Why Businesses Should Consider an Electric Trailer Moving Solution vs. a Shunt Truck

Companies are constantly looking to find better ways to operate – improving efficiency, increasing employee safety and increasing the bottom line to name a few. Common pain points and questions that plague employees and leaders include:

  • What is the best way to cut costs?
  • Should we automate our operations?
  • Which solutions should we invest in to improve our efficiency & safety?

For businesses that move loaded or empty trailers, RVs, or large equipment on a daily basis, an electric TrailerCaddy may be the solution to all of the above. Below are three factors to consider when deciding whether to switch from a shunting truck or service to electric trailer moving solutions.

The Perks of Going Green

All electric TrailerCaddy trailer mover models (and all of DJ Products Inc.’s other equipment moving solutions) are eco-friendly and zero-emission. Organizations looking for cleaner & greener ways to operate should consider electric equipment moving solutions. Many states, such as California offer clean energy reimbursement programs for businesses that take advantage of “going green.”  If you’re trying to lessen your business’s carbon footprint, the TrailerCaddy is a great alternative to a gas-powered solution.

A Cost-Saving Solution

The TrailerCaddy is a fraction of the cost of a brand-new shunt truck. Many of our customers have reported shunting service costs ranging from $50-$500 per day. Plus, businesses are left at the mercy of the shunting service’s schedule. Many of our customers who purchase a TrailerCaddy see the return on investment within six to nine months. The TrailerCaddy, is ready to be used by employees at a moment’s notice to keep docks and lots clutter-free and operating smoothly.

An Electric Alternative


Many businesses are considering alternatives to shunt trucks for a few reasons. As mentioned above, it’s an expensive investment with a considerable carbon footprint. Shunt trucks typically must be operated by employees with CDLs. Businesses must obtain insurance for any trucks they own; an additional cost to consider. The TrailerCaddy can be operated by any trained employee; no CDL or health card required. There are many factors to consider when deciding whether moving away from a yard dog or shunting service to an electric trailer moving solution. We have over 15,000 TrailerCaddy units in the field worldwide. Please reach out to our sales engineers to discuss your specific trailer-moving needs: 1-800-686-2651 or info@djproducts.com. Find out more about the DJ Products trailer dolly line. We have wheeled cart moving solutions for trailers, cargo trailers, RV’s, semi-trailers, and boat trailers.

The Logistics Industry Hits a Growth Cap Due to the Current Labor Shortage

Tips to Protect Your Warehouse Employees and Boost Performance
Tips to Protect Your Warehouse Employees and Boost Performance

Is your powered trailer mover tapped out? Warehouse workers are too. With the rapid growth of e-commerce, labor supplies are drying up.


There will be an estimated 452,000 warehouse and distribution positions in need of fulfillment in 2018-19. However the industry is already labor-strapped, with the volume of positions outpacing the labor pool’s ability to fulfill demand by 180,300 positions per year since 2013. How will the industry cope with this shortage as e-commerce sales continue to accelerate?

Filling-in the Blanks

Retailers, delivery companies, and third-party logistics firms are dealing with the labor crunch in each (or all) of these three ways:

• Recruiting from Other Industries

Recruitment from other industries has proven successful in recent years, with government data showing a 66% increase in employees moving to the transportation and warehouse sector from other industries from 2011-15, though this arena won’t lend enough to meet demand.

• Automation to Boost Efficiency

Robots and autonomous vehicles can boost the productivity levels of existing employees.

• Market Expansion

Moving into new sectors with readily available workforces.

What Metros Offer Light in the Darkness?

Federal employment data points to multiple markets with the right combination of availability, quality, and cost of labor, as well as proximity to large customer populations for warehouses and distribution, including Memphis, Nashville, Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, Louisville, Denver, Indianapolis, and Oakland, to name a few.

Intelligent Design

Smart analysis of labor sources is essential. To protect the bottom line, intelligent site selection efforts take into account the fact that labor contributes to more than 20% of total supply chain cost as well as 75% of final-touch distribution.

Short on manpower? Up the ante, saving time and labor with a powered trailer mover from DJ Products. Learn more today.

eTailers Will Soon be Paying State Sales Taxes

Stacks of Ten Thousand Dollars Cash
Etailers Will Most Likely be Paying State Sales Taxes Soon

According to a recent article, the Supreme Court ruled that Internet retailers will be required to collect a sales tax. The effect of this newest ruling could have a lasting positive or negative impact on profitability for certain companies. For warehouse workers and truck drivers, it could mean an increase in orders from smaller companies who can now compete with their online retailer counterparts.

