Improve Warehouse Ergonomics with a Few Tips and a Motorized Trailer Dolly

Warehouse Worker Moving a Pallet - Improve Warehouse Ergonomics
Improve Warehouse Ergonomics

You may have heard the term “ergonomics,” but how much do you understand about it? Ergonomics comes from the root érgon, which means “work” in Greek. Simply put, ergonomics is the study of interaction between humans and equipment. Our motorized trailer dolly is ergonomically designed to make it easier for workers to move trailers and other wheeled equipment.

According to the National Safety Council, overexertion is the second leading cause of workplace injuries. Use these tips for improved warehouse ergonomics to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries that can become chronic.

Tips for Improving Warehouse Ergonomics

1. Simplify material handling tasks wherever possible.

Are your workers performing a lot of manual tasks? For example, handling containers can involve lifting, lowering, filling, emptying, and carrying. Each one of these procedures places significant strain on the musculoskeletal system.

Our full line of material handling equipment is ergonomically designed to take the load off your employees. We have tugs, movers and pushers ranging from our CartCaddyLite to our motorized trailer dolly.

2. Implement effective work habits.

Is safety a major element of your workplace culture? When you demonstrate a commitment to the safety and well-being of your workers, they’ll follow suit. This is also a great way to improve employee morale.

Here are some programs you can use to make safety a priority:

  • Repetitive motion greatly increases the chances of injury. Institute a job rotation schedule to reduce undue stress.
  • Develop a comprehensive training program centered on proper material handling techniques.
3. Set up an ergonomically designed workplace.

Even when employees are stationary, they can become injured from bending, twisting or stretching. Here are some elements to consider:

  • Place all materials at work level.
  • Equipment such as workbenches should be adjustable to accommodate all sizes of workers.
  • Workstations should have enough clearance for employees to move and turn freely.
  • Make suspenders, back braces and other wearables readily available.
Choose Our Motorized Trailer Dolly for Enhanced Workplace Safety

Our battery-powered tugs, movers and pushers reduce the risk of workplace injury while improving productivity. Use our handy online chat feature to learn more from our friendly and knowledgeable Sales Engineers.

Do You Need a Warehouse Consultant? What to Know Before You Hire One.

What to Know About Warehouse Consultants
What to Know About Warehouse Consultants

At DJ Products, our mission is to help customers find their ideal warehouse equipment solutions. But when it comes to warehouse operations or special projects, do you go it alone?

Many companies of all sizes have successfully used warehouse consultants to advise on layout design, process optimization and other business aspects. Here are some tips to help you decide if your company could benefit from hiring a warehouse consultant.

What Does a Warehouse Consultant Do?

Warehouse consultants have a wide range of expertise applicable to all facets of operations. Some of the issues for which companies seek help include:

– Layout design and space optimization

– Inventory management

– Locating and designing new or additional warehouses

– Order picking

– Improving cash flow

– Maximizing integration of two or more companies

– Calculating activity-based costs (ABC)

– Selecting and implementing a warehouse management system (WMS)

– Outsourcing services

What to Expect Working with a Warehouse Consultant

Warehouse consultants use well-established methods that have been proven to work. Since they deal with warehouse change management projects every day, they understand how to adapt these methods to best suit your operations and customers.

A good warehouse consultant will present you with an analysis of options that address your particular needs. Each one will be based on trade-offs between factors including workforce, space and costs. Consultants are also aware of common problems that can arise in each scenario, so they can guide you on the most streamlined ways to put solutions in action.

DJ Products: Your Warehouse Equipment Consultant

Our knowledgeable sales engineers can help you find the right warehouse equipment for your specific applications. Use the convenient online chat feature on our website for prompt and cheerful assistance with any questions about our comprehensive line of tugs, movers and pushers.

Exoskeleton Service Robotics Move Into the Warehouse

The Future of the Warehouse is Upon Us
The Future of the Warehouse is Upon Us

Robotics, in combination with warehouse equipment, has become a dynamic means of boosting productivity with lower costs. Exoskeleton robots are now poised to become the next big innovation in supply chain and logistics.

Could exoskeleton robots have an application in your warehouse operations? Here’s what you should know about this fascinating technology.

What Are Exoskeleton Robots?

Exoskeleton robots are wearable devices that incorporate electric motors, pneumatics and hydraulics to mimic or augment actual human movements. These devices afford a greater degree of strength and endurance than workers could achieve on their own.

