Our Predicted 2023 Warehouse and Distribution Center Trends

Trailer Dolly
The Future of Warehousing

Warehouses and distribution centers are heading into 2023 with many opportunities and challenges. Safety improvements are always important, making the use of trailer dolly solutions an ongoing trend. From supply chain and inventory solutions to increased interest in the use of automation, these are some of the other top trends in the warehouse and distribution industry for the new year.

Electric Delivery Vehicles

More companies are looking into using electric delivery vehicles to help cut down on pollution, noise, and costs. This involves the use of smaller vehicles, such as vans and small trucks, rather than box trucks. The use of these smaller vehicles is more practical in some areas, while also offering a way to reduce environmental damage.

Autonomous Lift and Reach Trucks

The use of forklifts in warehouses and distribution centers comes with a risk of injuries. Businesses are exploring the possibility of using autonomous lift and reach trucks to improve safety and efficiency. These trucks can make it easier to move items around with a lower risk of worker injuries.

Neighborhood Distribution Centers

Real estate costs and limited inventory on the market are pushing business owners to find other solutions for storing products. Some are turning to neighborhood distribution centers or mini-warehouses for storing goods. These localized distribution centers and warehouses could help make up for a lack of larger warehouse space.


With the rise in eCommerce, warehouse and distribution center owners are showing a growing interest in adopting automation. The use of automation can offer a solution to the problems the industry faces due to supply chain issues, labor shortages, and rising costs.

Supply and Inventory Solutions

With the supply chain improving in some areas, companies are looking into solutions for managing inventory more efficiently. Some companies face shortages of certain products, while others are dealing with too much inventory. Solutions might involve reducing prices on overstocked items or finding ways to obtain low inventory items.

If you’re looking into solutions for moving large vehicles safely in warehouses, hangars, or other facilities, please contact DJ Products. We offer trailer dolly solutions that make it much safer to pull or push large vehicles and other items.

Should You Hire Temporary Staff at Your Warehouse?

Should One Hire Temporary Staff?
Should One Hire Temporary Staff?

Of course, ultimately, a question like this can only be answered by the management staff at any warehouse, but consider these warehouse management tips when it comes to hiring on a staffer.

  • When compared to permanent employees, staffers have an overall productivity and effectiveness of 99.8%. That figure essentially means there is no difference in how a staffer performs than a regular employee.
  • Most staffing services offer their own insurance and benefit packages, and that keeps overhead lower when you hire a staffer than when you hire on a full/part time employee.
  • The best staffing companies routinely do pre-employment testing for drug use, honesty and health. When your staffer comes to work on that first day, you’ll know they are ready to go.
  • For seasonal work, which overloads your regular employees, a staffing service can’t be beat.

Try Before You Hire

Perhaps the best reason for a staffing service is searching for a new employee. Contract a staffing service for a worker, see their performance and their interaction with other employees, then make a decision on permanent employment. If that particular staffer doesn’t work out, you can terminate their contract through the staffing service, with essentially no hassle in doing so, which may be one of the best warehouse management tips you can have.

The Bottom Line

Yes, there may be some downsides in hiring a staffer, like overall employment cost and possible union pressure, but in virtually all situations, the question of whether or not to hire from a staffing service should be a resounding “yes!”

For more information, check out our blog at DJ Products, Inc.

Part 4: Why Businesses Fail

Financial experts seem to be teetering on the verge of labeling the country’s current economic situation a recession. It’s a label the government seems loathe to use, believing it will wreak further havoc on the stock market and send the economy spiraling down even further. No matter what you call it, things are difficult and it looks like they’re going to stay that way for a while. The economy is slow, credit is tight, fuel is high and bankruptcies are up. For many companies, the combination has delivered a knockout punch and they’re down for the count.

Last week we started a series on Why Businesses Fail (see our July 14-18 posts). We figure it’s better to learn from the mistakes of others than repeat them yourselves. This week we continue our list of the most likely reasons businesses fail:

  • Inappropriate inventory. You can’t sell what customers don’t want. Too much or the wrong inventory causes cash flow problems, wastes sales time and drains profits. By constantly tracking individual inventory items, you can make adjustments and effectively manage product flow on a weekly and monthly basis. Don’t make the mistake of relying strictly on accounting summaries to track inventory. Accounting tracks inventory by dollars, lumping moving and non-moving inventory into an average. To adequately control inventory, you need to track the actual physical items.
  • Excessive capital investments. Americans seem to equate success with things. Bigger cars, bigger houses, the latest gadgetry. In business there can be a tendency to buy newer, bigger, more expensive tools and equipment as a mark of success. But success in business is really based on the quality of the product or service you produce. That’s what drives sales and repeat business. Equipment purchases should relate to your ability to improve or maintain the quality of your product. Certainly, you need to update equipment as technology changes to be competitive. And often the expense of new technology can be recouped in short order by savings in energy, floor space or worker health and safety. But capital equipment purchases should always be evaluated for their ability to enhance the production of a quality product. 

