A Fleet Manager’s Job is All About Performance and Driver Retention

A Fleet Manager's Job is All About Performance and Driver Retention
A Fleet Manager’s Job is All About Performance and Driver Retention

Thanks to the explosion of online retailing, it’s more important than ever for companies to set themselves apart from the competition with superior delivery service. From choosing terminal tractors to training drivers, fleet managers are responsible for optimizing truck and trailer performance.

The function of a fleet manager has remained fairly consistent over time, but technology is expected to create a major shift in job expectations. Here’s a look at today’s fleet manager and the changes on the horizon.

Responsibilities of a Fleet Manager

– Fleet managers use delivery forecasts and company budgets to determine how many trucks and trailers are needed. Some businesses own their fleets outright and some rent vehicles, while others use a hybrid approach with a blend of both methods.

– Out-of-service trucks and trailers severely hamper prompt delivery service, so fleet managers oversee the maintenance schedule and make sure repairs are completed in a timely manner. In addition, fleet managers must ensure that vehicles are compliant with all safety regulations.

– Fleet managers communicate with drivers to provide all necessary tools and training.

– With tight margins in transportation, fleet managers can positively impact the numbers with good performance management, such as choosing the right type of fuel.

What Does the Future Hold?

Just as it has impacted virtually every other industry, technology is changing the face of fleet management. While managers have traditionally come from the mechanical side, future managers will likely have analytics and IT backgrounds with extensive knowledge of telematics, logistics software and other digital tools.

Terminal Tractors from DJ Products: Solutions for Today and Tomorrow

Our terminal tractors are safe, sturdy and cost-effective, making them a perfect solution for all facets of a fleet manager’s job. Contact us today for more information.

What Are the Next Big Disrupters for Supply Chain Logistics?

What Are the Next Big Disrupters for Supply Chain Logistics?
What Are the Next Big Disrupters for Supply Chain Logistics?

Could your terminal tractors soon be toting goods produced or packaged using advanced technology? Innovation continues to shake up the logistics industry, with advanced technologies increasingly becoming a critical driver of supply chain strategies, disrupting ‘business as usual’ and paving the road for new logistics models.

What Technologies Could Disrupt Your Supply Chain?

These emerging technologies are most likely to disrupt your supply chain over the coming years…

The Internet of Things (IoT)

Data analytics is playing a key role in transforming not only logistics, but the end-to-end supply chain, offering keen insight into operations and ways to improve efficiency in the production, storage, routing, transportation, monitoring and delivery, and usage of goods. From wearables to continually advancing smart technology, there’s a whole new world of innovative logistics opportunities. Could the elimination of physical inventory counts and hands-free replenishment be on the horizon?

3-D Printing

Future personalization possibilities in the 3-D printing arena could dramatically simplify complicated supply chains, allowing for one-phase production in a single factory.

Self-Driving Automobiles

Self-driving vehicles could soon be used to transport items within warehouses, and driverless trucks will be revolutionary, carrying items to their end destination without stops for food and rest, unlocking new levels of efficiency and safety within the logistics sector. Driver shortages and an increase in e-commerce will push this trend, which appears inevitable.

Collaborative Robotics

Robots could soon work alongside humans loading/unloading, picking/packing, and shipping with a high degree of accuracy.

The Uberization of Delivery

Following in Amazon’s footsteps, ‘civilian’ drivers could play an increasing role in delivery, squeezing expensive commercial services out of the market.

Looking to the future? Save time, cut costs, and reduce accidents and injuries with the help of terminal tractors from DJ Products today.

Infrastructure Priorities for Supply Chain Logistics Help the Economy to Grow

Infrastructure Priorities for Supply Chain Logistics Help the Economy to Grow
Infrastructure Priorities for Supply Chain Logistics Help the Economy to Grow

End users may sometimes take supply chain functions for granted. The truth is that shippers and logistics management face congestion, bad weather and other challenges to deliver goods on time and in good condition.

Supply chain professionals invest in high-tech software and high-quality equipment such as yard trucks, but they can’t do it all by themselves. Here are five infrastructure-related priorities that should be addressed by public funding.


Highways, rail hubs and ports in the United States are at such a high level of congestion that it’s putting our country’s shippers at a serious disadvantage with global competitors. This problem needs to be corrected so it aligns with economic growth goals.


