VIDEO: Improving Safety and Efficiency with CarCaddy & TruckCaddy Vehicle Moving Solutions

CarCaddy and TruckCaddy solutions take the manual work out of relocating inoperable vehicles. Here are three reasons to consider a battery-powered vehicle moving solution.

Prevent Employee Injury

Employees at auto repair shops, vehicle testing facilities and dealerships often push vehicles by hand; sometimes several times a day. This repeated manual exertion can result in back, neck or shoulder injury and pain. To keep your employees safe, consider investing in a CarCaddy or TruckCaddy vehicle moving solution.

Boost Your Business’s Efficiency

Utilizing multiple people to manually push an inoperable vehicle is not only unsafe, but inefficient. A battery-powered CarCaddy or TruckCaddy allows one person to easily relocate a car or truck. In turn, this allows other employees to take care of other tasks, thus streamlining your business’s operation.

Options to Fit Your Needs

Whether you relocate light vehicles under 5,000 lbs. or heavy trucks up to 50,000 lbs., we have a solution to fit your needs. Check out the video below to see the CarCaddy & TruckCaddy units in action! Don’t hesitate to reach out to a sales engineer at 1-800-686-2651 for more information.[recent_posts style=”slider_multiple_visible” category=”pushing-cars-and-trucks” columns=”1″ button_color=”Accent-Color” hover_shadow_type=”default” order=”DESC” orderby=”date”]

VIDEO: CarCaddy Vehicle Puller 12K Easily Relocates Vehicles up to 12,000 lbs.

The CarCaddy Vehicle Puller 12K allows one person to safely and easily relocate vehicles up to 12,000 lbs. (5,443 kg). The unit is easy to operate and maneuver in tight spaces. It is a perfect solution for auto repair shops, vehicle testing facilities, dealerships and car museums. In short, improve your business’s efficiency by transporting heavy vehicles with minimal effort. Hydraulic arms allow for safe loading without causing damage to the bumper or body of the vehicle. The CarCaddy’s optional ride-on platform offers the ability to either operate the unit from the ground or ride along with it.

To operate:
  1. First, align the unit to face the vehicle’s front tires.
  2. Then adjust the roller arms to be parallel to the wheels.
  3. Extend the platform to its maximum position.
  4. The hydraulic arms quickly load the vehicle.
  5. Lastly, maneuver the vehicle to the desired location.

Questions? Want more information about the CarCaddy VP12K? Please reach out to a sales engineer at 1-800-686-2651 or send us an online chat. We look forward to hearing from you!

Versatile Trailer Mover Useful for Boats, RVs

Spring is officially here. It’s not the daffodils poking through the ground that tipped me off; it was the parade of boats and RVs on the highway this weekend that clued me in. When people put their boats in the water and fire up their RVs, you know that spring is in the air. The folks in Chicago and Detroit may still have to shovel a few inches of snow this month, but most of the country (Nebraska excluded) is starting to enjoy warmer days, and thoughts are turning to summer pleasures.

Developed to facilitate the easy movement of trailers around manufacturing plants and storage facilities, DJ Products’ versatile TrailerCaddy trailer mover has been appropriated by the boating and RV industries. Ergonomically designed to prevent the muscle strain associated with moving large trailers and trailered equipment, DJ Products’ TrailerCaddy makes it possible to move heavy, unwieldy boats and RVs at plants, in showrooms and on sales lots with ease. Our ergonomic trailer pusher protects the health and safety of your workers, putting the strain on the equipment, not on workers’ muscles and backs.

The compact design of DJ Products’ TrailerCaddy allows workers to effortlessly and safely maneuver boats and RVs while maintaining complete control over the vehicle, whether moving a RV across a crowded sales lot or positioning a boat in a tight showroom space surrounded by other expensive vehicles. Because our battery-operated TrailerCaddies are more efficient and less bulky than traditional electric trailer pulling equipment, they cost less to use, have lower maintenance costs, require less storage space, and result in fewer accidents.