Alternately, for those involved in the Internet retail industry, this newest development could mean that employees are required to do more tasks to offset profit loss. What can you do to help keep orders flowing smoothly? How do you ensure employees aren’t overworked? Invest in a semi trailer moving machine to keep costs from inclining and work injuries on the decline!

Move it or Lose It

The retail industry is an industry that continually craves new ideas, better solutions, and ingenuity. After applying sales tax to goods, some businesses may be reeling from the implications such a move could make on their bottom line.

Be the first to move forward with a semi trailer moving solution that lowers your cost and increases your earning potential. The answer to any issue doesn’t have to be complex, it can be simple. Utilize premium machinery to cut costs, increase efficiency and remove the burden from your already diligent employee base. You’ll be two moves ahead of the competition!

Trusting Quality

If you are looking for quality solutions, trust DJ Products. We set the bar high. Our numerous battery-operated machines are heavy-duty for a reason. We use technology, common sense and precision to ensure you get the results you need to get orders moving at an effortless pace. Visit DJ Products today and find the solution that suits you best!

Kenworth Previewed Hydrogen-Powered Semi Truck at Consumer Electronics Show

Kenworth Previewed Hydrogen-Powered Semi Truck at Consumer Electronics Show
Kenworth Previewed Hydrogen-Powered Semi Truck at Consumer Electronics Show

The powered trailer dolly you might use for your warehousing and transportation business doesn’t cause much damage to the environment, but what about the semi-trucks that deliver your products? Semi-trucks that run on traditional fuel do contribute to environmental damage, which is why improvements to these vehicles are being made. In fact, a semi-truck that runs on hydrogen was recently introduced at an electronics show.

Eco-Friendly Trucking

At the annual Consumer Electronics Show in January, Kenworth previewed a semi-truck that’s powered by hydrogen. The Kenworth T680 day cab runs on a hydrogen fuel cell rather than needing to rely on natural gas or diesel fuel. Why was this eco-friendly truck shown at an electronics show? The fuel cell contains a mixture of hydrogen and air that ends up producing electricity. When the truck runs, its only tailpipe emission is water vapor.

Details on the T680

The Kenworth T680, which was demonstrated for the show’s Zero Emission Cargo Transport project, won’t be ready to do long hauls just yet. Initially, the truck will mainly be able to handle 150 miles, which is better suited to short hauls. The horsepower that the motor puts out comes in at 565, and the truck is strong enough to carry the same weight as other Class 8 vehicles.

The electricity that the truck produces can be used to run the motor or recharge the batteries. This high-tech truck could help reduce emissions overall once it’s ready for regular use.

If you need a powered trailer dolly for your warehouse, please visit DJ Products to see our selection of available items. Our products offer important benefits for your business, including savings on manpower and reducing the risk of injuries.

US Railways Are Flourishing As an Alternative to Semi Freight Hauling

Road Accidents are a Big Cause of Death. Moving Loads By Train Could be a Great and Safer Alternative.
Road Accidents are a Big Cause of Death. Moving Loads By Train Could be a Great and Safer Alternative.

The idea of railroads often conjures up romantic images of days gone by, while semi trucking offers a more pragmatic picture of workers using motorized trailer dollies. Passenger rail travel has certainly fallen out of favor, but the freight rail industry is robust, thanks to its status as a viable alternative to semi freight hauling.

Today’s Thriving Railway System

Freight rail may seem old school, but the U.S. railway system is the envy of other countries around the world. Approximately 40 percent of all intercity cargo is transported via the 140,000-mile railway network.

Unlike many other elements of the U.S. infrastructure, the railroad industry is self-sufficient. President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus bill provided major support for freight-rail initiatives with sizable grants, but as a private entity, the industry maintains and improves itself without the help of taxpayers’ money.

In fact, freight rail makes significant contributions to the economy. The industry employs more than 200,000 across the country and pays taxes on the $60 billion it generates each year.

Benefits of Freight Rail

– Freight rail transport is more eco-friendly than long-haul trucking. Trains are three times more energy-efficient than trucks, reducing pollution and dependence on fossil fuels.