Lack of sufficient truck parking was apparent during the stormy weather that battered the East Coast earlier this year and restricted travel on major highways. The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act includes helpful provisions for building new parking areas and using existing facilities such as weigh stations.

Freight Advisory Committees

Under the FAST Act, the Department of Transportation is charged with promoting the establishment of freight advisory committees in each state. These committees would include stakeholders from the public and private sectors, enabling better communication regarding freight-related projects.

National Hiring Standards

Creating national hiring standards would eliminate confusion surrounding FMCSA credentials and help small carriers be more competitive.

Infrastructure Funding Methods

While there’s a definite need to create funding mechanisms, care should be taken to institute methods that allow collection of funds without hampering the interests of the freight companies they’re meant to help.

Boost Safety and Productivity with Yard Trucks from DJ Products

Looking for a cost-effective way to increase efficiency while reducing injury risk? Call 800.686.2651 to learn more about our Electric Yard Dog.

Cryptocurrency Payments Coming to Container Shipping; is Trucking Next?

Cryptocurrency Payments Coming to Container Shipping; is Trucking Next?
Cryptocurrency Payments Coming to Container Shipping; is Trucking Next?

Cryptocurrency is increasing its impact on various industries through the world of finance. Since its inception in 2009, digital financial avenues are beginning to widen. The container shipping industry has now jumped on the cryptocurrency bandwagon.

Certain companies (like those involved in manufacturing) benefit from the cost-effective solutions cryptocurrency provides, directly or indirectly. One logistics business that is considering using digital currency in their day-to-day is the trucking industry. The implementation of cryptocurrency increases time and cost-saving opportunities, much like what quality products provide to trucking companies who incorporate their use in day-to-day operations.

Transporting Solutions

The trucking business touches all aspects of commerce, including manufacturing. From transference of products from place to place to employing yard trucks to make loading simpler, the trucking world is ripe with potential. And their need for sufficient data logging and record-keeping is well-known.

The man-hours required to ensure invoices, arrival dates, load documentation, supply chain info and other valuable data is properly secured and accounted for is astronomical. In the past traditional methods have proven woefully inefficient without utilizing advanced technology to make workloads lighter.

Cryptocurrency is a data safeguard for companies that have an internal and external need for accurate data transfer. Trucking logistics requires keeping accurate ledgers, inputting vital information, and producing proficient timing that works in sync with warehouses and other businesses.

Compiling information that is secured through digitized algorithms and computer coding protects blocks of data from illegal interlopers. Cryptocurrency offers the element of efficiency to an industry that thrives on timing and information security.

Like cryptocurrency, quality machinery by DJ Products through their line of quality yard trucks can move the truck industry towards better efficiency and an altogether less strenuous work environment.

Tips for Moving Your Supply Chain into the World of Digital

Moving to the Digital Domain
Moving to the Digital Domain

Digital technology has touched every part of our lives, so it’s no surprise that supply chain management is embracing this transformation. As consumers continue to demand faster delivery times, technology can streamline every step of the process, from forecasting seasonal demand to managing terminal tractors.

What Is Digital Business?

As explained by IT research and advisory firm Gartner, digital business refers to new business designs that combine the digital and physical worlds. A recent study by Gartner found that digital business is second only to the cloud in terms of top investment areas.

Technology provides the means to gather unprecedented amounts of data. Digital business requires an ability to connect directly with customers and partners in order to access, extract and analyze relevant information.

Benefits of Supply Chain Digitalization

– Real-time updates for inventory and freight are readily available.

– Decision-making is more accurate thanks to a greater understanding of supply and demand.

– Companies have the flexibility to respond immediately to sudden changes or disruptions.

Making the Move to Digital

Digitization involves much more than simply overlaying digital apps over current processes. In order to realize the full power of digital, it’s important to examine core processes in terms of how they support digital and align them accordingly.

According to Gartner, although most C-suite leaders believe digital disruptions are inevitable in the near future, only 25 percent of them have a digital strategy in place. As a result, Gartner recommends that businesses make it a priority to develop short- and long-term plans to incorporate digital into their supply chain.

Save Money and Manpower with Electric Terminal Tractors

The Electric Yard Dog from DJ Products lets a single employee move trailers weighing up to 100,000 pounds. Call 800.686.2651 to learn more.

