How Can You Add Value to Your Supply Chain Clients?

Adding Value to Your Supply Chain Clients
Adding Value to Your Supply Chain Clients

Customer satisfaction is key to retention, and value-added logistics services can give your company a competitive advantage.

What Value-Added Services Could Help You Retain Customers?
Value-added services have moved far beyond rainbow pallets and shrink wrap. Consider these ideas that you can put to use in your current operations:

Expanded Offerings

From custom gift baskets to creating twin packs, expand buying choices to increase sales and clientele.

Shelf-Ready Options

Price, tag, and display the customer’s way to a more streamlined stocking experience.


From embroidered apparel logos to custom smartphone covers, personalization is a hot trend.

More Efficient Inventory Management

Customized products = fewer SKUs = reduced inventory carrying/management costs.

Reduced Suppliers

Could your suppliers offer you more value-added services as well? This could reduce unnecessary suppliers and streamline your supply chain.

Reduced Labor

Automated solutions and value-added services reduce downtime and the number of ‘touches’ necessary to pack and ship, ultimately saving on labor.

Yard Trucks

Shipping times lagging? Product and equipment damage costing you dearly? Yard trucks can help, making the movements of trailers and cargo easier and preventing damage.

Transportation Management

The closer packaging/manufacturing/distribution/shipping destinations are to one another, the more cost-effectively you can manage transportation.

Continuous Improvement

Teaming up with a third party logistics company can help you analyze and streamline your current processes, from purchasing and packaging, to value-added services and delivery. Where might your processes benefit from reengineering?


Partnering with third party logistics companies could prove a valuable friendship, providing the flexibility to meet the needs of seasonal fluctuations, business growth, and more.

Falling behind in the ever-changing world of e-commerce? DJ Products has the tips and tools you need to ensure success. Learn more about electric yard trucks from DJ Products today.

Semi Truck Washing Has Become A Whopping $12 Billion Industry

When You're on the Road for Hundreds of Hours, You Rack Up a Heavy Coating of Dirt, and Businesses are Rising to Cater to That!
When You’re on the Road for Hundreds of Hours, You Rack Up a Heavy Coating of Dirt, and Businesses are Rising to Cater to That!

How clean are your yard trucks? In efforts to protect against the ravages of corrosion, truck washing has become a $12-billion industry in the U.S., and it continues to grow.

Wash Me

Newcomer Fleet Clean USA, a mobile truck cleaning service with over 1,000 businesses in 18 states, has reported growth of 40% annually, on average, since its inception 8-years ago, with a 50% increase in its scrubbing business since last year. The company’s founder and CEO, Scott Marr, touts Fleet Clean’s capacity to save customers time and money, eliminating the need for in-house or wash-bay activities while drivers are on-the-road.

Services are available 7-days-a-week, and offered a la carte, including exterior, interior, and engine bay cleaning. Their service even offers options to meet the needs of reefer trailers, who must conform to strict food-safety regulations. Prices run from $15 to $195 for the full shebang, which includes interior detailing. Most customers schedule maintenance washes 1-2-weeks in the same location.


The company and its franchises determine pricing based on a computer program that takes into account travel distance, vehicle type, volume, and other factors. A crew of three can wash 5-8 units in an hour, working out of a custom-bodied Class 6 (non-CDL) vehicle equipped with a system that recaptures some of the 22-gallons of soiled water it takes to clean a tractor-trailer for filtering and later discharge.

Riding the Wave

The business is trying to grow, hoping to add to its 22 franchise locations by year’s end. Startup cost? $150-175,000, which Marr states can be recouped in just 12-24 months.

Wishing you could wash your hands of a little extra work? Save time and boost productivity with the help of yard trucks from DJ Products today.