– Moving freight by rail means fewer trucks on the road. That, in turn, results in less congestion and fewer vehicle accidents.

– While trucks are preferable for time-sensitive shipments, rail transport is a more efficient way to move heavy loads over long distances, such as raw materials.

Improve Safety and Efficiency with the Electric Yard Dog

Is an outside shunting service costing you time, money and productivity? Visit our website and chat with our friendly sales engineers to find out why motorized trailer dollies from DJ Products are the best solution for your company.

Trucking Firm with the Big Heart Strives to Feed Hungry Children

Trucking Firm with the Big Heart Strives to Feed Hungry Children
Trucking Firm with the Big Heart Strives to Feed Hungry Children

The nation’s food supply depends on truckers, so it’s fitting that C.R. England is going the extra mile with a food drive for hungry kids. Through its One Initiative, the firm aims to provide a million meals for children throughout the country facing hunger. For every load delivered by a C.R. England driver and every transaction by England Logistics, a meal will automatically be funded.

At DJ Products, we love seeing the distribution industry recognized for its profound contributions. We support the field by offering affordable motorized trailer dollies that make the job easier around the shunt yard while reducing injuries.

C.R. England’s Donations for Childhood Hunger

Known on the road for its coat-of-arms logo, C.R. England started its crusade against hunger to help feed the 13 million children in the U.S. who don’t always know where their next meal will come from.

Everyone is getting involved, too. Truck drivers not only get the satisfaction of helping out, but they also get to choose where each donation will go. C.R. England partnered with 19 food banks around the country, so drivers can send a meal to a child close to home.

C.R. England has donated hundreds of thousands of meals to date, with more fundraising and community efforts planned.

Do More with Distribution

What could your organization accomplish if operations were more streamlined at the distribution center? The TrailerCaddy Electric Yard Dog costs a small fraction of a shunt truck, yet is safer and more maneuverable. Our motorized trailer dollies don’t add to your driving logs, and dock workers can get trailers up to 100,000 pounds towed into prime position, even at tight shipping docks.

Find the right trailer movers for your needs at the DJ Products website.

Shipping with Amazon Takes on UPS and FedEx Head-On

Shipping with Amazon Takes on UPS and FedEx Head-On
Shipping with Amazon Takes on UPS and FedEx Head-On

Will your semi trailer dolly soon be moving loads for Amazon’s latest pet project? In its efforts to expand its shipping and delivery infrastructure, Amazon will be rolling out a new shipping service, “Shipping with Amazon” or SWA, in the Los Angeles market.

Move Over FedEx & UPS!
Geared toward taking-on UPS and FedEX shipping services, SWA services will be shipping packages from third-party (independent) Amazon sellers. Items will be delivered to the doorsteps of customers relying nearly entirely on Amazon’s shipping infrastructure, using USPS and other shipping services for the last leg of delivery when necessary.

Shaking the Shipping Market
Amazon hopes to open up SWA to non-affiliated businesses in the future. The e-commerce giant is stepping into the shipping arena to offer a more affordable means of product delivery for sellers that both do and do not sell on Amazon. Pricing has yet to be revealed for comparison against UPS and FedEx standard rates, but online retailers – and shoppers – are salivating at the potential implications.

Just the Beginning
Grease-up your semi trailer dolly… This is just one of the online giant’s pet shipping projects, with more waiting at the on-ramp. SWA is one of many ventures aimed at giving Amazon added control over packages sold through its website. To date it has its own ocean freights, cargo planes, warehouses and lockers stationed around the globe. Its latest endeavor: Smart home devices allows couriers inside the homes of customers to deliver goods more quickly and securely.

As internet shopping grows in prevalence and popularity, protect your workers from the rigors of daily duties with the latest in tugging technology. Learn more about the time saving, injury preventing possibilities a semi trailer dolly can deliver. Contact DJ Products today.

2018 Is the Year of the Capacity Crunch

2018 Is the Year of the Capacity Crunch
2018 Is the Year of the Capacity Crunch

Is your staff geared-up with semi-trailer movers for this year’s “capacity crunch?” Low truck supply and heightening freight demands are continuing to tighten access to shipping services in the ongoing driver shortage. Don’t let a staff loss due to injury add to the capacity crunch climate…

Disappearing Drivers, Declining Services
As older drivers retire, fewer younger drivers are stepping up and into the cab. With fewer trucks available, rates are rising, and the competition to secure shipping services is fierce. Long work hours, lengthy driving distances, and extended periods of time away from home, friends and family make for a hard position to fill.