Applications of exoskeleton robots cut across a wide range of fields, from manufacturing and supply chain to healthcare and military. As a result, the market is expected to reach an astonishing $2.8 billion by the year 2023, for a compound annual growth rate of 45.2 percent.

Advantages of Exoskeleton Robot Use

Muscle fatigue and overuse is a primary limitation in a number of activities. An exoskeleton robot lets the user remain functional and productive beyond the point at which they would normally have to stop.

Exoskeleton robots are currently incorporated extensively in two industries:

– Healthcare services use exoskeletons for injury rehabilitation to help muscles recover efficiently.

– The military uses exoskeletons in combat situations to reduce fatigue and injury risk among soldiers.

Full-body exoskeletons aren’t yet ready to be rolled out commercially, but upper- and lower-body exoskeletons have great potential as ergonomic aids for warehouse workers who perform repetitive tasks.

Make Safety a Priority with Ergonomically Designed Warehouse Equipment

Battery-powered warehouse equipment like our best-selling CartCaddyShorty includes features such as variable speed twist grips to prevent common repetitive motion injuries. Use our convenient online chat feature to learn more from our helpful sales engineers.


Be On the Lookout for These New Emerging Supply Chain Technologies and Trends

Be On the Lookout for These New Emerging Supply Chain Technologies and Trends
Be On the Lookout for These New Emerging Supply Chain Technologies and Trends

Whether it’s automated warehouse equipment or integrated software systems, there’s a constant stream of trends affecting supply chain management today. Keeping up with these changes is essential in order to meet increasing customer demands.

What’s on the horizon for 2019? Here are some supply chain trends to focus on over the next twelve months.

Emerging Technologies

High-tech innovations continue to reshape every facet of the supply chain industry. Drones, artificial intelligence and highly developed robots are part of the next wave of technology making its way into warehouses and transportation.

Supply Chain Visibility

Ebbs and flows such as seasonal business have traditionally made it difficult to forecast supply chain workloads. Features such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data give managers real-time information they can use to accurately predict demand shifts and respond quickly to problems.

Sharing Economy

As retailers look for ways to be flexible enough to accommodate customer demand while keeping costs low, on-demand warehousing and logistics is seen as a viable solution. The sharing economy is projected to grow from $14 billion in 2014 to $335 billion in 2025.

Evolving Customer Channels

Change in customer channels has actually been an ongoing trend over the last few years. Traditional brick-and-mortar retail continues to move into direct-to-consumer, with 40 percent of brands now selling DTC. By the year 2025, DTC sales are expected to reach $130 billion.

Warehouse Equipment for Today’s Supply Chain Needs from DJ Products

While many elements of the supply chain may change, one constant is the need for efficient, reliable and safe warehouse equipment. We offer a full line of electric tugs, movers and pushers to suit any application. Visit our website for immediate assistance from our friendly sales engineers.

Top Warehouse and Business Disrupters to Be Watching in 2019

Warehousing Trends to Watch
Warehousing Trends to Watch

Warehouses are always in need of efficient equipment such as industrial tugs, but ever-evolving digital technology creates a flow of disruptions that affect small and mid-sized businesses (SMB). These disrupters have been particularly fast and furious over the last 20 years.

Here are some of the top SMB disruptors experts anticipate over the next year. Is your warehouse prepared for change?

Data Ethics

When it comes to data collection, technology has been a double-edged sword. Companies have unprecedented amounts of information at their fingertips, but customers fear excessive intrusions into their privacy. Create a formal and specific data usage policy and make sure it’s clearly communicated to customers.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is essentially an inversion of traditional computer programming. Instead of hard-coding logic into software, engineers define the results they’re looking for and the machine algorithm works backwards to determine its own logic. Most internal and customer-facing SMB software programs are expected to integrate machine learning by 2020.

Conversational User Interfaces

Conversational user interfaces such as chatbots have already revolutionized customer-facing functions, but they’re increasingly being used for internal processes as well. Examples include virtual employee onboarding and online knowledge management systems.


At this point, blockchain is associated primarily with cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. The underlying technology, in which data transactions are linked and recorded on a public network, is being adapted for applications like ensuring product quality along every step in the supply chain.

Let Industrial Tugs from DJ Products Carry You into the Future

Our electric industrial tugs help maximize productivity in your warehouse, freeing you up to focus on implementing upgraded technology solutions. Visit our website and use our online chat feature for prompt assistance from our knowledgeable sales engineers.