Tips for Diversifying the Number of Your Truckload Carriers

Tips for Diversifying the Number of Your Truckload Carriers
Tips for Diversifying the Number of Your Truckload Carriers

With more than 200,000 for-hire full-truckload carriers in the U.S., it seems there are enough providers to keep semi trailer movers hopping. But available capacity is subject to a number of fluid factors, which could suddenly leave you in a bind without proper planning.

Experts say your best bet is to diversify suppliers among large- and small-asset carriers. Here are their top suggestions for optimizing this approach.

Align Supply Chain Segments with Provider Goals

Many carriers are implementing yield management tools to maximize revenue opportunities without overburdening drivers. As a result, there is little flexibility to accept jobs that don’t fit their lane and volume requirements.

High volume alone is sometimes not enough incentive for carriers. Look for providers whose goals are compatible with your different needs.

Leverage the 80-20 Rule

If your business is like most, 80 percent of load volume is in 20 percent of lanes. The challenge becomes addressing the other 20 percent of load volume that’s in 80 percent of lanes.

Approximately 97 percent of carriers in the U.S. have fleets of 20 or fewer trucks. These smaller providers have the elasticity to handle demand spikes, niche locations and other features of the 20 percent volume.

Engage a Third-Party Logistics Provider

Portfolios with multiple carriers benefit the big picture, but they’re difficult to manage on a day-to-day basis. A third-party logistics provider (3PL) consolidates the process so you’re working with a single source rather than several.

Solve Yard Congestion with Semi Trailer Movers from DJ Products

Our Electric Yard Dog offers valuable returns in greater efficiency and fewer workplace injuries. Our knowledgeable sales engineers are ready to help you choose the best semi trailer movers for your applications.

Call 800.686.2681 to learn more.

In 2018 Intermodal Services between Semi and Rail are Set to Grow

In 2018 Intermodal Services between Semi and Rail are Set to Grow
In 2018 Intermodal Services between Semi and Rail are Set to Grow

Over 2018-2019, intermodal services between semi and rail are expected to grow between 6-9%. Although these services have potentially positive potential, they are not without challenges. Determining new ways to optimize today’s intermodal services is key.

Idiosyncrasies of Intermodal Services to Watch:

Driver Pay
Though a favored position for drivers who can return home each night, dray pay is lower than other delivery types, and must be carefully evaluated to avoid the loss of superior drivers to shared labor pools with better income opportunities.

Inventory Management
With shippers looking to consistent and reliable delivery in choosing carriers, tighter inventory control measures are necessary to offset the shipping times of reliable, but typically longer, intermodal services.

Higher Rates and Tighter Capacity
Higher rates and tighter capacity are making manpower and efficiency boosters like smart inventory management systems and electronic semi trailer movers more important than ever before. A team outlook, aligning your goals with those of your clients, can offer huge payoffs here, helping you retain your position as a favored shipper in today’s dog eat dog world of freight transportation.

Changing Service Times Due to ELDs
With intermodal services, typically the closer to ramps at pickup and destination, the more reasonable rates will be. Though still true today, electronic logging devices (ELDs) remain a wrench in the works, resulting in some types of fright taking longer to transport than ever before.

Need to add to your labor pool fast? Ensure shipping times with an electric semi trailer mover. With no CDL or health card required for operation, an electric semi trailer mover from DJ Products helps you save time and boost efficiency, while protecting your workforce and shipping schedule. Learn more. Contact us today.

2018 Truckload Market Trends – What to Know

2018 Truckload Market Trends - What to Know
2018 Truckload Market Trends – What to Know

Will you be hauling trailers for autonomous vehicles with your yard trucks in the coming year? Times are rapidly changing for the truckload industry. Here’s what to be on the lookout for in the near future:

2018-2019 Truckload Market Trends:

Hyper-Efficiency Continues
With truckload utilization efficiency of 95%+ since the 2011 pull-up from the recession, the market trend of efficiency in for-hire capacity is expected to continue, albeit at the price of elasticity in the market.

New Trucks Enter the Market
FTR Transportation Intelligence expects 60,000 more trucks than necessary will replace retiring trucks in 2018. Will you need more yard trucks? Whether this is additional/replacement capacity remains unknown.

Labor Issues Remain
Driver availability will continue to pose challenges. An abundance of parked equipment does not matter if hauling personnel remain absent. Several factors will continue to play a role here, including an aging workforce, wage increases, immigration, housing, and a shared labor pool with the oil, gas, and manufacturing industries.

