Aircraft Caddy pulling a helicopter
Aircraft Caddy pulling a helicopter

We’ve interviewed a recent customer to help give you insights as to why the DJ Products Inc. Aircraft Caddy is the best air tug on the market.

Q. What make & model of aircraft do you own and how were you moving it before the Aircraft Caddy?

A. An Augusta 109E – the helicopter is new to us, so we needed ground support that was appropriate.

Q. What didn’t you like about it how you were moving it?

A. The alternatives we considered were: 1) a tow-bar and tug which seemed cumbersome, 2) a radio-controlled wheel-tug, and 3) DJ Products Aircraft Caddy. The Aircraft Caddy seemed the most consistent with how we support other aircraft in the hangar.

Q. How did you find DJ Products Inc?

A. A fellow Augusta owner had an older model Aircraft Caddy and spoke highly about the utility.

Q. What was your experience in working with our sales rep on getting info, pricing and placing the order?

A. Our purchasing experience was seamless. We described our needs, and the company responded with a rational proposal.

Q. Was it easy to use and operate?

A. Describe experience in operating the unit? The Caddy works exactly as advertised. It is smooth, quiet, and more than capable of moving a 6500lb helicopter.  Additionally, while we have several other larger tugs in the hangar, it is also occasionally useful to grab the Aircraft Caddy to move a Pilatus around.

Q. How has Sales Support been since receiving the unit?

A. Support has been wonderful.  We had a defective tire that failed early in our ownership.  The company overnight shipped an improved replacement, and we were back up and running quickly.  This has been the only minor issue that required support.

Q. What do you feel is the biggest benefit of using the unit?

A. Cost savings? Injury savings? Efficiency? Safety? This is the perfect tug for an Augusta. It fits under the relatively low nose gear and clears the doors. The control position is far enough forward that an operator can see all the critical areas.  It is a reasonable size and is not obtrusive – even when left attached to the helicopter.

Q. Would you recommend this tug to others?

A. This is an excellent product.

We invite you to visit our Aircraft Caddy page to review all our models models and read detailed specifications.