Climate Complications
The political and literal global climates have also complicated matters, diverting what resources remain given the rising freight volume of the burgeoning U.S. economy. Combined with the needs of servicing hurricane-ravaged regions, these issues have further added to the difficulty of securing trucks for shipment.

Big Brother
Another mitigating factor: Government mandates requiring electronic logging devices be installed on haulers, for the tracking of drivers’ hours of service. Drivers may now remain on the road for only 11-hours by law, with a continuous rest period of 10-hours mandated, daily.

Aimed at creating safer roads, though most carriers are compliant, many drivers have been turned-off, taking issue with the perceived privacy infringement on their personal space. Trucks are not only their workspace, but also their literal home away from home. It goes without mentioning that carrier concerns over the cost of installing such devices are quite the step-up from the manual logbooks of yesteryear.

Are you armed to protect your workers from the repetitive strain injuries of the capacity crunch? Gear-up with the latest in time and money-saving semi-trailer movers from DJ Products today.

Indiana Targets Placement of Devices on Truck Windshields

Devices while Driving can be Distracting.
Devices while Driving can be Distracting.

In a climate where truck drivers often feel over-regulated and under-appreciated, it’s not surprising that plenty of tempers have flared over the Indiana State Police cracking down with more tickets. At issue: where GPS and other devices can and can’t be mounted on a windshield.

Many distribution centers are fighting to keep up with the driver shortage and new competitive market factors. If you could use a boost in efficiency around the shipping docks, consider a powered trailer dolly that can easily shunt trailers wherever they need to be.

Laws for Windshield-Mount Devices in Trucks

Indiana restricts the use of any object mounted to the windshield of a vehicle. The device must be mounted outside of the area covered by the windshield wipers, and within six inches of the top of the windshield. In any event, the device cannot block the driver’s view.

The state police’s commercial vehicle division issues tickets with fines up to $200 for an offense.

While many truck drivers have supported the safety-first initiative, others feel that GPS devices should be mounted wherever the driver wants. Having to look high up or down low could be as dangerous as a slightly blocked view of the road.

Safety Around Shipping Docks

For those interested in reducing accidents and easing the burden on workers, DJ Products presents the TrailerCaddy Terminal Tractor, or Electric Yard Dog.

Our powered trailer dolly does not require a CDL operator, so your drivers can stay on the road and virtually any employee can maneuver trailers in and out of shipping docks at a moment’s notice. It saves time, boosts productivity, and costs less than a shunt truck.

Contact us at DJ Products for a free demo of our powered trailer dolly.

Top Logistics Industry Disrupters End a Business as Usual Mentality

World Marketing Is Changing
World Marketing Is Changing

DJ Products is your preferred supplier for state-of-the-art electric yard trucks, but are you on board with state-of-the-art logistics technology? The future is no longer “business as usual” as disruptors present structural and competitive challenges.

Impact of Projected Global Market Growth

Industry consulting firm Transport Intelligence (Ti) recently published Total Logistics 2018, an analysis of the long- and short-term state of the logistics sector. According to Ti, adaptability is crucial for international freight-forwarding companies hoping to weather upcoming changes.

While different sectors will experience varying degrees of growth, Ti projects that the total global market will see a compound annual growth rate of 5.1 percent over the next five years. Road freight currently accounts for approximately one-third of the market.

Tighter capacity is expected to cause a rise in sea and air freight rates. This factor, combined with increasing numbers of regional trade blocs, will favor road-based shipping as supply chains grow shorter.

Technology Disruptors Upend the Logistics Industry

Technology puts unprecedented amounts of data at our fingertips. As a result, customers are demanding accurate, real-time information and more transparency. Adding to this disruption are start-ups that can easily build new systems unencumbered by existing ones.

Providers are also able to develop platforms that create a better match between supply and demand. The end result could be lower costs for shippers.

Improve Productivity and Safety with Yard Trucks from DJ Products

Is your company equipped to keep up with the fast pace of today’s logistics industry? Our Electric Yard Dog allows employees to quickly maneuver trailers weighing up to 100,000 pounds with reduced risk of human injury and property damage.

Visit our website to learn more about our full line of battery-powered tugs, movers and pushers.