Strengthening Economy Adds to Pressures
As GDP and manufacturing grows and strengthens, the demand for transportation will increase, adding pressure to already flailing fleet growth.

E-Commerce Continues to Change Freight Patterns & Efficiency
Orders shipped from retail, fulfillment, and manufacturing locations continue to alter the historical flow of freight, requiring higher cube for the same goods, and boosting market capacity used.

Fuel Prices Continue to Climb
45% higher compared to a year ago, despite fluctuations, the cost of crude oil is expected to continue its climb.

ELD Mandate Remains In-Question
Electronic logging and closer tracking of driver behaviors may/may not shift HOS behaviors, influencing availability.

Are you prepared to meet the coming years’ varied needs? Ensure success, boosting efficiency and preventing injuries with electric yard trucks from DJ Products today.

Tips on Understanding the Importance of Your Load Dimensions

Tips on Understanding the Importance of Your Load Dimensions
Tips on Understanding the Importance of Your Load Dimensions

Our electric terminal tractors can handle a wide range of trailers, but transporting flatbed loads over the road involves a different set of issues. In an effort to reduce risk to both drivers and products, states have instituted a number of regulations for oversized and wide loads that must be followed.

Guidelines for Transporting Oversized and Wide Loads

1. Know the Legal Limits

Here are the standard limits in the United States:

– Maximum height and width is 8’6″ each way

– Maximum length is 48′ to 53′

– Maximum weight is 46,000 pounds

Anything beyond these measurements is considered an oversized or wide load. Dimensions may vary slightly from state to state, so perform due diligence for any state through which your trucks pass.

2. Understand How Measurements Are Calculated

Weight restrictions are determined per-axle. While a load may not exceed total weight limits, it may go beyond per-axle limits, so rearranging the load can remove it from the oversized category.

3. Use Travel Escorts and Special Markings as Necessary

Shipments wider than 12′ often require travel escorts, sometimes referred to as pilot vehicles. Red flags and amber lights are required for the tractor or trailer to improve visibility, and these markings are also necessary for the travel escorts.

4. Factor Oversized Travel Rules into Your Schedule

Most states enforce specific hours of travel for oversized loads. Drivers also require permits for each state that outline the exact route to be traveled.

Battery-Powered Terminal Tractors from DJ Products

Maximize efficiency and improve worker safety with our popular Electric Yard Dog, which lets a single employee safely move trailers up to 100,000 pounds. Our friendly sales engineers are standing by to assist you on our convenient online chat feature.

Less than Truckload (LTL) Shipping – Is It Right for You?

Less than Truckload (LTL) Shipping - Is It Right for You?
Less than Truckload (LTL) Shipping – Is It Right for You?

What’s in the trailer your terminal tractors are hauling? Less-than-truckload (LTL) shipping is on the rise due to its potential for cost savings. However, with a reputation for complexity, it’s not for everyone. Is it right for you?

LTL is Seen as Challenging for a Number of Reasons:

– More dynamics to juggle
Freight classification, cargo weight, and pallet count increases in complexity with LTL hauling.

– Benchmarking challenges
Direct comparisons with other shipping operations can be challenging.

– Ignorance to cost drivers
Accepting LTL at face-value, and not digging into shifting patterns of supply and demand, prevents businesses from realizing the true potential of LTL.

However with the Right Data & Pricing, LTL Offers Tremendous Potential
Tariffs, or rate bases, published by carriers on an annual basis, are commonly used in calculating shipping costs. LTL costs aren’t quite as cut-and-dry, however, with LTL carriers offering discounts. Making discounts negotiable (and in correlation with freight volume/revenue) is common. Minimums are also commonly negotiable.

Avoid Pricing Obstacles
The biggest obstacle to surmount in LTL classification and pricing, is avoiding overuse of FAK cargo designation on invoices. Obscuring shipment data by lumping it under this classification prevents you from gleaning essential data as to the specific classes of cargo shipped and relative cost, increasing the chance of inaccuracies.

Incomplete or obscure data is the proverbial wrench-in-the-works for LTL shipping ventures. Capturing essential data elements effectively is key to effectively calculating and streamlining pricing, as well as improving network efficiency and ensuring profit.

Are you equipped for LTL shipping success? Ease moves, improve speed and efficiency, and boost profit potential with the help of terminal tractors from DJ Products today.