Capable of moving trailers, RVs and boats up to weighing up to 20,000 pounds, DJ Products’ trailer mover is powered by three deep-cycle batteries for long run times, extended use between charging, and quiet operation. An electric braking system holds trailers safely on inclines, preventing potential accidents from run away trailers. Operated from the handlebar, the ergonomically-designed, variable-speed, high-tech speed controller allows smooth acceleration and de-acceleration from 0 to 3 mph both forwards and backwards. A safety stop switch conveniently mounted on the handle bar ensures immediate, safe stopping power. Non-marking tires protect showroom floors. Click here to see a film of DJ Products’ TrailerCaddy in action.

Electric Mover Turns Workers into Supermen!

TrailerCaddy Motorized Trailer Puller
TrailerCaddy Motorized Trailer Puller
We admit it isn’t faster that a speeding bullet, and you won’t find leaping tall buildings in the specs; but it can make you feel more powerful than a locomotive. If you’ve ever wanted to flex Superman muscles but your body is more Clark Kent, our incredible TrailerCaddy electric mover is just what you’ve been looking for. This powerful DJ Products electric mover turns ordinary workers into Supermen and Superwomen, allowing them to effortlessly transport heavy trailers and vehicles — no tights or capes required!DJ Products’ versatile TrailerCaddy electric mover pushes and pulls trailers that require lifting on one end before maneuvering. Heavy equipment trailers, RVs, campers and boats are easily moved down assembly lines, from manufacturing plant to storage lot, across dealer lots, on and off showroom floors, or into position at trade shows — no need to hook up to a truck when you need to move these vehicles short distances, just slide in the TrailerCaddy and a single worker can do the job, effortlessly. Click here to watch a video of DJ Products’ amazing TrailerCaddy in action.

Like all DJ Products electric mover, the TrailerCaddy electric mover is ergonomically designed to take the strain off workers. The sore backs, strained muscles and exhausting overexertion that plague workers who wrestle with large trailered equipment are eliminated by DJ Products’ ergonomic design features. Any worker of any size or physical ability can easily move trailers, vehicles or equipment using DJ Products’ electric TrailerCaddy trailer mover. Ergonomic design significantly decreases worker injuries and their associated medical, insurance, worker’s compensation and lost man-hour costs, representing a considerable savings to employers.Less bulky than traditional equipment, DJ Products TrailerCaddy electric mover is sleek, compact and designed to maneuver easily in tight spaces, diminishing potential damage to surrounding parts and equipment when moving bulky vehicles. The ergonomic variable speed twist grip prevents carpal tunnel syndrome while allowing operators instant and complete control over the unit at speeds of 0 to 3 mph in both forward or reverse. A high tech speed controller, neutral throttle braking and electric adjustable acceleration/braking ensure safe operation and maximum operator control of the unit. Click here for complete specs on DJ Products’ TrailerCaddy trailer mover.

Trailer Mover Is RV, Boat Storage Workhorse

Summer is winding down and we’ve already felt the first breath of fall in our neck of the woods. Still time for a few more weekends at the lake, but it won’t be long before folks are hauling their boats out of the water and cleaning out their RVs for winter storage. Getting these expensive mega toys tucked in for the winter used to be a herculean task. All decked out with the latest features, these babies are heavy. It required a couple of burly guys and a lot of muscle and straining to push and pull these vehicles around the storage lot or boat yard and maneuver them into their winter berths. Then the recreational industry discovered DJ Products’ versatile TrailerCaddy trailer mover

Originally designed to maneuver large, heavy cargo trailers and trailered equipment short distances around factory lots and storage facilities, DJ Products’ versatile TrailerCaddy trailer mover has found a new fan base in the recreational vehicle and boating industries. Using DJ Products’ motorized trailer mover, a single operator can easily move hefty RVs and boats into place in RV storage lots and boat yards. Tricky maneuvering in tight spaces is effortless with the compact, ergonomically-designed TrailerCaddy. Move forward or backward smoothly from a full stop to 3 mph with a turn of the handy twist-grip control handle. Maximum operator control and compact size minimize potential damage to surrounding vehicles, even in tightly confined areas like stacked storage facilities, dealer showrooms, repair bays and trade show displays. Ergonomic design minimizes the risk of potential muscle strain, making it possible for a single employee of any size, strength or gender to move vehicles with equal ease.

Click here for complete information about DJ Products’ versatile TrailerCaddy trailer mover and to watch a video of the trailer move in action.