If you’re looking for a cost-saving solution for your capital equipment investment, turn to the material handling experts at DJ Products. At DJ Products we manufacture ergonomically designed electric carts and motorized cart pushers for business, industry and service providers like hospitals. Our products are smaller and more maneuverable than traditional powered equipment like fork trucks, walkies and riding tugs, yet are capable of moving the same sized loads with ease. A smart capital investment, our products are less costly than purchasing traditional powered equipment. Because our carts, tugs and equipment movers are ergonomically designed, you’ll also realize an attractive savings in worker health and safety costs, including medical bills, insurance payments, workers’ compensation and lost man-hours. Visit the DJ Products website to check out our full line of ergonomically designed electric and motorized carts.

To be continued

More Tips to Improve Warehouse Efficiency

Continuing our Monday post, today we provide more tips to ramp up warehouse efficiency by improving material handling processes in distribution centers. In a recent Supply Demand Chain article, TriFactor systems engineer Greg Tuohy offered these suggestions:

  1. Re-evaluate pick tech. Eliminate paper-based picking in favor of auto-enhanced technology. Implementing radio frequency (RF), pick-to-voice or pick-to-light technology can make your operation more efficient. Evaluate the density of SKU locations, throughput, product characteristics and specialized procedures such as serial number tracking to determine the pick technology best suited to your operation, Tuohy advises.
  2. Evaluate pick method. Decide which picking method is most cost effective for your operation. Piece picking where the picker walks the aisles picking and completing one order at a time is the most time-consuming and, therefore, most costly. Small, maneuverable powered tugs can facilitate far more efficient batch picking where all orders are picked simultaneously in a single pass. Dolly pullers and electric tugs can also be used to streamline operations that use assembly-line style zone and wave picking. Powered carts and tugs help streamline your operation by increasing the speed and volume of work that can be accomplished by each worker.
  3. Multi-task. Practice task interleaving which combines picking with the put-away process, Tuohy suggests. Interleaving ensures that operators and equipment are always tasked, that time and energy are not wasted on empty loads. The idea is to create a continuous loop where equipment is always loaded, bringing materials to pick locations and returning empty pallets or delivering picked product to shipping locations.
  4. Minimize downtime. Equipment requires planned maintenance. A proactive maintenance plan will minimize downtime and save time and money. Planned maintenance should be conducted on equipment and automated systems on a regular schedule. Correct small problems immediately and keep frequently needed spare parts on hand.
  5. Protect power supply. Assess the vulnerability of your power supply. Lightning strikes, power outages and power spikes can wreak havoc with distribution systems, says Tuohy. Work with your local electric company to install surge protectors and other recommended protections. Battery-powered carts and tugs with enough juice to work through an entire shift can be the lifeline that keeps your operations moving when Mother Nature throws a fit.

Building the Workforce of the Future

Even before the economy took a dive, material handling industry experts were warning of coming changes to America’s workforce that could have far-reaching implications for U.S. businesses. America’s population is aging. By 2015, the over 65 population will increase by more than 20%. At the same time, the number of people getting started in the workplace, those 25 to 39, will grow by only 6%. And even more alarming, the population group that has traditionally formed the core of America’s workforce, those aged 40 to 54, will shrink by 5%. Businesses need to prepare now to deal with a younger, smaller U.S. workforce.

But that’s only part of the problem, said Gary Forger, Senior VP of Professional Development for the Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA), in his keynote address at ProMat 2009 earlier this month. The fast pace of technological change and the need for constant learning and retraining may present the biggest challenge. Where it used to take 12 to 15 years for skill sets to before becoming obsolete, it now takes less than 3 years. “It is estimated that 39% of the current workforce and 26% of new hires will have basic skill deficiencies,” Forger said. Unfortunately, America’s future workforce may not have the “live to work” ethic of their predecessors. Tomorrow’s worker will be seeking a better work-life balance, placing higher value on “work to live.”

