conservative when establishing timelines for correcting any violations.

– Refrain from arguing with the inspector.

– Discuss your company’s established safety programs to demonstrate your commitment to good health and safe working conditions.

Material Handling Equipment that Exceeds OSHA Standards

Ergonomics are not regulated by OSHA, so use of our material handling equipment shows your concern for the health and safety of your employees. Visit our website for more information.

Tips for Keeping Your Warehouse Staff Safe from Forklift Injuries

Tips for Keeping Your Warehouse Staff Safe from Forklift Injuries
Tips for Keeping Your Warehouse Staff Safe from Forklift Injuries

If your business doesn’t have the advantage of tugger carts, and is relying on forklifts for the movement of products and inventory, safety training is essential to prevent dangerous and costly accidents. You can’t just hop-in and go – it takes more than a little traditional driving experience to operate these heavy machines.

Tips for Safe Forklift Operation
Employees should be fully trained and qualified to operate lifting equipment, not only for their own safety, but for that of your staff as well.

– Pre-Operational Safety
Operators should have clean, dry hands, and begin by examining the forklift for damage, including steering, brakes, mast, tires, and other control issues. Drivers should buckle-in for operation, adjusting seating and mirrors for comfort and safety.

– Load Stability
Before moving loads, always ensure they are securely and stably positioned across both forks, and within permissible heights.

– Movement
Survey surroundings for staff/obstacles before driving. Know site rules, including speed and height limitations, and staying on designated paths. Remain vigilant of people and surroundings, keeping your distance from employees, objects and vehicles. Ensure a safe stopping distance. (You can control your maneuvers – but not those of others.) Be mindful of bumps, debris, loose road surfaces and clearance issues, watching for signs of load limits.

– Ramps
Drive forward up the ramp; down in reverse.

– Delivery
Do not move/unrack the load unless visibility is optimal. Keep your body clear of the lowered mast to avoid serious injury. Do not let anyone near/under the machinery or forks.

– Safety
Never leave a running forklift unattended. Park in designated areas with forks lowered and park brake engaged. Always remove the key.

Keep workers safe from forklift injuries. Discover more about tugger carts from DJ Products today.

Protect Your Staff from These Top Warehouse Related Injuries

Despite Slow Moving Machinery and Large Space, Accidents in Warehouses do Still Occur.
Despite Slow Moving Machinery and Large Space, Accidents in Warehouses do Still Occur.

How safe is your warehouse? The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 5.5 injuries for every 100 warehouse workers. Reduce risk to your employees by using tugger carts and taking steps to prevent these common warehouse injuries.

Forklift and Truck Accidents

Forklifts are standard equipment in nearly every warehouse. While they’re essential for moving materials, forklifts are also involved in many warehouse accidents, either from malfunction or operator error.

Warehouses often contract their trucking needs to third-party providers. Those that handle transportation in-house are vulnerable to employee and property damage from truck accidents.

Overexertion Injuries

Musculoskeletal disorders are responsible for nearly one-third of all worker’s compensation costs in the United States. The back and shoulders are the most frequently injured body parts, although other body parts can also be affected by twisting, pushing and other causes of overexertion.

Loading Dock Injuries

Loading docks are some of the busiest and most congested areas of any warehouse. Injuries can occur due to inattentive truck drivers, unstable loads or moving heavy materials.

Workplace Obstructions

Spills or leaks that aren’t cleaned up promptly can cause employees to slip and fall. When empty pallets, misplaced inventory and other debris block warehouse aisles, other falling accidents are likely to happen.

Falling Objects

Warehouses make use of vertical space in order to maximize returns and minimize costs. It’s a valuable concept, but it increases the chances of materials falling and striking workers down below.

Tugger Carts: A Practical Solution to Warehouse Safety from DJ Products

Tugger carts such as our best-selling CartCaddyLite are ergonomically designed to minimize risk of common musculoskeletal injuries from pushing, lifting and other causes of overexertion. Visit our website and learn more about our full line of electric tugger carts from our sales engineers.