It’s Time to Learn About Ergonomics in the Warehouse as an Injury Prevention Protocol

Make Work a Little Easier on Yourself - Ergonomic Designs In the Workplace are the Future.
Make Work a Little Easier on Yourself – Ergonomic Designs In the Workplace are the Future.

Our battery-powered tugger carts are ergonomically designed to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and other injuries caused by repetitive motions. How much do you know about ergonomics and the role they play in maintaining a safe warehouse?

Observing ergonomic principles allows workers to be more productive while reducing physical stress. Here’s a look at how you can put ergonomics to work in your warehouse.

What Is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics, sometimes referred to as human engineering, is broadly defined as “the study of the relationship between workers and their environment.” The ultimate goal is to design the workplace for optimum efficiency and less physical wear and tear.

Whenever possible, work motions should be centered around the “golden zone,” which refers to the body’s core between shoulders and knees. Workers should rarely, if ever, have to reach above their shoulders or below their waists.

Types of Ergonomic Injuries

Ergonomic injuries tend to fall under two categories:

– Lifting and handling injuries occur when heavy boxes, pallets and other loads are placed too high or too low.

– Overexertion injuries result from repetitive motions, such as long walks during order-picking.

Ways to Improve Ergonomics

– Slot SKUs appropriately with high-volume items placed close by.

– Install pallet flow racks so a case is ready at the point of pick.

– Use tilted pick trays for items stored higher in the rack.

– Train employees in the proper operation of tugger carts and other equipment.

– Encourage workers to report unsafe conditions or inefficiencies in workflow.

– Prioritize regular housekeeping to eliminate cluttered aisles and other hazards.

Ergonomically Designed Tugger Carts from DJ Products

Electric tugs such as our best-selling CartCaddyShorty reduce the risk of both lifting and handling and overexertion injuries. Visit our website and learn more from our helpful sales engineers.

OSHA’s Most Cited Safety Issues for 2018

Don't Be These Guys in the Workplace - Horsing Around Isn't Funny nor Smart for your Health.
Don’t Be These Guys in the Workplace – Horsing Around Isn’t Funny nor Smart for your Health.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created to establish and enforce standardized safety and health regulations across private sector companies. Each year OSHA issues a list of the most-cited violations involving misuse of warehouse equipment and other unsafe practices.

For the last two years, the top five categories have remained the same. Here are OSHA’s most-cited violations for 2018.

1. Fall Protection

Fall protection, which is intended to protect employees working on a surface with an unprotected side greater than six feet, has been the top category eight years in a row. Cited violations include lack of guardrail or safety net systems.

2. Hazard Communication

Hazard communication involves notifying and training employees regarding chemicals produced or imported in the workplace. Cited violations include maintaining a written hazardous communication program along with printed and accessible copies of Safety Data Sheets.

3. Scaffolding

Companies are required to protect workers both on and around scaffolding at a height of 10 feet or more. Cited violations include supporting scaffold posts, legs, poles and frames on a suitably firm foundation.

4. Respiratory Protection

OSHA provides specific guidelines for establishing and administering a respiratory protection program. Cited violations include ensuring that tight-fitting facepiece respirators are fit-tested prior to use and workers receive medical evaluations to determine their ability to use respirators.

5. Lockout/Tagout

Lockout/tagout refers to the process of controlling electricity or other energy sources during servicing of warehouse equipment. Cited violations include periodic inspections of lockout/tagout procedures and training employees in the necessary knowledge and skills.

Commit to Workplace Safety with Warehouse Equipment from DJ Products

Our battery-powered tugs, movers and pushers are ergonomically designed to prevent common repetitive-motion injuries. Visit our website for more information about the safety features of our industrial carts.

How to Reduce Inventory Loss in Your Warehouse Operation

How to Reduce Inventory Loss in Your Warehouse Operation
How to Reduce Inventory Loss in Your Warehouse Operation

Are you looking for ways to increase productivity and reduce expenses in your warehouse? Cost-effective warehouse equipment is one solution. Reducing product loss also improves customer service and profitability.

A certain amount of loss from damaged product is unavoidable, but you can proactively manage the primary causes of waste. Here are five expert tips to significantly reduce inventory loss.

1. Commit to Employee Training

Your warehouse workers are on the front line of operations, and they can be your most effective warriors against inventory loss. Damages frequently occur when employees don’t operate warehouse equipment properly. Make training a part of the onboarding process and conduct periodic reviews to find areas that need improvement.