While coming changes in workforce demographics will present significant challenges for U.S. businesses, Forger said it will also present unique opportunities to improve productivity and performance for companies able to exercise flexibility. Forger suggested that those opportunities are likely to be found in unexpected places. Companies may find it productive to pair old and new workers, he said. New workers would bring advanced technological skills to the table; older workers, knowledge and experience. Automation is expected to increase to allow smaller workforces to maintain production. The need to accommodate aging workers will place increased emphasis on ergonomic equipment.

As the number of U.S. workers dwindles, the material handling industry should prepare for an increasingly multi-cultural and multi-lingual workforce. Forger said recruiters may need to target new work groups, such as “Hispanic women reentering the workforce.” Retention efforts may need to become more flexible and more creative, offering different incentives to differently-motivated groups. In the future, advancement, employee satisfaction and responsibilities may provide better retention results than basic pay. How companies address work-life balance issues is also expected to play a key role in employee retention.

Downsizing without Alienating Customers

In this economy, where it’s been exceedingly tough to generate more income due to the fact that fewer individuals and businesses are spending quite as freely as they were once capable,  reducing overhead has been the easiest way for warehousing and logistics companies to maintain profitability.  Usually the two largest areas of expense lay in employees and in rent, and since it’s impossible to run a material handling business without employees, many companies are doing what they can to reduce the amount of money they spend per month on rent.

The biggest problem with shrinking your operating space is the risk of not being able to fully serve your customers – the only way reducing overhead works to maintain profitability is if it doesn’t cause the loss of some of your sales.  This means that a warehousing or distribution company needs to carry as much inventory and maintain the very same fluidity of operation, but they need to do so in a smaller space.

Though this may not sound very realistic, with the right employees and the right equipment it is very possible.  Lifts and carts from DJ Products are consistently reliable and easy to maneuver in even the tightest of spaces.  These quiet and ergonomic carts are among the safest in the business for warehousing employees to operate and they allow just one user to move a multitude of smaller items or a few heavy items without enlisting anyone’s help.

A few well trained employees who have access to the best material handling equipment can perform a task much more efficiently than a full crew trying to operate outdated equipment that could be prone to failure.  When an incoming shipment can be received and appropriately stationed to go into stock or to go out for an order, then either put away or shipped more quickly and efficiently – a warehouse is able to successfully operate in a potentially much smaller environment.

Is Radio Frequency the Next Big Thing for Warehouses?

Barcode scanning revolutionized distribution center and warehouse operations by automating functions such as receiving that had previously been done manually. As the technology celebrates its 40th birthday, the industry is looking for the systems that will move operations up to the next level.

Radio frequency is a major candidate to replace barcodes in order picking and fulfillment systems. This technology involves establishing a wireless network within a facility. The host server exchanges order information with the Warehouse Management System and this data in turn goes out to terminals worn on the wrists of warehouse employees.

The order picker is directed to each successive pick location and given information regarding quantities for each item. Confirmation of the pick is processed through the terminal, either by scanning the item or manually entering its ID number. Once an order is complete, it’s recorded in the server and the next order is on its way.

The RF system is less cumbersome for order pickers since they don’t have to deal with a paper ticket. It also results in more accurate order processing because the picker is required to confirm each line item. RF accommodates a wide variety of order picking methods, including zone, batch and wave, with all information recorded in real time.

Make sure that products are in the correct location on a timely basis. DJ Products has a full line of battery-operated tows and tugs that allow a single employee to efficiently move loads up to 50,000 pounds. Call 800.686.2651 or use our convenient online chat feature for immediate assistance from our friendly Sales Engineers at Team Cart Caddy.

Material Handling and Distribution Heats Up in the Summer – Literally

Warehouses are generally poorly ventilated buildings with no good source of circulation, many with metal roofs that absorb the heat of the sun, and certainly no provisions for air conditioning.  So as the temperatures of the Summer rises, so does the temperature of the workplace.

Open dock and receiving doors let in the Summer heat and the fast pace of the employees and the bustle of the machinery just forces the temperatures even higher throughout the course of the day.  In this type of environment it’s critical to have safe and reliable material handling equipment, because the extreme heat will only add to the dangers of manual material handling.

Having the proper equipment to assist in the transport of heavy loads gives your employees the opportunity to complete their work according to (or even ahead of) schedule without having to over exert themselves inside of the scorching warehouse environment.  Old, outdated propane forklifts can throw hot exhaust, which can also work to drive up the temperature in an already borderline dangerous environment making a very uncomfortable workplace practically unbearable.

Just because the temperature has risen outside, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to slow down your operation or that you have to compromise your employees’ safety.  Reliable, battery operated carts and lifts help to ensure that your employees will have the assistance they need with heavy materials, minimizing the risks involved with manual material handling.  Battery operated carts don’t tend to get as hot as propane operated lifts and they also don’t release hot exhaust into the already stifling air.

Your warehouse or distribution center is most likely going to be hot – even with ceiling and floor exhaust fans running it’s difficult to keep temperatures down.  It’s up to you to do whatever you can to keep your employees safe and one of the best ways to do that is to operate with the most reliable battery powered lifts.  Lifts and carts from DJ Products will help minimize unnecessary excess heat while ensuring that your employees can safely perform their regular duties without the fear of over exertion.

Ergonomic Scissors Lift Adjusts to Workers’ Heights

Bending, twisting and reaching all day long can have workers reaching for the Tylenol well before the day is over. These muscle-torquing activities lead to aches, strains and sprains that slow workers down and can eventually cause musculoskeletal injuries that entail multiple doctor’s visits, costly physical therapy and time off from work, placing an added burden on fellow workers who have to pick up the slack.

This was the problem being experienced by an Ohio manufacturer of aftermarket exhaust systems. Management noticed a high level of sprains and strains reported by workers. Investigation found the culprit to be the awkward positions workers assumed while performing production and packing tasks.

Workers come in different shapes and sizes but, as is true in most facilities, materials were delivered to work stations at a single, stationary height. Since few workers fit the “ideal” height around which equipment and tasks were designed, this meant that most workers, being either shorter or taller than the “ideal” height, were forced to bend, stretch, and strain to perform their work tasks. In the process, they overtaxed and injured muscles.

Company management sought a solution in ergonomics. Ergonomics is the science of fitting equipment and tasks to the capabilities of the worker to eliminate strain on the human body. Ergonomic design allows equipment that will be used by multiple workers to be adjusted to fit the size and capability of each individual. 

In the case of the Ohio exhaust manufacturer, the perfect solution proved to be an ergonomically-designed, portable scissor lift. The portable scissor lift allowed relatively heavy parts (120 lbs.) to be quickly moved from one station to the next. The power scissor feature permitted each worker to quickly and easily adjust the lift bed to the optimal height for his size. The result was virtual elimination of musculoskeletal injuries, an increase in productivity from 65% to 88%, and increased on-time delivery.

The problems experienced by this Ohio company are common to many industries, including manufacturing, fulfillment, packing, logistics, shipping and warehousing. DJ Products’ PWP2000 Cart Puller mobile electric lift table could be the perfect solution for your facility. Our ergonomically-designed, self-propelled electric scissor lift is available in a variety of shapes and sizes for various applications. Our lift tables deliver work items to the appropriate height every time. Combine our lift table with our PartsCaddy mobile platform truck and workers can easily move fully-loaded lift tables from one station to the next without physical strain. With 16 hours of battery life, DJ Products’ electric movers can stay in continuous operation through two shifts with ease. 

Preparation Can Aid in Overcoming Unforeseen Obstacles

There are a number of things, out of your control, that can hamper your ability to get shipments out to your customers in a timely manner.   Any time you are bringing in products from a location that isn’t local, you can become the victim of shipping delays that can affect how quickly you are able to fulfill customer orders; and any time you are in need of an out of stock or made to order item, production delays can most certainly affect the prospected arrival date of materials.

Many of your customers may be understanding and not overly critical of you if the delays don’t impact their business too greatly, but others are only concerned with getting their order as quickly as possibly and don’t want to hear excuses of manufacturer delay.

Though your hands might be tied when it comes to manufacturer delays, you can help to offset these undesirable instances by being as prepared and efficient as possible in your own operations.  Properly trained and motivated employees who operate in a safe and organized environment with reliable equipment can turn around freight from receipt to shipment much more quickly and much more accurately than employees who work in a cluttered environment with outdated equipment that could be prone to breakdown.

Lifts and carts from DJ Products can handle a heavy workload for a full eight hour shift on a single charge and they are designed with the employee’s safety in mind.  All equipment from DJ Products is ergonomically designed to dramatically cut down on work related injuries and these lifts and carts make it easy for a single person to handle loads of material that would have required two people working with a manual cart.

You can’t control what happens outside of your facility, but by being as efficient and prepared as possible you can minimize the potential damaged caused by delays with quick and accurate actions within your facility.