2. Analyze Warehouse Operations

Successful companies in all industries embrace the practice of continuous improvement of process, or CIP. Develop a plan of reviewing order picking, packaging and other warehouse processes with an eye for improving efficiency.

3. Invest in Quality Material Handling Equipment

Purchase price and maintenance costs of material handling equipment are important but they shouldn’t be the main consideration. Inexpensive equipment that breaks down or doesn’t work correctly ends up being far more expensive than high-quality equipment that’s efficient and durable.

4. Cut Down on Manual Touch Points

The more often workers touch products, the greater the chance of damage. Maximize the use of material handling equipment to limit instances of operator error.

5. Move Forward

No matter how much you learn about reduction of inventory loss, none of it means anything unless you put it into action. Create a workable plan and follow through on it.

First-Class Warehouse Equipment for All Applications

Take the first step toward reducing inventory damage with warehouse equipment from DJ Products. Contact us to learn more.

Beyond the Distribution Center: Tips to Prevent Shipment Damage

Beyond the Distribution Center: Tips to Prevent Shipment Damage
Beyond the Distribution Center: Tips to Prevent Shipment Damage

How much loss can you absorb from shipping damage? Getting to zero might be an impossible task, but it’s worth making every effort to reduce the risks. Air bags and strong tape help, but everyone along the supply chain needs the right warehouse equipment and plenty of knowledge for how to prevent product loss.

Reduce Freight Claims, Boost Profit

By using powered warehouse carts from DJ Products, your staff can better manage inventory and load shipments onto trucks and trailers. From a motorized cart pusher to more specialized warehouse equipment like the PartsCaddy or CarpetCaddy, there’s a tool for every job.

Logistics experts recommend taking even more action to prevent shipment damage:

– Test shipment methods before rolling out a new product

– Cube stacks of boxes to prevent damage during transit

– Train workers on proper use of box-cutters

– Apply shock and tilt indicators to fragile packages

– Make customer return supplies easy to use

Focus on What You Can Control

Whichever leg of the supply chain your company handles, there are many factors out of your control. From the factory to the last-mile delivery service, many hands touch each package. To prevent damage from shipping, focus on your own warehouse equipment and identify the places and situations that can cause damage.

Crushed box corners and shattered products are signs that employees might be overwhelmed at the warehouse. Does your team have the right material handling equipment for the weight, size, and volume of packages they handle?

DJ Products offers powered cart pushers and tugs for loads ranging from 1,500 pounds to 50,000 pounds. For every application, we have warehouse equipment that can save time, prevent worker injury, and make it easier to deliver the goods intact. Contact us for more info.

Beyond the Distribution Center: Tips for Going Green

In All We Do on This Planet, Thinking Green Can Only Help.
In All We Do on This Planet, Thinking Green Can Only Help.

As a key cog in the machine for retail and industry, distribution centers can make an enormous impact by going green. Yet it’s hard to justify investing in something for the environment if it doesn’t improve your own bottom line. So let’s talk about how going green with smart warehouse equipment and energy-saving choices can help the planet, your employees, and your business.

The Basics: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Businesses can reduce their footprint by going digital to use less paper and implementing recycling bins for bottles and glass. Warehouses can go green even more by reusing and recycling pallets, cardboard boxes, packing materials, and more.

Try charting your progress to boost employee morale, and make it known to customers that you’ve gone green so they can feel good about doing business with you.

Less Carbon, More Comfort

Any steps to improve heating and cooling efficiency can also make the warehouse more comfortable for hardworking staff. Try these:

– Add insulation

– Install industrial fans

– Insulate ductwork

– Paint the roof white

– Switch to cooler LED lighting

Better ventilation, cleaner air, and a healthier work environment make your employees more productive. That’s good for retention, reducing sick days, and thus being more profitable. Lower utility bills help, too!

Electric Warehouse Equipment

Smart warehouses use less energy because they’re more efficient. If you’re using a diesel forklift, an industrial cart mover can potentially replace it. If you send out less-than-full truckloads, smarter logistics can fill the truck and get more out of every gallon of fuel.

DJ Products makes ergonomic, battery-powered warehouse equipment for today’s needs. While helping you go green, our CartCaddy and other material handling equipment will also help make your warehouse a healthier, more injury-free zone. Contact us for more info.